
Designation: C-Atlas-04M
Role: Front Line Mobile cover
Chassis: Medium
Engine: Quad Core Engine 20 Power.
Description: The Atlas is essentially the squire to the more offensive MAS. With light armaments and extremely heavy armor it acts as a strong frontline. It was made to draw fire and create a frontline threat that couldnโt be ignored. The Atlas may not carry many weapons, but because of its armor and shield it can engage in melee combat using only its fists and weight. Atlas will often be dropped from orbit to shell the enemy before activating.
Izicโs Atlas is customized mostly in its control systems. He directly links his robotic arm to gain more precise control.
Systems: 20 : 20 available 20:19 Consumed
Heavy Alloy Plating (7WT): Atlas is surrounded on all sides by heavy armor. It is especially heavy around the shoulders, head, and arms. Intended for defense from enemies as well as allowing Atlas to attack MAS with its own body rather than weapons. While the heavier armor does slow down the mech thanks to its strength Atlass can be dropped from orbit directly into enemy lines.
Alloy Shield (3WT): In its right hand Atlas carries a heavy shield can provide extra forward defense. Atlass use their shields offensively as well as defensively. When on offense the shield is held forward and the MAS will charge throwing itself into the enemy. This also acts as a heat shield upon atmospheric entry.
Shield Class 5: (10WT/15PWR): With Atlas' defense being its offense it is only logical it would carry the heaviest and strongest of energy shields. These let Atlas cause even more chaos among the enemy. Being able to shrug off plasma can leave enemies dumbstruck and force them to split heavy fire power away from other targets.
D-2 Arm lasers (2PWRx2): Both mounted on Atlas' left arm/ These are Atlas' only firepower comes from these laser cannons. They are fairly low power, but are more to deal with minor targets, drawing attention of enemy MAS, and shooting down missiles when possible.