Avatar of Jangel13


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current My great grandmother has died as of today. I'm going to go and see her, forgive my abruptness in going silent on you all
7 yrs ago
warning: my Wi-Fi may go out soon if it happens I won't be able to post. To all those I rp with I ask four patience until Friday
7 yrs ago
All those I rp with, I am in the direction of hurricane Irma, I won't be active for a while. Wish me luck and safety during thus hurricane season
1 like
7 yrs ago
Just fyi to all my rp partners, I'm hitting the final leg in my summer classes. I'll be busy so I'll post when I can
7 yrs ago
If someone needs a few evolution trees for a RE: monster rp then just look in my album for some I created with a friend


hey its jangel13 here, been here a while and I do allot of rp types but I like to join those that have developing powers and character depth. I'm an idea guy and can come up with ant great rp idea with only a little bit of effort but putting it to work in practice is where I have trouble so I usually have a Co gm to help with that. If you remember nothing else about me then remember this: jangel13 never gives up an rp once he starts! I am loyal to the rp and never give up unless the GM does first!

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Yeah but you and Barth are the minority :p

Evolution trees you can find on my profile under images, they aren't every evolution of course since I develop new ones when ideas arise. As for alignment I would say half follow our goddess of death and half follow our goddess of life. The new headquarters is an abandoned church but if you bare with me I have more interesting idea for you to come into the picture.

Alright then if you can dedicate yourself to regular posting then I don't see why not. Make your character though now that your here it gives me an idea :)

Will you be a dedicated rper? I would rather not have another join unless they were in for the long haul since everyone starts as a goblin.

Certainly interesting
@Crusader Lord

Your idea is a good one but I'm on the fence about spider types learning necromancy when the females can create an army of spiders for themselves. I will let you know that the final stage "reaper of souls" is veto on this path

Yeah just having then show up makes no sense, I try to make sure the stories I give you all come organically to your actions

If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it? I'm trying to make sure they appear organically to the story

No need to panic lol the rp is still going as it always has. Being a little slow is noting this group isn't used to

No worries and glad to hear it
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