5'10" | 68kg | 15 Years [Pre-Breach] | Heterosexual
Birthplace: Krolva District - Wall Rose
19th November, 841
Mediterranean Ethnicity
"Death will come. It always does."
Amidst a sea of unique soldiers, all differentiated by wild apparel, personalities and appearances, he has always found himself to blend into the crowd averagely. 5'10" - he stands on the taller end of the spectrum. The hazel eyed, blonde haired Grant houses his abilities within an apt body, not one of advantageous strength or dexterity, instead complimenting both in unison to a lesser extent. His posture is at least healthy, though sometimes shrouded with his focus on caution and dwindled by the fears of the foes he'd have to face in the line of duty. His hair is almost always ruffled, left to naturally curl around each strand. The only consistent grooming done to it is the occasional cut, making sure it doesn't fall too lower over his eyes or get caught in the way of his daily activities. Physically, Grant isn't too broad and definitely doesn't rely on any sense of intimidation or strength to get through the harshness of the real world. Some may consider him too tender at the touch for service, yet he seems to have a capable athleticism by second-glance. In terms of clothing, he wears the standard uniform with a loose olive shirt beneath. Off-duty, he'd sometimes wear an assortment of cheap clothing and scarfs.
Some people in life have never striven towards a goal, sailing through life as it comes, saddened by their sense of misdirection - Grant is one of those drifters. Throughout his childhood, he always seemed to follow in the footsteps of whatever spectre stood before him, leading to many long, lonesome days in solace. In his misguidance, a sense of community has only been allowed to blossom through the time he spent with his Uncle. Friendship has always been a strange concept he rarely latched on to early on, and now with his journey into the military he is hesitant to make the stride towards those social developments. That being said, Grant tends to be a quiet individual unless his voice is in dire need. To those who do befriend him, he is capable of maintaining conversation, his nerves generally pushing him into rambles about irrelevant topics or dropping the tone for seriousness on a sudden dime. His skills as a leading figure are lacklustre, still in its infancy and to be developed alongside his dread of losing those close to him.
Yet though fear used to rule out his childhood, recent endeavours with his Uncle has brought out a much more vocal individual, one who isn't afraid to speak if he needs to. Pragmatic and far too focused on finding the best solution, his mind lends itself to creating long-terms strategies whilst sacrificing the ability to take charge and lead them. In the short term, instinct battles with his logical side which translates into his training. Making quick strikes comes naturally, not through thought. However, in a militaristic sense, Grant has been implanted with the belief that soldiers aren't the means to the ends, but their lives and combat efficiency is. A soldier who can fight another day is better than a dead one, especially one that can learn from their tribulations obstructing them before.
Hidden inside all of the hesitation, however, is someone who could build dedication, find a sense of direction and push towards a goal he sees just. Sometimes the truth is as ugly as the lies, and Grant has realised this through the many stories passed down to him. With practice, he could become an efficient icon of leadership, but it would take work and exterior help to go so far. Until then, Grant simply puts himself forward to be as useful to those around him as it can at the expense of his own well-being, perhaps devoid of reasoning.
Rank / Branch
Cadet / 112th Trainee Corps
Officially born in the district of Krolva District of Western Wall Rose, Grant's first few years of infancy were met with a nomadic trail of confusion, circumnavigating the towns and villages between Walls Rose and Maria. Without a major source of income, his mother and father split themselves across the land to gather whatever coin they could. Working on farms, taking part time jobs and trading between villages, it became a very unstable economy for the Valente family. Grant primarily stayed with his father once he turned three, living alongside him as a tag-along to his endeavours, always holding him back from total independence. For a while, Grant became a target to his father's wrongdoings, a face to blame and a place of venting a lot of pent up anger. From village to village, he only became a distant burden for his guardian, forcing him down a path of neglect and loneliness. At first he hated it, but soon grew to accept it, albeit saddened by it all. Eventually, the family found an abode, cheap and inducted into the core of humanity - The Western District of Quinta.
Life was immediately worsened by the inability to adopt the urban lifestyle. It took several years for him to blend into the world, finding out about what alleyways to not go down, which childhood bullies to avoid and how to get out of the way of Military Police pursuits. Being on the exterior of humanity's borders, Grant was daunted by the greatness of the walls, towering above all that had come to know. The streets were bustling with markets and activity, crime and music. Worst of all came the horrific returns of the Scouting Legion. At age 9, Grant was introduced to one of his two Uncles - Mateo Valente. Mateo at the time was a serving member of the Scouting Legion, a well liked one at least. His exotic ways were beyond that of the simple nomadic life Grant's father liked. Tension rose between the two at every visit, with Mateo being scolded by his older brother to give up the serving life. Every expedition he returned from was one of blood, steel and death. At first, Grant believed his father that it was wrong, but when he began to talk to Mateo he soon developed a level of friendship right away.
Mateo was a Scout, a member designated to serve humanity on a bold scale. When Grant turned 12, he left the Survey Corps and began to spend more time in Quinta. Arguments at home became even more common than before. The same name of another unseen Uncle was thrown around at every hour, used as a defence or aggressive assault against one another. Grant never paid attention to it, it wasn't his business. Instead, he spent time with his Uncle so that his father could work, soon learning that his Mother's departure was one of divorce rather than business enquiry. Life became a tangent of bland mornings, argumentative afternoons and late evenings hanging out with Mateo. Out of the military, he went around and discussed stories of horror, courage and hope, reminding Grant of how the threat of the Titans was very much real, encouraging him to read about it. Eventually, the two began to travel for trading between towns, continuing his father's nomadic work for additional income.
Eventually, a time came for Mateo to be called back into action. The reasons were withheld from Grant once again, taken away by the authorities to return to work. There was hesitation, struggling and eventually he submitted, returning to active duty with a familiar green cape. When he left, he urged Grant to follow him into the military, stating that a life at home would only be painful and unsafe. Perhaps something was coming, no one truly knew. Instead, Grant waited until he turned 15 and left home, enlisting into the military and joining the 112th Trainee Corps, his eyes set on a dark future he didn't realise he was walking into. But whatever was coming, he would rather have the tools to protect himself than to squander beneath their gaping teeth.
Family - Arvant Valente - Father - Lucia Harlow - Mother [Separated] - Lance Corporal Mateo Valente - Uncle - Captain Giovanni Valente - Uncle [K.I.A.]