Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



League of Legends is an MMO Moba-Style game, and it is what this role play is based on. You do not have to have played League of Legends in order to join this game. Everything you need to know will be in this Interest Check as well as in the OOC thread. You can refer to the League of Legends wikia for more information about characters that you feel you may be interested in role playing or ask the GM and your fellow players for suggestions. Some players may want to have the relative, lover, or companion of the character they are currently playing so there will be roles for everyone. Let me go ahead and say that you can only have ONE character starting out because I am anticipating that this game will draw a lot of attention. So one for now. If I see some long-term dedication, then I'll unlock second characters.


Runeterra is the fictional world and Valoran is its main supercontinent. There are twelve oceans with three archipelagos, and a few moons orbit the planet.

In the north, there are: Demacia, Freljord, the Howling Marsh, Ironspike Mountains, Kaladoun, Kalamanda, the Marshes of Kaladoun, Noxus, Piltover, The Great Barrier, and Zaun.

In the south, there are: Fyrone Flats, Icathia, Kumungu, Plague Jungles, Sablestone Mountains, Shurima, Tempest Falls, Urtistan, Voodoo Lands, and Yordle Land.

The surrounding lands harbor: the Guardian’s Sea, Isle of Buhru, Serpentine River, Ionia, Galrin, Hirana Monastery, Kinkou Monastery, Shon-Xan, Temple of Pallas, Temple of the Jagged Knife, Tevasa Mountain, Tuula, Zhyun, Knife Straits, The Shroud, Conqueror’s Sea, and 10 unexplored seas.

There are many lands, oceans, and seas that characters can explore in the Valoran IC. This game is heavily high fantasy with a mixture of nearly every genre. So, if you’ve made it this far, continue yon reader!


This will be the name of the IC thread that I will create (the information is already made just not posted up). There will be a "location" system so that players won't get confused as to the location of other characters.

The League of Legends is supervised by a council of three powerful summoners known as The High Council of Equity. Each summoner has been on the council since the League’s inception. There are several Valorian city-states that the League recognizes:

  • Bandle City
  • Bilgewater
  • Demacia
  • Freljord
  • Ionia
  • Noxus
  • Piltover
  • Zaun

Within each of these city-states is a person known as the Emissary of the League, a diplomat who enacts the will of the League. The emissary is the one who will randomly summon champions to the arena. Any questions, comments, or concerns about League decisions can be brought to an emissary as long as the champion makes an appointment.

Role Play

There will be two IC threads: Valoran (Advanced Section) and The Fields of Justice (Arena Section).

In the Valoran IC thread, players will be sandboxing. They can also come up with interesting storylines to role play out with other characters/players. You will be free to explore the entirety of Runeterra as well as go on voyages to explore the unexplored seas. Be creative, but most of all, interact and make this community a fun place for all.

The Fields of Justice IC thread is where the battles will take place. Characters are randomly summoned there, but are able to continue to role play in Valoran regardless of the arena result. Champions who die in the arena are basically sent back to the Respawn Point. A more detailed explanation of the rules will be explained in the Arena IC thread. The Arena follows the same capture the flag/base principles of the game. The Arena is also where characters can take their personal gripes. They can have 1 vs 1 matches or they can have 3 vs 3. The typical battle will be 5 vs 5, and champions will be summoned there in the same manner as Queen’s Blade (Anime/Ecchi) if you ever watched it. If you haven’t seen it, no biggie, I already said that it’s random. Briefly, I will mention that the Arena will follow a XP and gold system based on word count, minion kills, and champion kills. 1 gold is acquired automatically for every post made in the arena thread. The champions start off with a chunk of change in the coin purse that they can spend on starting items. After that, you either decide to farm or fight to overwhelm the enemies’ turrets, inhibitors, and nexus. Players will be able to record their champion’s kill streak, death streak, and victories in the champion’s profile. It’s all for fun.

As people are applying to this game, be sure to reserve the character you want. Nothing is set in stone. If I don't get a detailed CS for that character by the 7th day after you've reserved him/her, then I will drop your reservation and open the character up for grabs. All good questions will be collected at the bottom of this introduction in a Q&A. All characters reserved or approved will be kept in an up-to-date list that players can refer to. ALSO at the bottom of this thread. Just because a character is reserved doesn’t mean it was approved. You should only give your hopes up if the player is approved.

Character Creation

Here is a list of champions currently in the League of Legends. Understand that this list will be updated occasionally because Riot likes to create champions monthly. This list is in ABC order according to the official site of the League of Legends franchise. If you see a champion's name highlighted in orange, then that role is reserved. If you see a champion's name slashed out and in red, that champion is taken.

Character Rules

Players cannot gender-bend the canons.

Champions are allowed to show love interest to any champion they so desire. They do not have to be bound to their lore. However, if you wish to play out their lore, you can do so.

This is a massive list of playable characters. If you wish to research more about a character, then I recommend using the official homepage of the League of Legends game and Youtube. They have the most up-to-date information versus the wikia.

Character Sheet

[center]"(Character Quote goes here. You can find the quote by looking up the character on Google or on the main website. They have MANY quotes but you can pick the best one.)"[/center]

[center][h3][b](The Name of your Champion), (The title of your champion - You can find the character’s title either on the official website or on the wikia.)[/b][/h3][/center]

[center][img] Character Image Goes Here [/img][/center]

[center][b]K (Kills)/D (Deaths)/A (Assists)[/b][/center]

[center][color=blue]W (Wins)[/color]: 0 | [color=red]L (Losses)[/color]: 0[/center]

[b]Affiliation:[/b] (Which country, city-state, or tribe is your champion affiliated with?)

[b]Role:[/b] (What is your character’s primary role in a team battle? Some characters may have multiple roles. The roles are: Support, Tank, Assassin, Mage, Marksman, and Fighter. You can find this information on the official LoL website or on mobafire.com/league-of-legends/champions)

[b]Attributes:[/b] (What is your character’s attributes? Like the champion’s role, they may have more than one. The attributes are: Pusher, Melee, Ranged, and Stealth.)



[b]Written Appearance:[/b] (This is where you can go into detail. You don’t have to describe just their battle gear. You can talk about casual wear, scars, tattoos, you can make them appear however you want.)

[b]Personality:[/b] (This is where you can give a summary of the champion’s personality. It will be based on your interpretation.)

[b]Friends:[/b] (You can find out who your character’s friends are on the League of Legends official website. If you do not want these characters to be your friend, then you don’t have to list them here. However, for quick character relationship building, it would be best to just go along with it. You’re just “friends.”)
• Friend's Name
• Friend's Name
• Friend's Name

[b]Rivals:[/b] (You can find out who your character’s rivals are on the League of Legends official website. Same situation with friends. If you don’t want them to be your rivals and you would rather add more rivals or use other rivals, you can do so. The rivals the website has may not be the champions who your character has beef with in game.)
• Rival's name
• Rival's name
• Rival's name
• Rival's name

[u]Special Abilities[/u]
Without going into statistics, give a description of your character’s abilities passive and active. Be sure to list them as active or passive. These abilities can better your champion’s chance of survival in a match. I will be reading over these and having you edit them so that they are adapted for Role Play purposes and not game mechanics. To go ahead and give you an idea of how I will be limiting the special powers, instead of using "time," I will have you use "turns." If this is confusing to you, then don't worry about it. As I said, I will be having you make these corrections.

By now, I am sure that you noticed that I didn’t add a background to the character sheet. The reason is because you can read that information online. I didn’t want players to have to regurgitate what’s already an open source resource for anyone to read.

I encourage everyone to take that character sheet and beautify it. I gave you what you basically need in your profile. Now go crazy. Below, you will see an example profile of how it should be filled out.


1. Activity. This has been my activity policy since the first game I ever created. It is fair and gives players more than enough time. If a player goes absent without telling me his or her whereabouts, then they have 14 days from the time they last posted to get in contact with me or to just let us know of his or her whereabouts. If 14 days goes by, then the player will be NPCed. If 30 days go by, then the character sheet will be dropped from the game and the champion will be tossed back into the character selection pool.
2. Drama. Keep it to a minimum. Try to keep any personal or sensitive conversations out of the OOC. This will ensure that no player gets offended.
3. Respect. Please be respectful. If you have an issue with someone, take it to PMs or just stop interacting with that person. If you come to this game to cause a problem, then I will ask you to leave.
4. Character Limit. At this time, players are only allowed 1 character. If I have some dedicated and long-term players, then later I will allow them to create a second character. At this time though, players are only allowed 1 character to ensure that everyone gets a chance to play who they want and that not one person is monopolizing on a group.

These rules are smaller than normal but we’re all adults here (most of us). I covered most of the rules throughout this introduction.


This will be here for commonly asked or good questions.

Player Temporary Absences

This section helps the GM keep track of players on temporary leave or vacation.

BreakingMe - Vacation until Sunday, August 28.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Holy Soldier
Hey, if this takes off I call HARD Dibs on Sion. Sion's the character that has made me come back to the game after two perma-bans, probably gonna make me come back after my third too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@LeeRoyI'll reserve him for you. We have an Ashe but that's about it. I think people are intimidated by it being Advanced. But it had tobe advanced because it's full of lore and all sorts of other detailed goodies.

Correction: Ashe, Miss Fortune, and a Kindred.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Holy Soldier I'm down to join if I can get Kled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
Avatar of Holy Soldier

Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@PatrickDrummerSure. I'll reserve him for you. I haven't updated the reservation list here, but we got in reserves:

Miss Fortune

I'll update it as soon as I start getting CSes from these people lol.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

@Holy Soldier

Phew, finally finished. I know you said to PM you our CS's but I figured some activity on the OOC, and an example of a potentially finished CS might be good for recruitment purposes.

"Tell me again, little Lamb, which things are mine to take?"

"All things, dear Wolf."

Kindred - The Eternal Hunters

K (Kills)/D (Deaths)/A (Assists)


W (Wins): 0 | L (Losses): 0

Affiliation: Independent

Role: Assassin, Marksman

Attributes: Ranged

Wolf: 2' (length of disembodied head)
Lamb: 5'6"

Wolf: 130lbs
Lamb: 130lbs

Written Appearance:
Wolf is a large, black, disembodied wolf's head that leaves behind a wispy trail of darkness. He wears a small, white, roughly-hewn, wooden lamb mask that only really manages to cover his eyes. Instead of actually being a flesh and hair wolf, he looks as if he were comprised of some jagged, ethereal liquid. His eyes and mouth glow an otherworldly blue.
Lamb is a svelte humanoid covered in white fur and standing on digitigrade legs. Her lower legs and feet are black. Her fur is of a similar texture to Wolf's instead of being curly wool. She has a short fluffy tail, and a mane of hair, simular to a lion's. Two long white ears droop down a bit past her shoulders ending in blue tips. She wears an angular, dark purple wolf mask that covers her entire face. Her eyes glow the same otherworldly blue as Wolf's. Her body is covered in swirling spiral patterns. Lamb carries an intricately carved bow that resembles a rack of antlers. In the middle, it is a dark blue and fades to light blue at the tips. Instead of a string, there is a circular ring attached at the handle that fires ghostly blue arrows of light.

Wolf is violent, playful, naive and inquisitive. An emptiness fills him, causing him to hunger incessantly. He is very needy and desires closeness and attention which he gets mostly from Lamb. Wolf seeks, in essence, to become one with others, something he only experiences in glimpses when he chokes the life out of his victims. It is his fate to seek those that run from him, and it is this loneliness that makes him chase. He behaves in a child-like manner with Lamb who constantly reassures him.
Lamb is calm, wise, confident, and nurturing. She gives death to those who accept it. She speaks of inevitability and fate, and is accepting and tolerant of all, because Death does not discriminate. The only thing she and Wolf cannot accept is undeath and immortality: those who seek it, those who attain it for themselves, and those who force it upon others.

• N/A

• Hecarim
• Mordekaiser
• Yorick
• Thresh
• Karthus

Special Abilities
Mark of the Kindred:
Kindred can mark targets to Hunt. Successfully completing a Hunt permanently empowers Lamb's arrows and Wolf's bite. When a monster is marked by Wolf, all enemy champions are alerted to the monster that was marked.
Dance of Arrows:
Lamb vaults, firing up to 3 arrows at nearby enemies. Dance of Arrows grants Kindred the ability to avoid the ability of an enemy champion. She can also use this ability to scale walls that would otherwise be too tall for most champions. After using this ability, Lamb cannot perform it again for 1 turn. Casting Wolf's Frenzy or vaulting inside of its effect allows Dance of Arrows to be recast sooner.
Wolf's Frenzy:
Wolf claims a territory, attacking nearby enemies inside it for two turns or until Lamb leaves Wolf's field. Lamb can direct him to targets by attacking them. If Lamb leaves Wolf's territory he will cease attacking and join her. Wolf maims monsters, causing them more grievous wounds and crippling their movement when it comes to fight or flight for a short duration. For every two turns that Lamb moves about the map, she will max out her stacks, granting her one opportunity to heal herself from one injury/affliction the next time she attacks a minion or enemy champion. This ability cannot be recast for 1 turn.
Mounting Dread:
Lamb fires a carefully placed shot, slowing the target. After Lamb attacks the target twice, her third attack instead directs Wolf to pounce on the enemy, savaging them. This ability cannot be recast for 1 turn.
Lamb's Respite:
Lamb blesses the ground underneath her for one turn, granting all living things inside the zone, ally or enemy, a respite from death. When the blessing ends all living things inside are healed up to two afflictions. Lamb's Respite duration is 1 turn. This ability cannot be recast for 3 turns.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jasonwolf
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jasonwolf Hunter, Trainer, Ranger, Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Holy Soldier were getting power ourages around here so im down to my phone atm. Im writing the cs for Gnar, but cant upload it until the power is back (or at least the internet for my laptop.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Stern Algorithm@jasonwolf You both seem to know what your doing. How do I figure out height and weight for Kled/Skaarl?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jasonwolf
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jasonwolf Hunter, Trainer, Ranger, Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@PatrickDrummeraverage height of a yordle is about two and a half to 3 feet tall (including ears). Rumble is a short yordle at about 2 maybe 1'10". Kled is probably a little over 3 feet tall (with the ears and hat). When mounted he's taller than most champs so I'd bet his lizard is maybe 4 or so feet tall at the saddle five with the head.

I know gnar is around 3'6" and turns around 10 foot tall since he becomes one of the largest champions in the game.

TL : DR I'd say Kled is maybe 3'2" with the hat. 2'6" without it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Stern AlgorithmCould you add the extra information listed below? The cool down just says how long you have until you can use the ability again. Just remember that these abilities specifically are only for the Field of Justice. When you are fighting in Valoran (or any thread that isn't the Field of Justice), then the rules on these abilities don't apply. All fighting will be free form.

Mark of the Kindred

Add: When a monster is marked by Wolf, all enemy champions are alerted to the monster that was marked.

Dance of Arrows

Add: Dance of Arrows grants Kindred the ability to avoid the ability of an enemy champion. She can also use this ability to scale walls that would otherwise be too tall for most champions. Cool Down: 1 turn.

Wolf's Frenzy

Add: For every two turns that Lamb moves about the map, she will max out her stacks, granting her one opportunity to heal herself from one injury/affliction the next time she attacks a minion or enemy champion.

Add: The duration of Wolf's Frenzy when activated is two turns or until Lamb exists Wolf's field. Cool Down: 1 turn.

Mounting Dread

Add: Cool Down: 1 turn.

Lamb's Respite

Add: Lamb's Respite will heal up to two afflictions on a unit.

Add: Lamb's Respite duration is 1 turn.

Add: Cool Down: 3 turns.
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Miss Fortune

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
Avatar of Holy Soldier

Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I might as well go ahead and claim Garen at this point. I don't think anyone will want him lol. I usually expect him to be the first to go along with Darius or Katarina.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

@Stern AlgorithmCould you add the extra information listed below? The cool down just says how long you have until you can use the ability again. Just remember that these abilities specifically are only for the Field of Justice. When you are fighting in Valoran (or any thread that isn't the Field of Justice), then the rules on these abilities don't apply. All fighting will be free form.

It is done. What about durations of cc that Kindred inflicts? (I'm assuming 1 turn)


I can see some interesting interactions between Kindred and Sion. Kindred despises those who willingly and knowingly cheat death, but Sion was resurrected unwillingly and is tormented by his undeath. Lamb may take pity on Sion while Wolf may feel confused on whether Sion is 'huntable' or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Stern Algorithm
I agree, it'll certainly be something else.

@Holy Soldier
Hopefully this takes off, but I gotta be sure everyone who applies is going to post before I actually post anything. I've seen super energetic roleplays start but then nobody makes a second post and it just flops, so you can see my reservation.

But I will work on the character sheet.

Edit: Question. What about Runes and Masteries? I've found that those totally change the way a champion plays.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
Avatar of Holy Soldier

Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Stern AlgorithmYes. 1 full turn.

@LeeRoyNope. Not going there. That just makes things way more complicated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Using the sizes of the champions in game wouldn't work too well. Malphite and Nautilus are well over 20 feet tall but appear about the same size as Mordekaiser, who's about eight feet something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Somebody should use GARIUS
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

General Sion, The Undead Juggernaut

K (Kills)/D (Deaths)/A (Assists)


W (Wins): 0 | L (Losses): 0

Affiliation: Noxus!

Role: Tank/Fighter (Juggernaut)

Attributes: Melee/Pusher

Height: 10'6"

Weight: 915 lbs.
(With no official source for the current Sion's height and weight, I'm calculating it based on his art height and BMI.)

Written Appearance: A lumbering rotten hulk of muscle and hate and war, Sion cuts a gigantic figure on the field of battle. With wounds left untreated and fastened by iron and fire, armor fused to his flesh and a blade adorning him like a knight's plume. He is a nightmarish figure, his stomach and eyes alight with a wicked inferno. An axe as big as any man, spikes of metal on every piece of armor. A stump leg replaced with a slab of iron, the only clothes adorning him are a loincloth and pants. Most frightful of all is what was once the crown of Jarvan the First, cut and bent to fit his face it is fastened to his jaw. Great fangs of steel and tarnished gold.

Personality: Sion is only truly alive and conscious when he is spilling blood, his mind is fueled by the furnace of blood in his gut. Without bloodshed he cannot think straight, his mind is dull and bestial. He fears the loss of who he is and spills blood so he will never forget. He was a general, his finest moment was killing the king of his country's gravest enemies. Now a dog, a weapon, an engine of war. He needs to kill so he will never forget, and in the moment of battle he feels whole.

• Swain

• Any Demacian, two in particular though.
• Jarvan IV
• Galio
• Swain

Special Abilities
Glory in Death:
Upon death, Sion reanimates with rapidly decaying health. His attack speed increases and he gains 100% lifesteal. All of his abilities are replaced with Death Surge which grants a burst of movement speed.

Duration: 1 turn.

Decimating Smash:
Sion charges a powerful swing that can either slow or knock up enemies. Quick activation slows, waiting until full charge stuns.

Duration of Slow and Stun: 1 turn

Cool Down: 1 turn

Soul Furnace:
  • Passive: Heals two injuries for every minion killed. Heals one major injury for every large monster killed. Restored to full health for every champion killed.
  • Active: Sion creates a shield of blood that soaks up damage. The amount of protection that the shield offers is directly proporitonal to his ability power and health.

Cool Down: 1 turn

Roar of the Slayer:
Sion fires a short range shockwave that slows, reduces the armor of the first enemy hit, and damages. If it hits a minion, the minion will be knocked back as a projectile. Traveling the full distance of the original projectile over again.

Slow Duration: 1 turn

Armor Reduction (basically Armor ignored for...) 1 turn

Thrown minion can potentially inflict a major wound to whomever it hits.

Cool Down: 1 turn

Unstoppable Onslaught:
Sion becomes his namesake, an unstoppable juggernaut that charges and incredible speed. Getting faster over time. Sion becomes immune to all crowd control during the duration of this spell. His charge knocks enemies up and stuns based on the distance he has charged. The damage it deals is proportional to his AD.

Duration: 1 turn

Instant minion death

Stun Duration: 1 turn

Cool Down: 3 turns
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jasonwolf
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jasonwolf Hunter, Trainer, Ranger, Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@LeeRoyyes, but I'm using it for normal humans and the actual yordle lore. Huge champions are scaled down, but thats it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
Avatar of Holy Soldier

Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Stern AlgorithmYou can add your CS over to the CS thread.


Glory in Death

Add: Duration: 1 turn.

Decimating Smash

Add: Duration of Slow and Stun: 1 turn

Add: Cool Down: 1 turn

Soul Furnace

Edit: Passive: Heals two injuries for every minion killed. Heals one major injury for every large monster killed. Restored to full health for every champion killed.

Add: Cool Down: 1 turn

Roar of the Slayer

Add: Slow Duration: 1 turn

Add: Armor Reduction (basically Armor ignored for...) 1 turn

Add: Thrown minion can potentially inflict a major wound to whomever it hits.

Add: Cool Down: 1 turn

Unstoppable Onslaught

Add: Duration: 1 turn

Add: Instant minion death

Add: Stun Duration: 1 turn

Add: Cool Down: 3 turns
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