Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
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7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

Most Recent Posts

That's cause in the original xcom they were so op that to finish any advanced mission you needed one

I was actually going to wait til luz put it on in her post to say but here:

Red skull bracelet: grants the ability to see souls. The ability to see souls and their strength. The user can see enemies even in pitch darkness so long as they are alive and contain a soul. Can also see the strength of the soul to determine strength of the creature or life expectancy.
Can't wait to become the ultimate sniper XD

Tell them congrats, hope it lasts :)

So how are our squads picked for us?
Name: Angelo Ortega
Age: 23
Nationality: Puerto Rico
Biography: Was born in Puerto Rico and was part of a military family so they didn't stay in the country long. Soon when he was 5 years of age he left and went to Florida to live out the rest of his life. He had joined the army and was about to get married to the love of his life who was actually a nurse in a local hospital. However, he was soon broken when the invasion first came. His fiance was then killed when they came and invaded the hospital. He saw his wife covered in green goop and as a result, he killed the aliens with what little weaponry he had on him making him a noticeable and he was then given the chance to join the XCOM program after showing his proficiency at killing the greys with accuracy.
Base of Operations: South America
Squad: (Will be assigned)
Class: Sniper
Rank: Squaddie
Personality: A hard worker and willing to do whatever it took so long he could get rid of the monsters that took away the woman he loved. He is often a perfectionist not accepting anything but an accurate shot and hitting his target. It was how he was able to be a great sniper as he wouldn't accept anything but the result he desires and if not he will work relentlessly until he can get it.
Other: Carries aq gold chain necklace with the name of his fiance on it "Susan"
Strengths: Quick reactions, Marksman (Very Accurate), Iron-willed
Weaknesses: Weak constitution, Incapable of close combat, becomes enraged after the death of a squadmate.
Psionic-Potential: Yes
Mech Soldier Candidate No
Yeah thanks for reminding me, I need to get on that eventually

Grandpa looked over and was surprised at the sight of the hobgoblin before he recognized that it was one of the young ones. He didn't expect for any of them to get this strong so soon. He then calmed down a bit as hobgoblin explained what had happened and he sighed loudly in relief glad that everyone was alright and he didn't need to start digging graves again. Then he mentioned moving and visiting him and he laughed gently tapping his stick against the hobgoblins head before saying "Why would I stay here you little fool? I can't leave you, youngsters, alone after I took care of you for so long. I will only stay till the other two young ones that just left come back. Then if it is daytime we will head to the building. You will need to kill me before you get rid of me that easily" he said with a laugh patting the young one's head though now grandpa had to reach up to pat his head like a doting father.


At first, there was no response and it might seem like the god ignored him. However in the next moment, one of the swords he used to create the shrine fell in front of him on its side then on its side was written under the name Gatoven. The god of steel gave him his name, however, the god either felt no interest or was only mildly curious considering his mother was interested in his brothers and sisters. The god of steel clearly cared about the weaponry so after the goblin saw its name the sword changed and all trace of rust was removed and it was strengthed. It was as if the sword had been made new again just for him to use.
that's all I'll say, what you do is up to your own judgement...
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