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3 yrs ago
Current 3.5e is the best dnd, only one I play, but I prefer pathfinder 1e cause it's 3.5e with extra stuff.
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4 yrs ago
Trying to get a new RP started so my friend can try out text rp if anyone is interested.


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"So you believe it was a mistake to stop a crime that can start a war?" he asked looking at her, "That wasn't a mistake on my part, but yours, and everyone else's... Most of them are here for money, we are not here for that Louise. That man, that creature of an ancient time will create a war worse than the one we are headed into."

The old man nodded, "Cool your heads and start thinking as one, pick up slack in areas others lack. Some of you know each other, many of you do not. Some has more knowledge than others, some are more afraid than others. Learn to know each other, and learn to think as one... It is what I tell my usual company. It work better that way if we all have the same thought, and since we all are on the same path, we should tread it together."


Erwin looked over at Louise and pressed his lips together, "Are you going to yell at me to for doing my duty to our King? For doing the right thing to some creature that thinks he's above everyone else because he is doing the exact thing we are trying to stop? Do you think I'm a fool for standing my ground?" he asked in an almost whisper.

The man looked at her as she caught up to him, and he looked at her, "the law is something he actually knows well, after all his grandfather wrote it, and he was around for most of it's making beside me as I wrote the laws. But with the constitution and it's bureaucratic nightmare, thankfully there are two courts, one is locally done, the other is done in the name of the king. Those suspected of crime, all those with the seal of the king are both sherrif and judge, but it is preferred for them to be sent to court. For the trade, marital, and anything civil, it goes to specialized courts. But treason is one of the few things that if defined evidence is found, is fatal for the ones committing it unless special orders are given."

"But that is already dealt with... We already decided the fate of one, I would rather not have a road of blood behind us. But, for those that were previous to us... None of them left our land, and none of them were seen again. Erwin knows this, and he is paranoid of it. He had arrested people before, but never had to kill anyone, maim someone here and there yes, but in defense. Now that he has stakes, now that everything he knows could be on fire in the next moment, he is going to do what he feels is right."

"But for the question, we will likely have to here and there, especially for when we find their brother." he said, referencing the bears as he looked towards them, "his captors will likely be the same reason no envoy has made it out of Kindance, and if they have, soon after crossing the border. We just have to keep Erwin away, and Louise should do fine with that. But we keep them, and the twins out of it... They will all be trouble, and they are all innocent. We are sent here to do a lot of things, envoy, investigation, we have a lot on our plate that we have to do in likely twelve days. By the time we cross the border, we will need to take a ferry or boats south on the river closer to the capital to expedite our process."

He got to the wagon, and climbed into the back as he held his staff there, pulling himself into the small cozy little bundle he was in prior, "cooler heads will prevail with time and experience."

Fucking always for IG, hell I run only war games constantly.

Rolled his eyes as he walked back to the thing, the woman has it handled. But she does need to read the laws a bit better, and the rights of those who enforcement, though she is on the right track. The constitution he pretty much rewrote to fit the bills and limitations around that time, and to make sure that a bureaucratic and legislative entity existed for situations such as these.

"Ancient creature or not he is right about the laws of the land. There is a reason those ancient ones are dwindling, but do not mistake his trigger finger for a lack of brains, he has plenty of those, he is rash, young, and an enforcer. His work is similar to your own Lady Jazdia, the only difference is experience. But, as I said, go to bed, you are arguing with a brick wall of law enforcement who is now trying to find a way to fight an ancient creature by himself and win. Now he is wishing he brought one of his new rifles, or one of those new shell cannons with him. But you are both correct, and both wrong, for different reasons. Now please stop before we keep everyone else awake. Erwin just stay quiet, and do your job. You did well with your thoughts, but you are an idiot with how you handled it. Regardless we are meant to be a team... But he was in his right to kill an enemy of the state, and his reasoning is sound. His disrespect for not knowing your name, or in fact talking to anyone else in the group while travelling tack is his own fault."


Erwin was in fact trying to figure out how to straight up kill one of these creatures he had just encountered, maybe he should have read more than focus on parties, his duty, and lifestyle. He stared fire back at the woman in front of him, and sighed, "I am sorry Miss Jadzia, but I did not know your name. But, you knew what it was... and the laws were intended to create a stable and harmonious bit, the constitution only gives rights, it does not write laws. Laws come from those within the constitution, it is their figure, not their body. Laws were created after, during and before it was rewritten, the constitution only determines how government should be ran, and absolutes."

He sheathed his sword and slowly moved his musket to his side as he looked behind him at his grandfather, "But... I told you what I would do, when I say something, I intend to do it as you have learned. And they are not unfounded, he told us his intentions, he told us what he was doing. That is evidence from the source itself, honest evidence that reeks of legal wrongdoing. It is not arrogance, it is truth that I follow, you are not in the old ways anymore; things have changed, and the people have spoken. Honor and duty come first to me, if there was an entity meaning to do you or your people wrong, would you let that happen? You take everything out of context to listen to your own voice, yet call me arrogant. I listen, watch, and take in information and act upon it. You sit there, and do not explain anything because you expect me to know what the fuck a Casdegar is. I know it is not illegal to be something magical, or out of humanity, we have elves, we have two talking bears, I am sure my grandfather is a mage of some kind, and I have seen Louise talking to what I can only assume are ancestors."

"I know they are allowed, but that isn't the point... The man would have travelled through a warring nation, or one which wishes war upon us, have you not listened to a word I have said? Have you not listened to any of the conversation besides what you wish to hear because it has been obvious you dislike me because of whatever notion you have towards an authority that will do it's duty in protecting itself from any threat."

His staff rose momentarily and landed upon the backside of Erwin's head, "You idiot... Next time make sure everyone is on your side before you do something brash, and make sure it's awake, what you said is true but the way you went about the situation is wrong. These people are civilians for the most part, they do not trust you or the way you do things. While I am classified under you, and understand your reasoning, while you did the right thing, you wouldn't have done much" he looked around at the group. "No one else here does, not even the one person you love. The creature might have been doing wrong, but make sure you can win outright... Also, that it isn't a magical creature twice your size, I know that is hard for you, everyone we have encountered I told you what they were."

With that another whack followed, "But... the fact you deducted it was something else, but also listen to those around you, reading on everyone here is the reason why you and Louise are here, to learn, and gain insight, since you can't use magic like most of those here... including here." he said his hand out towards Louise, "your equalizer is that gun which you need to clean now... that can kill a mage better than any bow, and something like that if you have the right materials as your ammunition, they are easy to kill, but knowing you you don't read or wait for that matter."

Several more whacks continued before he placed hand on the mans shoulders, and any internal injury or bruising would be healed. "Now, everyone get to bed... But you Erwin, you're on watch, and try not to shoot anything else..."


He nodded some as he smiled over at Varya, "yes, only things gone are a few bruises and a loss of faith. But, I thank you for your concern friend." Then a brutal onslaught of words, and whacks came.

Erwin after a barrage of whacks to the head from a walking stick, stared at his grandfather, he would have retorted, but he just crouched down to get his musket before raising it up in his hands. "Grandfather... they are here with the same purpose as us, they should step forward to duty since they are tasked with this mission. Those that live here are trying to protect their home, and that thing could have caused something beyond this kingdom's capabilities."

"But more importantly... she knew the creature, and said nothing about it?" he said looking over towards Jaz, "I told you... if there is any reason for me not to shoot the man with my sound logic, tell me... and after I shot him, you tell me his name. You could have said, Oh, I know this person, or some piece of evidence that went against my judgement and said nothing."

Easily having enough time from the shot to get into a defensive posture, but he did get pushed back several feet but kept to his feet as he stared at everyone in disbelief as if they were crazy. He stared at the creature, "I care not for what you are, I care for what your purpose is that you told us... the way you are headed would break the law, I have no quarrel with you, but with what you are doing for it is treason. While you are in the Lands of Kindaence, you must follow our laws, I was hoping that I was cordial in my investigation, but you seem to have taken offense to questions I would ask anyone. But yes, I do have lethal intent with your current course, it would bring war upon this nation, and I would not wish to see the prosperity undone."

He smiled at Solomon who was there more or less to catch him, and his head bowed for a moment in thanks as he looked back towards the creature, sword still raise in posture, he was thankful his armor wasn't on for the small amounts of extra mobility he had, and was thankful he still had the padding on.


He stared at the creature whacking his grandson, and he sighed as he picked up his staff, as the creature departed he was thankful, "Oh I am fine... his type tend to stay away from me for a reason. If anything, I would say we should be closer to assist my grandson. I may be old, but I am far from defenseless." he said to the woman, with a smile, climbing down as he held his hand up towards her, "Now... shall we go to the over zealous fool?"

With that, Erwin wished he had dressed appropriately and that Thernous was awake with fire. But he slowly drew his sword, and he let the rifle drop to his side as he stood in front of Jaz defensively. Both hands on the handle, he stared at the creature in front of him, "Next time... please do not give someone I am fixing to shoot a warning."

He looked at Rose and Lily, and wanted to facepalm, "he is obviously not a legitimate merchant if you look at him now. If you use basic deductive reasoning, you would have figured you were being played for fools, and have some form of demonic creature in front of you. It is my job to point out and deal with situations, and finding out if someone is who they are is relatively easy. I did not expect this, but for my people I will do anything to protect them from creatures such as this."


The old man finally awoke and slowly stood stretching due to a loud noise, "oh not another one... Fire... just burn it you brash idiot or do I have to come over there and deal with it again?"

Erwin looked at the man, "five seconds she-elf." he said before pulling the trigger. His finger slowly wrapped from the padding of his forefinger to middle crease as he breathed out slowly through his mouth. The mechanism pulled forward, and released the hammer, flint flew forward on the lever and struck a small spark of metal lining the pan as it ignited the powder within, leading down into the barrel as sparks fizzled from both the small pan, and out with a cloud of smoke and flame came the ball towards the man.

His eyes closed as he moved the weapon down to his side, and moved it to his left hand where it was beside his sword, as his right went to hold the underside of the barrel should he have missed or other action caused the shot to miss.

Erwin stared at the man, and he stared at everyone else, "Do no one else see that this man is a spy? He is heading towards hostile area's that either give a side a declaration of war, or is illegal and gives more right for those around us to declare war? Our traders may have free stakes, but, this man is smuggling goods to either a warlike people, or people that hate us and want a reason to declare war."

He looked at Jaz, and moved closer towards her, "The man, is travelling in the middle of the night when horses should be resting, he is several miles from a town we passed, which means he was likely waiting for us. I came over here to confirm it, and I just did because while he answered the questions, his reasoning would still go against the realm and it's laws of safety he is doing something illegal and punishable by almost every court in these lands and that reckless endangerment of the realm through allowing a provocation of war. There are always three questions you ask, who are you and do you have the authority to do such a thing, what goods do you have, and where are you going. He is going to pass through an area where his wares are illegal or through an area that is a warzone that likely wants to invade this land. Would you let that happen if you were me? Would you let that happen to your home that you want to do everything to protect?"

With that, and with the man now on his cart and in a nice elevated sight picture, he slowly placed his hand upon the trigger, "If you have any reason for me not to do this, tell me right in the next five seconds while I aim." If no answer was given or if nothing got in his way, he would fire for the man's back.
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