Avatar of jasonwolf
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  • Old Guild Username: jasonwolf
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    1. jasonwolf 11 yrs ago


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@BaklavaSo I'm curious I've posted Noi tearing apart the redead, but just how horrific can I make him tearing apart the redead? i posted a fairly "clean" version, but I'm also writing a really over the top thing with him tearing off an arm and beating the redead to reredeath with it.

Noi’s swing went wide the impact only barely slowing its velocity. He staggered from the momentum, but didn't let himself fall forward. He looked to see what exactly he had hit. The flaming hay-storm obscured his quarry at first, but undeterred by flames Noi marched toward the cries.The squishy barrel shaped mollusk was writhing around in panic.

β€œI have se-en yu… ca’at recall…” Noi’s voice was shaky and stuttered.

His long term memories were still offline to protect them. He rumbled with anger. This dungeon had only been trouble. Monsters and more monsters and… well he wasn’t sure what else came before that, but likely it was terrible too. He stepped up to the creature and bringing his hammer down from overhead flattened it. Lifting his hammer back up Noi watched the creature unsquish itself. So again with a massive downward swing Noi smashed the monster. Unsurprisingly it sprang back up.

Noi dropped the hammer staring down the annoying squishy thing. With a furious roar he began to lay into the creature with punch after punch blow after blow. No matter what the creature just squished down absorbing the blows.

β€œJust splat!” Noi roared growing more and more pissed.

Furious Noi decided he had been too merciful. There was a mouth of some sort on the top of the monster. Noi reached into the mouth so the creature was up to his elbow. Now wearing it like a glove Noi repeatedly smashed the monster into the wall. Ooze and blood went everywhere as the monster was slowly torn apart. Throwing it off his arm Noi roared triumphant.

β€œBy hylia be damned you stupid... stupid… thing!”

The thing lied dead off to the side. With its side ripped open a small bit of metal could be seen. Noi grabbed it to find a small kite shield. It was damaged, dented, and rusted, but just to spite the thing Noi decided to keep it. Noi let out intermittent rumbles similar to laughing. Turning to his compatriots Noi was blissfully unaware of the sheer chaos going on behind him. Both the Hylian female and Rags were gone, a rotted humanoid with sickle shaped claws was closing in on the child, and hands were falling from the ceiling towards the remaining others. There was no way he could reach the rotten monster without trampling the little one, and the hands were too high for him to engage them. He couldn’t just stand there though. The strong hylian had a chance to save the little one.

Holding his hammer like a javelin threw it as hard as he could at the hand dropping towards Jaege. It smashed the hand against the wall making it twitch and writhe. The hand flew back up into the darkness while the hammer fell to the ground.

β€œHylian, Jaeger, Protect the little one!” Noi shouted as he started moving that way as well.


My reaction:

EDIT: but seriously actual monsters Noi can hit. Instead of tiny flying bats.
@DearTrickster Good thing he doesn't eat.
So does Noi get to know what the prize in his cereal was?
@Dervish I admit I'm starting to see why Lev calls Noi a goron... it was smash-able and flammable I couldn't stop him.

Noi was last to get into the room. He was still slowed by his limited power, but the power he did have was dedicated to his sensory array. Carrying his flaming hammer to the center of the room the area was lit up far better.

β€œPeculiar. This torch should have burned out long ago. Be prepared.” Noi told the others as he inspected the object.

There was no clear reason and that likely meant magic, but who made that magic? Noi became worried. While he was technically designed to fight an all powerful magical force, magic was extremely dangerous to him.

It was this worry that left him on edge. When he noticed the brief shaking of a hay pile he ignored his sensor array and decided anything he didn’t already know was too dangerous to give another second. He charged the hay pile sweeping his flaming hammer upward sending hay everywhere and setting most of the pile on fire as well.

”In the name of Hylia submit!” Noi roared not even knowing if there was actually something to roar at.
@Baklava The correct answer is: The thing in the haypile about the be dead.

Noi has big hammer and great dislike of plants.
@Dervish Take that back! It only cries all night. It is vengeance and perseverance incarnate, and when it evolves it becomes a badass guardian.
@BaklavaAll the best characters are orphans. Batman, cubone, luke skywalker. Need I say more?
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