Avatar of Jamesyco


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3 yrs ago
Current 3.5e is the best dnd, only one I play, but I prefer pathfinder 1e cause it's 3.5e with extra stuff.
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4 yrs ago
Trying to get a new RP started so my friend can try out text rp if anyone is interested.


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Any idea on the next post?

"There is always something more," he said quietly as he ate. He went through anything near him that was not really near anyone else. But he did it with that tiny bit of grace a massive brute like him can have. His face and beard did have some biscuit crumbles in his beard, which he would slowly pick and comb out with his fingers. But he looked like the jolly massive mountain man he was eating away at that moment. He wondered if the item was something of resistance to the current plague or if it. He slowly stretched, "It's good that they've thought of what we might need. Rations should do if we are fast."
"But as long as we are prepared, what could go wrong?" he asked, looking at the others with a chuckle. "But no, really, setting assigned items, for the most part, it's simple but... It's more for unexpected things. I already have many things on me: a hatchet for fire and such. It is likely just me worrying a bit; typically, I have soldiers and monks with me, so sorry, but this will be new for me... in experiences with others. That well, such as yourselves, I've never worked with mages, those of the forest some, but it will likely be new for all of us."

Torsten laid back in his chair some as he finished eating, and he slowly stood, "Since the beds are sorted, I am going to retire." he said as he moved to the bed closest to the door and he set his things down before he sat on the bed and moved his feet underneath himself. He closed his eyes as his head hung down, and he turned against the wall. He prayed as he waited through the time, taking a deep breath and sighed. He just sat there, not expecting interruptions or anything of the sort as he would try to keep his life at that moment simple and routine, but he had the feeling in his gut that it would change after this day, be it the people around him, or the adventure he was to be upon. He knew that his life would change; he wondered how he would change and how those around him in that moment would change.

"May god see us through, may the light shine upon us," he said before slowly moving the things in front of him and laying down facing the wall should those in the room wish to continue their modesty.

"I will sleep on the floor." he said as he looked towards Amandine, and then back at the others, then back to Amandine, "Life and death are the same; I cannot take something important from anyone regardless of their god or their hostilities to people. But what you say is true; regardless, we are entering a world unknown to many of us. A likely hostile environment, so we must prepare ourselves. But, many things are resilient Miss Amandine; life itself is at its core. But, I typically fight, heal, and lead warriors in battle. Someone of chaotic discipline who has set ideas, tactics, and rules. This will be a new experience for me, doing things independently without a group of brothers beside me. I have each of you, but if I speak honestly, this is a new field for me. But our task at hand, thankfully seems easy if it was not for the wyrds taint from the object."

Torsten looked down at what was upon him, and for the most part, he hoped that it would be cooler in climate than their current location, but for armor, he had what he needed: arms, not as much. He wished he had more variety than what he had brought with him, well, what he could salvage and scavenge. But most of that planning and initial thought went away quickly with the sight of something out of the corner of his eye: food. He looked back up and let out a low hum. The dwarven woman was a different sight, but the food was welcomed regardless of what it was. He was relatively still at that moment, just awaiting the moment to begin eating. he looked like he had plenty to eat with whatever he did, but how he looked at the bowl likely showed a different story. That is likely of better quality in ingredients than he has had previously.

He shook that off momentarily and looked at the paper, "What does it read? What all do we have for this starting journey?"

"Many things hide in winter, not just death. Humans are a vibrant thing, a diverse thing, to some, winter is death, but some winter is just another moment in time." he pulled out a small blueberry from his pouch and popped it into his mouth, "Many things grow in winter, even under snow." There were a few different things he could have pulled out, but he smiled a bit, "Winter is a beautiful time, full of life; just as much as winter, things thrive and enjoy their lives in the snow, in the ice, and the frozen wastes and tundras. Same as the desolation of sands, or mountains, life finds a way to live and to thrive. Growing from just small creatures to giants. It is all a matter of how things live, not where."

He slowly relaxed back into chair as he looked back at the man in front of him, "But what you say with venom can have merit, what if they survived, why could they not, to exterminate is nearly impossible. It is doable, but typically something goes through the fingers of lady fate in the works. The ruins may look desolate and abandoned but those from long ago may endure today. We will just have to judge and see. I also assume that should that be the case, there is a tradition to how things are done." his eyes raised in an inquisitive way towards Doran.

"If so... what is it? Should we find those who have endured what is the priority, what is to be done with them, I know many here walk from all walks of life, should personal interest take into affect, or should duty to something higher?"
It's my birthday!

Merry Christmas! *frosty voice*
Looks interesting.

Two blue hues laid upon Dorian, watching as he entered, and he just stared at what was on the table, shifting his hands over each other in his lap for a moment. Moving a hand through his beard for a moment, his eyes lowered to his hand as a small stick went through and fell upon the ground. "So we are meant to end another problem before it begins... I assume something happened because, for the most part, we should all have some form of knowledge about these happenings as well. We have been with our mentors for some time and working closely with them; now that they are together and their pupils have met... we should have a compilation of knowledge over what we are going against... what our task is already, but... I assume you will give us the bindings of that knowledge to solve before we are sent out into the world again."

A resting flat line across his lips showed a bit of his mood, but it turned into a smile, "So, my question is... is this a test, or has our lives prior been the test? To see if everything we have done before this moment is worthy, to send us out to complete some trial, to investigate another arm of conspiracy while our predecessors continue down their own rabbit hole. If so, where do we start?"

The thick fur/hair that coated his head was brushed aside a bit, and at one point in time, he might have been considered regal, but now he looked as if he had lived in the woods forever. He likely smelled like the woods, pines, and sage, and the last of that burning incense came from him. He closed his blue hues as he just contemplated he would be vocal; he has been vocal, but at that moment, once his eyes closed. He looked like a serene statue in death, still as can be as he waited for Sir Dorian to continue with what they were meant to do.

"Be not alarmed, young magician; I am only in jest." the prominent figure muttered out, looking at the others, "But it looks as if we have a diverse cast in the greater game of life."

His hands lifted to slowly move from person to person, leaving the hand momentarily before moving to the next. " Trails of life have met in one spot, with commonality in the loss. Fate has brought us together under the guise of our host. We shall learn his wishes soon, but let us first calm this one down for now."

His hand slowly moved to the tiny woman before him as she was at his side, patting her head gently as he moved past poor Dorothea, "She likely has not left her studies in some time and is new to the world. It will be toughest for her, but..."

Torsten's eyes moved to lock onto the woman with red hair. His face went almost to like stone, and in a much more severe and lower tone, "I heard some of your words before I entered... my hearing is much better than my eyesight Lady Faline, there are many young here, most of those here are inexperienced. By your shock at the mouse lady's appearance in our presence, you may be as well... But, we are here together now... We are here for a reason, and we will likely have many trials and tribulations in front of us. Our fates are here tied together; I hope that what is in front of us is something we can survive."

The man's face brightened as he slowly made his way to any form of the seat, and likely the largest form of a comfortable seat in the room, sitting himself down with a thump. "But while we wait, we should enjoy ourselves and get to know each other, and again, calm down the poor mage; she looks like she is going to have a heart attack, and while I can save her from that fate, I don't think you all can carry me to wherever we are going."
Sorry, I just got back from a conference, I will post shortly.
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