Avatar of Rai
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  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.47 / day)
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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
5 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
5 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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5 yrs ago
Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Join my Discord. 18+ discord.gg/Ac9WA3t

A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Still want to try this.

“Yo, Copy, come check this out,” Zeph called to Zephel. He was standing at his desk slapping his hand on a large binder. The hangar office was cluttered with parts, notes, random scribblings, some adult reading material, and food wrappers. It was obvious that Zeph had another binge session of drafting from the bags under his eyes and stupid grin. “I think we’ve about got it. In this binder right here is all the blueprint material for the Grande Dame. If we are lucky, we can have an airship by the end of the year now! It’s just… well… we lack materials, and the budget is nearly all burnt up.”

He turned around and looked at other blueprint books. “I mean, we can try to build smaller personal craft to start, but I want to build the Grande Dame as my flagship. Uhg, Yiris always knew how to get some cash, but since she’s left, I’ve come to find out I’m not so frugal. If you can, could you find a few bounties to knock out? You are used to doing all that adventuring stuff, I can get us a head start while you are out.”

Zephel Ragnikai

"Who the hell you calling a copy anyway?" Zephel grumbled over a spoiled jar of milk and sugarless grains he was forced to consume both for nutrients and his lack of funds. He sighed. "If only I could eat electricity." He looked at the sketches of Zeph's grand plan, the Grande Dame. Something he's been planning for a long time, even Zephel was curious of how he would get it all to work. Smaller crafts were one thing, but a large airship was unheard of. Only in theory books did it exist. "Alright. I think it's about time I went out and caught us some bounties. I need to reward myself with a juicy steak." He seemed to be in heaven suddenly, his eyes seeing something not there. He stumbled his way to the door in this stupor, forgetting he had a bowl of food once reaching the door and spilling it outside and some on himself. He wiped himself off. "Ah. Shit. I hope none hit my electric lining." He began walking down the road while still fussing over the stains he may have. Bowl tarnished on the ground behind him.

He came to a wanted bounty poster. These things were kept up to date. He looked it over a bit to see what was there exactly, and what would be worth his time...
This roleplay will be a sort of a one-shot. If things go well perhaps there can be roleplay to be had but at the beginning, it will be just the group defeating the bad guys and solving or failing to solve the mystery of the blood moon worshipping cult. The Therosi.
What's under the hood?

The Blood Moon...
It shines high above the land shining like an inverted sun. The endless night sky raining light into your eyes, yet remains stifled by the glowing crimson mass. Its own light devouring the night sky. Turning it into an endless void of black. Giving reflection to a now red lagoon, a reminder of where primordial life began, and where it may all end...

Gently stepping upon the red lake were many hooded figures. Their robes seeming to merge with the moonlit waters. Several of these figures came to tall symbolic alters. In their arms were limp bodies. With chains they hung each body onto the alters to hang over the lake, the waters washing over their feet. Then each hooded being slowly sunk until nothing was left above the surface. Leaving behind the lifeless people being hung on the alters lined next to each other. The land began to permeate with a red mist. More figures appearing around the lake holding candles. The night of the blood moon has begun...

And you awaken.. Finding yourself upon an alter looking down at quiet tides of blood. Yet it was not your blood.. As you looked around you see other next to you. Awaiting their fates aswell...

You will be starting as a captive of the Therosi...

...::Character Creation::...

Name: Your character full name and nickname

Age: Descendants live longer than humans naturally to about 170 years and don't age from their twenties until their forties.

Bloodline: What blood heritage do they have. Split by most prominent if mixed. For example Tyro/ Lassa / Seraphim. Put a % for what amount they are. This will determine most of your character's affinity towards certain spells and abilities.

Appearance: Most Descendants look like humans/ elves but with one or two horns. Their bloodline also affects their looks. For example, Dragon blood or seraphim blood will make more or fewer horns. Seraphim have no horns typically.

Physique: What is their body type?

Abilities: Depending on what your character has developed in their experiences will allow you to be given by the GM something related to what your character has learned to do.

Spells: Put nothing here for new players. Spells are learned through self-learning or through teaching.

Pet: Characters will be able to have a trusted companion when one is assigned or found.

Faction: Joining a Faction will also give your character an edge in whatever specialty the Faction is known for.

Job: What kind of work does this character do for a living? Having a job increases the likelihood of starting the game with a citizenship badge. Something you need to go into capital cities.

Experience: What has your character gone through in life that can be considered worth noting? This will determine your character's starting abilities, spells, and items. By writing an in-depth experience in your sheet will better score you higher quality in what you're aiming for. This replaces a character's "history" portion, allowing players to reveal character histories more in-depth when in the story.

Keep in mind your character cannot have relationships with nobility or royalty. He/She cannot be acquainted with a master or some ancient creature for their training. All NPCs that you designate to your character must have no importance in the major scheme of the world and cannot give your character something that can be considered a special ability. They can however offer basic training in whatever path you wish to take your character.

Motivation: What drives your character in life and what is their personal goal in this world?

Birthplace: Where were they born? If no nowhere specific can be thought of just tell which territory they were on. Please refer to the map.

Extra Info: Anything more.

Items: Will be given and the amount will depend on your character.

Various changes will be made after being accepted. You will be rewarded spells, abilities, and more all depending on your characters' sheet. It is recommended to focus on the Experience portion of the character for effectiveness in what they're rewarded with. Focus on having a well-described polished sheet to be rewarded with good items and more.

Status effects:
Soul & Stamina:
Damage and death:
Time and turns:
The story:
Example CS

Twilight Dragon Knight

Bloodline(s): 30% Sol 30% Nayu 40% Dragon
Element: Light / Dark / Chaos
Body type: Medium

Pillars of light - Can conjure twenty feet high burning beams of light from above on a living being within sight for five seconds.
Twilight negation - Can form a barrier of spell negation. Only works on Evocation, Enchantment, and Illusion spells.
Blood Absorption - Can absorb the enemy's blood. Reducing their Stamina by 5 and restoring its own Stamina and Soul by 5.
Dark Blast - Summons a ball of darkness that crushes what it hits.

This is an example of an accepted CS after I review it.
Twilight Dragon Knight

Bloodline(s): 30% Sol 30% Nayu 40% Dragon
Element: Light / Dark / Chaos
Body type: Medium

Pillars of light - Can conjure twenty feet high burning beams of light from above on a living being within sight for five seconds. Light / Evocation/ -10 Soul
Twilight negation - Can form a barrier of spell negation. Only works on Evocation, Enchantment, and Illusion spells. Dark / Light / Abjuration/ -15 Soul
Blood Absorption - Can absorb the enemy's blood. Dark/ Necromancy/ +5 Soul & Stamina
Dark Blast - Summons a ball of darkness that crushes what it hits. Dark/ Evocation/ -5 Soul

Schools: Evocation 6, Conjuration 3, Transmutation 2, Abjuration 2, Necromancy 2, Illusion 2, Enchantment 2, Divination 1
Weaknesses- Steel 3/ Piercing, Divine 2/ Soul damage, Spirit 2/ Possession, Striking 2/ Dazed
Resistances- Water 4, Telepathy 4, Plant 3, Electricity 2, Wind 2, Ice 1, Dark 1, Light 1, Chaos 1, Blunt 1
Soul: 60
Stamina: 40
Items: +20 Stamina Potion
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