Name: Anarchist Federation of Europe (until I find out how to say this in Esperanto(Undergoing edits)
Government Form: Anarchist General Assembly
The AFE's population is primarily alien, but includes a small minority (less than 1.0%) of sapient citizen AI, plus roughly 10% consisting of tungsten-based aliens which invaded TRAPPIST, now mostly inhabiting the hotter side of TRAPPIST-1d. A further 60.9% is human.
An adidtional population of near-insectoids native to TRAPPIST-1e exists, named 'Indigenous TRAPPISTs' by the Europeans. Although mostly integrated into European society thanks to careful programs designed to avoid unwanted disease transmission, some isolated populations of TRAPPISTs exist in nature reserve, inaccesible to the public.
Trace populations of aliens have also integrated into European society, most of whom have come to the system for the very same reasons as the humans that now dominate it.
On their 'home' planet, the Wolframites, as they are now called, are largely formless, but can visit other inhabited places using 'hardshells', suits of armor designed to replicate the conditions they fight most comfortable and to allow a humanoid form.
Even the humans in the FEU, however, are commonly heavily modified, even in religious Catholic populations and the Knights Hospitaller. As a general rule, however, most - if not all - FEU populations experience very low growth rates.

Planet Names and Descriptions: The TRAPPIST-1 system, due to its enormous stellar longevity of approximately twelve trillion years, was considered by the European Union to be an optimal place to "restart" human civilization. While the AFE did face substantial difficulties in initial colonization, for the most part, TRAPPIST-1 met expectations.
TRAPPIST-1b/Vulcan: Blisteringly hot on one side and relatively warm on the other, Vulcan is mostly inhabited by Wolframites, accompanied by a handful of robotic workers in gas and mineral-harvesting plants. In is, however, mostly generally uninhabitable, and few efforts have been made to render it habitable for humans in lieu of maintaining it as a comfortable environment in which Wolframites can live without their hardshells.
TRAPPIST-1e/PLCAEHOLDER: The most heavily inhabited planet in the system, New Europe is a tropical, habitable planet, filled to the brim with native life - and diseases, which the Europeans have adapted to largely thanks to the information provided by native TRAPPISTs and European medical technology, particularly cybernetics. Additionally, despite being tidally locked, both sides of New Europe are habitable thanks to the way its relatively earthlike atmosphere distributing heat evenly between both sides of the planet. The dark side of New Europe is nonetheless dominated by forms of light not reliant on sunlight, particularly fungi, various eyeless animals, and various types of ocean life.
TRAPPIST-1f/New Doggerland: so named for the fact that its entire habitable zone (a very large band centered around the equator) is mostly underwater (significantly moreso than Earth), New Doggerland is functionally an ocean planet; dominated by hot steam geysers, searing steam-fogs, and boiling lakes on one side of the band, and by ice on the other. A handful of resorts exist on the few islands in the central band, plus some underwater communities, however the planet's primary utility is as a hydrogen harvesting area.
TRAPPIST-1g/Atlantica: A planet in the earliest stages of life, Atlantica is covered in an enormous global ocean blanketed by a thick layer of abiotic oxygen and steam. Native life on the world has only just begun to exist in the form of aerobic proto-life, somewhat similar to bacteria, and uplifting research is ongoing. The planet's oceans are a major source of the AFE's Hydrogen.
TRAPPIST-1h/Amundsen: Another important source of Hydrogen, Amundsen is a planet covered entirely in ice with an atmosphere extremely rich in hydrogen gas.
History: While concrete information about the AFE prior to the Apokalipso-Okazaĵo is far from concrete, there are a few crucial pieces the AFE itself maintains.
Earth was poisoned and rendered uninhabitable by constant warfare and a worldwide climate emergency that was, unfortunately, ignored by most. The planet's resources were sucked dry, and while some things may yet survive on the surface, mass habitation by humans was impossible, and colonies on Mars and other bodies in the solar system were not capable of sustaining the large populations that were to be evacuated. The AFE maintains, then, that seeing the writing on the wall, they were one of the first groups to begin preparations for a mass evacuation, intending to fit as many people as possible onto their ships, repeatedly betrayed by their allies
Nonetheless, thanks to preparations supposedly well in advance of zero-day, the AFE was able to evacuate a large population mostly on-schedule, laying early claim to one of the most habitable systems known to be available - TRAPPIST. While several planets in the system were viable for immediate habitation, many people remained stuck on colony ships in orbit waiting for survey teams to confirm the safety of their chosen worlds and to establish contact with natives, in an effort to avoid repeating the same environmental destruction that forced them to leave Earth in the first place. Suitable locations were eventually selected, and contact was established. One by one, the colony ships began to filter in.
For the first two hundred years of its existence, the AFE thrived in relative peace - TRAPPIST proved even more habitable than initially assumed, and the insectoid natives were friendly, allowing the human colonies to survive. Trepidation, however, remained - gateway technology was lost during the evacuations, and little was known about when, if ever, they'd reopen, and what they'd connect to. As such, despite living in near-complete peace, the AFE maintained a highly professional army of relatively moderate size, along with outlying networks of defensive outposts. What would happen, after all, if something hostile had detected the gateway opening?
Their fears, as it turned out, were warranted, but not in the way they expected. Approximately 200y after colonization, the AF3 was abruptly invaded by a species of tungsten-based organisms. Their strange, alien technology - and the fact of how extremely difficult it was to harm them with explosives and kinetics - forced the AFE to adapt to more modular weapons platforms, allowing them to defeat the Wolframites after a brief, but deadly war. After long negotiations, the aliens, having nowhere else to go, were allowed to stay on TRAPPIST-1d, an ideal habitat for them that was uninhabitable for nearly everyone else, in an effort to avoid genocide. Integration moved slowly, however, and even today, they generally stick to themselves.
Over the next hundred years, more aliens came to TRAPPIST, most friendly, merely refugees seeking the same sort of new home the AFE did in small, scattered groups. The AFE was, of course, happy to oblige, entering a second golden age that has only been disrupted in the past few months, with a sudden surge of rift activity. In anticipation of a potential opening, the Rock of Gibraltar has been placed on maximum alert status, and the Eurocorps militia is mobilizing.
Culture and Society: Descendes from the market-socialist European Union, the AFE is a relatively free federative anarchist collective, with robust political and personal freedoms, ranging from heavily entrenched LGBTQ+ rights to freedom of expression. Media is wholly independent from the decentralized government, though highly differing political views face substantial informal oppression.
Three hundred years of cultural progress, and a comprehensive system of secular education, have effectively eradicated facism and systemic racism (including fairly relaxed refugee policies); according to the AFE, at least. In reality, however, violence played a noticeable part in political cohesiveness, and social ostracization for insufficiently "leftist" diviews is not uncommon.
Perhaps its most formally restrictive feature is a relatively practical one - mandatory periods of quarantine and decontamination before entry into inhabited planets or habitat stations.
Advanced medical technology and culturally liberal attitudes, including in the former Cathoc, now anarcho-Christian community, result in wide societal proliferation of cybernetics and preventative biological modifications. Few AFE citizens are not equipped with the following basic safety measures: basic-model "Kaduceusz" medical nanosuites, nasal and oral filters, automatic cardiac defibrillators/backup pumps, bone reinforcements, and anti-clotting systems. Neural backups, however, remain relatively fringe (and are widely opposed in religious communities) usually traded in favour of repair and upkeep systems that eliminate or reduce aging.
Governance and Politics: The FEU's government is perhaps its most Earthlike feature, ideologically aping pre-apocalyptic anarchist and Libertarian-socialist organizations like Rojava, the Makhnovist Black Army, or Mexican Neo-Zapatists of the 21st century. Foreign policy decisions are made by general assembly, though domestic issues are usually resolved by direct democracy enabled by a highly politically invested populace and well-established networks to enable quick tabulation. Nonetheless, it remains generally slow to act on measures requiring votes from substantial chunks of the population.
Technology Overview: Although far from being able to recreate the gateways, the AFE is, nonetheless, broadly technologically "advanced". The most obvious way this manifests is in terms of medical technology. AFE citizens effectively have the choice to die of old age, and, in most cases, the same is true of disease. Antiviral and antiobiotic therapies, among others, are employed as usual, but incredibly precise time-sensitive nanotechnology allow for the targeting and destruction of most any microorganism, making nanotechnology the preferred solution to infection and disease; this, of course, carries the additional benefit of preventing the proliferation of so-called superbugs.
Related but distinct is the extensive library of cybernetic technologies the AFE utilizes, the vast majority of which are so old and well-understood that they are nearly ubiquitous within the human population, but much less common among alien immigrants with anatomies most of the AFE's scientists still lack experience with.
Perhaps the most important technologies utilized by the AFE, however, are those relating to its mastery of fusion power, including Cold Fusion, the primary method for power generation in the AFE, largely thanks to its enormous available reserves for Hydrogen as fusion fuel. Cold fusion is common even on most spacecraft, even relatively small fighters, providing power to everything from life support all the way to Magnetoplasmadynamic propulsionless drives and maneuvering thrusters. Orbital spacecraft, on the other hand (generally, satellites and habitats) are propelled by electrodynamic tethers, at least in civilian application.
Military Overview: Despite what might typically be expected of an extremely libertarian-leftist nation, the AFE maintains a relatively large, well-equipped military, necessary for the defense of their society against threats both theoretical and practical; so far, that has primarily meant regularly fending off hostile aliens, primarily unexpected incursions such as from the Tungsten People. It is nonetheless entirely a professional volunteer army, however, and conscription is not ideologically tenable, substantial force enabled thanks to the AFE'S robust defenses and extensive use of highly secure networked drone warfare. So well-prepared is the AFE, in fact, that their gateway is is protected by what amounts to a small dyson cloud, a massive network of armed drone satellites and AI-manned (a technology the AFE employs extensively) gun stations pointed inward in the event that anything hostile comes through. The system is named the "Rock of Gibraltar", and although many platforms are old or retrofitted, it nonetheless present a substantial threat.
Likewise, the entire system is protected by a larger network dubbed "Pražský Hrad", in contrast designed to protect the system against attacks from the outside, which, combined with the AFE's large carrier-focused fleets, has defended the system from all comers since the first major invasion, under the suspicion that something, somewhere, is pushing all these alien refugees toward them.
European weapons consist primarily of DEW-based systems - Pulsed Explosive Projectiles - and Particle Beams, supplemented by lasers and microwave weapons when appropriate, while highly renewable anti-electron and antiproton weapons remain in a late stage of active development. Ammunition for these particle systems consists mostly of ultra-compressed gasses, typically hydrogen fusioned into Helium, allowing inordinately large, effectively inert ammunition stores. Additionally, development of gravity-manipulating weapons is underway.
Unlike many earthborn nations, the AF3 does not employ any mecha-type platforms beyond the universal infantry exoskeleton, instead relying upon power-hungry but more stable hovertanks for its main armored forces, equipped with extensive active defense systems and occasionally magnetic or plasma window shielding for protection, plus composite armor. AFE tanks are generally capable of equipping large PEP akin to an assault gun, while smaller AFVs generally equip combinations of drone launchers and lower-yield pulse cannons, with an intended use similar to old-earth autocannons. FEU vehicles, as a result, are almost universally extremely power-hungry, requiring extensive logisitical support to operate at peak capacity.
Cybernetics, also, are extremely common, even universal in the AFE military, allowing its soldiers to survive extremely harsh environments and quite literally punch well above their weight-classes. The most elite AFE special forces unit, the highly secretive Strzyga, employ extremely expensive, limited quantity cybernetics, including nanohives beyond even the basic medical types used by the common soldier, secretly capable of incredible feats such as reconstructing the body of one of their number from a singular fleck of blood. They're typically extremely old, however, and are voluntarily barred from political participation. Most of the AFE's personal equipment revolves around these ideas of extreme survivability, including the Jahrtausend Drei CIWS system, consisting of networked railguns, lasers, and, as a last resort, a kinetic gun system that unleashes what is effectively a gigantic shotgun shell full of tens of thousands of metal darts.
Additional Information: due to extensive environmental protections, the AFE lacks the capability for industrial agriculture, instead usually relying on urban farms, an effect that significantly hampers its ability for population growth and makes it slow to bring new lines of mass production online. It is also forced to extract ore mostly from uninhabited celestial objects, preserving the biosphere of its "home" planet at the cost of industry.
Government Form: Anarchist General Assembly
The AFE's population is primarily alien, but includes a small minority (less than 1.0%) of sapient citizen AI, plus roughly 10% consisting of tungsten-based aliens which invaded TRAPPIST, now mostly inhabiting the hotter side of TRAPPIST-1d. A further 60.9% is human.
An adidtional population of near-insectoids native to TRAPPIST-1e exists, named 'Indigenous TRAPPISTs' by the Europeans. Although mostly integrated into European society thanks to careful programs designed to avoid unwanted disease transmission, some isolated populations of TRAPPISTs exist in nature reserve, inaccesible to the public.
Trace populations of aliens have also integrated into European society, most of whom have come to the system for the very same reasons as the humans that now dominate it.
On their 'home' planet, the Wolframites, as they are now called, are largely formless, but can visit other inhabited places using 'hardshells', suits of armor designed to replicate the conditions they fight most comfortable and to allow a humanoid form.
Even the humans in the FEU, however, are commonly heavily modified, even in religious Catholic populations and the Knights Hospitaller. As a general rule, however, most - if not all - FEU populations experience very low growth rates.

Planet Names and Descriptions: The TRAPPIST-1 system, due to its enormous stellar longevity of approximately twelve trillion years, was considered by the European Union to be an optimal place to "restart" human civilization. While the AFE did face substantial difficulties in initial colonization, for the most part, TRAPPIST-1 met expectations.
TRAPPIST-1b/Vulcan: Blisteringly hot on one side and relatively warm on the other, Vulcan is mostly inhabited by Wolframites, accompanied by a handful of robotic workers in gas and mineral-harvesting plants. In is, however, mostly generally uninhabitable, and few efforts have been made to render it habitable for humans in lieu of maintaining it as a comfortable environment in which Wolframites can live without their hardshells.
TRAPPIST-1e/PLCAEHOLDER: The most heavily inhabited planet in the system, New Europe is a tropical, habitable planet, filled to the brim with native life - and diseases, which the Europeans have adapted to largely thanks to the information provided by native TRAPPISTs and European medical technology, particularly cybernetics. Additionally, despite being tidally locked, both sides of New Europe are habitable thanks to the way its relatively earthlike atmosphere distributing heat evenly between both sides of the planet. The dark side of New Europe is nonetheless dominated by forms of light not reliant on sunlight, particularly fungi, various eyeless animals, and various types of ocean life.
TRAPPIST-1f/New Doggerland: so named for the fact that its entire habitable zone (a very large band centered around the equator) is mostly underwater (significantly moreso than Earth), New Doggerland is functionally an ocean planet; dominated by hot steam geysers, searing steam-fogs, and boiling lakes on one side of the band, and by ice on the other. A handful of resorts exist on the few islands in the central band, plus some underwater communities, however the planet's primary utility is as a hydrogen harvesting area.
TRAPPIST-1g/Atlantica: A planet in the earliest stages of life, Atlantica is covered in an enormous global ocean blanketed by a thick layer of abiotic oxygen and steam. Native life on the world has only just begun to exist in the form of aerobic proto-life, somewhat similar to bacteria, and uplifting research is ongoing. The planet's oceans are a major source of the AFE's Hydrogen.
TRAPPIST-1h/Amundsen: Another important source of Hydrogen, Amundsen is a planet covered entirely in ice with an atmosphere extremely rich in hydrogen gas.
History: While concrete information about the AFE prior to the Apokalipso-Okazaĵo is far from concrete, there are a few crucial pieces the AFE itself maintains.
Earth was poisoned and rendered uninhabitable by constant warfare and a worldwide climate emergency that was, unfortunately, ignored by most. The planet's resources were sucked dry, and while some things may yet survive on the surface, mass habitation by humans was impossible, and colonies on Mars and other bodies in the solar system were not capable of sustaining the large populations that were to be evacuated. The AFE maintains, then, that seeing the writing on the wall, they were one of the first groups to begin preparations for a mass evacuation, intending to fit as many people as possible onto their ships, repeatedly betrayed by their allies
Nonetheless, thanks to preparations supposedly well in advance of zero-day, the AFE was able to evacuate a large population mostly on-schedule, laying early claim to one of the most habitable systems known to be available - TRAPPIST. While several planets in the system were viable for immediate habitation, many people remained stuck on colony ships in orbit waiting for survey teams to confirm the safety of their chosen worlds and to establish contact with natives, in an effort to avoid repeating the same environmental destruction that forced them to leave Earth in the first place. Suitable locations were eventually selected, and contact was established. One by one, the colony ships began to filter in.
For the first two hundred years of its existence, the AFE thrived in relative peace - TRAPPIST proved even more habitable than initially assumed, and the insectoid natives were friendly, allowing the human colonies to survive. Trepidation, however, remained - gateway technology was lost during the evacuations, and little was known about when, if ever, they'd reopen, and what they'd connect to. As such, despite living in near-complete peace, the AFE maintained a highly professional army of relatively moderate size, along with outlying networks of defensive outposts. What would happen, after all, if something hostile had detected the gateway opening?
Their fears, as it turned out, were warranted, but not in the way they expected. Approximately 200y after colonization, the AF3 was abruptly invaded by a species of tungsten-based organisms. Their strange, alien technology - and the fact of how extremely difficult it was to harm them with explosives and kinetics - forced the AFE to adapt to more modular weapons platforms, allowing them to defeat the Wolframites after a brief, but deadly war. After long negotiations, the aliens, having nowhere else to go, were allowed to stay on TRAPPIST-1d, an ideal habitat for them that was uninhabitable for nearly everyone else, in an effort to avoid genocide. Integration moved slowly, however, and even today, they generally stick to themselves.
Over the next hundred years, more aliens came to TRAPPIST, most friendly, merely refugees seeking the same sort of new home the AFE did in small, scattered groups. The AFE was, of course, happy to oblige, entering a second golden age that has only been disrupted in the past few months, with a sudden surge of rift activity. In anticipation of a potential opening, the Rock of Gibraltar has been placed on maximum alert status, and the Eurocorps militia is mobilizing.
Culture and Society: Descendes from the market-socialist European Union, the AFE is a relatively free federative anarchist collective, with robust political and personal freedoms, ranging from heavily entrenched LGBTQ+ rights to freedom of expression. Media is wholly independent from the decentralized government, though highly differing political views face substantial informal oppression.
Three hundred years of cultural progress, and a comprehensive system of secular education, have effectively eradicated facism and systemic racism (including fairly relaxed refugee policies); according to the AFE, at least. In reality, however, violence played a noticeable part in political cohesiveness, and social ostracization for insufficiently "leftist" diviews is not uncommon.
Perhaps its most formally restrictive feature is a relatively practical one - mandatory periods of quarantine and decontamination before entry into inhabited planets or habitat stations.
Advanced medical technology and culturally liberal attitudes, including in the former Cathoc, now anarcho-Christian community, result in wide societal proliferation of cybernetics and preventative biological modifications. Few AFE citizens are not equipped with the following basic safety measures: basic-model "Kaduceusz" medical nanosuites, nasal and oral filters, automatic cardiac defibrillators/backup pumps, bone reinforcements, and anti-clotting systems. Neural backups, however, remain relatively fringe (and are widely opposed in religious communities) usually traded in favour of repair and upkeep systems that eliminate or reduce aging.
Governance and Politics: The FEU's government is perhaps its most Earthlike feature, ideologically aping pre-apocalyptic anarchist and Libertarian-socialist organizations like Rojava, the Makhnovist Black Army, or Mexican Neo-Zapatists of the 21st century. Foreign policy decisions are made by general assembly, though domestic issues are usually resolved by direct democracy enabled by a highly politically invested populace and well-established networks to enable quick tabulation. Nonetheless, it remains generally slow to act on measures requiring votes from substantial chunks of the population.
Technology Overview: Although far from being able to recreate the gateways, the AFE is, nonetheless, broadly technologically "advanced". The most obvious way this manifests is in terms of medical technology. AFE citizens effectively have the choice to die of old age, and, in most cases, the same is true of disease. Antiviral and antiobiotic therapies, among others, are employed as usual, but incredibly precise time-sensitive nanotechnology allow for the targeting and destruction of most any microorganism, making nanotechnology the preferred solution to infection and disease; this, of course, carries the additional benefit of preventing the proliferation of so-called superbugs.
Related but distinct is the extensive library of cybernetic technologies the AFE utilizes, the vast majority of which are so old and well-understood that they are nearly ubiquitous within the human population, but much less common among alien immigrants with anatomies most of the AFE's scientists still lack experience with.
Perhaps the most important technologies utilized by the AFE, however, are those relating to its mastery of fusion power, including Cold Fusion, the primary method for power generation in the AFE, largely thanks to its enormous available reserves for Hydrogen as fusion fuel. Cold fusion is common even on most spacecraft, even relatively small fighters, providing power to everything from life support all the way to Magnetoplasmadynamic propulsionless drives and maneuvering thrusters. Orbital spacecraft, on the other hand (generally, satellites and habitats) are propelled by electrodynamic tethers, at least in civilian application.
Military Overview: Despite what might typically be expected of an extremely libertarian-leftist nation, the AFE maintains a relatively large, well-equipped military, necessary for the defense of their society against threats both theoretical and practical; so far, that has primarily meant regularly fending off hostile aliens, primarily unexpected incursions such as from the Tungsten People. It is nonetheless entirely a professional volunteer army, however, and conscription is not ideologically tenable, substantial force enabled thanks to the AFE'S robust defenses and extensive use of highly secure networked drone warfare. So well-prepared is the AFE, in fact, that their gateway is is protected by what amounts to a small dyson cloud, a massive network of armed drone satellites and AI-manned (a technology the AFE employs extensively) gun stations pointed inward in the event that anything hostile comes through. The system is named the "Rock of Gibraltar", and although many platforms are old or retrofitted, it nonetheless present a substantial threat.
Likewise, the entire system is protected by a larger network dubbed "Pražský Hrad", in contrast designed to protect the system against attacks from the outside, which, combined with the AFE's large carrier-focused fleets, has defended the system from all comers since the first major invasion, under the suspicion that something, somewhere, is pushing all these alien refugees toward them.
European weapons consist primarily of DEW-based systems - Pulsed Explosive Projectiles - and Particle Beams, supplemented by lasers and microwave weapons when appropriate, while highly renewable anti-electron and antiproton weapons remain in a late stage of active development. Ammunition for these particle systems consists mostly of ultra-compressed gasses, typically hydrogen fusioned into Helium, allowing inordinately large, effectively inert ammunition stores. Additionally, development of gravity-manipulating weapons is underway.
Unlike many earthborn nations, the AF3 does not employ any mecha-type platforms beyond the universal infantry exoskeleton, instead relying upon power-hungry but more stable hovertanks for its main armored forces, equipped with extensive active defense systems and occasionally magnetic or plasma window shielding for protection, plus composite armor. AFE tanks are generally capable of equipping large PEP akin to an assault gun, while smaller AFVs generally equip combinations of drone launchers and lower-yield pulse cannons, with an intended use similar to old-earth autocannons. FEU vehicles, as a result, are almost universally extremely power-hungry, requiring extensive logisitical support to operate at peak capacity.
Cybernetics, also, are extremely common, even universal in the AFE military, allowing its soldiers to survive extremely harsh environments and quite literally punch well above their weight-classes. The most elite AFE special forces unit, the highly secretive Strzyga, employ extremely expensive, limited quantity cybernetics, including nanohives beyond even the basic medical types used by the common soldier, secretly capable of incredible feats such as reconstructing the body of one of their number from a singular fleck of blood. They're typically extremely old, however, and are voluntarily barred from political participation. Most of the AFE's personal equipment revolves around these ideas of extreme survivability, including the Jahrtausend Drei CIWS system, consisting of networked railguns, lasers, and, as a last resort, a kinetic gun system that unleashes what is effectively a gigantic shotgun shell full of tens of thousands of metal darts.
Additional Information: due to extensive environmental protections, the AFE lacks the capability for industrial agriculture, instead usually relying on urban farms, an effect that significantly hampers its ability for population growth and makes it slow to bring new lines of mass production online. It is also forced to extract ore mostly from uninhabited celestial objects, preserving the biosphere of its "home" planet at the cost of industry.