Avatar of Jangel13


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6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

Alright good to know I'll move him to the cs tab so where should my character be?
I thought I just did, I posted him up already
@The 4 Winds@El Noche

-The first in many

The fight was very intense and Grandpa had to admit that it was spectacular and he would no doubt see more from the young ones. Grandpa smiled seeing that it turned out that Zectoll won the bout but he seemed very confident and ferocious in his attacks taking the blows then hitting Lomen with powerful strikes. Although Grandpa had to admit that Lomen had put up a very good fight it was truly something that he will remember.


As the sparring match finished up both goblins got new skills.

Goblin Lomen: Lomen learned the skill All or Nothing! The goblin was on the ropes of defeat and as he put all his remaining strength into his attack he learned a combination skill. All or nothing can only be used when the goblin is close to loosing a fight this skill increases his strike power immensely for his next strike against his enemy, however if the attack should miss or does not connect the goblin will loose all the strength to fight.

Goblin Zectoll: Zectoll learned the skill Adrenaline Surge! This goblin grinning widely and using superior speed and power to win against his opponent learned this enhancement skill. This skill can only be used when the goblin is fighting an opponent equal or stronger them himself, Adrenaline surge allows this goblin to enhance his speed and his strength incredibly. However once the fight is finished the goblin will automatically have his adrenaline surge stop forcing him to feel every ache and pain he experienced till its conclusion.

Goblin Lomen: Lomen learned the skill Tactician This goblin learned throughout his fight how to strike and where to strike when to strike. This skill is a passive skill allowing the goblin to analyze the opponents movement and can calculate attacks accordingly. This skill can be enhanced multiple times till the goblin is a strategic genius.

Goblin Zectoll:Zectoll learned the skill Counterstrike This skill was learned when the goblin was able to strike his opponent despite the attack that was used against him by his opponent. This skill is a passive skill allowing the goblin to judge how he can attack his enemy while avoiding the full force of his opponents attack.


Grandpa smiled and soon Stegs spoke up about what he wanted Grandpa first grabbed a few of the berries he had on him and he started to examine them to see if any of them could help in the medicine he showed him before. After an examination he finally told him "These berries are only minor ingredients so it doesn't help much. This blue berry here can actually make the effects of potion stronger but higher doses or better concentrated. I know much young one but I only have minor knowledge in terms of medicine, I can help the pain go away and heal you a bit quicker but that's all. To create better potions you need better ingredients. These red and green berries are also okay to eat but as I said earlier avoid the yellow ones. he said hoping he was able to help.



Grandpa didn't notice the little one till he felt him tug at his cloak and again grandpa was surprised. He didn't know how this little one was able to keep sneaking up on him like that. He soon gave Grandpa a rock and he asked what it was thinking it was unbreakable. The old goblin looked at it and he actually looked surprise to see it. He then got up and went towards a wall of the cave and he gently scratched it against the wall to see the color trail. He then proceeded to smell it then bite it to test its strength and the goblin smiled wide. He went back over to him and he said "Young one, im very proud of you for finding this. What you found is call iron ore, these rocks when used correctly can make very strong steel weapons. You found this so I wont tell the others but you need to, these rocks can save your lives and make hunting much easier on you all. I know you will do the right thing" he said knowing the young one was very shy and as the runt of the litter he doesn't really have much strength. He needed to learned to work alongside his brothers and trust them. What he found could change everything for all of them.


Practice makes perfect-

The goblin went to work practicing with their spear tirelessly. Each strike was focused and as such was given great strength behind each attack. Normally it was difficult to gain a skill but this goblin put complete focus into each strike.

Goblin Luz: Goblin Luz has learned Precise Strike This goblin has learned how to focus each strike and as such in battle will be able to put great strength behind their attack.
So am I approved or do I need to make changes?
hope that's okay. I am not going to be a knightmare pilot so I didn't really know what was considered standard.
Name: Shiba Akabane

Nicknames: Songbird

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Social Status: An Eleven

Appearance: Except he has black hair and green eyes and stands tall at 6 feet.

Personality: Shiba is known to be two faced to people. He is usually kind and tries to connect with others through his music which he feels can touch anyones heart. He is a hard worker when he needs to be but he usually puts most of his energy into creating great music for him to play for his fellow Elevens. Shiba feels that a good song can truly change a person whether by making them feel more motivated or making them feel happy to songs that will depress and demoralize them. To Shiba their is a song piece for any and all occasions.

His second personality is the one that few very people have seen or have even heard about. Shiba is a dark person who feels that the world is screwed up beyond all reason he uses his music to also try and make the Britannia's see that they are going to be challenged. He sees everyone that does nothing to change the status quote as lazy parasites simply hanging onto the small shred of life they have if it could even be called that. Shiba kept playing his music until he found that the only way to make his dream come true is to get rid of the Britannia's and their unjust social hierarchy.

Biography/History: Shiba was born in an eleven slum after the war. He lived in a sad and depressing home and when he was growing up he watched as his dad worked harder then any other person in the plant while his mother always had a smile trying to make their lives a little less bleak but Shiba already knew it, they were dirt poor and their lives could stay that way for good. He didn't want to be an Honorary Britanian it was like he would be begging to join a world that didn't want him in the first place. Shiba was down and he felt that his life was meaningless until one day he heard music coming from an alleyway while walking home one day and he saw a group of musicians playing. What surprised him the most was that the people listening to them actually looked happy.

He stayed and listened to the entire song and when the musicians were about to leave Shiba went over and asked how they could be happy here and how could they play music in some place as horrible as here. The leader had a sad smile as he leaned down and told Shiba that it was because the place was horrible that they needed to play and that music can make the world change. From that day on Shiba was on a mission to become a musician and become a great composer. He searched wherever he could looking for anything that could be useful and he found a battered violin it took a good year before Shiba had it in working order at least to the point that he could start playing. Shiba practiced everyday since he was 10 and even still he is playing his songs to become better.

However when he was 17 the Britanians came and performed a raid for terrorist and unfortunately because of his fathers position in a recent terrorist attack on the manufacturing plant he was a suspect they didn't question him because he was shot and then he was insulted for being a dirty eleven. Shiba always bit his tongue when he saw something bad but after seeing his father unjustly accused he couldn't stand it anymore and he joined up with the rebellion wanting to take down the Britannian's for good.

Goals: To have his music heard by the entire world.

Skill Set: Musician/tactician


Knightmare Frame: The only thing unique about his Kightmare frame is its paint job which is dark blue and on the shoulder joints hold two different musical notes, notes which change depending on how he feels.

Name of Knightmare: "blue note"

Weapons and Operational Systems of Knightmare:

    *Ejection system
    *Long range sniper rifle

Armament: Nothing that isn't found in a standard nightmare frame

Knightmare Generation: 2nd generation knightmare frame


Other: For things I may have missed and you want to add in
Fair point just flesh out everyone's role before getting to the big stuff. Still I want to join and I'll help out when I can
Hmm well you certainly didn't leave much room to make surprises, still I can come up with something.

Okay what if instead their attack gets publicized and a character ends up being seen out of their nightmare. This would then lead to heat from Britannia and could give rise to Japanese moral thus setting the ground work for a larger battle.

Or you could have a character discover a geass and yes I know it seems a bit early and tacked on but still don't fix what's not broken. Although you could have an enemy have the ability thus forcing something to go terribly wrong.

I can come up with more ideas but they would need to be after this mission because you have already fleshed thus out to a complete mission. If it was more vague or open to unexpected I could give better ideas.
Well if that's the case then what if we throw in a wild card? This isn't the first mission so obviously we would think this routine however we have something unexpected happen. For example it could really be a trap where the enemy instead expected us to come and wanted to test a new nightmare frame.

If you want to be more subtle you could have the commander be related to someone of high birth from Britannia thus in the long run giving someone an ax to grind against us. From what I remembered code Geass was all about betrayal and revenge from one person's point of view or another's.

If that doesn't work we could go a bit extreme and say that along with the fact you destroyed the base you could have many of the workers be Japanese thus making it harder for you to gain the people in the future.

How are those?
Okay classic kind of mission destroy supplies for the opposing side and get rid of the commander in charge. So tell me about us and by that I been our rebellion movement. If this is our first mission then that means we have no real brand recognition and nobody has gained the Geass power, am I correct?
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