Avatar of Jerkchicken


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2 mos ago
Current Genshin being allergic to melanin amuses me greatly
4 mos ago
It's gonna be gas. Can't wait to see what sort nonsense you can pull of in focus mode with the funlance and hunting horn. Also, looking forward to new monsters to skin and wear as hats.
5 mos ago
The zaza got me talkin’ like Pingu
1 like
5 mos ago
Shoutouts to the degenerates that love hand-holding
5 mos ago
Fun vibe tbh


Just some rando. I'm 20+ so no worries about rping with a kid.

Most Recent Posts

Reading the wiki to refresh my memory. I'll get working on something soon-ish.
Name: Flint Ironstag

Age: 33

Bounty: 42,690,000
Gender: Male

Personality: Being the one of the oldest member of the crew has put a certain burden to act responsible and mature. Of course this contrasts with his literally explosive fighting style that jells with his nature. He also sometimes slips up and acts a bit embarrassing for a man his age. Generally he is jovial enough, but more than willing to get serious when the situation calls for it. His past for him is also something of a sore spot.

Backstory: Once a bounty hunter of promising quality, he became a recruit to the marines having impressed them with his prowess. Of course his nature and is own sense of justice bristled against their "justice". He found few sympathetic voices and found himself alienated. Eventually some of the higher-ups began to rankle at this contemptuous upstart and they would conspire to wash their hands of him. The end result was him being charged of treason and responsible for destruction of an important thing. Of course more details are missing but that's the abridged version he gives. Only thing for certain is he will get his revenge.

It would be later in a chase from the constabulary who were alerted to his presence, that he'd meet Alesia. Trying to escape from them he'd try and steal her ship being unaware of her presence, and thinking her to be some odd vagrant. It turned out it was her ship but at the time it didn't matter as they had enemies on their tail. Eventually he damaged their boat so badly they had to retreat which allowed him to be formally asked to join her crew. Founding it funny to be bossed around by a little girl he said yes.

Abilities: Flint is skilled with fighting with his oversized blade, his shotgun "Phlexx", and the numerous explosives he carries on his person. He also is skilled as a gunner on the ship being able to maintain the cannons as well other sailing skills expected of a seaman.

Relationships: He finds himself oscillating between being something of a paternal figure to the younger crewmembers and that of cool elder brother, sometimes it works and sometimes he embarrasses them with perhaps a bit too much relish. He also sometimes leaves them temporarily when it comes of matters regarding his past.

Dreams: Bring true justice to those who have wronged him. Find love because it's cuffing season and he's getting old.
@Utrax @baraquiel

Dion's eyes would dart to Rita's direction. This was a pleasant surprise of sorts. Dion wasn't expecting to see that adventurer he had partnered up with some time ago. He took note that she was here, probably to go poke around at this forest. It would be useful to acquire her services again. She was competent and he found her pleasant to be around with. "Is that you Rita? Didn't expect to run into you here of all places. I'm here carrying out some orders. If you're still going to be here, I have a business opportunity for you. Now excuse me, I need to do something." He kept it short as they could speak later. Beside it seems something else caught her interest.

It seemed to be a very large and reptilian looking creature. He didn't get a good look, as immediately he felt someone bump into him. "Hey watch where yo-" she'd say before switching to a nicer response. His attention switched to the female elf of some kind that bumped into him. His silver-white eyes, like that of glacier glanced over her calmly. They gave him him an exotic look as they contrasted his dark skin and red hair.

"Nah it's fine. I should be the one apologizing for standing and not paying attention to the flow of customers entering." His reply was calm and relaxed.

Yeah I'll ride again.
Would this be a little too unfitting as a concept?

Was thinking a guy that using a one of those paper talismans but it's dangling from a floating drone and like by slotting the materia it changes what he casts. And as a backup in case something gets to close he can like bonk them with a sword.
Might be cool.
Dion found himself feeling like he was phasing into the earth before he sat up straight. The past moments were a blur to him as he couldn't recall the details of what happened. Only in the abstract did he know that after a couple of days of traveling, he finally made it to Helsend. Much to his annoyance the mayor wasn't available just quite yet. And so he was now killing time at the tavern which. "This sucks..." was his recurring thought that would bubble up hazily. Sure he could do some preparation or research, but it was hard and something he didn't care to do.

Mainly because there's nothing to research. Only the basic history about the cult, the disappearances, and the fire were known. Anything else would have to be gathered here at the village. And that was part of his reason for consulting with the mayor. The other reason was his mental haze. He wasn't quite tired but he wasn't at his at his A game either. "Right, time for a pick me up." He thought to himself as he rummaged through his robe to produce a bottle of some liquid. A pleasant citrus type flavor with a slight effervescence caressed his tongue as he sipped from it. Everything came together and now he felt more focused and rejuvenated. He was still bored though.

It was time to stop loitering. Enough time had passed and he felt like he should get things moving. He needed to talk first and get some things taken care of. Then he'd need to hopefully find some people who were also interested in poking around in the forest to tag along with. But one thing at a time was how he'd approach this list of tasks. The robed man would get up and make his way to the door. Completely unaware that somehow at this time and location, a familiar face was already here in the tavern.
Let's go
Good. Been waiting on this to start.
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