Avatar of Jollan
  • Last Seen: 24 days ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1959 (0.49 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Jollan 11 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current doing trade school online is like reading about a sport and expecting to be able to play it without practice.
6 yrs ago
Trade > bachelors
1 like
6 yrs ago
Desire to type "git gud" intensifies...
6 yrs ago
okay, watched the first episode of goblin slayer, not nearly as bad as what it was made out to be. Still a bit depressing but hey, saved 2 of 4 rookies, coulda been worse.
6 yrs ago
So i figured out, as much as id love the equivalent of an anime doom guy slaying goblins, i dont like seeing the lovely anime chicas catch a case of the mutilation.


Why hello, you little stalker. As you can see above I have recorded your visit for potential future stalking purposes. In that list you may find some other recent stalking victims. You may wonder, "Oh no! I've been caught! Whatever shall I do! What will become of me!" Well... I can assure you nothing....as in really...nothing. Except the fact that you may have wasted a precious few moments of your life with this bio. In this, I can say for every person that reads this, I have stolen that moment in your life that you could have been doing something else. Anything really.....Are you still here? Shouldn't you...I don't know, be posting in one of your RPs? I'm sure somebody is waiting for your response, it might even be me. You are procrastinating aren't you? I know I am. At the very moment I typed this I was supposed to be writing papers for class. See? Now I've been wasting time on both our accounts. Look what you made me do.




Ok, that is enough stalking...


There really isn't anything else here...


I'm gonna call the police...


(What's the number for 9-1-1?)

Most Recent Posts

Linoa turned around surprised and let out a sigh. “Khatia, you get earlier with every visit! And even if it leaves in an hour, it will still be a few days to get here,” she smirked. “Autumn doesn’t seem to be feeling well. The night guard said she could hear her a little bit last night. I guess it’s safe to let her sleep. As Hera and Ska’ayla started to walk by, both visiting from Portea with Khatia, Linoa spotted a piece of paper with a minimal amount of writing on a clipboard that Hera had.

Hera sighed, “You could have just asked if you needed it,” she said dryly as she handed Linoa a pen.

“Yes, but where is the fun in that? Besides, only need some of it,” she said as she tore off the written section and handed it back to Hera who now had an thrilled eyebrow raised. Linoa wrote a letter to Autumn about them being in the meeting room for a bit and slid it under the door.

“Don’t you think you baby her a little too much?” Ska’ayla asked, her arms crossed. “This is more than important enough to have her wake up. No need to keep pampering her after all this time.”

“I don’t baby anyone, Ayla” Linoa said as she leaned in towards her. She casually traced Ayla’s opposite side jaw to her chin with one of her nails, turning Ayla’s head towards her. “Well, not unless they want me too.” The knowing face Linoa made and the reddened on Ayla made was all too telling.

“Sh-shut up, just get the others together…”

“Hmmhmm~,” Linoa hummed happily. It didn’t take long to get the others in the meeting room. Hera, Ayla, Milly, Yiris, and Linoa all waited to discuss Khatia’s next hit. “Where’s Maple? We are missing our little something sweet.”

“Maple stayed in Portea to act as an aid for the caravan for this raid,” Hera explained. “She will provide healing support for any unwanted casualties on either side of this raid, as well as be our little indicator on which caravan we are hitting. She’ll be in the middle cart, facing the strike team side, so she should be safe.”

“I don’t like it... ,” Ayla grumbled, “I don’t like her in harm’s way.”

“Aw, look who’s babying operatives now,” Linoa teased.

“Well come on, it’s not like she’s a fighter,” Ayla argued. She would have gone herself, but she was a bit too notorious to do so.

Meanwhile, despite the noise, Yiris was, as usual, asleep at the table.

Ren would find the three cargo carts, each with two drivers so that one can relieve the other and pulled by two horses, right where the job listing indicated. There were a few other bounty hunters that were milling about waiting to leave, and one person that seemed to be in charge making sure all was ready to go. It was a middle aged balding man in plain, well worn clothes and peppered hair, what was left of it anyway. He turned around and saw Ren approaching, revealing his hilariously long mustache and a cracked monocle.

“Well, it seems we have another helper for this trip. I’m glad we put the extra benches on the sides of the carts now,” he mentioned, jerking a thumb at the carts. On the sides, over the wheels, were small supported platforms locked into the wall and shaped to be mildly comfortable for a long ride. This was a design kicked off by merchants for mercenaries to ride and quickly dismount and deploy if attacked, as well as a method to keep eyes all around the carts. “I see you have your proof of acceptance?” he asked, holding out a hand for the paper. Once he had it, he felt for the impression in it to make sure it was official and then folded it away. “You get your down payment at the delivery point and the rest once we return here. Luckily, there are quite a number of amazing stores in Midrill to make the trip back interesting enough. Usually people are busy fiddling with new purchases, it helps the time pass on the way back.”

Among the group of mercenaries, there was one girl who was already in a seat in the middle cart, swinging her legs alternatively forward and back. She had brown hair with a loose short braid in the back and vibrant hazel eyes. She wore a simple green dress with a white apron and a leather satchel, quietly waiting for the start of the trip, she seemed to be taking notes in a small handbook.

Tsukihana looked from Akarui to an easel in his room, linen sheet still swaying from being freshly tossed on. She sighed a knowing sigh and looked back to him. It seemed he was still in his casual clothes and was about ready to throw his sandals on and run out. “He summoned us, yes, but I don’t believe it is so urgent that you couldn’t finish getting ready. The messenger didn’t seem to be in a hurry either, but I wouldn’t think letting him wait too long would be good. Is… everything alright?” she asked. Oddly enough, at the same time she asked this, getting a closer look at her, Akarui would see signs of combat. Some marks on her gear, and some cuts on her hands, including some bruising, on her chin in particular.

She didn’t seem to let any of it show. In fact she acted as if everything was normal, but most anyone who knows of Tsuki knows better. Tsuki, though at the top of her ranks, never remained unchallenged by reapers trying to prove themselves. Whether they thought her lack of natural abilities made her an easy target, or the fact that her rank was stagnant meant she wasn’t strong, many used her as a proving ground of sorts, and Tsukihana never refused a challenger, even if she thought she may lose. It was dishonorable to refuse, though it was also dishonorable to challenge people far beneath you in rank. For those punching up, however, it was widely encouraged, but not often employed due to the power difference in some ranks. With Tsuki, however, she often not only would be a popular target for those previously mentioned, but she was consistently a target of higher born reapers, which only seemed to solidify their hate if she had won against them.

Tsukihana hadn’t decided to talk about any challenges this morning, but it was so common for her that she hadn’t really cared to for a few years now, it’s just how things were. “If… you don’t mind, may I clean up a little before seeing the captain?” she asked with a small bow.

“That is enough,” Suzune said sternly and just loud enough to be heard by all in the room. It was punctuated by a light wave of wind that washed across all more like a sonic boom than a breeze. “I will not have any fighting here. I would think that all of you may have had your fill,” She stated, looking around the room but particularly between Maeve and Kistal. “You are all welcome here, and we thank you for what all of you have done, but I will not allow anyone to make a mess of things here. You should be saving that energy for the road and eating up while you can, before it gets cold.”

At that moment, sensing the tension in the room from Suzune, Allard came lumbering in from the back rooms, as if he had recently rolled out of bed. “Well now, ‘avin’ a bit of a scrap this early in tha mornin’ are we?” He rested his giant hand on Suzune’s shoulder and gave her a broad smile and nod, letting her know he would talk to them. Meanwhile, he noticed a plate of food out, proportioned for him, and took it eagerly. Bidzil, Nix, and even Hilde watched as he took an appreciative bite from the food, knowing that wasn’t all he’d have to say.

“Mmm, not often she gets ta make these,” Allard mentioned as he set down the steam bun. He then turned to the two who were arguing. “Alright… I dun know all tha details, but from tha other side of tha wall, I think I got tha jist. Critter in that vase took sumthin’, now it’s got people riled up. Ya know… I’ve lost a lot of things in life, still am it seems,” he started, Dorran still heavy on his heart. “But there is not a ‘thing’ I’ve lost that was worth someone else’s life. These objects, this house, hell, tha shirt on my back. I could lose it all, and aye, there would be fury. However, it’s when people are hurt. That right there is where I draw my line. Kistal. In you there is a fire that burns, a will to help others from ones that would mean harm, even strangers like us. You have seen tha worst that people in this world have ta offer, and it has left a sensitive hatred in your heart. Maybe the wounds are still fresh, or too deep to forget. There is use in that hatred, but don’t let it cloud your judgement. People say things in anger that don’t always line up with their heart.” He nodded to Kistal, before moving on.

“Maeve. Aye, it can be frustration’ ta lose somethin’ of yur own, taken right out from under yur nose. Not only was your property tampered with but, yur privacy trespassed. However, there are some cultures, and especially most creatures, that have no such concept of things like ‘theft’ and ‘property’. Though I’d imagine some have an inklin’,” he mentioned, raising an eyebrow to the vase Nix carried, “but sometimes nature wins out. I know your heart better than I know Kistal’s. I know of his deeds at tha old temple that tha bandits made their home, yet I know your deeds first hand. Most our strongest warriors were off ta find our missing girls, you took it upon yourself ta help fight. Even when I fell, you were there ta get me to tha temple and even help treat patients when little Neev was run ragged.”

Allard reached over and grabbed a tankard, filling it up and taking a swig. After a couple gulps and half the tankard gone he continued. “Helps with tha soreness,” he chuckled. “What I’m tryin’ ta say is, you are both good people fightin’ on tha same side. Neither of ya should let somethin’ small as this get under ya skin. I watched tha little bugger run off with one of ma’tankards last night. Glass one at that. Found shards of it in tha bathroom sink ‘for the night was over. What I’m tryin’ ta say is, lives are what’s important, not things. So think clearly about both before ya take a step forward. An fur Krogan’s sake, yur all tha good sort, dun let some little tiff like this turn ya sour. Cuz if ya wreck the tavern, Suzune might drag ya ta tha arena ‘erself,” Allard finished with a laugh and another swig before continuing with his food.

Suzune looked over to Kallen when he asked about the peaches. “Actually, I do. There is a small peach that we can grow here, smaller than the ones in the scar, but they are quite sweet in comparison.” She went over to a small basket and pulled a towel covering to the side. She picked out the best one she could find and brought them to Kallen. “Don’t worry about paying,” she said with a smile. There were about ten plum sized peaches that she placed in a simple cloth sack and handed them to Kallen, interested in what he might try. Almost by instinct, if Kallen were to peer over to the vase, the top of the tinker’s head could be seen poking out juuuust enough for the eyes to be locked onto whatever just went into that bag.

It was at this time that Lynn and Tyreal entered the inn as well, Lynn following just behind the larger ‘lady’. Lynn sniffed the air experimentally. “Oh my, it smells wonderful in here,” she told Tyrael, “What is that scent?” This drew a quizzical look from Bidzil as to him it seemed obvious. But cooked food was a bit of an oddity for Lynn, as it was a rare occurrence that she ran into it. Most of the food of the sea required little to no cooking for her people, especially those that mostly lived in the water.

Allard shifted in his seat after a couple bites and turned back to the rest of the crowd. “So, you two finally came around, find yurselves somewhere comfortable, Suzune’ll have ya somethin’ ta eat shortly,” Allard said, greeting the two that just came in. “Alright, fur tha rest of ya, I been curious. After here, where are ya gonna head off to?

Bidzil was quick to answer, not afraid to share anything like this as he didn’t feel it was anything important to hide. “I want to try to find all the other treasures of the oracle. I know Krogan’s soul stone, which… admittedly I didn’t think it would house a fragment of his actual soul in it, but I know it is lost and there is a ring of sorts in Portea. Then there is the holy waters of Tundral, Sylph’s scythe, and the Crystal Sea’s trident,” he continued, pulling out a small worn book from a pouch, with a couple pages bookmarked with ribbon and dogeared in places. He opened it up to one of these bookmarks. “Aaaand a tome of sorts from-,”

“Did you say Crystal Sea trident!” Lynn called out, suddenly catching everyone’s attention. Lynn then looked a bit sheepish at the attention. “O-oh, sorry, I-I didn’t mean to interrupt, it’s just… That’s why I came out all this way. It’s been... taken,” she explained, her ears drooping a bit.

“By who?” Hilde asked, smelling more adventure on the horizon and not noticing how interested she was getting. Allard raised an eyebrow, picking up on just exactly what was happening.

“We… aren’t sure. At first, these visitors had requested the trident peacefully, but they grew desperate," Lynn started to explain. "We couldn't recognize the armor they wore, and they had these staves that were a blend of metal and wood that would cast such powerful spells before we knew what happened. Even the gruskans of legend couldn’t have casted magic so fast. It was easy for them to make their way into the temple, despite it being under water, and then they made off with the trident. They only attacked those that stood in their way, but that was still a large portion of our people, since most are trained in some way to defend ourselves.”

Allard wiped his mouth and beard with a napkin and thought for a moment. “These are dangerous winds stirrin’. Should these treasures actually do what the old legends say, then if anyone were ta gather ‘em all, who knows what could happen.”

“That’s exactly why I want to gather them!” Bidzil said standing up. “I admit it… at first, I wanted to use them for myself to restore my town, thinking that this would just be some old legend nobody believed in anymore and taking a chance… But look at this now! If there are this many people looking for it, I have to make sure they are found. I… I don’t know what I’ll do once I find them, but…,” he said, settling back down, plopping in his chair. “Maybe if I could ask the oracle to do away with the ability to summon the Vanishing Kingdom so nobody can use it.”

Allard watched the boy carefully, sizing him up and weighing his words. “Boy… If you were given the chance to have or do anything, would that really be your wish? Forsake the very reason you started all of this for everyone else?”

Bidzil looked up to meet Allard in the eyes, watching them intently before giving a strong nod, “Yes… If it stops all of this… yes.”

“Interesting,” Allard responded, scratching his beard.

“If you are going to gather them, I want to come with you,” Lynn declared. “I need to make sure that the Trident goes back to it’s rightful resting place, and-”

“Hold on, hold on,” Allard interrupted. “Before anyone starts getting riled up, there is one more part ta that ol tale. Ya need one more thing fur all of that ta work. You have a transcendent you know that's willing to sacrifice themselves to summon tha Oracle?”

The room went silent, as most didn’t know the tale of the Vanishing Kingdom and the Oracle. Nothing about Allard seemed jolly at the moment. He was putting Bidzil’s real character on the line, and for a moment, Allard was thinking that there may be something more sinister behind Bidzil than what he put on.

“A-a sacrifice!? Wait, what kind of ritual is this? We can’t ask or make someone to sacrifice themselves for something like that, it would be better to destroy the treasures-” Hilde started, but Bidzil quietly stood up and started taking off his jacket, letting it fall to hang from his waist at the belt.

“I do, actually…,” he said. You could hear a pin drop as they stared at Bidzil, some confused, but most likely none that went to the encampment and actually knew what transcendants were. Lynn backed away from him for a moment, not sure what to think. Bidzil closed his eyes and slowly summoned his wing, which if done slowly enough, didn’t rip from his back like it did before, though it was still fairly painful as he visibly gritted his teeth. If Allanon were behind him, he would notice that the wing emerged from the scar he saw on his back the other day. “Me… If I need to, I will gladly do what is necessary.” Immediately, any mana boosting effect would fade and anyone being able to feel such things would feel it, and slowly as Bidzil switched from supplying mana to pulling mana from nature, he would slowly be bathed in a very dim glow. “But from the looks of what has happened here, I don’t think I will be able to do it alone. I know it’s way more than what anyone should ever ask, but… I could use all the help I can get. I understand if some of you don’t want to help me with this, I get it, but I haven’t seen stronger people in all my life. I don’t have anywhere else to go back to. I was gone whem Trantis was attacked for a reason… this has to be it,” he ended confidently.

It was hard for Autumn to tell the time from the small underground room, but the sound of small feet and giggling of small children running down the halls was a telltale sign of morning. The room was small and narrow, but comfortable enough for one person. There was a bed with a trunk at the foot, a bedside table with a lamp, a dresser with mirror, a heater, and a small table with two wooden folding chairs. It was cozy, and much safer than the swamps and forests to the southeast. The faint smell of breakfast would waft into the room. Smelled to be the basics, with the unmistakable scent of eggs, bacon and sausage being cooked.

As the hideout started to stir, there was word that Khatia was soon to arrive, and Linoa was hard at work making sure everything was in tip top shape to welcome her. Knowing Khatia, she was most likely coming down to relay a mission, along with her usual staffing, so there would be at least four to five guests on the way. Outside of the room would be a hallway with the other barracks, and at the end of the hall was the commons area, where the hidden entrance would be. Passing that, there would be another corridor that would lead to the mess hall, training areas, and meeting room, and a few cells. There were only a handful of people here. Including Linoa and autumn, there are Yiris and Maple here, along with a few other volunteers that show up when they can.

“Yiris? Yiris, where are you?” Linoa called out in the commons. Just then a young looking half cat beastman rose out from under a bunch of miscellaneous tools and boxes.

With a yawn and a stretch Yiris looked around the room as if taking in her surroundings. “I’m here… apparently. Funny, I don’t remember dozing off here,” She looked around dreamily until her eyes settled on a strange ticking device in her hands. “YIKES!” she yelled out and quickly cut a wire in it. ”phew, close one,” she remarked.

“What was... No, you know what, I don’t even want to know. Anyway, Yiris, have you made the arrangements for Khatia’s order for the mission that she requested?” Linoa asked.

“Oh, that stuff? Well, yeah. Got that done last night… I think.”

“You think?”

“I… well, I should probably go check on that.”

“Please do,” Linoa finished, brushing some hair behind her ear with a sigh. She looked down at a clipboard with a to do list on it. Other than Yiris, all seemed about in order. “I swear, it’s the formal work like this I just can’t stand,” she said, tossing the clipboard on a nearby crate. She looked down the hall to the barracks, noticing she hasn’t seen Autumn up yet. Walking on over, she decided to give the door a gentle knock. “Autumn, are you still sleeping in there? Won’t have much time till Khatia gets here ya’ know.”

“Alright kiddo, I can let ya take this quest, but just be careful. I hear those bandits are nothing but trouble, have a few tough ones in their ranks too,” the older bartender told Ren as he unpinned the bounty from a corkboard behind him. “Use this as your proof of acceptance with the caravan, they should be leaving in a few hours from that location,” he continued, handing her the flyer. “Anything else I can get for ya?” The bar Ren was in was about on the southwest side, on a border between the Lonnette district and Calibris. The bar was fairly close to the southern gate, and acted as an inn on the upper floors.

Oddly enough, Sahale had gone silent since Ren last saw him in Kalla. Having left before anything happened, she may have still been unaware of what transpired just yet. Thus, her main source of bounties was halted and she had to rely on local bounties to get some money in her pocket. The mission seemed simple enough. It was caravan guard duty for a route from Portea, to Creston, and then to Midrill and back. It was a common trade route, and the merchants seemed to be low to mid tier as the payments weren't especially high, but it seemed to be the best one available at the moment.


“Yo, Copy, come check this out,” Zeph called to Zephel. He was standing at his desk slapping his hand on a large binder. The hangar office was cluttered with parts, notes, random scribblings, some adult reading material, and food wrappers. It was obvious that Zeph had another binge session of drafting from the bags under his eyes and stupid grin. “I think we’ve about got it. In this binder right here is all the blueprint material for the Grande Dame. If we are lucky, we can have an airship by the end of the year now! It’s just… well… we lack materials, and the budget is nearly all burnt up.”

He turned around and looked at other blueprint books. “I mean, we can try to build smaller personal craft to start, but I want to build the Grande Dame as my flagship. Uhg, Yiris always knew how to get some cash, but since she’s left, I’ve come to find out I’m not so frugal. If you can, could you find a few bounties to knock out? You are used to doing all that adventuring stuff, I can get us a head start while you are out.”

“Eight dead, twelve injured, damage to one of the rice fields. Culprits have retreated into the caverns even farther beneath the forest,” a man’s voice reported. The only thing visible of the man was the black cloak he wore, drooping hood hiding even most of his face. Sitting across from him in the meeting chamber was Seiryu, leader of the reapers sworn to serve the Scar. He sat on a lone cushion, the only furnishing in the room, with his blade beside him and the insignia of the reapers on a tapestry behind him, a black cloth with white ink painted on it in the form of crossed sickles with sylph in the middle, arms crossed in an ‘X’ and wings outstretched to the sides.

Seiryu sighed, shaking his head. “I imagine that they live in those caverns, but trying to get down in there would be near suicide, even for us. They know the tunnels and have probably made every trap imaginable in there. I’ll think of a way to flush them out, but to cover the whole of the caverns at once would be near impossible.” Seiryu rubbed his chi in thought, looking down at his blade. Maybe he will have to personally get involved.

The reaper bowed, though he had more to say. “Sir, there is one more piece of news that we have acquired, before my report is finished.” When Seiryu nodded for him to continue, the man took a deep breath. “Renestrae Vesperr, sir. She’s been spotted in Portea. Should action be taken?”

Seiryu’s eyes widened at the mention of the name. “So… She’s slipped up and got herself noticed. I half expected Sahale to have whisked her away by now. We need to capitalize on this before she slips away again.” Seiryu stood up and paced the room trying to think of what to do. He then sharply turned to his informant, “Summon Akarui and Tsukihana. If anyone can track her down, It’s those two. I must prepare a mission briefing, so go ahead and bring them to me,” he finished, waving the man off who simply bowed and soundlessly left the room. “I’m going to put an end to this… all of this…”

He looked over to the rock garden just outside. There was a large red gate that led to a graveyard, and while there seemed to be nothing wrong with it, Seiryu knew better. Two guards stood at either side of the gate, making sure nothing unauthorized made its way through. “Sometimes I wonder… If those graves were your punishment, what should this traitor’s be?”

It was about Mid-day when Akarui would hear a knocking at his door. All reapers were required to stay in the reaper’s fortress dorms unless tending to a family. Depending on your rank, your room would be better or worse. Akarui, much like his brother, nearly had his own studio apartment. Tsukihana’s room, however, was a decent sized room that held all her essentials. It was far from cramped, but it was still quite basic and shared a bathhouse which was separated for men and women, a kitchen, and a common area with the rest of the reapers in that formed floor. The dorm buildings themselves were in the classic Sylve style, using wood and tatami floors, wood framing with rice paper walls and dividers, and sliding doors.

There was a faint knocking on Akarui’s door frame. Tsukihana then took a step back, casually crossing her arms and standing outside waiting. Being on a lower floor, she got the message first and told the messenger that she would let Akarui know for them.
Well damn, you have good timing, lmao.

We had some people drop so sure thing! Lot should be sending you a discord invite soon!

To anyone that arrived back to the inn, Suzune would welcome them back, breakfast now ready. The meal consisted of As for breakfast it was as she described earlier: Flatbread filled with falafel, humus, black beans, cucumber sauce, and potatoes, with sides of eggs, sausages, cheeses, and steam buns with a sweet date paste in the center. Though she would give a worried look to Kistal with his injured arm, before Suzune could express herself about Kistal, Vog seemed a bit startled as Neev went from seeming dead asleep to hopping out of his arms.

She was already over next to Kistal examining his arm. “Oh my, oh my! This is curious indeed! Where could you have gotten a bite like this all the way out here?” she started, her tail whipping back and forth. Nix didn’t seem enthusiastic about the girl running up to him and bared her fangs at her with a low growl. Neev’s ears perked up and she took a step back waving her hands. “Don’t worry, I won’t harm him, in fact,” she said folding one arm around herself and resting her chin on her index finger and thumb contemplatively. “I think I remember the right spell for this. I used to see this seldomly in Midrill, but I never thought that I would see it out here. You are a long way from home, missy,” she told Nix, who only huffed in response and looked away as she settled back down. A book then lifted from one of her pockets and flupped through the pages till it landed on the ome she was looking for. “Alright, here it is! let's get this arm fixed.”

Neev lifted Kistal’s arm up and out. “Alright, hooooold here,” she said as she held both hands over the wound, just a few inches from it. Chanting under her breath and with her eyes closed, the ice around the wound started to dwindle into nothingness and the wound itself started to glow as it closed up, leaving a scar. “There! How does it feel? It may still be sore for a few days, as it was rather deep.

Vog simply sighed and found a place to sit down, as did most of the others. Even Hilde found a comfy place to sit near the bar where her mother was. Bidzil found a center table and sat, getting started on his food, chuckling to himself about how confused Allanon seemed to be to go back and forth. Seems like they could have just stayed here and it would have sorted itself out, but better safe than sorry. He looked around at everyone, something obviously on his mind, and when his eyes settled on Chihiro, a question came to mind.

“Hey Chihiro, if you don’t mind me asking… That Jeevak guy everyone was mentioning at the bandit camp. Kallen called him the ‘enemy of man’, but you mentioned having to see him again… as enemies? What do you know of him? I mean, I was kinda trying to gather the treasures as well, but… I don’t know quite how I feel about it if it’s something that will get others hurt. Though, then again, if this guy is as bad as he sounds, maybe trying to get them to keep his hands off them is a better reason to try to get the treasures. I know it’s an old tale, but if anything, these last few days seem to tell me the legend of the oracle and the Vanishing Kingdom are as real as any of us in this room,” Bidzil said, looking a bit more serious than his usually carefree and loose persona painted him as. “I don’t want anything like what’s happened to my town to happen anywhere else.”

“Jeevak? That name is familiar,” Neev interrupted, her ears twitching over to Bidzil’s question. She quickly turned to Vog, and looked between him and Maeve. “He was here after I had started to rest, right?” she asked, partially to both of them.

“Yes, was able to clear your early mana sickness signs, and from what I heard, he helped the fair Isoli and her friend settle a matter outside in the square,” Vog recalled, little pieces of what he saw and rumors he heard while staying by Neev’s side.

In the meantime, Nix took it upon herself to check if Kistal’s arm really was well. She sat next to him, cross-legged with the vase in her lap, and took his arm in her paws. She looked it over for a moment, unsatisfied with the strange magic the girl used and started licking it to clean it. She gave a half hearted glance towards Kallen when he mentioned her by name, but quickly went back to work, ignoring him.

The tinker, curious as to the smells in the room and the calmer atmosphere, poked its head from the top of the jar, the webbing ‘lid’ pushing slightly out of place as she did so. Whoever was to look towards it would see two beady golden eyes peeking at them. Hilde tilted her head slightly and squinted in thought. “A smith? Something that small? I mean, I never heard of any such thing as a ‘tinker imp’ before, but how could something like that possibly make anything comparable to a smithy? Especially larger items,” she said, voicing her disbelief.

Kallen’s book excerpt from Merryfeather's Encyclopedia of Humanoid Creatures:
Allanon listened as Maeve explained what she knew of the Hallas family's recovery. Since it had been so long since he had heard from his former comrade it was a good thing to hear that he was successful in his endeavors even if they were slow. He had little interest in visiting Tundral, but if his adventures took him there in the future he would try his best to meet Craiv. He understood how closed off Tundral was to the outside world.

"Thank you," Allanon said. "Of my old friends he is one of the few left alive. I'm glad he's doing well enough for his family to be back on the rise. I can relate to your feelings in regards to politics. My own family wanted to use me for political marriage as well." He turned to head out and deal with the commotion outside when he heard her repeat his name making him pause in his movement. When she said "sparring partner" he realized exactly what she was and chuckled. "Perhaps at some point later we can exchange pointers. Even though I've long since left the dueling life I'm always willing to take on challengers when they find me."

Then he heard his name again from a different voice from a young woman that just entered the bar. He looked at her cautiously, but after a few moments recognized the Red Saints attire. The girl herself looked familiar as if he had met her somewhere, but her name entirely evaded him. Not all that surprising as when he brought in people needing the Red Saints' help he never asked for names although he heard several of them often enough. The Saints were the only organization he trusted to protect the victims he brought in from the Calabris family. He was pretty certain she was from one of the Portean locations.

"I could say the same thing to you," He responded with a kind smile. "We can talk another time. It appears there's a commotion not far, and there is a thief about."

With that he marched out the door and to the marketplace to witness what clearly looked to be a dispute between Kallen, Kistal, and a stranger right in front of a stall.

Kallen blinked incredulously at Ingoleth. "Ego battle? What are you talking about? My interest here resides with the thieving creature in that jar. Why in the hell would I waste my time engaging in an ego battle?" He sighed in frustration. As he did he noticed Allanon approaching. So much for discreetly finding a thief and getting recompense of some sort.

"What in the hell is going on here?" Allanon demanded with his arms crossed. "'Thieving creature in that jar'? Some questions need answering here."

Kistal's gaze become so withering as to threaten reality in that stall. His ire was directed at Ingoleth. The satyr took position between Nix and the rest, the wound on his arm now seemingly forgotten. His voice, normally boisterous but civil, became rough and belligerent. "Enough of this farce! Bard, you have done nothing but ill. Your...help," The word dripped with enough poison to kill a dragon. "did nothing but make the situation worse. She was already cornered." He grabbed one of the wine bottles he carried. He was too angry to care and snapped the neck off with his fingers before downing half of it. His next exhale exuded an odious miasma of unfocused mana mixed with the alcohol. "No more spectacles, no more threats. Move to let Nix and I leave to the inn or I will force you to move. I expected a bard to be more than a pile of verbal diarrhea."

He looked behind him at Nix. "Nix, if you would, please come with me and bring your friend to the inn. We have much to figure out, without the presence of this insufferable fool." His eyes fixed upon the people at the entrance. Everyone simply got a cold glare except Ingoleth, who received a glare that could only be forged through decades of hate and pain.

Chihiro saw the young woman get knocked down but left it alone. Bidzil was handling it. She instead was hot on Allanon's heels and saw the spectacle. Kallen and some newcomer seemed almost pitted against Kistal and Nix. She heaved a sigh, hearing how angry Kistal was. Obviously, something happened before they arrived for the satyr to be hurling insults at the newcomer. "Alright, alright, explain later, get this back to the inn. This place won't help any of us out."

She was about to begin trying to usher people back towards the inn, but Hilde came in and interrupted.

Tali followed the main group, though not without ogling the new Isoli a bit. At the situation, she crept on the sideline, letting the group say its piece. If anything explosive happened, she would be happy to step in. However, for now, she was content to make sure everyone got back to the inn in one piece. Had she known the situation, she likely would have sided with Kistal and Nix, regarding Ingoleth as an unnecessary meddler rather than any sort of assistance. Regardless, she didn't know the situation yet and was withholding judgement.

Alright, let’s head that way,” Hilde started with a smile, glad that it didn’t have to escalate further. She watched Kistal storm by as Nix followed, walking on her two legs so she could hug the vase close to herself, which, after seeing her move around normally, was a bit odd compared to how she kept low and on her haunches regularly. She wanted to ask if they were alright, seeing Kistal’s wound and Nix’s bandages. “Uh, w-wait. Kistal, y-you’re arm, what happened? Maybe we should swing by the temple first instead? Neev might be up and able to help heal that, if Vog allows it anyway. He’s been very particular about her magic use since the attack.Either way, that needs attention.” It then dawned on her that there was a new person in their midst. As they were walking and talking and approaching the inn, Hilde saw a girl in a red cloak.

    As for Elren, the group that walked away from the inn seemed to already be headed back, though with another familiar face other than Allanon’s in the form of a certain infamous, to Calibris anyway, satyr. 

"Oh, hey! You must be the one Vog was talking about. Elren, right? He said if I see you that he and Neev are in the temple. Poor girl has been sleeping since the other night after the raid the other night. I'm sure they'll be happy to see a familiar face. I’m Hilde by the way", Hilde said to Elren. She looked the part of the Red Saints girl Vog described, anyway. “So I guess if we go there instead, that will be two birds with one stone.”

Nix gazed a resentful glare at the others clogging up the stalls before clutching the vase close to her and walked only a step or two behind Kistal. Her ears were laid back as she looked at Kistal’s arm, not too happy with herself about it, secretly blaming herself. She was silent, though that was probably not surprising. Some chittering could be heard from the vase once in a while, and Nix would look into the vase to check on whatever it was inside. “Peach… Need one,” she finally said. 

“A peach? Hmmm, I don’t think we will have those any time soon. We can only get those in trade normally, sorry,” Hilde mentioned.

 Nix only seemed to huff once more, growling in frustration, though it didn’t seem directed back at Hilde.

Bidzil stared and watched, relieved that everything seemed to settle itself in the end, though maybe not as smoothly as one would hope. He rubbed the back of his neck, “Well, that could have gone smoother. Not much we could have done though it seems.” He sighed and brought his hand down to rest his left knuckles on his hip and his hand on his hilt in a casual stance. “Hmmm, maybe we should hold off on that training idea until  we know a bit more. Besides, I still got a bit of a road trip to plan out, ya know?” he chuckled.

At this point, it seemed the aformentioned red saint duo was walking out of the temple, headed toward the inn anyway. Vog was carrying Neev like a parsnt taking their child to bed, she seemed to still be in the middle of one of her 'cat naps'. Whether she had woken up from her initial one or this was her falling asleep again, even Hilde wouldn't know. Vog, however, knew that unless she was needed or actively doing something, she tended to sleep the day away.


“Momoki! Aliah!” a young woman’s voice could be heard coming down the hall from outside the room. Both the sister’s ears perked up when they heard it and Momoki was able to leap from where she was to the door right as someone frantically started knocking on it. 

    “It's unlocked, Erida,” Momoki stated as she opened the door for her, revealing a young pale girl with long  wavy light blonde hair that nearly brushed the floor. The most notable thing about her, however, were the weathered draconic features marking her as a half dragon beastman. She had frail looking horns, tattered wings that constantly drooped low, and a tail that drug behind her. She was breathing heavy and trying to catch her breath, her face flushed. Momoki quickly took her hand and led her to Aliah, resting her on one of the fluffy tails. “What’s wrong? You shouldn’t work yourself up like this,” she continued, sitting next to her and brushing the girl’s hair behind her ear for her. She looked rather shaken.

    “O-oh, Ilren, you are here too. I was looking for you as well,” Erida started, Aliah’s aura helping calm her down. “Its Teeva. She’s gone, and with one of Nina’s small crystal orbs as well,” she said with a worried look on her face. 

    “Crystal orb? What was she doing with that? I thought only Nina and Cros were allowed to use those? Where did she go?” Momoki asked.

    “We… we don’t know. Teeva isn’t tagged like Sahale is, so Nina is having trouble finding her. As… for what she was doing… She told me not to tell, but-” Erida stopped herself and was on the fence about continuing, not wanting to break Teeva’s trust.

    “If you think it was important enough to come this far, surely it's important enough to tell us,” Aliah stated.

    Erida took a few deep breaths, “Alright… Teeva somehow managed to learn the spell Nina uses to have one of her crystals watch over Sahale while he is gone, just as Mr. Cros does. While watching it though, something spooked her. W-well, not in a frightened way, but more of a surprise. I wasn’t able to talk to her much afterwards, and I don’t know what she saw, but she told me not to worry about it. This morning she was gone and Nina said one of her orbs was too.”

Nix was not happy with the outcome. Her authority was challenged, and she had no real way now to right the injustice, and her lone rebuttal to the act only ended up injuring the wrong person. When Kistal fussed at her, telling her it wasn't Kallen, not only was she more confused now, but she was now antsy since someone else came into the picture. She simply huffed irritatedly. So what, was it this guy now? There was no sense in all of this. She would have to check on Kistal after the others left them alone. That bite would be nasty and she would need to try to bath it to keep from infection. 

She crawled over to where the small vase the little thief was hiding in, circled it twice, and sat down with her legs crossed and the vase in the middle. If one took the time watch her, they would notice now that things were calmer that Nix had strips of various cloth as bandages wrapped around her ankles and wrists where the cuffs from the other day had been. She sat there indignantly, watching with her ears back and eyes narrowed. Her tail did swish a couple times, thumping on the ground when Kistal struck the strange man. If he was the actual culprit of that flash that made her bite Kistal, then it was more than alright by her. However, she was still much more wary of the human that first woke her up.

Ingoleth had seen his fair share of mages to know that standing in front of one when casting magic was dangerous. He immediately skipped backwards and away from him, his back towards the wall, just in time, as the horned one's horn lightly scraped the side of his skull in an attempt to headbutt him. Good timing, me! he thought as the beastman then moved to punch him.
Unfortunately for him, close combat was never his thing, so instead, he deliberately sat still, the strength of that beastman knocking him a step back against the wall, to which he straightened his back and fixed his posture, revealing a toothy, cocky smirk, his longer canines visible. He was in pain, but he was also a good performer. Good enough to fake his death twice. This small task of fooling these two was a piece of cake.

"If by 'handling' it, you mean create a commotion, attract a fox spirit obsessed with mischief, then proceed to engage in an ego battle with a proud wolf girl, then yes. You were definitely handling it i'll give you that." he paused, taking a good look around and processing everything happening. "Wait, i caused the fight? God.. are you all scared of pretty lights? The mere thought of you trying to kill me is amusing."

At first glance, his appearance would signal a half Beastman, or to the better versed, a Grusk, particularly his unnaturally colored, sharper features. His illusions being cast without any visible catalyst could be seen as supporting the Grusk theory.

"Either way, i dont recommend approaching the vase. If you knew anything about wolfmen you would know that's her territory. Most actions are seen as hostile."

Allanon listened as Maeve explained what she knew of the Hallas family's recovery. Since it had been so long since he had heard from his former comrade it was a good thing to hear that he was successful in his endeavors even if they were slow. He had little interest in visiting Tundral, but if his adventures took him there in the future he would try his best to meet Craiv. He understood how closed off Tundral was to the outside world.

"Thank you," Allanon said. "Of my old friends he is one of the few left alive. I'm glad he's doing well enough for his family to be back on the rise. I can relate to your feelings in regards to politics. My own family wanted to use me for political marriage as well." He turned to head out and deal with the commotion outside when he heard her repeat his name making him pause in his movement. When she said "sparring partner" he realized exactly what she was and chuckled. "Perhaps at some point later we can exchange pointers. Even though I've long since left the dueling life I'm always willing to take on challengers when they find me."

Then he heard his name again from a different voice from a young woman that just entered the bar. He looked at her cautiously, but after a few moments recognized the Red Saints attire. The girl herself looked familiar as if he had met her somewhere, but her name entirely evaded him. Not all that surprising as when he brought in people needing the Red Saints' help he never asked for names although he heard several of them often enough. The Saints were the only organization he trusted to protect the victims he brought in from the Calabris family. He was pretty certain she was from one of the Portean locations.

"I could say the same thing to you," He responded with a kind smile. "We can talk another time. It appears there's a commotion not far, and there is a thief about."

With that he marched out the door and to the marketplace to witness what clearly looked to be a dispute between Kallen, Kistal, and a stranger right in front of a stall.

Kallen blinked incredulously at Ingoleth. "Ego battle? What are you talking about? My interest here resides with the thieving creature in that jar. Why in the hell would I waste my time engaging in an ego battle?" He sighed in frustration. As he did he noticed Allanon approaching. So much for discreetly finding a thief and getting recompense of some sort.

"What in the hell is going on here?" Allanon demanded with his arms crossed. "'Thieving creature in that jar'? Some questions need answering here."


"Tinker," Nix interrupted, glaring at Kallen. "Not thief, [i]tinker[/]. Is imp. Nix will not give to one eye," she stated matter-of-factly. She huffed air as if to finalize the statement and turned her head from him.

Bidzil caught up with the others, apologizing once more to Elren and hurrying to the market. "What'd I miss? Oh wow, there's a lot more people here than I thought," he mentioned looking around at the large group forming. Oddly enough, all foreign to Kalla, including him. "What is… a 'tinker imp'? Never heard of that before.

Nix's ears perked up as she looked to Bidzil. She remembered him from the desert, much like this other man, but other than that, she didn't know much about him. With Kistal there, she felt more at ease despite the growing number of people. "Tinker just is. Take things, make things, share with pack, pack share with tinker."

At that point a familiar voice was heard calling to them as they approached. "Well, aren't all of you drawing a nice little crowd this morning?" the voice called out. The group would be able to turn and see Hilde walking up in her full gear looking better than ever after being healed and given a night to rest and freshen up. She had a big smile on her face like her father as she looked around at the how they were pulling attention to the curious townspeople either stopping to see what was going on or slowing down to rubber-neck as they passed by.

"What's with all the commotion? I heard shouting all the way from the temple. Anything wrong I can help with, or a good drink at the inn might solve?" The last suggestion seemed a bit more like a request the way she said it. Which it was, in hopes to get them away from the stalls and in a place that could calm their nerves over a nice relaxing drink. Not to mention cooler temperatures tend to make cooler heads. Despite her objections at being a temple guard, she seemed to still like the position.



Both the girls woke up with a yawn and a stretch, though Momoki was cut short as she felt a push, causing her to tumble over to another of Alia's tails, sweeping the blanket that was Momoki's tails off the three of them. She yipped in surprise but relaxed as she practically melted into the plushy tail as well. "Oh, Elren," she said, pausing to get focus. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. She didn't even remember when they got back here. Her eyes then widened as she perked up. "W-wait, Elren! O-oh my. We didn't... do you still have all your mana? you aren't feeling woozy are you?" she asked, afriad of what may have transpired in her drunken night before.

Then Aliah stirred once more, more sluggish than her sister. "No, everything is fine. I watched over both of you," she spoke slowly and dreamily, as if trying to shake off a still lingering dream. "Vonna stopped putting alcohol in your drinks after you two stumbled to your chairs," Aliah explained. "It seems you are getting better around my aura. After all, you were the first to wake."

Momoki sat up and pondered for a moment. "Hmm, now that I think about it, you haven't seemed effected by my scents. "Maybe I need to amp it up a bit later~" Momoki giggled mischievously.

Discord server recap


Sightseeing for a while now, and with the streets still empty, it wasnt hard for Ingoleth to notice the commotion near the market stalls while he strolled by, looking for something to do out of boredom. He heard people talking and something crackling, all behind a sandstone wall, no doubt created by a spell. Dix phased through the wall and went inside the room without coming out afterwards. That extra bit of information was all Ingoleth needed to figure out what was roughly happening inside.

He reached for his harp and begun to prepare for a mana infused tune inducing drowsiness, only for a quick and rough awakening, when no resistance was felt where the stolen strings once were. Great. Mounting the harp back on his belt, he tried something else.

He imagined of the most extravagant of gems he had ever seen, locking that mental image in his brain and then projecting it as a palm sized illusion in front of him. Then, he set the condition of it to move forward for 5 seconds -enough to roughly be in the center of the room, if maybe a bit further- before exploding into a miniature sparkling lightshow of all the different colors of the rainbow. It was meant to be incredibly extravagant to say the least. That ought to draw their attention.


"Perhaps," Kallen calmly responded to Kistal's suggestion of a language barrier. "Or it simply could be sh-" He flinched in surprise at the sudden lightshow. He turned around and knocked down the wall of sand with a simple smack with his staff. A gust of wind could probably tear it down since his spell only formed the shape of the sand using the little water that was available. It's effect was symbolic rather than practical. "What the hell?! Who the fuck is stupid enough to do something like this?!" He snapped while scanning the area.


Nix seemed to take note of Kistal's actions. She somewhat trusted him after what he has done for her so far, and he didn't seem to be acting aggressive towards this man either. However, she didn't back down, this man's irreverence to her authority could not be overlooked. One false move from him and she would not be able to permit him to try to shame her further. As Kistal tried to soothe her through words, she dismissed them. "Not now," she simply responded, eyes still locked on Kallen. Could he not see how this was not the time for pleasantries? It was then that the lights flashed before her eyes.


By instinct, Nix leapt towards the only threat she knew, still unable to quite see due to the rapid and drastic change in light levels. Something quickly grabbed her and her first instinct was to bite at the arms that grabbed her. With a snarl she chomped down on the first thing she could sink her teeth into, ice bursting from around where the wound would be and away from her own mouth, causing it to affect an even larger area than what a regular bite would be. However, something didn’t taste right. There was fur, and the scent was that of-, oh no.

Nix opened her eyes to realize she had bit down hard into Kistal’s arm, and was instantly taken aback. There was a look of shock and worry for a split moment, her ears perking up in surprise as well. Kistal looked fine, otherwise, the bite being the only wound. Even angrier now that she was stopped and bit him instead, however, Nix’s ears laid back as she growled in irritation, giving Kallen a death glare. She struggled to get out of Kistal’s embrace. “DUMB! Why stop Nix!? Now you hurt! Eerrrrr, will tear him to pieces! LET GO!” she demanded, still struggling. Unfortunately for her, Kistal was quite physically stronger than her, and would be able to keep control even with the frostbitten wound on his arm which still had ice hanging from it. Nix didn’t believe in what she thought was this man’s theatrics. There was nobody else here, so it had to be him that made that light.


Dix was getting excited with the chaos unfolding in front of her eyes, like a long scroll yet to be fully unraveled, yet her excitement only visible to Ingoleth as the sandstone wall became dust.

"Thats a bit rude of you." Ingoleth chimed in with a sarcastic and smile, standing right behind the would be sandstone barrier. "I put a lot of work on these illusions." Now able to observe the situation, seeing the wolf girl with what seemed to be tundral powers, he figured a lightshow wasn't the best of decisions for this particular situation. But Dix was enjoying herself so it was a win win scenario. He could see, and she got chaos.

However, he knew what the right decisions were, through his past. He raised a palm towards Kallen and moved between him and the wolf girl, never directly walking to her but rather around in a circle. He yawned and licked his lips, giving her a side glance, and gave a toothy smile. Finally, he turned to Kallen, his back vulnerable to Nix. All of his actions were calming signals, which he used to trick her primal instincts, effectively using them against herself.

Facing Kallen, he warned him, "Friendly advice between one to another, dont challenge her." Right in front of his face and out of Nix's vision, a small illusion of Ingoleth's face appeared to be shushing him. When it disappeared, instead replaced by the bard's ghost sounds of Kallen's voice saying, "Yeah, okay." It was an approximation of his voice after hearing him speak, but probably good enough to fool an angry wolf's instincts of aggression.


Kallen glowered at the stranger's interference as he approached. Under normal circumstances he would be more than happy to engage in dialogue, but this one had chosen a poor route of introduction. "This is not your business to be involved in, stranger." He kept a discerning eye on this intruder. Part of him considered use of the Eye of Avarice, but he needed his full attention on this spell caster just in case he decided to continue causing problems. The mana cost of the Eye might prevent him from effectively countering his opponent.

He knew all the signs of catalysts. He heard no words, so either it was a gesture or an object. As soon as the unwarranted advice arrived Kallen's irritation reached a peak. As soon as the illusion of the hushing face faded, Kallen slammed his staff into the sand channeling his intent to counter magic firmly declaring. "Enough."

Any gestures were too small to notice which likely meant the catalyst in this case was an object. Kallen hated countering this type of catalyst. Often times he had not enough time to study his opponent to figure out the tics that go with that particular object. This made countering more guesswork than anything which meant there was a chance he would waste his mana, but he could not allow for this continued annoyance. This situation was between him, Kistal, and the other two within the merchant's stall.


Kistal's goodwill resulted in a rather nasty bite, which would normally just be annoying, but the added ice explosion caused him to audibly grunt in pain. "Nix, it isn't him making the problems!" Before he could say any more, a hoity toity bard walked in and started to talk about illusions. Kistal responded reasonably for anyone versed in magic, not to trust a single word the bastard said.

His first decision was to simultaneously test to see if the bard was actually real or not while getting to vent some of his well earned anger. Kistal used his naturally thick skull in a headbutt towards the back of Ingoleth's head, following up with a haymaker towards the kidney. As he struck, he growled out a rumbling insult. "You fucking idiotic twat! We were handling it just fine and you practically make a fight happen! Be happy we didn't just try to kill you instantly for putting us so on edge!"



Allanon gestured towards Bidzil after Maeve introduced herself. "This is Bidzil. Glad to have you working with us, Maeve." He turned his head to Bidzil. "There are a few options to find the culprit. We have access to a couple magic users, so it's entirely possible that one of them is capable of using tracking magic which if I remember correctly is best effective based on familiarity with the item. Secondly only the best of thieves leave no evidence behind, I'm not the greatest detective, but the skillset is something an old comrade taught me the basics of. Thirdly, we have manpower. Simply put, three bodies can be fairly effective in searching out an area if we can deduce the best places one could hide at a time like this. Places no one would be at this hour. For example the marketplace as Suzune told me earlier." He glanced around the room. "I'd ask Kistal to help as well, but he already left the building if I remember right."

He had understated his detective skills a bit, but he didn't feel comfortable telling the truth about his hunting down Calabris operations and defeating them in front of strangers and in a public place. Him being open about using his real name in public was simply because he was confident he could defend himself from any bounty hunter, and it even opened opportunities to find Calabris operatives. One of the reasons he introduced himself with his full name to Maeve was to gauge her reaction. If she recognized his name she didn't show it.

”Orzhov,” Allanon mentioned after a few moments of thought. ”That’s a Tundral family.” The last time he had heard anything of his old comrade, Craiv Hallas was when they went their separate ways. ”I used to work with a healer by the name of Craiv Hallas. About eight years ago we parted ways. He said he planned to return his family to its former glory. I haven’t heard from him since we parted ways. Perhaps you know something about him?”


Bidzil gave Maeve a nod and a quick wave as he was introduced. "The markets? Yeah, I guess that would make sense I would have picked something a bit farther out, but if nobody is there, then it would be a prime spot. Plus who knows what wares might still be locked up in there." Bidzil made his way to the front door and opened it, holding it to let them through as well. "Shoot, when I was a kid, there's no way I would have let such an opportunity pass me by. It's kinda is fair game when you think about it."

At that moment, he could hear shouting that short distance passed the square and looked out from the inn. It was a ways off, but it looked like there was something going on over at the market stalls. "Hey, uh.... Either they are reopening the place up, or someone is a step ahead of us." Bidzil said with a smirk. The commotion started to turn a couple heads here and there that had still been milling about, but for now, they paid it no mind.

"A private question, hm? Oh my, maybe I guessed a little too correctly. After we are all cleaned up here, I'll do my best, no promises though," Suzune responded to Chihiro. Luckily, most everything was nearly completed, and it seemed the others were about to make a quick errand, so they will mostly have the place to themselves. As for Tali, Suzune couldn't quite mask the confusion in her eyes. "I... I must say, that is quite the perplexing statement, but nobody in this town seemed against you in any way. Though, we were apparently hosting some of the local bandit tribesmen right under our noses. I’d hate to think it was any of our own.”

She started serving the food once it was done, mostly to Chihiro and Tali at the moment. “Oh, r-right. I forgot. You need a supply of mana instead. Well, I hope this at least takes your mind off it for now.” she said as she set plates in front of the other two women. “I’ll just have to keep their food warm till they return I guess. They seem rather fired up.”


While the naga woman would have been content to wait in the inn and relax, the commotion in the market stalls grabbed her attention. "Ah yes, Suzune, the question is for later, then. It seems I have some more work to do before I can rest." She slipped out, looking towards the stalls to try and get a better read on where to go. She flicked out her fans and then glanced behind her for any additional allies.

Tali smiled at Suzune as she apologized for not being able to restore her mana. "Oh, don't worry, dear. I got my fill after I woke up. Food and drink will be a nice relaxation for me. But, it might be best for me to join the others. They may need my...unique talents." She got up, not missing a chance to plant a kiss on Suzune's cheek, then sashayed out the door.

End of recap



Just a little below the water’s surface, Tyrael would be able to make out Lynn’s silhouette. Upon knocking on the wall of the bathhouse that half sat on the water, Lynn seemed to stir a little, causing little ripples in the water that distorted her face as she looked up to see Tyreal. She smiled and rose from the water, her staff lifting her out as she sat sidesaddle on one of the paddle-like sides. “Tyrael! Good morning~,” Lynn greeted as she stretched in a way that seemed a bit more appealing than what one would think possible for someone as innocent as her. “I am feeling much better than I was the other day. Thank you so much for helping me get here safely. I don’t know what would have happened if I had come out here on my own.” In her mind she remembered Gossk’s sacrifice, but she tried to keep things relatively cheerful at the moment. Dwelling on it too much now would only breed negativity. “With those ladys’ help, uhm… Valia and Maeve if I remember right, got me back to feeling much better again. I almost feel as if I had spent a day pampering myself at home! I had no idea there would even be bodies of water out here, small as they may be, but still amazing!” Unlike normal, where Lynn would dry herself off by removing water from around herself, she left it so that she could hold onto more water. Out here, she would dry up soon enough anyway. “Alright, so, what should we do today?” she started, crossing her arms. “I still need to ask if they know anything of the trident, but first maybe we should take a look around? Maybe that place over there where people tend to gather for food and drink?”


Bidzil hesitated going out the door for a moment, waiting on the others to gather up as it seemed that they wanted to go check it out as well, letting the door come back to a close. Once all seemed ready, he swung the door back open, but was surprised when it suddenly met resistance and apparently knocked someone over. “Ah! Ohman, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to knock you over! Here let me help you up!” He exclaimed as he rushed around the door. He leaned over and held out his hand to what seemed to be a young woman in a red cloak. His face had a look of worry and embarrassment, he really didn’t think anyone was there when he had opened the door again. When did they even walk up? He hoped he didn’t hurt them too bad with it.


Sahale's Mansion

How many hours had passed since Ilren fell asleep? Did it even matter? Upon awakening, Ilren would find herself in a bed of Aliah’s tails, one of the two fox demon sisters that stayed with Sahale. To say her tails were huge were an understatement, that even kept the demon girl from being very active, but the large plush soft fur that adorned all nine of her tails made for a very convenient bed, enough for Aliah herself and two other people to sleep in fact. Speaking of which, if Ilren were to roll to her side, she would see none other than the other sister, Momoki, fast asleep next to her. Perhaps last night saw too many of Vonna’s specialty drinks, and they fell asleep earlier than anticipated. Though all seemed to be fine. Or rather, nobody seemed to be indecent. Aliah usually didn’t drink, so she must have carted them both back to her and Momoki’s room after they passed out before falling asleep herself.

Looking around, Ilren would know that she was in their room by the telltale decorations. Unlike most of the rooms, Momoki and Aliah’s ‘room’ was more like an indoor garden fashioned like the cherry tree forest south of the Scar, their original home. There were furnishings and places for storage in spots, even a little stream that went through the middle of the garden.
Hey! Its not super fast, and if there are moments that need rapid short replies, i have a section on this rp's discord for that, but even then posts may come a week or so if things are running smoothly, sometimes two rounds in a week if we are really lucky. its only slowed down a bit recently because we had a few hang up with people that stopped posting. If you are interested, i will close this out for now until you make your decision. But if you have and questions or anything I can pm you either the RP's discord or my personal one.

“She will be fine, have some faith in her,” Jeevak said as he sat down in a rather simple wooden chair next to a fireplace. He held his hands close to the fire to heat them up a bit before he sat back. The inn room they were in was a modest one. Nothing fancy, but it had all the basics covered. “Didn’t expect it to be so chilly. We haven’t even passed the ice mountains yet.”

A woman was pacing around with a maternally worried look on her face. Jeevak’s last statement made her cut her eyes to him, “That’s precisely why I told you not to let Gadman make the arrangements for us. He’s a cheapskate. We should be happy we have a fireplace and beds…” She continued pacing a bit more in silence, her open front dress lightly trailing behind her. Normally her long white hair was pulled up and pinned, but right now it trailed nearly down to the floor as well. Her arms were crossed as stopped once more. “What if she got lost, or slowed down, or captured? I really wish you didn’t let her go on her own, she is still just a child.”

“Fiera, you should have some more faith in her. She is young, but I doubt thee is a person alive that can catch her. In fact…,” Jeevak started as he looked to the window and stood up. He slid the window open and then backed up as a red blur flew it, rolling on the floor and then popping up, hopping up and down.

“HI HIIII! Kitchi made it back! Safe n’ sound!” the little Kobold said triumphantly. “All the way to Midrill? So far, is cold! Why here?” she asked excitedly.

“Now now, Kitchi. Rest first, then we can get on to business,’ Jeevak told her, trying to keep her calm and still. He gave her a few scratches behind the ear which summoned a rapid tapping from her foot. He reached for the soul gem she held and sighed as he looked at it. “Well, that's another one down, only a few left.”

Fiera quickly knelt down and scooped up the small kobold child in a hug. “Kitchi! You had me worried sick. Why didn’t you wait for me to go with you? What if you had crashed while you were on your own?”

“Kitchi fine! Found strange sand boat in desert, people on it feed Kitchi sweet things! Really good sweet things! So Kitchi make it back super fast!” Kitchi’s tail wagged side to side even when held up in the air. Fiera sighed and sat down on the side of her bed, setting Kitchi down next to her. The girl could sense something was wrong and her head tilted back and forth periodically in response. “What wrong, not do good!?” she asked, momentarily sounding distressed.

“No-no, you did very well, but you need to be more careful. What have I told you about taking sweets or any other food from strangers? They could put something very bad in it for you,” Fiera scolded. The Kobold looked a little crestfallen, and Fiera couldn’t be mad at the girl. Drawing her in for another hug, patting her on the back she then continued. “But you still did very well,” she continued, playfully poking the nose of Kitchi’s mask. “how about I make something for you before I retire for the night, hmm?” she asked with a gentle smile.

“Ah! Please, please!” Kitchi begged, though Fiera was already up and preparing to make a small meal for her. Jeevak watched as Fiera took care of the kobold as if it were her own child. It was both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, but now wasn’t the time to reflect on the past. They were a small step closer to his goal, and he was in a rather good mood. He clapped his hands together and stood up.

“Alright then, I’ll try to help, I know she can have a big appetite. Tomorrow though, I’ll leave you two to stay here while I try to talk with the current queen of Tundral. Maybe there won’t be as much conflict here as the Crystal Sea.”

“And if there is?” FIera questioned, lighting the stove.

Jeevak stood there quietly for a moment in thought. He took a deep breath. “How many people have we gathered in Grandis?”

“Roughly thirteen-hundred.”

“Willing to fight?”

“Maybe a little over five hundred… But… do you really think that-”

“I do… Fiera… I think they will if it comes down to it. Powerful as I may be, no one person can stand against an army alone or with a handful of people. If we can’t negotiate peacefully… We’ll have to invade.” He took out some meat that was in a special preserving pouch in a bag next to the kitchenette counter. From it he took out some salted meats, placed them in the pan and passed some seasonings to Fiera. He walked to the window and closed it back. “Though, I understand your worry. We may have to bolster our forces beforehand. I just need to find out how…”

Lord Vincent Calibris, head of the Calibris family and the Calibris trade company sat behind his desk in his study, leaning back in his chair with one leg folded to rest his ankle on his knee. He held one hand to his chin in thought as the other tapped on his desk. “So, let me get this right…’Captain’. Not only did I lose my prototype rune doll in the field, but I also lost around seventy five capable men at arms, both warriors and mages alike, to some group of sand dwelling neanderthals and a few tourists? And what do we have to show for it? All of that blood for WHAT, Captain?”

A very nervous and confused looking man in half armor shuddered in front of the desk. “M-m’ lord, s-sir. There was an outside force at the town as well, we couldn’t have predicted Their best warrior to stay behind and get aid from-”

“OH, BE QUIET! You act as though none of your men had seen combat before.What the Hell do you think you get paid for? Excuses or results?” Calibris snapped. “All of you have become soft, never leaving this city to get real combat experience… That will change. You should be grateful I’m still in a good mood and won’t kill you for this failure. I don’t care to have to deal with you and we need the numbers. I’ll just have your family work off this failure,” he said as he leaned forward in his chair and started taking notes. “In the meantime, you will make sure to raise a more combat ready unit. The next ambassador assigned will be much stronger and a bit more… lively.”

“My family!? Please Lord Calibris, I beg you, let me work their share, you can even take my life, I’ll do anything! I’ll-”

“I’m not going to kill you you idiot, I just got done telling you I needed more men, not less! Honestly… Hmm, leeeet’s see…,” Calibris began as he thumbed through a folder with the captain’s name on it, rebuffing the man’s pleas. “A wife, two daughters, aaaaaand THREE strapping young lads!? Well, my goodness, you have been an active man indeed.”

“What will… what will you have them do?” he replied worriedly, hoping it was just something as mundane as physical labor.

“Anything I want! Since you seem to be so wasteful with my resources, I may as well use yours. That wife of yours will be quite useful for a full range of tasks. Unfortunately your little whelps are of little use at their age. I’m sure I will get some work out of them, they can fit in pretty small places after all. As for you, however… I am glad you are so willing to cooperate. How would you like to be promoted?” Calibris asked, standing up from his chair and pacing around the desk and circling the captain. He could feel the despair from this man practically radiating off him, it was delicious.

“Pr-promoted? I-I don’t understand m’lord.”

Calibris, from behind, laid a hand on his shoulder as bladed arms started to peek from behind his back, “Why yes… after all, I’m in need of a new ambassador.”

Awesome! Pmed!
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