Avatar of headintheclouds


Recent Statuses

6 hrs ago
Current Midnight confessional: the RP I miss most involved killing Jefferson Davis and John Wilkes Boothe. I miss that one real bad sometimes.
1 mo ago
Poo, forgive me for the following status: FUCK!
2 mos ago
Got a party tonight so I pregamed with shots. Flu and COVID, hell yeah.
2 mos ago
Close doors, put a line of baby powder on the floor, and then use a hair dryer to blow it through the crack and cover everything in it.
1 like
2 mos ago
Don't break knees. Steal lightbulbs and reverse one of the batteries in every battery operated device so it LOOKS like they're in there right but it won't work.
1 like


Hey guys! Thanks for checking out my profile :)
I'm pretty much always looking for roleplays, so I figured I'd put a list of my preferences on here in case you're interested. Always PM me if you have an idea. I promise I don’t bite, and I love to hear from new people!

I’m a massive history buff (it’s what my degree is in!) and I love sewing and historic clothing and theater, so if you’re at all interested in chatting about that, hit me up. My specialty is in early colonial English society, but I’m a sucker for a good castle and medieval family tree.

-I generally prefer to play female characters, but I'm not opposed to playing male characters either!
-I'm available to RP over forum, PM, or email
-I'm a big fan of 1x1 roleplays and prefer them due to my schedule, and the group Rp curse I seem to carry with me.
-Genres I like? History, fantasy, some fandoms, modern....
-Romance? Definitely. Just please no smut. Fade to black is where it’s at.

Current Cravings:
-Beauty and the Beast
-Class differences
-Jane Austen or Austen-Esque
-Probably something else I can't think of.

Most Recent Posts

Anybody know how to respond with a vomiting gif to an entire account? Hello, FBI?
Nine months ago? Good lord, it's time for this thread to be born again!
Beep boop, putting this out into the world again to see if I get any interest!!
Done some mild editing: I'm open for new plots, and available over Discord now as well!
In Mahz's Dev Journal 2 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by headintheclouds>

You should be able to reenable it in your user settings.

Can confirm that it does work, thanks!
In Mahz's Dev Journal 2 yrs ago Forum: News
FWIW: I liked the mobile format, and I shall celebrate its short but impactful life.
Gentle nudge!
I've updated the interest check: I didn't realize how god awful it was until I reread it! Hopefully this one is better.
Im going to update this later today, but I'm bumping this along anyways!
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