Avatar of JDolan
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Gilbert
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 116 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. JDolan 11 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Your heresy is noted, @Hekazu.
1 like
8 yrs ago
[@haleytherandom] Exactly my thinking when I finally got around to using it. 100x better than Pandora, provided you use it on desktop. Mobile version is a little more mediocre.
1 like
8 yrs ago
@Morose - do it! We need more decent pirate stuff around here.
8 yrs ago
What to do tonight...?
8 yrs ago
TMW you realize you've had a status up for the past month because things have been so busy you didn't even realize...


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Most Recent Posts

In Mahz's Dev Journal 8 yrs ago Forum: News
Had a handful yesterday of 502s all over the place - but today's been pretty good, though the site itself feels a little slower than normal.

I'm the cat all confused and not interested in all the deer-licks.
Properly, a super-thin flatbread and ground meat and red pepper paste and spices. Usually eaten with lemon juice, onion, and lettuce atop, rolled up burrito-like for eating.
Who needs tacos when you have lahmacun? Try pronouncing that one correctly, Yankees.

[a picture of tasty lahmacun]

<Snipped quote by Hank>

It doesn't look like it would be that hard to pronounce... Lah-mack-uhn is how I think I'd say it. Wrong?

Wronger than wrong.

It is pronounced La-mu-joon. Alternatively Lah-ma-tchoon, depending on the accent/dialect of Turkish.
Why not tell us all a bit about yourself first? Give us something about yourself, tell us what you're looking for, what interests you, etc.
Slower than molasses
Since I've moved on to Ghost Recon: Wildlands -

Four smart mouthed bad asses work with the CIA's Ice Queen Bitch of the Universe, killing their way through a narcostate, as a man in a gravelly voice taunts them on the radio. Also, one of the four bitches about never being allowed to drive, and the other two make really bad jokes and complain about US military drug test policies, "because the altitude".
And I'm not sure whether I'm the cat in the box...or the one sitting on it. Sometimes both?

Ack, apparently .gifv links don't work well as images here.... I converted to a link.
First RP was off on the Bethesda (back in the heyday of Lor, Tedders, Rhedd, Allie, Nal, and Slyvos, amongst others) and KOEI in like 2002: I can't recall which was first...might've been KOEI then Bethesda, but...either way. Then moved to a Proboards sites (shadowdragon999.proboards.com) for quite a while, along with all of the various successor sites with the same handful of people, all of whom drifted in from the KOEI boards, for ages. That (Shadowdragon) was my first "real" RP site that was wholly dedicated to it.

ALso, @Rai...good to see you around. I didn't realize you were still here.
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