Avatar of Jerkchicken


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Genshin being allergic to melanin amuses me greatly
4 mos ago
It's gonna be gas. Can't wait to see what sort nonsense you can pull of in focus mode with the funlance and hunting horn. Also, looking forward to new monsters to skin and wear as hats.
5 mos ago
The zaza got me talkin’ like Pingu
1 like
5 mos ago
Shoutouts to the degenerates that love hand-holding
5 mos ago
Fun vibe tbh


Just some rando. I'm 20+ so no worries about rping with a kid.

Most Recent Posts

Marco felt himself a little concerned at the prospect of destroying some walls. While the building didn't seem like it was actively falling apart on itself, its bones did seem weaker than would be wanted for any sort of modification. Secondly, while he wasn't opposed to having to fix the place up, he was concerned about it needing so many repairs and whatnot that they spiral into doing the necessary repairs to be able to do anything else. Marco had enough cash to fund an attempt in a such weird business but given the need for a partner he lacked enough of to be able to foot the bill for doing an overhaul of the building.

"I agree. So do we want to get straight to negotiations or do we some time to think?" Marco would reply.

Post soon, just gotta sit down and write it down
"Yeah, I get what you." Marco would say as he followed the man.

He would show no response to the scraping of the door as the realtor struggled to pull it open. Although his soul, it was cringing with pain at the sight and sound. That was definitely one, of the undoubtedly many things, to note for fixing. The inside of this thing was pretty damn shabby. Although the poor state it was in wasn't terribly surprising given how long in vacancy it had been under. There was however something charming or at least the idea of it being charming to having their HQ having, the kitchen and bar component. The idea of being to screw around with the deep fryer and maybe even getting the taps working again was pretty damn cool.

Marco would return to reality promptly once Dave spoke up. Right, they were playing with a bunch of very fancy and potentially catastrophic equipment. Making sure they could have their stuff safely stored was necessary, although given the original Ghostbusters building was in some old firehouse, he wondered what was the threshold for it being "good enough".

"Hmm, you make a good point. We're playing with a bunch of a gizmos that could backfire spectacularly and the last thing we want is drawing the city or state's ire. Speaking about the containment unit, do you remember the recommendations for where to install that thing? Anyway, I'm thinking we should see the other two floors and maybe the kitchen before giving a judgement. " Marco would say.


Sure thing
I've checked the rules and I can confirm six is when things get interesting. Anyway for the roll I'm going with fast talk? Since he's just speaking a lot for the sake of like overwhelming and or grabbing his attention away from the camera.
"It's fine, just remember." Marco would reply.

Marco would continue tinkering, but it wouldn't last that long. Finally, the real estate agent came here. He was a creature whose inner beauty matched with his external, the platonic ideal of your scuzzy real estate guy. It seemed he saw the camera and was more than a little spooked by its presence. While Marco, had the intention of doing a very bog-standard grand tour of the facilities his aim quickly changed.

The sort of bad attitude that came from the realtor, and his partner's suggestion put more than a little mischief into his spirit. Screwing with the guy who was going to try screw them was going to be fun, if they could pull it off. "Ahh, don't worry about this little thing. I know the rules about people's consent about having their faces broadcasted. Thing's not even on, and besides I don't really have an interest in you. This is for making the social media posts afterwards which'll help drum up some publicity, as I'm aware our business is in the fringe spooky-land, magic crystal territory, and posting about it online is going to help us reach those people more than putting out some print ads you know?"
Yeah just being bad at responding in a timely manner.

Anyway, I'll get a post up tomorrow and as well as doing the honors of the first roll of the game. With regards to the ghost die is it rolling a 1 or 6 that causes chaos?
Jen had been walking in the back trying to catch his breath and take something of a break before this fight. It was interesting to listen about the other pact crew and how they came here. Of course, when Chres directed the question came to Týfurkh and Jen, he almost jumped. The tranquil pond that was his mind, now had a boulder crashing into its waters. He was trying to avoid thinking too much about he was going to probably worsen things by throwing the man to the Cult, but damn it the Syella's point was too strong.

"Riiiiight..." Jen mumbled as he was trying to reorganize his thoughts as he looked like a deer in the headlights.

He wondered why he still was feeling so coy about revealing this detail. It certainly was something of a sore spot for him, and what wasn't helping with speaking was having glanced at Chres, the man he was supposed to screw over in some indeterminate amount of time in the future. Still, would they even care that much beyond passing interest? Perhaps the potential indifference was making him hesitant. An unconscious part of wounded feelings looking for some sort of commiseration, as heaven knows he already tried to drown his sorrows in drink to no effect.

Jen tried to ram through some words as he felt himself falling deeper into all sorts of thoughts. An awkward silence was filling the tunnels as he was stumbling. "So, it was, uh like I said before. Coming into this town was serendipity of sorts. I was following a lead about the cult to some other town, and this was on the way. I've come to rescue someone that was dear to me in the past."
Sorry for letting this slide, I'll get around to writing a response.
Marco shot Dave a glance of disapproval. Amongst the crowd watching some were amused at the usage of Go-Za's real name, while some of the uninitiated were a little confused. Regardless, there was a torrent of messages all containing some form of emoji, particularly involving pizza. The pizza avatar on stream would jankily wiggle around as the camera no longer detected the face but registered some movement. "Alright, so the thing is while I'm on air, the name is Go-Za. It's the name of my character." Marco would say to Dave as he fiddled around with a go-pro.

He would then sit down and face the camera. "Hey there folks, sorry for the wait. I was just messing with another camera. the reason being as Dave said, we're going to have a tour of the place once the real estate agent arrives and then you too will get to see our base. However, we're still waiting on them. So, you guys have any questions about my new adventure?" Marco's voice would almost lilt towards the end as he shook his face around to get the pizza to wiggle. Marco was hoping the realtor would arrive, as they were approaching an hour's wait. Also, he figured showing off the building would result in a boost in viewership and interest. In the meanwhile, he'd stall.

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