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Hildr the Red

A Fallen Friend

The main battle concluded, all that remained was either dead or dying. Parrench and Eskandr share the same mud to die on. After roaming for a while longer on this field of death, Hildr found something that made her blood boil. A skirmish between Drudgunzean knights. She could barely notice the subtle differences in armor. To think brothers and sisters have slain each other for others. Did they even know what they were fighting for or did Wulfric fill their heads with grandeur. The elite Kressian knights, felled by their own brothers.

Among the bodies was a younger man, wearing more regal armor with an insignia all too familiar to her. It was the captain of Kressia’s Rote Blattes, Claus. The woman could feel own magic boiling up once more, trying her hardest to stay calm. “You damned fool… How dare you die before me…” Hildr, at the brink of tears, took the body of her deceased comrade and walked back to the ship.

All the while thinking about her brother, praying he wasn’t slain in this carnage. He might be a Quentic but he’s still her brother after all. What little affection she can give she will grant.

What truly was the point of this?


The knight’s expression grew dark upon seeing her liege celebrating with some of the Eskandr. He was quick to notice Hildr and the corpse she was carrying. “Ah, if it isn’t my favourite knight! It seems they weren’t strong enough to kill you.” The man laughed as he drank before examining her further. “But what’s this here? Did you actually get hurt? That’s a first.” Hildr laid down the body. “Claus didn’t make it..”

Wulfric looked at the body. “A shame, now I have to look for someone who’d take the mantle of knight captain again. Perhaps this is your chance to become the captain. I am nothing if not generous after all.”

“Wulfric, I won’t take his place, I wouldn’t be able to do it any justice.” Wulfric shrugged before patting her on the shoulder. “You survived, take pride in that… And tend to your wounds.”

Growing Doubts

“I am powerful, but artless.” Hildr repeated to herself, remembering the dialogue she had with the laughing knight. He seemed weirdly sincere with his words. Those words burned into her mind. "not in control of your own abilities. You've relied on raw force for too long instead of learning how to actually apply it." Has that been the case? Was she too confident in her own power that she grew complacent? Then the line he told her after hit her "Truth is, I could've killed you, back at the court, and perhaps now. I mean that not as an insult, but as a truth.” It caused her body to shake from fear. Was she really that dumb that she couldn’t even notice how unmatched she was against him.

Why would he want her to be on the side of the Parrench? What could she learn if she did? “Do not remain beholden to the people of your past” What were his end goals with these words. Were they just to confuse her or was there truth behind it? And that name, Branimir… How would he know someone that’s important to her that she wouldn’t know?

It just didn’t make any sense. Maybe talking with Hrothgar would get some sense into her mind

Dorothea Hohnstein
von Albesatz-Danzau

Looking around the halls, only to see a bunch of fallen bodies laying around. Some look dead, others look fine enough. She really wanted to close in and help some of them to recover but Eun-Ji wished for her help and if she can save the ship she might be able to save most of the lives she put in danger. Thoughts about it being all her fault pass through her mind as the corridor now presents an even larger density of bodies. Her resolve to help turned rather dangerous as she thought to herself:

I must right my wrongs even if it may cost me my life.

Finally noticing her fellow student after a while, she steeled herself to not show any weakness in her expression. “Whatever I can do to help, I will do it.” She looked away for a little while before facing the other again. “I may not be great at magic but I do know a little Arcane magic, yes.”

She looked worried about the fact she might be of little use but however small her worth may be she needs to help. If only Karl was here… She always knew what to do… To think she has been separated from them for quite a while now. However, they’re not here so she might as well try and think about what she might do.

She spilled no words and simply nodded as the Feskan and Eun-Ji rushed through the rest of the entertainment deck, finding Leon and an unknown person. He looked to be okay enough to not really need her help, quickly making it past him to the outdoors. I would most likely make the situation worst anyway...

As they ran for the outdoors thoughts began to hit her again. Would Manfred hate me after what I've done?... He usually doesn't like stupid people.. and I am the dumbest of all... Did Carmillia really abandon me or was I just wrong with that?... Am I even worthy to be in Ersand'Enise? I haven't been able to master of the more advanced techniques... Maybe Feska would be better off without the legacy of the Hohnsteins dragging it down.. Her eyes began to show signs of sadness as even her own thoughts were beating her down. No time for that! I need to keep going.. I need to. She smacked her cheeks, making her determined face return once more.

Hildr the Red


A sudden blow of air hit the woman, granting her hyper focused attention towards the axe that laid in the soil. Was she being warned by an equal or another ploy by a sly bastard? Standing still, being unable to do anything after that forceful blast against her.

Noticing that the man that had warned her picked his axe back up as his focus turned towards the older man helping the Nashorn while she was too doubtful to act. She was letting worthy prey go just because she’s scared that she would be played around by someone that doesn’t fight with any ounce of respect. All of those thoughts would completely evaporate as Hildr noticed one of the people she really hoped to see now shared a battlefield with her. That filth of a cheap knight was here as well. It got her blood boiling, it made her feel something she hasn’t felt since her brother shamed her all those years ago. True, unchecked hatred for the person who made a fool of her in a court of imbeciles. Shaming should be followed by death or the person that was shamed shall return it twofold.

A Fateful encounter

The Drudgunzean would rush towards him, dragging the zweihander behind her before swinging it onto the soil with a full blow of uncontrolled force energy, trying to get his footing off before engaging.

The Bitch Knight raged at him, slamming her sword into the ground in what looked to be some sort of tantrum. So much power, Rodric thought, so little skill. He was nowhere near the massive furrow that she gouged in the ground. In fact, he was behind her. Was she truly so blind to anything but rage that she hadn't reached out and sensed his energy? The Laughing knight appeared behind her and stuck a Force-empowered dagger into her kidney. "Surprise!" he shouted, with a wicked laugh, Boosting himself immediately away and already drawing from the rain and the wind to create all sorts of illusions. This was to be a bullfight, and he had struck the bull first with what the Tourrare called the 'Vara'. Next, would come the 'Banderilla', and then, finally, the 'Estoque'. How he would bow and flourish before the crowd. First, however, he had to see just how this bull would charge. Before that, he decided to create five false Rodrics. They all bowed low. "Welcome to the show, milady!" they taunted, "you're the main attraction!"

Being stabbed combined with that horrid laugh almost set the woman off completely, although the cold steel that was momentarily into her back was a slight wake-up call. The woman stood still as she rhythmically tapped the zweihander on the soil. "Does your head still remember my sword? I would love to let you two meet again, however I had to leave them behind." A sly grin covered her expression.

"Hey lady!" shouted five Rodrics, "What's with the little tappy-tap-tapping?" They all stuck out their tongues. "You scared to come out and fight big bad nasty wasty Sir Wodwic?" They threw back their heads and laughed. Now! Hildr thought to herself as she increased the force behind the taps massively to get the laughing knight off his footing.
The ground shook and all five of them seemed to waver, as if he was having trouble maintaining the illusion, but one of them was the real him. "By the Gods," the Rodrics exclaimed with hysterical laughter, "I am so much better than you it almost hurts." Five arcane lances converge on Hildr, fast as a cobra striking, but they have little power behind them. Her armour melts a bit from the one real one and she lets out a yelp of pain. "Fight back!" Rodric demands, appearing in front of her. "Hit me, for Eschiran's sake!"

Pain, Hatred, Unbridled rage

It was then that something inside her snapped, the reason for her title wasn’t anything grand or honourable. Her name was nothing but the color that was left after her rage had burned out, a field of crimson red, friend and foe alike. She was nothing but a curse.

Hildr's rage boils up into a eardrum rupturing yell, the force energy of it was enough for the knights fighting around them to either stagger or be knocked out from the blunt trauma. Though her target, the mocking knight, was nowhere to be spotted. Did she take too long or was he just too quick. "BASTARD! COME BACK HERE!" Was all that she spoke as her yells had substantial power behind them as of now.

Rodric wasn't hiding. There were no illusions, no tricks. He just absorbed the force from her little tantrum and used it to leap far back. He yanked a half-dozen arrows from the battlefield and sent them for her head with what energy he had left.
The woman easily shrugged off the grazes the arrows left and continued using all she had. "STOP HIDING BEHIND THESE TRICK ATTACKS!" It barely mattered if it was friend or foe, these blasts did not discriminate as there was no control over the output any longer.

"Ah right," Rodric replied, "you'd prefer I stand there like a target dummy so might actually hit me. That's just called being a shitty warrior. No thanks!"
"IT'S CALLED BEING A MAN OF HONOUR!" Hildr swings her zweihander into the ground of the general direction of the laughing knight.
"There are lots of honourable corpses around here," Rodric said, almost conversationally. She slammed her sword into the ground for another of those shockwave attacks, but he'd seen that before and was ready. He absorbed what came directly at him and let the rest dissipate harmlessly. "Not very creative, are we?" He sent the energy back at her in a Force shove that smacked her in the helmet and forced her to stumble back, but she recovered momentarily and he didn't press his advantage. Instead, Rodric pulled upon the threads of light to create another illusion.

Hildr's mind was at its breaking point as she saw herself in that bastard's skin. There was no chance to win any longer. Her body tires from the yelling as it couldn't keep up with her own body's output any longer. Her own attitude would calm down from her body failing to keep up. "Bastard. . . You win, I give up. . . I surrender. . ." She kept her own senses on point as her eyes were failing here due to this illusion.

A Different Side of the Knight.

"Ah!" said all of the Rodrics, "So the old dog can learn new tricks!" A Rodric appeared right in front of her. "Well, colour me impressed." The entire world wavered: its colours inverting momentarily.

"Lemme let you in on a little secret, Hildr-the-Red: I actually adore your king: he has style, presence, panache! Alas, he worships false Gods and, well, I'm locked into mine along with my king, you know how it is. Oh, and you can drop the act, by the way. I won't be falling for it. I don't actually really want to kill you. You have such... power and so little control." The Rodric in front of her lowered its guard. "We're a bit away from the thick of it, don't you think? Why don't we sit and have a little chat, you and I?"

"Then.... let's chat for a bit, although I do need more than just words to fully trust you..." Hildr was still on guard but decided to not attack her foe. If he had something to say of substance... then she's willing to hear him out, his praise of wulfric was a point of interest that immediately resonated inside her mind, this sudden change in attitude made her almost physically flinch "Speak your mind then."
Rodric sits down beside her. There are still many Rodrics. She is still Rodric. "Why is it that you fight against us, Lady Hildr?" She tried her hardest to ignore the illusions as she sat down as well. "Because Wulfric told me to. Otherwise I would have most likely not bothered with it." A tired sigh was let out from the knight. "And to protect my blood brother, although I have yet to find him."

"So you're here out of obligation." He tilted his head to one side and spat. "I'm here because I like to fight. I could give a toss about Gods or kings. I wanna master my craft, you know?" He shook his head. "But not you maybe? Is your heart really in this?"

"I couldn't care less about what this is about. I love to fight, I am thrilled to test my skills although all these knights were not even worth killing... That one girl using illusions pissed me off..." the knight remembered the face of Osanna well, that grin as she mocked her.

"You are powerful, but artless," said Rodric bluntly, "not in control of your own abilities. You've relied on raw force for too long instead of learning how to actually apply it." He shook his head. "Truth is, I could've killed you, back at the court, and perhaps now. I mean that not as an insult, but as a truth. You should be on our side, Hildr. You could learn much. Do not remain beholden to people who are a part of your past." The lines were breaking. Someone high up on the Parrench side had panicked and sounded an urgent defense of the walls.

"It looks as if my fool allies are falling for your king's trick. Hrothgar is a wise man, even if cruel, but there is only so long that he can keep this up. The Parrench are not warriors by nature, but they are proud and they are very many. They will not let you take and hold this land." He started to rise, to leave.
"I can't just abandon everything I know, right?... Even if what you say is the truth, your king still made me an enemy for no reason." Hildr stood up, making sure there was no trick behind this. "If you truly wish for me to be an ally, then we shall talk it out." She looked him in the eyes, unwavering as she looked at the battlefield for a split second.

"Alas, milady, time grows short. The horns are blowing and fools are leaving. Think on what I've said, and you may want to look up a healer known as Branimir of Aldpest should your travels take you back to Kressia anytime soon. He may have much to tell you." With that, the many Rodrics disappeared, except for the one standing in front of her. He took a brief bow and left for the Parrench retreat.

Branimir of Aldpest?.... What would she have to seek with a healer? Does he know her? All of this left the warrior with many thoughts and doubts. Were the Eskandr in the right to waste so many lives for land they can’t keep? What was Hrothgar’s great plan after this?

Hildr walked away from any sort of danger towards the Eskandr’s landed fleet. She needs time to rest and think about what happened.

Dorothea Hohnstein
von Albesatz-Danzau

Interactions: Herself?, Zarra:@BreathOfTheWoof

“The ship is sinking? Did my reckless actions really get this bad? Maybe that man was right and I don’t deserve my people’s faith” Dorothea’s expression would worsen even further. “But if they need me, I can’t sit here doing nothing…” The woman was in a state of deep thought as everything in her close vicinity burned and flooded.

An image of herself with a wicked grin appeared in her mind. “As if you could ever live up to your family’s legacy. It’s a futile struggle, how can you even think that under the Rednitz you could even regain a small bit of the family’s former prestige?” “Shut it, Why would I think that?” A sigh came from the image “Accept it, you are only the heir of the Hohnsteins because your brother is more worthless than you and the only other candidate… well let’s just say you took care of that yourself.” “That was a mistake! I never thought he’d try to break the rules in a duel.” “Yet you crippled him for life for a small cheat, was that really worth it?” the true Dory's expression became more and more melancholic “I… I have nothing to defend that, that is why I want to lead this family to some extent to greatness.” The image began to get impatient with the self to cope with her circumstances. “Believe it or not but this joke of a noble family you call great will be nothing but a speck of dust once you fail once more and get married off to, what was his name again? Oh right, Alfred. You know, becoming his wife might not be the worst. It beats trying to save a dead family.” Dorothea remembered one thing that caused her to smirk. “If you truly think that, you aren’t worth my time.”

Opening her eyes once again the Feskan stood up. “If they truly need me, I should at least try. Giving up is not a thing I was taught after all.” standing up, not with the best mood but at least she stands again. The Feskan rushed towards the door of the cargo hold before turning around and looking at Zarra. “Thank you, for taking care of me.” Now turning back towards the door and running out. If she could help in any way she will.

Hildr the Red

The caravan had the woman on edge, being in this feminine attire didn’t help with her feeling off either. Her thoughts about it all came to a halt when someone approached her. “By Ipte, what have I caught here today? A fair lady.” Hildr was visibly disgusted with the man. “Could you please refrain from this, I do not wish for any trouble. . .” the man closed the distance further with intent in his eyes. “Oh, miss. I do not wish for any trouble. I just wish for some fun.” It was then that the man touched her, causing the warrior to grab his arm and slam him down, shaking the cart. “Dare to speak to me like that again you Quentic dog!” Just moments later the cart was silent and the man sat far away from the woman, clenching his arm.

A couple days have passed and the caravan hit its destination of Salterburgh. Hildr took a deep breath as she stepped out and looked upon her kingdom of origin. going through the capital to search for a place to stay the night, she could hear whispers about her. Had she done something that caused trouble here or had Kressia become Quentic too? She couldn’t care about that for now, all that was required now was a peaceful night’s rest. Finding an inn and rather swiftly hitting the hay. The same couldn’t be said for the morning as two Kressian warriors waited for her outside. “Hildr, Duke Wulfric wishes your audience.”

Wulfric, that man probably summoned her to ask for her hand in marriage once more. He wasn’t even that bad of a man either, liked and approved by her father as well. Yet something about him sets her off. Like the passionate attempts were more cold and calculated. Once arriving in the court the duke welcomed the knight with open arms. “HIldr, it’s been too long! Have you reconsidered my offer?” Wulfric stood up from his stool and hugged his guest.

“I have not, Wulfric. . . However it is good to see that you are well.” Wulfric would fake a pained expression. “Oh, Hildr. How you hurt me so!” There was a twinkle in his eye, but this play ended rather soon as a serious look replaced it. “This was not why I summoned you here. Have you heard the news about Hrothgar?” The woman nodded. “Of course I have, it’s spread to every corner in Drudgunze.” Wulfric extended his arm towards the other with a confident smile. “I want you to join me in aiding his assault.”

“I accept.” The warrior smiled warmly, shaking the duke’s hand. “However, you might need to wear the armor of one of my knights. . I have plans for you, friend.” Hildr would look surprised. “one of your knights? This isn’t a trick to get me stuck in Kressia again, right?” Wulfric let go of her hand and faked a shocked expression. “You know I wouldn’t trick you into working under me. . . However, I do have some gifts for you once we return.” A sigh followed the warrior’s breath. “What is it this time? A piece of land? Becoming knight-captain?” a sly grin covered the duke’s face. “No, no, nothing like that. I want you to take your father’s place as my personal aide. That Quentic idiot brother of yours has been pestering me for this position and I would much rather give it to someone who isn’t ‘the lesser’. You know your father’s spent from ever fighting again, this is why I need you, Hildr. . . What do you say?” The conflicted Hildr nodded. “It’s quite dirty to bring my father into this. . . However I agree Siegfried isn’t meant to be in that position, especially after converting. .”

“Wonderful! Now that that’s sorted, we have to discuss my plans. I will plant you into my forces wearing our attire. We wouldn’t want them to know a dragonslayer was within our midst, you’d become an instant target and you’re worth more to me alive then dead.” “I see, that makes sense. I don’t think I’ll be able to move as comfortably in it however. .” Wulfric laughed. “That is the point Hildr, to not catch too much attention! If a knight suddenly starts fighting with the same force behind their hits as you they’d immediately realize something is off.” With an arm over the other’s shoulder the duke showed much confidence in his plan. “I will make sure the armor is fitted for you before we depart. Be sure to be ready within four day’s time.”

As some time had passed a rather annoyed Hildr would look upon the fleet that she was among. “I never thought Hrothgar would be this serious about it. . However the battle will turn, none will be happy with the results.” the Red now in Kressian knight attire would be approached by the same duke that had coerced her to join. “Isn’t this great? This will be our great triumph over those Quentic swines, hah!” Hildr was hesitant to be too excited. “Will this really be a triumph? Word has probably already spread and I am sure they wouldn’t be dumb enough to not reinforce it. . Hrothgar’s a smart man, but this will just get good men killed.” “I’m sure he has a plan that would be foolproof.” The duke laughed before returning to his men.

I’m sure you’re also going to be there, blood brother. . And I hope you were wise enough not to have Vali join you. That boy is perhaps even more talented than us both, but he is not ready for a battle like this yet. .

Hildr the Red

It took her quite a bit of courage to even have the gall to talk back to him. With a rather shaky voice the knight responded.

"I only believe because of the man who gifted me with a life worth living..."

She tried to swallow some lingering saliva as her throat felt dry after the king confronted her about her blood brothers. It was then that a reassuring memory of her first blood brother, the death hand from their time slaying the beast. Hildr let out a soft smile.

"Do not worry your highness. If I meet them as enemies... I shall sent them to their grave honourably... More than I would give the Parrencemen."

Otto paused for a moment, seeming to consider. If anything, his scowl only deepened. "Clear a space," he commanded, drawing a mighty longsword. "Bard, let us see how well your music might follow the cut and thrust of battle." The king squared himself up. "It is clear to me that you cannot be trusted," he told Hildr. "However, I am nothing if not a fair man. You heeded my summons in good faith and so I shall give you a way to leave here in spite that you are my enemy."

He cleared his throat. "Sir Danneman, step forward." At that, a small, nimble-looking man emerged from the pack of guards. His armour was lighter than most, only covering vital spots. He held a number of daggers strapped to his person and a bastard sword in his left hand. He began circling wordlessly, eyes fixed on Hildr and yet darting about his surroundings, taking them in. "This is Sir Rodric Danneman, a... knight in my service. I would fight you myself but, sadly, I now have higher responsibilities as a king."

The guards had cleared a large space in the center of the great hall. "This shall be a duel," declared the king. "Combatants shall fight to first blood and no further. Fatal blows are to be discouraged but, in the heat of the moment, we shall acknowledge that accidents happen." Otto glanced at his chosen champion. "Should your hand slip and this pagan goes to meet Eschiran and know the error of her ways, you will not be counted a murderer."

"At stake is your freedom as an enemy of this kingdom." He turned to Hildr. "Win and you shall be given provisions and four days to cross the border into your native Kressia. Lose, and you shall be imprisoned as an enemy national." The king stepped back, surrounded by a dozen royal guards, and raised an arm. They began shouting words of encouragement to Sir Rodric: "Eschiran empower you!", "Slay that heathen!", "We shall feast after this, Rod, I know it!"

After a moment of tense silence, Otto dropped his raised arm. "Commence!" he shouted.
All at once, there was a large intake of energy. Sir Rodric disappeared and, surrounding Hildr were five of him. Each began stamping his lead foot, and the sound seemed to come equally from all directions.

Hildr could feel the stamping of that lead foot resonate through her entire body, the thrill of the coming battle overtaking her. It was invigorating, although the way the opponent was fighting got the hire blade rather annoyed.

"Rodric was it?... May I have the privilege to ask what kind of parlour trick this is? I thought this was meant to be a battle, not a dance." To think someone would dare use illusions in a duel. It made her all the more mad thinking about it. "To think Otto sets the bar for being a knight so low, I almost pity the other knights for being grouped with you." A sly smirk covered her face as she showed herself in a false sense of being open.

There was not a word from Rodric. Instead, one of the five of him plunged right for the opening, while another, moving perhaps slightly faster than the others, circled around to the precise opposite side, trying to hide his half-step forward and tensing up to strike.

There it was, that rush of adrenaline, the man didn't even try to hit her in a non-lethal spot. Hildr picked up a divergence in the sound, it wasn't only the one in front that stopped circling her.... There was also one that deviated from the other side. seeing there wasn't any more time to respond, the knight moved her body slightly to swing the arming sword while aiming for the temple, hoping she calculated his steps well enough.

There was nothing that motivated Sir Rodric quite like a good insult. Nothing more enjoyable to take down than a haughty knight who judged him based on his fighting style. That this pagan would think him so predictable!

Hildr's sword flashed through the shadow clone that he'd set up to give the the appearance of being his true self, sneaking in from behind. Meanwhile, the assassin came at her from the front, his true self the obvious 'decoy'. His sword plunged into the gap beneath her armpit and struck true, drawing a small trickle of blood from beneath her armpit.

Yet, then, something crashed into his head with stunning force, and he staggered backwards, blinking furiously.

The stinging pain of being struck hit the knight as she realised she had guessed wrong, angering her to no end.

Using force magic to draw the blade back with unexpected speeds for such a blade. Hitting the knight of trickery in the head with enough force to draw blood, her pummel barely stained from the quickness of it.

The woman goes in to strike the disoriented knight once more before realizing she had already drawn blood.

Rodric staggered back but quickly caught himself, automatically warping the light to disappear from sight, and not a moment too soon. She had one in for a second strike, the filthy pagan, intent on unnecessary bloodshed as they all were. She was quick as she was wicked and uncocuth, this Hildr: the work Force magic, Rodric knew, an 'honourable' type of magic to the haughty types, while his wasn't. He was used to the double standards by now, of course.

He reappeared some distance away and bowed. Imperfection on his part, but he had learned much. "It appears she drew blood at nearly the same time as I," Rodric admitted. "I apologize for my failure, my king." If he'd faced her the way that he preferred, of course, without the formality of a duel in King Otto's great hall, she wouldn't have even seen him coming. The pagan bitch would be lying in a pool of her own blood, mewling for her heathen Gods to take her soul to their green groom or whatever it was. As it was, he had embarrassed himself utterly by not making sport of her. Such strength and reflexes, he acknowledged to himself, and the former for a woman!

Sir Rodric Danneman knelt before his king and bowed his head low. "I shall compensate for my failure by going in person to Relouse, should your majesty allow it, and leading our mission there."

King Otto stepped forward, now that the duel had reached its unsatisfactory conclusion. "It appears that Dami has spared you for the time being, but as halfheartedly as possible." He addressed Hildr now. "For what purpose, I cannot say, but I bow to the wisdom of the Pentad." He cleared his throat and twisted. "As for you, Sir Rodric, you shall accompany our contingent to Relouse. You shall fight in that conflict and you shall return here and advise me as to the strengths of the two armies involved. We shall speak at length this evening.

He regarded Hildr once more. "As for you, woman, Sir Rodric struck simultaneously and, had he not been aiming for a wounding strike, doubtless could've sent you to your death. Thus, coupled with your behaviour and refusal to disavow false gods, the initial generosity of my offer has been rescinded. You are to leave, immediately, with but the articles in your possession. On my honour as king, you will be given two days to remove yourself from my kingdom, unharried. Should you return, however, I expect it shall be among the Eskandr, where you shall be shown no quarter nor mercy." His guards formed up around him. They parted only to let her pass out the door.

"She will have none from me," said Sir Rodric quietly. Then, more loudly. "I look forward to seeing you upon the beaches of Relouse, my lady, though I doubt you will so much as see me before meeting your gods."

As the battle had come to a close and the tension left the room, Hildr’s normal attitude returned. Coming off much weaker as before.

“Then I thank you for your accommodation… And hope to the Father to not meet you in battle, your highness….”

Being escorted out of the hall seemed rather unnecessary to her as the knight already planned to leave. Kressia… She hadn’t been there in a while and it might be worth some coin to be hired there once more. Lindermetz, however, was a lost cause. They’d been wary but open last time. Now, a kind of dogmatic inflexibility had taken over and they were kicking her out as if she were a criminal after having invited her as a guest.

She brushed out of the doorway and there stood an array of commonfolk being ushered away for the day. One woman, however, remained, hands posted on hips. “I heard what happened in there, Lady Knight.” She was middle-aged and a bit overweight, with a leathery face and hard, flinty eyes. “It ain't right what they done to you.” She shook her head. “But they been doin’ it more an’ more lately.” She glanced sourly at the door and, rather presumptuously, reached out and took Hildr by the arm. “Now, they given you two days because they know it in’t enough time to get outta this place, but that’s if you’re you.” She grinned, displaying a crooked, yellowed, but generally well-cared-for set of teeth. “We fix you up with a traveling cloak or a nice dress - on your coin, of course - hide the weapons in a bag… nobody’ll be the wiser. I know a caravan leaving for Salterburgh* ‘round about dinnertime. We hurry, we can getcha on it and somewhere safer.” She paused, forcing Hildr to do the same. “Name’s Frida, by the way. Already got yours. Now what say you?”

"Why would you help a heathen?... Shouldn't you hate me for following the old ways?" Even though she herself wasn't even that religious, she did get the downsides of it. "But if you truly offer it from the bottom of your heart… I can't refuse… I'll pay for it all.. and I'll be in your debt.." Hildr let out a soft smile towards the woman.

Frida quirked an eyebrow. “All muscle and not much brains to you, huh?” She shook her head and lowered her voice. “Not all of us are on about Ipty, Damy, Shoon, and whatever the other two are, you know.” She sniffed and shook her head tightly. “We should be looking out for each other jus’ like the Quentists do. Anyways, fair’s just fair, you know, and you didn’t get ‘fair’ treatment at all. Bugs me.” She pressed her lips into a line, businesslike, and nodded. “Now let’s get you dolled up and on your way. You’re a pretty young thing beneath all that armour. Shouldn’t be hard.”

Hildr would blush slightly as the other complimented her appearance. "You're not a Quentist?... I never would have guessed... Alright, let's go with your plan. I Will promise to pay you well for your efforts." It seems that the woman was true to her word and after a small redressing in more feminine attire, Hildr set off to Kressia in a newly made dress. It had made her feel rather awkward.

After way too long a wait, here's a mediocre sheet

Dorothea Hohnstein
von Albesatz-Danzau

Manfred: @Force and Fury, Carmilla: @Animus

It doesn’t make sense! Everything went all according to plan and then it all went dark. How could I fail this much? I had everything gifted to me on a silver platter, yet I screwed it up like a damned dummkopf! The Feskan was still in deep thought as she was being led by Manfred. She couldn’t tell him what happened, can she? Would he still accept her? I’ve done the unthinkable after all…

The usually brash and loud girl was now no more than shaking and scared lamb, letting her frame be consumed by her own cloak as she tried to make herself as small as possible. It seems like being out of the chaotic brawl gave her brain ample time to start thinking about what went down.

Her eyes widened upon the realization. There stood Carmillia. The person that was supposed to help her. Did she truly leave her behind? She opened one of her small satchels and began filling her dueling pistol with gunpowder, finishing it up with the small lead ball.

As they closed the distance on the rest of the group, Dory aimed her pistol not at the mages in front of them but at her fellow student. A Mad look unbefitting the woman covered her face as she mumbled. “Filthy Perrenchwoman… Dirty traitors… You’ll pay for stamping over my trust…”

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