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    1. jasonwolf 11 yrs ago


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@BaklavaI'm certainly still here. I just finished my final paper for my World Civilization course. The entire next month should be perfectly clear.

I'm just hammering out a backstory. Its a little hard make a backstory for a character who doesn't really have anything interesting happen to them. He's existed and followed his programming this whole time. He's just sort of been there. Any suggestions on what I should try and make sure is covered?
@Dervish@Baklava I mean why not both? He can throw boulders even if they are close.

Also while I'm here going to test colors for readability.

Noi, The Ancient Sentinel

Noi, The Ancient Sentinel

Noi, The Ancient Sentinel

Noi, The Ancient Sentinel

Noi, The Ancient Sentinel

Noi, The Ancient Sentinel

Noi, The Ancient Sentinel

Noi, The Ancient Sentinel

Noi, The Ancient Sentinel

Noi, The Ancient Sentinel

EDIT: Gray it is.
@Dervish Hostility wouldn't be the greatest issue even then. Noi would be plenty tough enough to take one down. The issue I'm seeing is that Noi isn't exactly the fastest thing in the world. Then again perhaps if he could get a hookshot then he could pull things to him. A kind of reversal on how link is pulled along, but since Noi is heavy he pulls things to him.
@Baklava I do believe the ancient flower is only acting as an oil/lubricant, but you can decide whatever you wish for this of course. As well there is one ancient robot that functions without a time shift stone, it is in the temple under the goddess tower.

Well the most basic gist is prototyped ancient robot, in the LD-00 set not the 301 series. Going for a sort of iron giant character

It's name is Noi, a name it gives itself when he misreads No.1 on his blueprints. While future LD-00s would be made light using a skeletal design Noi is very bulky with a thick layer of armor over his frame. This greatly reduces his speed, but does grant him astounding durability. Other features added to future models like a highly detailed face and decorative armor were never created for Noi. His head is essentially a plate helmet welded onto a sensor array.

Noi is equipped with a large hammer intended for both defense of the worker robots and for assisting them with mining.

Noi is not the most complex of characters mentally while somewhat aware like most of the ancient robots he isn't a third as intelligent. He understands hylian and has a basic database of information on the world, but even then his actual intelligence is akin to a child. There is a general sense of morality given to him by the rules he has to obey in his programming.

As for how to fit him in. I think there is plenty of possibility for Noi to be slipped in without any crazy changes. Since the LD-00 robots don't seem to need maintenance he could be off functioning in some sort of long abandoned mine despite all others having broken down something akin to Wall-E. If you want maintenance to be required then I'd suggest Noi runs off something different that was rare then, but is more common now if thats possible, a sort of ironic twist the material was ignored because it would be so hard to get, and yet because it was so hard to get it now is comparatively plentiful.
@BaklavaSo how do you feel about Ancient Robot as a playable race for this?
@Baklava What is your stance on ancient robot as a playable race? Because I have a great ancient robot character. zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Robot
@vietmyke Just while prototypes are being talked about i was thinking if we last long enough Izic might have a secret project in the works (not necessarily secret, but you get the point).

I mean he is an engineer the idea that he has a prototype MAS hes worked on with the coalition makes sense right?

I didnt want to start with that kind of thing though.

As for the atlas i guess ill bulk him up and turn him into forward comand in a sense. Walking command post from which Izic can provide support and guidance or aid. I would like one special thing for it though. Drones. Little drones so Izic can see the front line as he wishes.

It lets him have that observe learn destroy skill, but remaim in the back as the support and ill figure out offense soon.
@vietmyke Just gonna break this down into numbers for ease.

1. That's just a failure on my part. I meant for them to have always been engineers not pilots, so I'll make sure that is more clear.

2. I was hoping Izic might be a sort of sympathized deserter. He seems the type to actually rebel and hate the UEE. The Coalition are his kind of people working class down to earth. Alice meanwhile is high military ranking and it is bizarre to be leaving the UEE. Honestly though I can work this story however we need.

3. Izic tried to be a whistleblower first. He went to his commander and told him that the scientists didn't want to continue developing these sorts of weapons. The commander saw it as treason/rebellion, so he got military back up (the security staff was also split by the weapons.) With the fact that his own military came in and wiped out any resistance/possible rebellion. As for telling normal people he didn't think he'd be able to get anything done that way. He didn't have any power or push in that world, especially not against the UEE military.

4. I suppose that is true. I definitely don't want him to be some sort of hot shot ace, but if he needs more skill I can balance that in. I want his strength to be that while he isn't some prodigy his personal experience with MAS lets him do things other pilots can't.

I'm thinking now that I could kind of rework that into him being very quick to understand and analyze MAS, so that he can fight better. He picks up how the pilot is working. He notices specific strengths and weaknesses of individual MAS. He isn't the best pilot, but he can take advantage of other MAS better than others. If he's on the front line he can engage enemy MAS find their weak points develop a diagnostic and give that to the better pilots.

It's very much why his MAS is ALL defense. he's not supposed to be the direct threat.

5. The thought was that he'd use it with the robotic arm, but I can ton that all back. Figured I'd go bigger for the sci-fi nature of the setting. So long as it keeps the blunderbuss feature I'm happy.

6. I wasn't certain if I wanted to go with that or not. Medium had enough weight for all the defense items available, so I went with that. If I can put on more defense with a heavy I'd happily jump up to it. The point of Atlas is to be massive front line MAS. It is a pain to deal with even while it won't deal that much damage. I had the image of Atlases running into missiles and heavy fire to cover allied units. First and foremost it is there to take abuse so everyone else can work better. Something I think fit the engineer idea.
Still WIP, but not sure this is gonna be good enough. Im just not sure if the mech concept works in this universe

@vietmykeits fine. I think ive found something better anyway.
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