(OC Character)

Name: Jace Dager
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 185cm
Weight: 67kg
Rank/Title: Major/Crimson
Special: Dimensional General
Bio: Pre-slam: The grandnephew of the king of Va Rox, he was widely known to be among the most skilled and arrogant pilots in the empire. Fully accustomed to his status, he believed that everyone except his granduncle was beneath him. During the climax of a major battle with a rebel kingdom, the dimensional engine stationed in the Emperor malfunctioned and he was sent spiraling into the current world. Stunned at the new circumstances initially, he made contact with the Federation, the closest thing to the empire in this dimension, he offered his services as a mercenary despite his distaste of having to lower himself to such a disgusting low level job.
Post-slam: Intriuged at the goals of the Titans and the possibility of finding a way to get back to his home dimension, Jace allied with them in the role as a security consultant. He seeks to use them as a personal army to his own ends eventually and isn't above killing even Titan soldiers if he finds it suits him.

Name: White Emperor
Type: Super Robot
Dimensions: 22 meters
Weight: 200 metric tons
Stats: Strength: 20(70)
Armour: 60(40)
Firepower: 80(10)
Performance: 40(50)
Mobility: 30(50)
Energy Output: 40
Sensors: 30
Description:The White Emperor. A prototype mechanical unit constructed by the top scientists in the alternate dimension Va Rox, It was granted to Jace as a mark of his abilities and position as one of the three top generals of his world. Powered by a dimensional engine, an imbalance in the engine during a battle resulted in both Jace and the White Emperor to be transported into the current universe pre-slam.
Weapons: Plasma beams: By directly funneling the power of the Emperor's reactor, into an electromagnetic field surrounding the Emperor, multiple plasma spears can be formed to be "hurled" towards the enemy or used as a rudimentary defense system which can be instantly turned into an excellent offensive one. Plasma swords can too be formed around the mech's hands for close-range combat.
Gravitational control: Through the means of the prototype system BABYLON maintained by the AI, Ea, the Emperor can manipulate the gravitational fields around it. It can be used to restrain enemies or to simply crush them through gravitational forces. The system may also be used as a replacement to actual thrusters on the unit if they are damaged by using gravity to control it's speed and direction, though it is crude in comparison. It's greatest value though, is to act as the ultimate defense system to the already well armoured Emperor by either dramatically reducing any physical impacts, diverting most energy attacks simply around its body and to act as a white blood-cell system for the mech by eliminating any nanites or similar objects used to attack or infiltrate it with Ea coordinating the system down to the simplest calculation.
Abilities: Alternate melee mode. All power is instead funneled into the Emperor's body, enhancing the performance of the machine and drastically increasing it's strength. By manipulating the gravity fields internally the Emperor's frame, he can increase it's physical prowess dramatically in exchange for the ability to utilize its gravity fields externally.
Signature Moves:Last sight: Jace first slams the the opponent into the ground with a gravity field before floating above him. Slowly increasing the gravity, his enemy slowly grinds itself further into the ground. Ignoring any please of mercy, he smirks at his enemy's despair and their horror, finally boosting the gravity rapidly until both the mech and pilot are unrecognisable paste.
Critical point: Jace places multiple gravity fields around his enemy before drastically increasing their strength, tearing both the unit and pilot into multiple directions.
Dimension shot: Using his gravitational powers to hold his enemy in place, he powers up the Emperor, he places a immense amount of dimensional energy in a small but powerful gravity field before sending it hurtling towards his opponent which proceeds to either warp away or obiliterate the general area where it was fired at along with the trapped entity.
(Cannon character)
Graham Aker. Reserving him, will fill in details later.