@NarilLeon managed to temper his reaction. With the absolute minimum of motion, he turned his head and set his gaze on Morgan. His big green eyes narrowing to a sharp glare.
"As much as you try to hide it, I'd really expect someone of your age to have a greater respect for the classics. They certainly acknowledge your abilities." Leon said ending with a smile that bared his canines like a wolf.
He gave a quiet chuckle to himself but did his best to maintain some air of professionalism, especially in front of the newer members. In one of few similarities to Morgan, or at least similarities he'd admit, Leon also knew the worth of putting on airs. Here especially having a sense of professionalism helped to maintain order despite the constant chaos thrown at them. If you treat monster hunting like a normal nine to five, then most others will believe it's a normal nine to five.
"Answers would be fantastic, but which questions to ask?" Leon made a final remark before taking a sip from his
coffee mug.