Currently at work. Studying up on invasive species. So many plants are just evil. I feel ive validated Nois crusade against Peahats. There are plants that cause severe burns ffs. Like real chemical burns.
@The 42nd Gecko Maybe not for this post, but I'm curious if you think jaege would be able to use Noi's hammer? It wouldn't be easy, but that'd be a badass moment. Also quick note Noi has decided to call Jaege Jaeger for some reason. robots are mysterious I suppose. Also yes you are clear to post.
@Baklava Being a bit more esoteric. I decided send one towards Jaege and stop that so Jaege can be safe to do his thing. Because then it's both the "little brother" idea and Noi seeing himself in Jaege.
@The 42nd Gecko It's fine. I just got the idea of Noi equating veitaru to one of his "little brothers" so threw that together. That and the redead seemed like a bigger deal than the like-like so switched targets. I think I'll actually play up Noi being so super focused and narrow minded he'll just go crazy over the like-like not noticing the other events.