Avatar of Jerkchicken


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2 mos ago
Current Genshin being allergic to melanin amuses me greatly
4 mos ago
It's gonna be gas. Can't wait to see what sort nonsense you can pull of in focus mode with the funlance and hunting horn. Also, looking forward to new monsters to skin and wear as hats.
5 mos ago
The zaza got me talkin’ like Pingu
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5 mos ago
Shoutouts to the degenerates that love hand-holding
5 mos ago
Fun vibe tbh


Just some rando. I'm 20+ so no worries about rping with a kid.

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The march to Rorenville was fine. Ghent was sort of zoning out and appreciating the scenery. There was a lot of the natural beauty of the forest to appreciate. Although this wasn’t a pleasant hike. They were heading to investigate a series of grisly murders. And when they arrived it was easy to tell the killings took a toll on the village’s mood. Not even in the Hyland’s was a place with such a miserable feeling. Oh sure, it was definitely one of those backwater villages that was falling into neglect. But even those had a type of life to it, this place was sapped of that energy.

Eventually, they’d be greeted by the elder of the village. He’d stand there listening as the man explained what was going on to Afira. It seemed that due to the village’s position, their duke didn’t take much attention to their complaint. Ghent would think to himself that it was shameful to neglect these people. Well, at least they were here, but that was hardly reassuring given Relan’s reaction.

Once the man was done speaking, Afira would address the group with what would be their plan. Rikshath was the first step up to accompany her to the lumber mill. That meant it was just him and Nareck to interview the witness and the family. Not wasting any time Ghent would speak up, “Got it. Nareck and I will go interview the family first and then the elder’s daughter.”


As Jen walked followed the group, he could scarcely believe his eyes. The manor really was connected to that prison. And with two paths too! And it had its own damn moat! Oh sure, he knew that the homes of the rich could be elaborate and unusual as they could pay for their tastes to be realized. However, this was much more different and striking. He understood why Lord Ru’Tev would want proximity to the prison given the nature of the prison and the area. Still, he wondered if there would be a more pleasant alternate place for it to be built. Although given what they were given to work with in The Divergent, it was pretty good for what it was.

“I’ll try, but the funk of this area is giving me a hard time.” Jen said feeling some slight embarrassment as both Ru’Tev and Karina mentioned his blundering through those doors. He let those feelings slide off as he took a gander at the interior. The hospitality was rather lacking given the less-than-welcoming reception by the servants. Might as well sleep outside with that reception. Although in Jen’s case maybe it might be for the best, lest he break more or worse destroy the mansion. Jen’s mood improved once more with Sil’s hinjinx. ” Are you sure, they even have rooms ready for us? You heard the maids, might as well sleep outside. Still, I’ll take your offer Týfurkh.” He said trying to suppress a smirk.
Thanks for sharing the link. It's similar to whatever they're calling the white wolf system now but with D12s and with a noticeable smaller dice pool, and the other differences.

How does character creation work?
This might be up my alley.
Bummer, I was looking forward to seeing how this would play out as well as playtesting your rules.
Cool let me know when the prices have been reduced along with the discord server for this.

Also, is there anything else you'd want from my guy's backstory or just more detail in general? I found the highlanders to be somewhat vaguely defined, but not in a way that inviting to like to fill all the details. And I was hesitant about making up too much stuff in case it deviates from what you're thinking of.
Well good to know the style isn't exclusive to them.

Anyway, while I'm aware that learning new styles is just meet the stat requirements, I also figured you want some explanation within the fiction as how it was acquired. So, I figured the best way would be to wait for like more suitable styles to pop along with an opportunity to go, "Hey, my character is seeking instruction in it."

I'm also rather curious about the math works with these stats. One thing that would be nice is having an explanation for each level on a stat. I can infer some ideas of competency per level a bit. But it would be better for it to be explicitly explained. Like saying 1 means average or unskilled and like 4 being skilled or something like that.

Going back to styles, I'm actually kind of curious to just how impaired a character would be without a style. Although for the sake of testing your material, I'll pick something. Still, I want to see how a character fares with only rolls and the free techs.

Also, I wonder what everyone else is planning on making. Would it be alright if characters might know each other beforehand?
@Sho Minazuki

My apologies, I didn't mean to imply he had some fame for his skill with the weapon. Rather that he acquired enough skill gain some begrudging respect as he continued his training.

Regarding combat styles I skipped over it for like the following reasons: My own experience with tabletop rpgs has me wanting to have a slightly more balanced spread, over committing into a single stat for qualifying for a style. Because of that I felt that Hylian knight style wasn't worth it as a dedicated spear user as there's really one strider stance move, I'd use. Now sure there's Zoran Fencing, but I got the impression it would be an exotic style for a non-zora character and honestly, I had no idea how to justify the character learning it. I figured grabbing those loose techs would serve me well until there's a situation to learn something better.
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