Avatar of demonspade64
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    1. demonspade64 11 yrs ago


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Current Also screw those who claim Talos is not a god
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The Imperials let the Thormal walk all over us Nords we must retake our independence!
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4 yrs ago
I just review what anime was premiering this season, and i notice that Detective Conan IS STILL AIRING. LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!
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I GOT to save my FAMILY!
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imagine you died, and then god come to you and asks. "So, how did you like heaven?"


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Hobgoblin Luz

It not easy being Green


Luz did one last stretch holding her arms together and stretching them overhead as she listened to Gird. "The stars?" She asked before thinking. "Oh yea, I hadn't had a chance to get a good look at them." She told him. It makes sense considering she spent her first two nights in a cave, her third night hiding from wolves in a tree, and her fourth night passed out after fighting a skeleton hoard. Last night she did leave the church area once to heed the Call of Nature but she was too focused on her surrounding to notice them, and her echolocation didn't help in the matter cause it made the call more stressful.

"I'll guess I take the time to look at them tonight..." She stated calmly. "Yes, the vipers sent they may have some useful abilities, like the ability to produce venom." She pointed out. "I do recommend we try to kill it from a distance if we can though." She stated calmly.

Hobgoblin Luz

It not easy being nocturnal


Luz was woken by the other goblins. She slowly got up off her pew and rubbed her eyes while yawning...did her vision get worst, why is everything so blurry than usual? She wondered to herself before remembering: Oh yea her nocturnal ability makes her more nearsighted during the day which, to be honest, was going to be a bit problematic down the line. She guesses that it was the cost of being a creature of the night, something she was going to have to keep in mind in the future.

Luz then went outside and stretched her arm above her head. Afterward, she decided to do some workout stretches while she waited for Gird to arrive.
Posting tomorrow.
I'm waiting for either someone to interact with or the skip whatever comes first.
Hobgoblin Luz

Sword maintence


It seems that Gird and Luz were one of the first ones who made it here; hopefully, the rest of the goblin would be smart enough either be on their way back or find a good place to hide. With that said Luz went outside to grab a rock right quick before going right back inside. She then sat on one of the pews and begin shaving the rust off her sword in order to make it more useable. While she did she couldn't help but reflect on today. "I'm weak, i have to get stronger." She said her own self in sort of a whimper, as her hand was earning calluses from all shaving. As she maintenances her blade she watched the door and listen out for both goblins and wolves.

Luz begins shaving the rest of the rust off her blade.
I'll be posting tomorrow, provided my power doesn't go out cause of this tornado warning.
Hobgoblin Luz



Before Luz knew it, it was already twilight which likely would make hunting spider more of a pain, Luz wants more time to do things that would allow her to evolve into a more fitting form and realize the mistake she made when she offered up all those bats to Death Goddess which honestly she didn't think she would accept but apparently she has a soft spot for Gird. "Agreed! It looks like those things are hunkering down for the night." She said quietly to him.

“Tomorrow you can choose wear we go, I want to venture south at some point as well but again I’ll leave that choice up to you tomorrow.”

"What a coincidence, i was also planning on heading there." she stated calmly. "I think i head there with you tomorrow, after which if you still want to hunt the spiders i suggest we split for then, cause i want to see if i can level up my Vampirism sort of like my Pinpoint Strike and Quick strike." She started thinking it was at least worth an experiment. She then turn around and start walking away. "And Gird..." she said before stopping in her track and looking back at him. "...thank you!" She simply told him calmly before continuing walking back to the church.

-Luz and Gird made plans tomorrow to hunt Night vipers and decided to go back to the church.

Hobgoblin Luz

Melted Wings


Luz had snapped out of her stupor as she was being dragged away from the scene by her arm by Gird. "Gird we need to get stronger don't we?" She said with a frown. Honestly, Luz was glad to be alive, but she can't help but feel that the two of them just shooed off like mere flies and that along with her helplessness in the situation was a blow to her ego, and because of the blow to her ego she realize she was subjected to gravity.

“let's go uhh eat something, spiders? R-right spiders yeah that sounds much better.”

"Yes...i think it will be best if we hunt spiders for now cause of that...Crimson Beast seems...out of our league!" She admitted while folding her arms in front of her. "Web-spinning ability seems pretty useful." She also before she went with him to hunt some spiders.

-Luz broke out of her stupor
-Went with Gird to hunt some spiders.
Hobgoblin Luz

Mountains of Madness


Honestly, Luz began to question rather or not this legendary creature exists if it doesn't then Gird and her would just have to kill something else in its place. The two of them then came across a large hill which look like a decent place to get a view of the surrounding area. From that hill, Luz search out the surrendering area and notice mountains in the distances. "Honestly i didn't think we would be so close to the mountains." She remarked.

But then Luz caught a red streak blitzing across the mountain. "Whoa you see tha-" she tried to remark before all of a sudden but hit but a sudden terror that paralyzes her whole body. All she could do it watch it, watch it as it gazes on them from afar. How does she know it was gazing at them...she doesn't know...but for some reason, she could not escape the feeling like it was even from the gap between them. She wants to move...she wants to move but she couldn't her body will not listen it just stayed there...helpless all she could do was watch helplessly and wondering if she was going to to be killed without even so much as being allowed to struggle.

All of sudden the entity just left them...and Luz dropped her sword while felling to her knees stun at what just happen before slowly turning to her hands which were shaking like crazy; and from that, she knew...she was scared. Never before in this life had Luz felt such terror in her life or perhaps even her past life. For minutes she would stay there on her knee and just look at her hands not responding to whatever Gird says to her.

*Luz's wax wings melted
*When into a mini-catatonic state cause she's not used to such an experience

Dhampir: drink enemies blood

Half Lord: weapon mastery

Just making sure.
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