Avatar of Jamesyco


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2 yrs ago
Current 3.5e is the best dnd, only one I play, but I prefer pathfinder 1e cause it's 3.5e with extra stuff.
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4 yrs ago
Trying to get a new RP started so my friend can try out text rp if anyone is interested.


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Sapiliezen Hill

"It is a blessing that you are each still alive." the extravagant one spoke as he took a few steps from the group, he was with, in which most of that group followed them, "if I remember it used to be on the far side of the City of Darkness where mages and scholars travelled year round before it's decimation and the bridge was destroyed."

"And if they travel through lands of barbarians that also speaks to that word because they would have to find a route around the sea to another crossing. And up north, and even in our lands there is plenty of treturous creatures through the lands that fill it with destruction and sorrow. It's as if they are a broken though, one which can be found guilty regardless. Barbarism should be illegal and therefore it is for those who are backwater in ways."

The man slowly looked between the three groups of people, those of nobles and squabbling people, the Elveness and her Squire, and the new folk of the Abby. He sighed a bit as he looked between the man, "but... let us find something to eat, and we can ask our questions, and begin our plans. It seems that we are gathering a group of different kinds of people,and advisors are something I need. While you may not be here for that, words of wisdom are always welcome. And I have no need to worry for assassins as long as the mage is with us."

I can't find some of the others, but one was pretty much the last one but space, might have been from a different forum website. World building was always my kinda thing. Top one is the current one I am rping out and enjoying it a bit.

The 40k one I turned into an only war game a few years ago, and rebooted that on roll twenty last year as well. Making it a 40k westmarch, works a lot better as a ttrpg than a forum one, but could still work as a forum rp.
TBF most of these I turned into ttrpgs, and they worked better, just haven't done the top one since not many people play earlier editions of dnd anymore, or pathfinder 1e.
Let me get some of my old links out if I can find them.
Sapiliezen Hill

"That will come in five years when the treaty lets up." the Emperor said as he pressed his lips together, and when Gordon spoke, his head peaked up, almost robotically towards the door, he looked over at the nearest servant which scuddled towards the door like a bipedal roomba before opening the door. It was a moment of peace between the servant and the bearded man.

The Emperor however, sighed a bit, and rubbed his temple for a moment, "Words are something different, and it's hard to read sometimes." the young man said waving his hand about almost as if continuing a conversation, but he shook his head, "Forcing people does not sit well when the people do not enjoy the lives they live, and arming them may turn out worse. But numbers are good... Though again I hope that I will not have to fight sooner than five years, and hope that it will be farther than the years of the treaty. I truly think that there must be a better way, bolster the people, maybe get the citizen to rise for the crown once again like the days of old. It will be cheaper again if our armies buy their own equipment, die their own uniforms and the like, but also we need trained gunsmiths, and plenty of alchemists for the firepower, gunpowder, whatever it is called. I haven't touched one of those fowl creations, but I know their usefulness. Maybe an armory of a hundred could defeat an army of thousands should we fix the breaks in the outer wall. That's one of the main things that defeated us last time was the northern princes use of powder weapons, mages, mind control, subterfuge, oh and also exploding powder."

The likely incompetence flowed from him in that moment, or at least the ideal that he shouldn't have been the person in charge, or was never told what to do, and that no one that did tell him, if anyone, was also incompetent or leading him down a destructive path. He raised his hand to his front hip as if he was going to bow but kept it there as a low grumble came from his stomach. "But a knight is something of worth, most of those in these lands died several years ago, or went home... or died of old age, so having one is rare. I know there was an idea of abolishing most of the old systems when they forced my father to abjucate... But, still a knight, even if one from a foreign land is good news. I would say we hold a tourney but... need more than one I would think."

More men behind the door showed, "I am hungry, are you both hunger, is anyone else hungry, we should eat... are those more homeless... Well, time to be one for the people."

The emperor looked at the men and shouted, "Mr.Turyur, let them in, and begin lunch. Breakfast, secondses? Which ever meal it is!"

He looked back at the young woman, and her squire, and smiled a bit, and leaned in, "I am... terribly sorry for the blather, and the... lack of confidence... or knowledge, things do not happen quickly, and for reasons. It's... just going to be a process, we have five years to resend almost everything that has happened since the incidents."

"Yes, come in, I am Mr.Turyur, and should you need anything just tell me, or Mr.Tiltin. If you would just wait..." the servant looked back towards the group of men with slowly inflating egos and disdain for the entire day so far, then to the elf, her squire, the other servant, the pack of guards, and finally, the Emperor. "Behind or near her... I... Might I ask who you are? You do not seem local, though you smell of the smuggler's quarter."

Mr.Turyur slowly opened the door, and saw a few more, he had not noticed them beforehand, and he noticed the citadels gate was again slightly broken, no wonder it had been kept up recently for that reason he believed. He sighed a bit and placed his hand to pull the door open, smiling a bit, looking between the men.

A moment later, before he could react to their answer, from across the room
So I had an old group one for a space colony, let me see if I can find it for ya'll see if ya'll might be interested in it. Topics, world building and such were always my favorite things.
@Meleck the Grey That works well, but for the most part, but honestly not much if anything to change. But he probably has enough for a whiles worth of money for travelling and such.
Also updated the discord, link if you're interested.
@Meleck the Grey I like it, the order wouldn't have as much as they would have most likely, especially if it's a Threllian order due to the more or less destruction of the original cultural/scholarly hub, though Wesp may host them, it's still more of a recent construction, last few decades, at most hundred years.

But ye, he's good, I mean, wealth is kinda just up in the air, probably not too much, but definitely more than the average person. Think early catholic church before they started tithes.
Could always use a few more if anyone is interested.
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