"STOP. QUOTING. ME." Jb, 2019, quoted in 2022." Roland, 2022, quoted in 2022.
6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
Gone fishing for a week, will return soon.
6 yrs ago
Happy New Year!
6 yrs ago
Merry Yuletide, one and all! Gods bless.
I am Jb; Briton by birth, roleplayer by my own hand, and lover of literature. I am also an amateur historian, a receiver of a Bachelors degree in Ancient and Medieval History - quite a useless degree, actually - and would like to think that I'm a fair, honest and open guy.
As far as RP'ing goes, I'm pretty open to most things really, all you need to do is ask! :)
So, if you've ever any questions for me, wish to speak about RP's involving myself or run by myself, or simply feel like a chat, don't be afraid to get in touch.
You know I never did tell you, but I recall seeing you on the Total War Centre over the years, various times. I never posted on there, but having played about 2,000 total hours of Total War games, I visited it once or twice.
O rly? Well, I do hope you enjoyed what you saw - or read - of mine. I try my best. :)
I am Jb; Briton by birth, roleplayer by my own hand, and lover of literature. I am also an amateur historian, a receiver of a Bachelors degree in Ancient and Medieval History - quite a useless degree, actually - and would like to think that I'm a fair, honest and open guy.
As far as RP'ing goes, I'm pretty open to most things really, all you need to do is ask! :)
So, if you've ever any questions for me, wish to speak about RP's involving myself or run by myself, or simply feel like a chat, don't be afraid to get in touch.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Greetings,<br><br>I am Jb; Briton by birth, roleplayer by my own hand, and lover of literature. I am also an amateur historian, a receiver of a Bachelors degree in Ancient and Medieval History - quite a useless degree, actually - and would like to think that I'm a fair, honest and open guy.<br><br>As far as RP'ing goes, I'm pretty open to most things really, all you need to do is ask! :)<br><br>So, if you've ever any questions for me, wish to speak about RP's involving myself or run by myself, or simply feel like a chat, don't be afraid to get in touch.</div>