Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

Well damn that was needlessly hurtful. Fine have fun good luck with your rp
@Over Illusion just finished
Hey I'm interested in joining and I created a character sheet. Please help me if their are issues with him:

The Shadow striders

To the front!

Argonious sighed softly as he sat against the wall of their little camp. He had ordered the tribe to leave their old home behind to come here but he 

P feel himself become restless and if he was restless then his hunters and warriors were more so. When they arrived he had ordered his brothers to get them a space they could control, they had territorial instincts and while Argonious wanted to control more he knew that they couldn't bully other races for now space. He instead insisted on getting a  area against a wall so they could better protect the women and pups that couldn't or wouldn't fight. The warriors and hungers edged the area effectivly marking their territory. He had scouts head back and grab whatever they could back from home mainly the alchemists tools and herbs so they could keep doing their work. Argonious was the last line of defence against someone who wanted to attack the pups and women. 

He knew something was happening and being in the dark frustrated him to no end. He could feel his skills beginning to dull  now he craved a good fight.

Just down the path that leads to the isolated camp a small band of lightly armored orcs was spotted, though not that well armed orcs are still orcs and they presented to be detrimental to the whole security of the camp.

While they did have 2 raptors with them, no one was riding them treating them like mount carry baskets ang bags filled with resources. 

The warriors at the edge of their camp made notice of the strange green warriors. They looked to be strong yet had little to no armor. Whether or not this was a choice or if they were only scouts the sentry couldn't tell. 

He passed along the message of strange beasts and warriors moving towards their camp. Argonious understood and sent two more of their hunters to help the sentry in case they decided to trespass. The warrior held a giant sword that any normal man would never be able to pick up while the hunters had spears. 

The sentry growled loudly warning them to back off if they wanted to stay alive. 

As the orcs heard the growl of something they, quickly armed themselves pulling out several weapons in responce, from their iconic war bows to their large swords readying themselves to what was to come as the venture even further to the cavern, ever vigilant agaisn't what was to come. 

they hold steady ready to strike at any that presented itself to be an enemy, all in all the group was a fairly small group as it only comprises of a orc wearing a black robe, 3 archers and 5 orc warriors armed with swords, spears, and gauntlets.

They watched as the orcs drew closer and they seemed armed and they believed they were being threatened. They didn't make a move until the orcs passed a marker they made indicating their territory. By then they had already started moving. 

The warrior attacked the 5 green ones they considered to be the warriors of the group while the hunters charged from the flanks piercing them through before they could ready their arrows to shoot at their warrior. They were able warriors of that their was no doubt but they were faster, stronger, and knew of strategy to make them a force to be feared even by the orcs as the warrior had killed 3 warriors beefier turning to the others. 

The orcs were injuired because of the attack but, the shaman was ready as he readied a chant creating a shield separating them from the attackers. "Their is no need to draw more blood." He said safe in his bubble as the other orcs maintain formation protecting the shaman from the werewolfs. 

"We are not the enemy." The shaman said with confidence. "Let us join forces on the world eaters." He proposes to them ordering the others to lay down their arms to show them their peaceful intentions. "So what do you say brother?" He asks as he waits safe in his bubble. 

 They growled loudly when the pine with robes created a shield it was magic but it wasn't like the shamans it was different and they didn't know why. The warrior listened as they asked to create an alliance, he then growled loudly baring his teeth and said "we are not brothers! Don't you dare assume we are allies." He said before turning to the hunters. 


 They spoke to each other in a strange language that only fellow werewolves could understand. After deliberation they nodded an the warrior said "only our alpha decides on alliances. If you wish to see him then release your shield, then we will take you to him but understand if you make any moves to attack we will tear you too pieces" he warned as he and the hunters put their weapons away to show they wouldn't attack if they decided to follow. 

"Thank you for your understanding." He said as the shields have disappeared. "The orcs kept some as close as possible to their shaman as the he follows the werewolves. The orcs grunts grunts were still nervous, keeping their weapons as close as they can as they slowly make their way to the alphas. 

"As they enter, they saw the way of life these creature were closely guarding, as they were greeted by a small town of the race, soon the group met several hostile looks as they get even further towards the settlement. The body guards of the shaman gets into a more dangerous situation. 

"My honorable shaman, I do not think this is wish." One of the grunts whispered to the him. "Like us they have suffered, it is best that all of us fight together in this dire times than one another." He answers as they continue on. 

They walked through the small town they made for themselves and of course they were greeted with hostility since they were very territorial and rarely dealt with outsiders in a peaceful manner. The werewolves that were leading the way though made it clear to the others that the green ones were not to be harmed. They kept moving until they finally found the alpha. 

Argonious was drinking some fruit juice from a ceramic white cup before he looked at the green ones. He turned to the warrior and as before he explained the situation. Argonious nodded but sighed a bit wondering why they would cone to their turf. 

Argonious then took a deep breath before his form became much more human. He kept most of his fur and he still had claws and fangs but now they would be able to speak at eye level. He then drank the last of his juice before standing up in front of them and asked "whoever leads your group step forward. So long as you do not draw your weapons you will be fine but I expect a good reason for wandering into our territory without asking first" he said crossing his arms and standing proud even if they tried to stab him at close range argonious knew they would die the next second. They looked like wolves and that meant they also acted like it, they would get green meat tonight if they angered him. 

The shaman steps up as proud as the alpha. "I believe that you mean me." He said as he bows down afterwards to show his respect  to the him. 

"As I believe you all were driven out from your lands." He said  "We also, were driven out from our lands." He continues as he looks at the alpha a strong statement as he is saying that they were equals. 

"But, do you know who caused it?" He follows sounding quite omnimous. "What about if I tell you that we can make them pay?" He said with the same tone, and after that he waits for your answer.

He watched as the one in robes stepped forward and was smart enough to show him proper respect before saying that they were driven out of their lands just like they were. In truth they left because the world was unbalanced earthquakes and lightning strikes made it impossible to live there anymore. 

He listened though as he offered to tell them who caused it and asking if they wanted to make them pay. He took a moment to think before he answered him "we don't know who caused it. Even if we know who however we aren't able to fight to our fullest here we would need land again for that to happen. Besides my biggest concern right now is who you are, and what your intentions are green one" he said knowing that he didn't trust the one with robes. Magic was something that is given from the earth but his magic was different. 

Naturally their kind were isolationist but he was telling the truth. Without the shamans able to communicate with the earth for defence they would lose their own magic fighting force. He need to know more About these green ones before he considered a true alliance. 

"We are the orcs." He quickly replies. "We the orcs have won countless titles, from the dauntlets or the montain eaters, but for now we are known as the vanguard of Titania." He explains telling him more but, stops asking his forgiveness for talking too much. 

"We will protect earth mother with everything we have but, as people under the same mother, I employ you brother to join us and let us bring down the world eaters once and for all." He said giving out a fierly speech to the alpha trying to recruit him for the war.

He listened to him as he explained that the green ones were called orcs and have gained titles that were full of grandeur. They had nice titles but they had little use for titles other then alphas and betas. If nothing else at least he had passion about fighting those that were responsible for them losing their homes. 

He closed his eyes to think for a moment before he said "I'm going to tell you once. We are not brothers until we have shed blood side by side till then we are simply fellow fighters." He said before turning to the others and knew that rgery all wanted to go home and the men wanted to fight a true enemy and world eaters sounded the closest to a real fight. 

He then took a deep breath before he held out his arm to him he then said "we do not know who these world eaters are but we want to find a way to go home and fight a worthy enemy. Understand something we need to claim land to be powerful. We will fight together but trust is only found on the battlefield" he explained making it clear they needed territory to claim to be at their full effectiveness. Argonious knew they needed to know what was going on and it seemed best to find out through the orcs. He held out his arm to him gesturing for a shake to seal the deal of temporary partnership. At least until argonious knew the entire situation. 

"We will become legends." He said as he extends his hand. "and don't worry about land, after the war we will have a world all for ourselves." He adds as he awaits for confirmation, grinning mischeviously as a green smoke starts engulfing his hand. 

"Under Earth Mother's embrace all of her children shall undergo a golden age, the likes our world has never seen." He said with pride, proudly declaring the benefits of winning. "join us, be part of the vanguard, and let us save our beloved mother." He finishes as he waits for his answer as the smoke begins to stop midway of his hand.

He glaredglaredat the mage and argonious started to wonder if he made a deal with a devil. It did not matter though, these orc may have magic but they are no doubt the superior warriors and if need be argonious will bite this mages throat out without a second thought I'd he feels his tribe is in danger. 

Still for now they needed information and this orc can provide it. He moved his hand forward and shook his hand sealing the deal. Once he did the hostility in the air started to dissipate as his tribe lessened in hostility. Argonious then took his hand back and said "I expect plenty of information about both you and our enemies. In order to be a good vanguard one must know the strengths and weaknesses of both the allies and enemies of the field." He explained taking a deep breath before he grew again to his full majesty reaching higher then the orc could forcing him to crane his neck. 

As the alpha grabbed his hand, the green mist on the shaman's hand disappears leaving behind a wolf mark. "Welcome to the alliance." He welcomily said. "Your clan can now go to the various camps just outside the gates, you can feed your people there, consider it our gift." I said as he looks at the others. 

"We will discuss more back in the nearby camps."He said I will personally answer your question." He said, bowing afterwards. "I will meet you again." He said as he starts making his way back to the nearest camp. 

Argonious looked at the shamans arm and he knew that something was off. The mark of the wolf made him feel like he just sold his life away. Still the fact that they would be given food and proper shelter would be enough for him. He watched as the mage left their camp. Of course his betas asked if this was wise but argonious told them that what was done was done and to just keep an eye on the so called orcs. 

He and a small batch of warriors left camp telling everyone that they would move ahead and see if he was speaking the truth. They ten left the trigger behind in case this was a trap. Argonious led the way towards the camps the orc promised to see if they would get some proper meat to eat. 

As the group makes its way to the designated meeting place. They were greeted by a large town, characterized by a huge network of pallisade reinforce by iron strips and other various kinds of fortifications. and on top of the walls were heavily armed orcs equipped by large bows of war. 

It doesn't take long for the sentries to spot you as the bells starts ringing, allerting the others to your present, as the orcs form up and ready their weapons. 

"WHO ARE YOU!?" They yelled at you still arming at your group. But, as he said that they lowered their weapons, and after a few minutes, the orcs let up. Opening up the gates letting them inside the town.

They kept moving until they saw what could only be a town completely defended against attacks. He had to admit the walls looked more then able to handle their assault but then again argonious and his brothers could climb up the wall of they wanted but they would no doubt loose many of their family in the struggle. 

When they pointed their bows at them he and his warriors had their weapons ready in case it was just a trap but as quickly as the sentry asked their question was as quick for them to drop their weapons and open the gates. 

Thankfully they didn't need to get violent so he and his brothers put theit weapons away. They then stepped through the gate to see the town entirely. He didn't know where they needed to go so he walked forward looking for anything that would be considered a leaders campsite. 

The town was large and several wooden structures have set up shop just  beside the streets of the town. The town was lively and full of activity as the clanking of iron and the hammering of the blacksmith was heard in all directions. Soon, the smell of freshly baked bread and fresh meat starts to linger every where as bakers and hunters where able to meet the quota for today. 

Several minutes later the shaman descends from the walls greeting and urging your people to follow him to where you all should be. 

Soon, as you continue to walk, several different kinds of creatures travel the streets and because of this,  the town was the busiest of all the cities and town that you have seen. 

aside this it seems that their are other races in the town, walking and dicussing with one another, from normal humans, to elfs, dwarfs and other various cretures roams the streets, soon the shaman leads your group to an open area just right near the eastern gates where you were greeted by a large clearing ready for settlement. 

"Mark yourselves home, food will come later." He said as various orcs armed with hammers and with them cloth and other contruction supplies. One of them approaches the alpha. 

"I am maj and we are here to help you settle." He said as he waits for your responds. "how may we help you." He said as he readies his hammer for the laborous work to come.

The alpha led the way inside of course as they were soon able to see the sights of the town it was busy and much busier then they were used to. His betas couldn't help but cling to their weapons tighter as the shaman came down and led the way. 

Along the way they smelled the bread and meat no doubt making them hungry. However the alpha made sure to look around and he noticed that other races were there from the short ones to the knife ears and even regular humans. If nothing else it eases his nerves a but thinking he decided an alliance with the wrong people but so far it seems that isn't the case. 

Soon they found the clearing which the shaman told him is whew they would settle. It was near a gate so his hunters would be able to leave and go on hunts as they normally would which would help ease his tribes nerves about coming. They were about to attack the orc armed with hammers but argonious gestured for them to relax as it seemed he was simply a builder. 

The alpha knew what they would need, they would need homes and their own 'walls ' So to speak. He then said "build huts large enough for families. Then find seeds from large trees and bring them to us" he informed knowing his shamans would be able to have the trees grow to full size and give them a clear perimeter of their established territory. He wasn't about to bring his tribe somewhere that was completly foreign to them so having large trees around would both ease their nerves and create a solid defence from within. 

The builders gets to work building up some large structures fit for several families to share in, and by the looks of it the orcs where doing better than you have hope as, soon the foundations and the skeletons of the structures begins forming up from the group up. Soon, cloth begins to take the role of walls and roofs for the buildings but, functional doors where set up it seems like that the wood they had bring with them quickly ran out. Soon, four wagons carried by beefly raptors approached the contruction site of the tribe's new home carrying with them were several buckets of ground and with them were several bags of seeds. 

After a few minutes or so the orcs soon, finished the housing for the race spurting up several large tents that can fit in a minimun of 5 families and its young. Soon, contruction and terraforming has truly begun as the orcs now has to make sure that the cystal floor of the cavern was fit for farming as they grabbed their pickaxes, hammers, and some dynamite that they got from the dwarfs. 

Work resumed after the orcs had a quick rest and now the head of the builders called out the others as they planted the dynamites in the ground, making sure that the area was clear and that they would be no colaterate damage the orcs built baricades around it. "Blow it up." Maj said as one of the dynamites explodes taking out a large portion of the floor in one go clearing up vital land which they filled up with  dirt,around the camp for the wolfs to use.

After the foundations of the camp was done, work for the wall started. As several orcs started putting the additional wood that they received a moment ago. Maj went to the alpha with his equipment still intact. "Do you still need more?" He .asked as cold as possible. 

They watched as the orcs went to work building for them. He had to admit if nothing else they knew what they were doing as they created the large tents that would no doubt allow ask their families space to live in for the future. They looked at the strange beasts that caused with them more supplies and the seeds they asked for. 

However they were surprised and aggressive when they greased the large explosion that even made the alpha nervous. Turned out that what they used came from the short ones. Dynamite they called it and it was truly frightening even there shamans would have a hard time freaking with such explosions in rapid succession which made argonious glad they never fought the short ones before. 

He watched as they set up a wooden wall for them which was a pointless effort but considering they needed to blow up the floor just to bring in viable dirt he considered it a good thing. The alpha disregarded the orcs tone as he asked if they needed more. They had what they needed they had homes and would soon have a tree wall surrounding them. At the moment that was all they would need whatever else they would build they could make on their own. He then said "no this will do, thanks" he said walking forward towards the tents and he started to talk to his brothers in their own language. 

Two of the betas nodded and they left to go fetch the others. Argonious had everyone  check everything in case of traps but once they knew it was safe they started to claim tents as argonious found a spot ands drew a spot in the dirt of where their bonfire would go. They truly needed to make this home and to do that they needed everyone in the tribe to help. 

After the orcs have finished building the walls, several raptor pulled carts entered your camp, bringing with them the smell of food, from meat to bread. Soon, tables and chairs has been set and with them a buffet of food , after the preparations the shaman approached the alpha and with wide arms he annouced. "Welcome to the alliance to restore Titania. He said with a welcoming and prideful manner as he bows his head down to you. 

"Take this as a welcoming gift from us." He follows as the stands up. "For tomorrow our people will fight as one, as brothers and as the saviors of our world." He ends as the other orcs cheer on. 

"After this I request your presence to discuss the battleplan and your role in the assault for the white lands." He said as he steps off the path making way for him and the others to the tables. "But, first off please enjoy. " He said as he retreats behind the unfinish ways and to the biggest sturcture of the town. 

Argonious gave a nod to the mage as she said welcome to the alliance he had to admit it's been to long since he has gotten a good meal but he knew better. He would wait for everyone to come before they feasted. The women and pups would eat first of course then him and the other men would eat. 

He listened as he gave a speech about taking back their world but honestly argonious wanted land and he wanted it to return to the earth and create forests. He highly doubt that the orcs had the same values that they did. When he mentioned bringing his presence so they could go over battle plans he nodded ands said "I will join you once my tribe had been given the proper meal" he promised knowing that now they were a part of this. Now they wound go to war on a much grander scale. 

It didn't long for them to come and argonious made sure to ration out everything giving the meat to him and the warriors while the women and pups took the bead and vegetables so they could stay healthy. He made sure everyone for a proper meal. He then had the shamans use the seeds and after chantingchantingthey created a large tree wall. The trees few nearly to the size of the fortifications themselves and surrounded them. They also made sure to keep one path clear near the road itself to receive supplies easier. He explained the situation to everyone and the alchemists went to work creating potions since their was little doubt they would be using them very soon.

Argonious then left with one of his betas as a bodyguard as he went to the command tent to join in on the strategy planning.

The tent was heavily guarded and full of other beings, soon the gates fly open as the guards step aside letting you in the so called tent. Inside the "tent" wooden walls and stone foundations separates the various rooms of the buildings. 


With guards around everycorner the tent soon looked like a fortress as the giant cloth covering it was a clever russ in order to fool anyone entering it. 

"Are you the alpha Argonious?" An orcs says before bowing gis head."Follow me the shaman asked me to lead you."He continues before he starts moving passing tight corners and fortified positions untill they enter the grand tower located just in the middle of the so called tent. 

"You are just on time Alpha." He said as he urges him to sit besides him. Aside from him, new figures presents themselves, as a silvered armored elfs takes a few looks at you before he concentrates his glances at the stack of papers near him.  

A dwarf in black armor was there engross in looking at what seems to be schematics of spme unknown weapons, and the last but, not the least a iron human that seems to be staring into obvilion. 

He walked towards the command tent and was impressed as he walked through what he thought was a tent and was actually a fortification. Nothing was what it seemed apparently soon he would have to keep that in mind for the future as he walked inside he was greeted by an orc asking if he was the alpha and he gave a simple nod as he followed the orc. 

His beta stayed close a hand on his sword handle as they moved forward. They moved forward till they were at the center of this so called tent and found himself with the shaman once more. As much as he would prefer sitting in a seat that would accommodate his werewolf sized he knew a regular chair would simply break. 

He took a deep breath and went back into his human form before he sat down in the chair looking around as he noticed the knife ear commander in silver armor, the short one in black armor, and a human in iron armor. They all looked prepared for war and that eased his nerves thinking that at least these odd races can fight despite their differences. Argonious crossed his arms as he waited for the war counsel to start. 

"The humans are late." The iron man coldly says looking to the orc. "Probably waging war with one another, I say." the dwarf answers, slaming an iron piece right into the table with a furious sound. "Why are the humans not joining up aren't they the most warlike of us all, pretty tiny desputes go to bloody war and their not in the frontlines?!" The dwarf loudly complains. 

"No need to fall in a useless rage, save that up for the humans while you still can." The elfs responce trying to calm down him down. "The humans will come in time." The shaman says. "The war council will start now, report to us the status of our brethen in the frontlines. 

The elf starts taking out multiple rpapers from the stack reading report after report of the status of armies. Most of them were sucessful but, when he reads out the bad news they would always say wiped out, or annihilated. 

While the good ones vary from barely holding to complete capture of what they describe to be pillar cities. The ones that suffered the most were the orcs, as news of whole clans being wiped out or annihilated. 

while the dwarfs were suffereing in the thousands trying to hold lands in the white plains and defending areas only to see it blown to bits by the world eaters. 

The elfs in total lost a total of ten, though that seems to be small the dwarf looked worried and the elf looked like he was seeing a nightmare. While the iron man looked cool and uncaring.

"That is all." The elf said as he puts them back to neatly. "The we will discuss battle plans and propossals regarding the war effort." He says as he looks to the a crude map of our world full of inaccuracies and other various things that don't add up. 

"We need more elfs contruct king." He said a sentence that alamed him. "I am sorry but, the elfs don't follow me, the elfs never trusted one another since the construct revolutions." He responces catching the iron man's attention. "Though our creators you have proven to not earn our trust, and with this curse that you have given to us, we hope that your kin suffer more." He coldly says as he switches to the drawfs. "I believe that the elfs are of no used to us anymore, leaving me to join dfforts with the dwarfs." He announces catching the attention of the council. 

"Though not as strong as the weapons of the world eaters, this weapon has to equal than what ever that we have createed in the past." He said as he puts down a small replica of the modern humans weaponry. "This is the D.C avenger." A weapon that can even out the gap between us and the enemy." All I want is the transition of the fairy queen and the fairies to my kingdom." He proposes, a propossal that shocked the elf heavily. 

"The fairies are under the elfs protection." He argues demanding that the orc shaman to do something. "As you wish iron lord we shall have a vote, I shall vote to no." He said giving comfort to the contruct king. 

"Sorry old friend but more of my people will die." The dwarf says before saying "Yes." I vote yes my former master." He said as uncaring as ever. "I vote for no the fairies shall know peace." He quickly answers, now everyone looks at the alpha for his vote.

Argonius said noting as he let the other races speak as he was a new addition to the counsel he thought it best to learn about those he would be leading a fight with. He listened to every detail the silver knife ear explained and hearing that they only lost ten when the short ones lost thousands spoke volumes. 

He heard in the beginning that the humans weren't there made him curious to the iron man. He then noticed that their wasn't a man at all in their and it was actually moving armor. That worried argonious as their weapons and poisons would be mostly ineffective. He whispered to his beta about getting the alchemists to work on finding a solution to such a creature. 

He listened after the damage reports of the front lines and it seemed that the metal one was once a servant of the knife ears but have grown independent and have decided to work with the short ones. Which only makes sense since it seemed the short ones were the most mechanically inclined of them all. 

Then came the subject of a fairy queen and fairies. He wasn't sure what they meant but he could tell the silver knife ear was serious about not giving them away and everyone put it to a vote with him as the tie breaker. He bit one of his claws thinking before he sighed and said "the strong, I do not know any of you of your kind or values. All I have to go by is numbers the knife ears" he said gesturing to the elf as he continued "lost the least, I can only assume them to be strong so if they are opposed then I am too. I vote no" he explained trying to be impartial though with his kind the strong decide and that meant alphas made the decisions for all. He was using the same principle to decide who he would decide with. 

The dwarfs sighs in disappointment as he hears your reasoning. "We understand." He saddenly says. "My people shall use this weapon but, he will not provide it to the others." He follows as he calmly sits down not saying a word, as he looks in disappointment. 

"The constructs will not join but, will provide rear support." The contruct responds not hinting of any emotions. While the elf was relieved by your life saying vote. 

"As the vote has been cast, we will not give the fairies to the constructs." declared the shaman. "Now to the next concern." He says as he looks at you. "We will continue our campain in the iron lands and we need your help alpha how much warriors can you spare?" He asks. 

He listened as the short one said he understood though clearly disappointed try still went through with using their weapons with the iron one being in the rear guard. Next the shaman talked about the campaign in the iron lands saying that he needed their help. Before argonious answered he stood up and looked at the map trying to find out where these iron lands were. However it was in a language he couldn't read. He sat back down and said "I can offer a 100 warriors and one of my betas to lead. Understand though that one of my warriors is equal to 20 humans in strength alone. I can also offer 20 alchemists to provide support" he said knowing that still left most of his warriors at the home front but a hundred was more then enough to be an effective fighting force against any land based attackers

"Thank you." I will attack this city here, while I want you to attack the sides of the city. The enemy has the city fortified and we have spotted a few of their fearsome artillery. "The dwarfs will go circle around the cuty and attack it from the rear. The avians will help us in this battle." He said briefly you all on the roles you were given. 

"we will depart tomorrow morning." He said as he moves on to the next topics and complain that he has received and after finishing all of the issue that needs adressing he concludes the meeting for today. 

He listened as the shaman explained that their role was to flank the city which they could do from both sides if necessary but he figured having them all attack one flank would work best against what they call artillery. Once he understood the role they were given argonious stood up and left with his beta once again taking a breath to change back to his were form as he headed back to the tribe to explain the situation. 

As the other leaves the orc shaman started taking with the hidden orc tha emerged from the shadows. "What do you think." He said to him. "I am not here to talk about them, I'm here to make sure that the plan goes." He said as he gives the shaman a paper. "Don't worry theres no hope that they would find it." He earie said to him making him disappear. 

Argonious soon find his way back to their camp. Unlike everyone else they walked through the tree line since they didn't need the path. Once inside he howled for everyone to meet up. He then explained to everyone that 100 of their warriors, 20 of their alchemists, and one beta would be leaving to join the fight with the orcs and the other warriors they saw here. They cheered relishing the chance to finally fight to their hearts content. 

Once they were informed he picked a beta and had him choose who would go with him. Argonious left the matter up to his beta trusting his judgement while they armed themselves for war

The Shadow striders

What happened till now...

They were known as Shaou Strimider in their beast tongue but to the soft kin they were called shadow striders. To those that were superstitious they were also known as werewolves. They were a proud clan of wolf kin they were strong and resilience and few could match them in power. The day when everything changed seemed normal at first, hunters were hunting, shamans were tending to the trees, alchemists were brewing new potions. However on that day everything changed as the first bolt of lightning struck. The Alpha known as Aragonaus had been making decisions on what to do about their territory and when to get ready to stock up for winter but when he saw the lightning he knew it couldn't be normal.

Aragonaus ordered all the shamans to create the sacred tree barrier and in the meantime he took a deep breath and howled loudly knowing that no matter how far the hunters and scouts were they would hear him and understand that it was an order to come back immediately. He ordered all the women, children, and elderly to hunker down in the center of the village as the shamans quickly went to work with the tree barrier. They were able to make it just in time before all hell broke loose. The lightning struck the trees that weaved above them like a tapestry to protect them but no damage was done and if their was any damage the shamans were quicker to fix it before it could harm them.

This was a trying time for they had no idea what had happened as they were stuck for 8 months with the changes to their world. The earth quaked and the skies were angry and they all knew that this wasn't normal. That only became more evident when a tunnel was found by a lone scout. It seemed to be made of crystals and no lightning was striking it, like it was left unharmed on purpose. ARagonaus had a choice to make to either stay or go take their chances. He talked it over with the betas and the wise elders but of course the final decision was his alone. In the end he decided that it was best to keep his clan safe. He ordered the shamans to create a path to the tunnel and once they did he led the way making sure all the hunters and strong males were guarding the sides and rear of their migration. He kept leading the way even as they went inside.

They didn't know what they would find but they soon found a refugee camp, he knew it couldn't be an army set to attack them because he could smell it in the air. Their were no hostile intentions and he ordered his brothers not to attack. Instead he told them to set up somewhere safe and to keep their distance until they learned more about what was going on.
Hey guys new player has been added. I'm in charge of the shadow strider and I want to say that I plan to fight the orcs, though who will join him in hunting is up to you. I'm going to have them join the refugee camp since I can't exactly jump into fighting

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