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    1. jasonwolf 11 yrs ago


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@Witch Cat@shinigami94

Within the safe were three main things: money, a silver bauble, and letters. Counting out the money it would come to about six thousand give or take, a fairly hefty amount to just have on hand. The bauble appeared purely decorative not an ounce of magic to it. The letters were interesting though. All were addressed to a Mr. and Mrs. Cassion on Gadt Rd. in Vermont. The letters were signed Felix. The general point of them was an apology. It was clear that Felix was a runaway unsure exactly how to explain his magic to his parents a couple of old fashioned god fearing farmers. At the same time there was a clear anger with them for how they never approved of his interests, but he swore he’d prove their worth.


In the basement the desk had four main books on it. One on ice magic, one on enchanting armor, one of animation of objects, and a manga about giant robots and space aliens. At just the right angle an alchemical circle could be seen drawn with frost. It seemed to have mixed symbols from multiple studies to try and create a spell or ritual that could encompass multiple fields at once. This was hard enough for highly trained masters, but everything indicated the mage here was a novice. The idea of merging alchemy, ritualology, aracanology, and hunter enchanting into one event with only one person at this level was basically suicide, but something had occurred with this likely at its center.


“Homunculus? Sounds more like a construct or golem. Homunculus are far more human like. Wait you mean it is casting spells? Normal golems are not nearly intelligent enough to do that. Either it’s master is very close or it was made by an exceptional mage. While the black space seems like the best weak point I’m not sure if you’ll be able to really impact it. Anyone with even a vague knowledge of golems would keep the core very well defended, and the magic is the strongest right there so if this thing is channeling spells then they emanate from there. Heck Baron’s attack may be why it suddenly is able to cast spells so easily the magic is literally leaking out. If the investigations team can’t find anything it might be the only option though. Crack it open more then wear it down. I’m going to tell everything to the investigations team. Hang on.” Seph sounded almost like a college professor discussing theories and what not with a colleague.

Seph was quick to relay everything to the investigations and relayed the findings of the team back to Mithias.
@Witch Catthe start is the honeymoon period. The slow is after.

@fdevianti know that feeling. Take breaks as you get them.

Is it possible to be a spooky ghostie in this?

A temporal body stuck between this world and the next allowing this person to affect the physical world and the after world but only in limited ways due to the conflict of being stuck between both worlds? This character could serve by communicating with the dead or scouting ahead for potential dangers, tracking people unseen, etc...

A potential explanation of this type of ghost could be necromancy mistake or a seance gone wrong, maybe.

It could be super interesting, maybe. But it is up to you guys, I guess.

While I think it'd be an interesting character it doesn't really fit the RPG's main purpose. First and foremost it is about the study of magic and use of the knowledge. If you were a ghost I'd consider you to no longer have normal magical abilities meaning you couldn't be an ologist. You'd just have ghost abilities. Something about it just doesn't feel right for the grand scheme of things. While I admit things are light right now on the "science of magic" it'll be fairly important to the larger overarching story. The way i have this planned is story arc, free roam, story arc, free roam, etc. The whole time over though hints to a larger story that very heavily deals with the scientific study of magic.

I suppose if you could sell me on how a ghost still fits into that aspect I'd be willing to listen. For now it just seems that a ghost doesn't work well when the focus shifts to ologists and the studies of magic.
<Snipped quote by Polyphemus>

Terrifying and nerve wrecking. Just found the balls bravery to join a second RP and and possibly a third. I'm dripping adrenaline right now.

So my weekend is pretty chill.

Just remember not everyone tolerates shitposting. some people will straight up kick you for it.
I'm working on world stuff since I'm bored and to get the thoughts going I'm watching the original Digimon movie. At the very least it is the greatest soundtrack EVER.
@Witch CatIf you bug me too much then I might just booby trap it with the most evil thing a weeb can use.

A mystical tune begins to echo from the safe forcing everyone who hears it to dance and sing gibberish forever. youtube.com/watch?v=zvq9r6R6QAY

Do you want this hell because I will send you there.

The onslaught had taken its toll. The creature was forced back falling into the muddy earth. It even seemed to be melting. Then why did it feel colder? The golem shattered sending ice spikes in all directions. A smaller golem, now maybe twenty feet as opposed to thirty, stood up still with the black mass at its core. A distorted inhuman voice echoed from it as the blizzard began again,

“rýdulæg asír”

It seemed that the group had underestimated the intelligence of the being as it was now beginning to cast spells itself. It summoned multiple small constructs made of the ice. Soon the group was outnumbered ten to one by the constructs.

“Canon fodder.” Jaklo hissed, “Too scared to fight us alone? Either way more grist for the mill.”

As much as Jaklo had enjoyed running around it was clear the group needed to hold the defensive for now. Throwing themselves at the golem had just made it change tactics and it didn’t seem like the loss of size mattered that much.

“Let’s keep this tight. We need to report this to the investigations team, let them know what to look for. Someone get in contact we’ll cover. Cass know any wards? Now’d be a good time to start using those. Drake run intercept on the big guy. Everyone else, range is hot.”

On the last word Jaklo reloaded Arcane Justice with normal buckshot, and fired into the field of advancing constructs.
@Wraithblade6It is, but It's my post anyway.
@Witch Catthe glass bottle was the rot bomb. it went off before you guys even reached the house. Basically it's an airated potion that would have spread all over the room spreading fungi and rot.
@Witch Cat I told you the house is super empty. This is meant to be stupidly simple because it is the first case.
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