Avatar of jasonwolf
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: jasonwolf
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 961 (0.25 / day)
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    1. jasonwolf 11 yrs ago


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@Polyphemus You do the salads. Jaklo will do the meats. I feel like Jaklo would happily bring fresh goose and roast it for everyone.
@Polyphemus@fdeviant@Wraithblade6@shinigami94@dragonmancer@HeirloomRoses@Austronaut@Witch Cat@AdobeFlash@R31GN

So I don't know about you lot, but I'd quite enjoy the idea that Austronaut has suggested of a dinner party just to see how terribly that might go IC, so if that wanted to happen I'd be all for it.

As much as I want to do the next arc having it fit in and letting the story get there has been troubling me.
@Holy Soldier Probably should have been more blunt about that I suppose.

Gnar, The Missing Link

K (Kills)/D (Deaths)/A (Assists)


W (Wins): 0 | L (Losses): 0

Affiliation: Bandle City, Freljord (ancient), Independant

Role: Fighter, Tank

Attributes: Gnar possesses two forms both with greatly different abilities. Gnar, mini Gnar, is fleet of foot and highly dexterous making him a great ranged poke champ who can harass and leave with little issue. Mega Gnar is much more of a tank who can engage hard and stay in the fight.

Height: Mini: 3 feet Mega: 12 ½ feet (on hind legs) 9 feet tall (all fours)

Weight: Mini: 98 lbs Mega: 640 lbs

Written Appearance: Gnar like modern yordles is a small fuzzy creature who more often than not will solicit a “D’awww” upon first sight. He has big round eyes, a button nose, and floppy ears all adding to his adorable facade. Unlike his modern kin Gnar dresses in animal skins and wears a small hat made of bones. His unkempt fur is mostly bright orange but blue at the tips of his ears and tail. He carries a small bone boomerang which he hold very dearly.

Mega Gnar throws all of that, and more, out the window. He becomes a giant outsizing most men. He gains massive tusks and razor sharp teeth. His fur turns a dark red, but retains the blue sections.

Personality: Gnar is clearly of limited intellect. There is debate if it is because he is a child or if it's because of his primordial nature. Despite that Gnar is a joyful small creature somewhat akin to a puppy. He adores playing and running, but he doesn’t seem to know his own strength. He often imitates those around him and treats life like a game. That is at least until you tick him off. Gnar’s rage gene turns the child into a monster. In this form he is far more beast than yordle. While sometimes he can still be calmed in this form more often than not the transformation sends him into a tantrum rampage.

• Everyone who gives snacks.


•Everyone who does not share snacks.

Special Abilities

Rage Gene

While in combat Gnar generates Rage. At maximum Rage his next ability will transform him into Mega Gnar, granting increased survivability and access to new spells.

Gnar will be capable of transforming into Mega Gnar every 3rd turn. On the third turn, Gnar will be able to retain his rage form for 1 turn.

Boomerang Throw/Boulder Toss

Gnar throws a boomerang that damages and slows enemies it hits before returning to him. The maximum range of the boomerang is 10 meters. If he catches the boomerang its cool down is reduced, allowing Gnar to cast Boomerang Throw every 5 posts as opposed to waiting 1 full turn.

Mini Gnar: Throws a boomerang that deals physical damage and slows enemies for 1 turn duration. The boomerang returns towards Gnar after successfully hitting an enemy.

Mega Gnar: Throws a boulder that stops when it hits an enemy, dealing physical damage and slowing enemies within 3 meters of the impact site for 1 turn. Picking up the boulder allows Mega Gnar to use the ability once more on the next turn without cool down penalty.

Cooldown: 1 turn


Gnar's attacks and spells hype him up, dealing bonus damage and granting him Movement Speed.

Mega Gnar is too enraged to be hyper and instead can rear up on his hind legs and smash down on the area in front of him, stunning enemies in an area.

Mini Gnar - Passive: Every 3rd successful attack or spell on the same target will shatter 1 piece of enemy champion's magic resistance gear.

Mega Gnar - capable of stunning enemies 3 meters in front of him, stunning all those caught within wallop's path for 1 turn. Mega Gnar wallops so hard that he cannot be interrupted by stuns during his windup. Mini Gnar is capable of using wallop as a surprise transformation into Mega Gnar when all other abilities are in cool down.

Cooldown: 1 turn


Gnar leaps to a location and bounces off the head of any unit helands on, traveling further.

Mega Gnar is too large to bounce and instead lands with earth-shattering force, dealing damage in an area around him.

Mini Gnar - capable of dodging and evading an opponent, an opponent's attack, ability, or ultimate, depending on the nature of the ult. Gnar can only use this move once before facing cool down consequences. If Gnar lands on a minion, monster or enemy champion, then he will not only damage them, but bounce off and travel further.

Mega Gnar- jumps and crushes or "crunches" enemies caught within 3 meters of his impact site. Enemy champions caught directly beneath Mega Gnar during a crunch can die instantly if not wearing proper gear. Otherwise, 1 piece of physical armor is damaged if Mega Gnar successfully deals damage to enemy champions.

Cooldown: 1 turn


Mega Gnar throws everything around him in a chosen direction, dealing damage and slowing them for 1 turn duration. Any enemy that hits a wall is stunned for 1 turn duration, killed instantly if not wearing proper gear, or left in a near-death state.

cooldown 3 turns

Mini Gnar - Passive: Grants Boomerang Throw an even lower Cool Down, allowing Gnar to cast Boomerang Throw after every second post. Mini Gnar's movement speed is dramatically increased.
@AustronautNow that would be interesting. Who's cooking?
@LeeRoyyes, but I'm using it for normal humans and the actual yordle lore. Huge champions are scaled down, but thats it.
@PatrickDrummeraverage height of a yordle is about two and a half to 3 feet tall (including ears). Rumble is a short yordle at about 2 maybe 1'10". Kled is probably a little over 3 feet tall (with the ears and hat). When mounted he's taller than most champs so I'd bet his lizard is maybe 4 or so feet tall at the saddle five with the head.

I know gnar is around 3'6" and turns around 10 foot tall since he becomes one of the largest champions in the game.

TL : DR I'd say Kled is maybe 3'2" with the hat. 2'6" without it
@Holy Soldier were getting power ourages around here so im down to my phone atm. Im writing the cs for Gnar, but cant upload it until the power is back (or at least the internet for my laptop.)
@Holy Soldier I'll stick with my main then. JGnar.

Also lets face it this is a character who can't speak any english and their language isn't translatable. This will be an amazing test, and I want to take it.

Side note usually I hate RPs where I don't make my own character, but as I usually play Gnar at least six times a week if not more (I'm a very diverse summoner) I can get behind the idea of playing him out in the world.


I would like to reserve a spot on your shoulder sir. Just opposite the poro.
This is highly tempting. I would live to play Gnar or Zac.
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