Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

Into a corner with shrines-

The Goblin soon ran inside the church deciding to barricade herself inside. The long wooden chairs were old and dusty but thankfully sturdy and without any of the glass windows found in a church, it was most likely the door that would be the only entrance to grab the goblin. The moaning of the dead could still be heard outside but they weren't making a conscious decision to break in she heard moaning and a few times an undead would try to open the door but they all they did was make banging noises before passing by.

The inside of the church was, of course, old looking and at the end of the church where all the chairs were originally pointed were at 3 different statues no doubt depicting gods. On one side of the wall was a bookshelf with old and dusty tombs in a language she cant understand but were in relatively good condition. Clearly, this church would be well suited to hole up in but with the undead outside nobody but her has gotten near this place for years.

Her bunny calmed down when he felt that they were out of immediate danger and felt the goblin actually try to comfort it. It stayed still and didn't move around anymore. At the end of the church there lay the statues each one unique and covered in dust but in excellent condition compared to the rest of the church.

The first was in the middle a vase with beautiful carvings intricately designed to make the eye draw directly above it to where the sun practically shinned down on the earth below. The vase held pictures of hands reaching up as if in prayer and reverence to the very sun itself which encompassed the entire top of the vase itself.

The second vase was different and was actually a sculpture with a large and flourishing tree growing out of a circle, the circle upon closer inspection being the world itself as they understood it. This sculpture was clearly meant to give praise to a god of earth or a figure of similar divinity. If one looked very closely at the tree they would even see small animals like the bats and rabbits either at the tree top itself or sit on the roots of it. Clearly, it meant to encompass the entirety of life upon it.

Finally, there was one statue that was almost invisible given the low light as it was made of onyx or a similar dark ore. It was actually a sculpture of a throne made of skulls atop a dead and seemingly rotting corpse. In the throne, itself was merely a hooded figure which was a woman considering there was the extra detail to display the bosom of the woman herself. What was under the hood could not be seen but she would notice a dark aura that seemed to permeate the room itself making her feel like the air was leaving her lungs. The statue itself emitted a deathly aura in the church and made her feel on edge just looking at it.
Don't you just hate when that happens and you cant delete it?

Once he was done talking to the goblin that offered him the pelt of the alpha he turned to see another young one come over no doubt hearing what he said about the animals nearby but he didn't care, it meant more would live. When he mentioned his hunting partner still out their he sighed loudly and said "Then pray to the gods that she will be coming home in the morning" He said hoping that the young one would be okay, if she could climb trees then if nothing else she would be safe from the worst of the animals that came out at night.


What awaits at the church-

When Gina came down she was frozen in fear and if she didn't snap out of it she would end up dying. Her rabbit then started to kick and fuss around in its net trying to leave or if nothing else at least wake Gina up and run herself. However, the sun soon finally set and all that was around was darkness. Once the night finally came she could hear rumbling in the ground nearby.

Soon she heard the loud wailing of the dead as skeletal arms started to stick out from the grave markers nearby. They started to dig themselves out and a loud moan was heard "RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" It took a few moments for them to fully dig themselves out but soon they were visible as walking corpses came from the ground holding their ancient swords. Their eyes red with malice as the walking undead hobbled around the cemetery. It was their home and also their cage, they hobbled around as if looking for what they lost as their moaning could be heard where Gina was standing. There was a stone fence that encompassed the graveyard and church where they roamed and unfortunately Gina was in that area. If she didn't want to die she would have to either run, climb, or take her chances inside the actual church and barricade herself in the hope of lasting till morning...
Time to see if Gina has what it takes >:)
Hey like I said it's just advice you brought him an item of value and he will cherish it as the first gift from his young ones. You have the knowledge and as the saying goes: knowing is half the battle!

Grandpa's advice-

The old goblin had been eating a piece of jerky in the storage area. He had stayed by the entrance of the cave all day simply making sure the place was safe for when the young ones came back. He saw that grit was sleeping to long and didn't get to hunt like the others but grandpa wouldn't give him food anymore. He made that clear nothing comes free and he wouldn't keep feeding them now that they were strong enough to hunt.

Soon one of the other young ones came over to him saying that another goblin was out at night making him sigh exasperated hoping he wouldn't have to dig a grave so soon. When the young one gave him a pelt he asked for knowledge in return, grandpa looked at it and really examined that it was an alpha skin and those were tough to take down. He will admit in his old age that things felt colder so this pelt would do nicely. He wrapped it around his neck wearing it like a coat before smiling at him and tapping his cane in front of him at the ground signaling for the young one to sit and listen.

"first off I am impressed you took down an alpha rabbit. Thank you for the pelt even if you are trading information for it" he said with a light laugh before he got serious and started to explain "the rabbits you have already met are easy to find as they prefer bushes and berries they aren't hard to find. Their are beasts known as vipers and they are snakes larger then yourself, dangerously poisonous if you use this cave as your starting point" he paused drawing an X in front of him to indicate the cave. "they are found to the south east. Next are spiders and they are found to the northeast. Both poisonous so you won't deal with them at the same time. Keep in mind the farther your travel from this cave the more dangerous the beasts. The wolves can be beaten however their threat is in their numbers and how they coordinate never attack a pack alone as its suicide. They are found to the west but during the night they travel to the east which is where we are they know better then to come in the cave but outside your fair game. Finally bats are usually found in the north and prefer to hide in trees to avoid sunlight. That's all I can provide so don't be stupid and die" he said with a laugh patting his head gently like a father would a son. He then said "don't die, I hate for any of you to end you lives so soon" he said before pulling his hand back and giving him a nod to let him know that's all he would get for now.
No doubt, next time just a bit of advice. Food works better then items but he will see it's an alpha pelt and tell you what you want to know

No worries, I got nothing but time

Oh then, by all means, walk in, I just told you where you ended up. I haven't gotten a chance to make a large post yet.

*stereotype horror audience* Don't go in there!!
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