When E entered Leon quickly downed the entire contents of the mug before setting it aside. As soon as the next woman entered the room Leon’s eyes locked onto her. If they were in the normal world it would be rude, here it was common practice. Picking up on the tiniest trace of magic could change everything in a case. He didn’t even notice when E called him out. Leon gave up the search when E sat the client down.
Leon was left quiet for most of the presentation. He stared unflinchingly at the grisly photos. A combination of desensitization and knowledge of far worse things made it easy. The post mortem photography wasn’t providing much in terms of things to scan. A dead body was a dead body, at least most of the time, and E had already done an autopsy so there wasn’t anything to find in or on the person. The bathroom photo while providing some context also was just that a small motel bathroom, no space for something to hide really.
He let the newer members chime in and make their cases first. They may not have a full grasp of the possibilities, but sometimes Leon could go a bit too far on what must have happened. Simpler ideas could be just as correct as the old god cults.
He was especially intrigued by Malone’s points. He didn’t have half the schooling she did, but he did remember a few things from college psych courses. Namely, that female suicides tended towards slower methods like wrist slitting and overdoses and that they’d usually do it somewhere easy to clean up like the bathtub or otherwise out of the way. If it was a suicide the person usually felt bad about themselves and didn’t want to cause any more problems so they’d try and make it easy for everyone else. They weren’t rules, but they were things to consider. He wasn’t in as much agreement about the gun thing though. He had plenty of experience with a pistol and aiming your right hand into your right eye wouldn’t be that difficult. Leon even made a finger gun into his right eye to make sure. Shooting yourself in the eye could be another matter, but he had no way to dispute that.
“If you all want to look into the people surrounding the case I’d be glad to take on scene investigation. Police aren’t all that great on picking up what’s really vital. If I can get to the motel I can probably trace her steps backward. At the very least I should be able to pick up on anything from ‘the beyond’.” Leon noted looking to Ellie to see if she could get him access.
On a less mystic note, Leon thought of another important question.
“Did she already own the handgun? If not then we could probably try to find out what state she was in when she got it. Three possibilities come to mind. She knew something was wrong and wanted it for self-defense, she was manipulated into getting it, or it was given to her by the murderer. With any of those ways, I think it's key that we fill in those days without contact.”
Leon was quite certain of his abilities to find the missing information, but that wouldn’t be happening here. He excused himself assuring the others that he was simply going to prepare some equipment based on the new information.