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Yo, just checking up :3

Alright, I'll be eagerly waiting ^^

Yo, wanna explore the mansion together? :3
Location: Manor
Interactions: @RedXIII@LazyBoy@Aristocles

Adara let out a sigh of disappointment as he refused to answer her question but understanding why he would keep it a secret for her, letting him know with a comforting smile. "I know how dangerous it can be, revealing your true nature to others.. Seeing how it changes the peoples opinion of you in an instant can be very scary." She said in a warm tone to try and sooth the young man in trusting her at least a little bit. She turns over the pages on her book till she finds a clean page before writing the name "Pike" on the top of the page, closing it with a smile on her face.

The vampire tried to respond to his comments before hearing a dragon-like being intertwining in their conversation, making her rather annoyed by the fact that such a being could have the gall to interrupt her. The girl began to find humor in hearing his world, almost sounding like those snobby nobles she had met previously, making her scatter out a couple chuckles. "A dragon boy living in a manor and having a butler even. I might even ask why you would come to this place if your people lived such a cushy lifestyle, so cushy in fact that it almost seems like your people are barely in contact with any humans at all." Her smile turned a bit darker as she thought about the subject matter a bit more. "Are you perhaps here to laugh at the other monsters here who didn't have such a nice life? Those that always had to hide who they are.... Those who had to flee for days on end just to live another day.. If so... You young man, make me sick. She looked as if she got angrier by the second. "You seem very proud to be a Dracon or whatever you might be, so perhaps you're just seeking to impress with how prestigious your race can be"

She finished her words for him as she quickly returned to Pike. "Sorry for that sudden outburst. It's completely fine to hide your origins." Her face became a lot lighter with the warm smile coming back. "I do hope we'll be able to start a quiet life here without being hunted on a weekly basis. Adara chuckled a bit before taking a quick sprint, having her stand close to him as she whispered. "I saw how pained you looked when not revealing anything to me so if you ever want to talk about such things, know that I'm here young man." The vampire whistled as if nothing was said before. "Not that I've seen... They may still be resting I guess"

Aaaah~ I thought it was a little peak for her

I'll try to reply in a bit :3
Question, with "He noticed her curious eye examine him briefly and couldn't help but give a quick glance at his appearance to ensure nothing was out of the ordinary" Did he check himself out or am I reading it wrong?
Location: Manor
Interactions: @RedXIII@LazyBoy

Adara looked rather confused as she eyed the stranger who adressed himself as Pike, he looked human too although didn’t really feel completely human, perhaps a halfbreed of Some sort. She did enjoy the view of the rather human-like people around her now and thought it would only be appropriate to introduce herself to the boy. “The name’s Adara Kraith. The pleasure is all mine young man” The girl responded in kind with a bow before eyeing the boy once again to see if she could find a clue to his inhuman nature.

She pulled out her book and went looking for clues on what the boy might be, only to find nothing in her notes matching with what she’s looking at. “Boy, mind telling me what you are exactly?" The small vampire asked with a soft but rather demanding tone, annoyed that she didn’t have his race documented.
It was a bit smaller than I'd personally like...

but hey as long as you don't think of Adara as a child she's your friend :3
Location: Manor
Interactions: @RedXIII

"Depends on your mood? I know some people can be cranky when they've woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but becoming less human is not something I've heard before." Her tone being quite sarcastic from hearing his response. She became intrigued with what made him inhuman like her as to her he just looked like a normal young man to her, just like her old apprentice. She would walk in with him as he opened the door.

The small vampire would walk after the young man as they entered the manor. She was looking around the manor in a happy twirl, taking in the view of misfits that were outside. Seeing the ensemble made her let out a nervous smile as she thought to herself 'I guess this really is a monster manor, hopefully they won't notice my human nature and get aggressive' saying before letting out a nervous sigh. The manor however called her nerves a bit as it was very cozy and weirdly enough made her think of her old school. She would let out a couple tears as she recollected about her previous life again, holding her medallion that held her cloak.

"A deal, huh? You have guts kid, I like that~" She smiled smugly as he offered her a deal, thinking about her possibilities in this manor to give her the most relaxed life her. "And I assume you want something in return for helping little old me, come out with it and I might agree to it." Saying as she didn't fully trust him but thought he was the most normal person among them and would be a shame to not use this opportunity to have at least one ally in this manor.

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