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  • Old Guild Username: jetipster
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Psychic! I'm literally typing up my first post now.

Time: Night
Location: Back into Trance
Interactions: Rose (@Tae)

Where there had been empty space there was suddenly his cousin bowling straight at him and into his arms. He could only stroke her hair and make a shushing noise as she blabbered on about a guy called Cain and him wanting more from her. He was momentarily surprised about the Alexei’s part of the story, his mind momentarily wondering if this Cain guy was a warlock too, but another sob from his cousin drew him from his thoughts.

”I wanna just hang out with you and Violet for the rest of the night and get completely wasted.” she had finally mumbled out. ”Then let’s do exactly that then” he replied rubbing her arms ”Come on, let's get back to Trance”. Before he could even say anything else Rose picked up a call from her twin. Of course Violet knew how Rose was feeling, and if it was strong enough for her to call then it was definitely worth him acting upon.

As they walked back to Trance with his arm around her, he slowly sent a trickle of magic into his cousin’s body to perform the first spell he ever truly mastered: adjusting homeostasis. His mother taught him to subtly control basic body processes at an early age - a skill always needed before you even considered starting to magically heal someone. As his consciousness spread out throughout his cousin’s body his magic calmed her breathing, slowed her heart rate and re-balanced her hormone levels. He hoped that he had helped calm her and that she would find it an intrusion.

He listened into her phone call as he extended his personal shield around her as well. First the old warlock, then that shadowy Damien guy and now this Cain person… When they were back in Trance he’d have a word with Vi incase she thought a ward around the club was a decent idea for the remainder of the evening. He quickly escorted his cousin through the club entrance and tried to see through the crowd to reunite her with her twin.
In Chaos 5 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

A collaboration between @Jetipster & @Pyxis

After that first evening, the young Hellenican prince had thrown himself into his work. He was going to impress both his family and his hosts with his new political responsibilities and impress he did. He made daily media coverage with his visits and had revelled in his chance to experience the natural beauty available in Ameria. From riding bareback with cowboys to promote prairie re-wilding to working with schools on urban greening projects in the capital, he was suitably distracted during the daytime. It was in the evening that he was distracted.

Staying at the palace, rather than in the city, meant that he was frequently with his fellow royals, especially for dinner and any other evening entertainments. Thankfully, the newly formed Coven (as he had started to fondly refer himself, Cass and Cat as) had kept him suitably distracted, and plied with spirits for a few of the evenings. He’d obviously spent time with Leo and had even spent an evening exploring the library in the company of Erik, whom he found far warmer than Belle’s words suggested. He’d successfully avoided Henri, but upsettingly by proxy also Gen - seemingly his shadow after that initial evening. He’d had friendly conversations with everyone else including Ali and Phillip. There was definitely something going on there with the way they looked at one another. Ali treated Chris as though they were mere acquaintances - apparently, childhood best friends and then years of learning every inch of one another’s bodies meant nothing. Of course, Chris wasn’t expecting their ‘thing’ to continue forever, neither of them felt anything romantic about the other. But to be introduced to others as yet another political figure and with little more warmth than being a distant cousin really stung. As for Phillip, well… If Phillip were, in fact, that way inclined, he’d definitely have to catch him for a chat soon - one without the eyes and ears of half the ruling elite.

Fresh from his morning swim, Chris had spent far too long deciding on an outfit. Being from the Mediterranean, he was more than comfortable with the heat but had never been to any Amerian theme parks before. He’d been to many festivals, many times - even Fyre, but he doesn’t mention that and was so glad to have not promoted it on his social media. He’d been to many theme parks and loved rides - the bigger the better. And his country hosted many regattas, traditional festivals and sporting events. But he’d never been to a theme park as an official royal event! He settled on a simple black and neutral outfit in the end and hurried downstairs. He asked an aide to take his photo in the palace garden and noticing a twitching curtain or two as headed toward the SUVs. He was not about to suggest political preference in front of those spying old fogeys, so on seeing the line of SUVs he decided on diplomacy and slide into the back of an empty car. So he settled in the comfort of the AC chilled car and set on deciding a filter and comment for that photo

As his phone vibrated with Leo’s Whatsapp, Chrisleant of the car and wolf-whistled her with a huge grin on his face. “Kalá geia ómorfi!” he called as he opened the door for her, “Get in loser, we’re going shopping” he quoted with a smile. Their journey passed with selfies and them both quizzing the other about the previous couple of days when they hadn’t actually seen one another. Chris grilled Leo on the media, the Prince of Estil and Imani, her only response being that: the tabloids were stupid, that her mother was calling her non-stop about said tabloids. Whilst unconvinced, he was unable to press further as he faced his own barrage of questions about avoiding Henri (Leo had stopped dragging the conversation as soon as she saw discomfort in Chris), the lingering distance of Alejandro and his suspicions about Phillip. He had nothing to add about the former, but couldn’t help but think about the possibility of awkwardness at this second arranged activity. The latter, however, was still playing on his mind…

Yeah, they’d slept together. But they’d both agreed that feelings were not involved and Chris had accepted that one day their physical relationship would end. He had not thought that it would come at the cost of severing their friendship at the same time. A childhood of memories built together and all seemingly for nothing. Maybe Ali just couldn’t separate the two like him and that was the reason he was so distant? Or was Chris himself not hiding his hurt as well as he thought and Ali thought he was upset at their fooling around coming to an end…? Eurgh… why was it all so fucked up? And what was going on with Ali and Phillip? If they were a thing, was it Phillip who didn’t like how close they had been and so was causing the rift? He blurted this all out to his best friend, but they had arrived at the theme park and his door was opened for him.

”Don’t forget,” Leo had gently squeezed his hand and looked at him with a smile, ”You always got me. No matter what.”

“Forever and always.” he replied with a smile.

He offered Leo his arm and they walked into the park to find the others, eyeing up the tallest coaster with a grin. Emotional drama from the last week set aside, he was determined to have a good time today.


Noah Cooper - Transfiguration
- Character Connections

Bex - Herbology
Noah has known Bex since first year, most of which was spent avoiding her after their potions class went up in flames for the second time. It was only when they were assigned as greenhouse partners in second year that the most unexpected friendship began. Noah was tending their mandrake project, in protective earmuffs, when Bex scared the life out of him with a tap on the shoulder. Visibly upset, she somehow reminded him of his young sister when surrounded by plants and he made his best attempt to take her mind off things by pottering together around the greenhouses and quizzing one another on herbology facts, before finally ending in a hilarious leaping toadstool race.

The next 5 years were spent as the gardening dream team, Noah making sure Bex revised for her other subjects and her forcing him to actually let his hair down occasionally. She’s also the mastermind behind his Christmas pool party but he has always maintained his distance from her pranks. His prefecture was also a boon for Hufflepuffs, with far fewer pranks played upon them, well from Slytherin at least.

Despite his parents’ disapproval of their friendship, it was their one wish that he rebelled against and they’ve since come around to like her, with Noah’s sister, now an herbologist herself, frequently inviting Bex over to her nursery and florist. They have since holidayed together and Noah’s left wrist is home to a drunkenly decided upon tattoo of a leaping toadstool that proceeds to hop around his arm in Bex’s presence. He cannot wait to teach alongside her but has his concerns around her being on the other side of the desk…

Thomas - DADA
Noah and Thomas first met in a small wooden boat as is crossed the Great Lake, but they wouldn't speak until 2 months later when they realised they had both become semi-permanent residents of the library. From then on a friendship was struck despite the house difference, Noah finding a fascination in Thomas' explanation of Muggle technology and Thomas finding equal awe in Noah's revelations about the wizarding world.

Remaining friends throughout their years at Hogwarts, they visited one another's family homes and supported one another through both exam seasons. However, since working at the Ministry they have grown apart, empty promises of 'we need to grab a butterbeer soon' and 'you should come round for dinner sometime', flitting between them as their work constantly keeps them in separate locales.

Devin - CoMC
Noah was initially in awe at the level of intuition Devin had when it came to magical creatures and probably wouldn’t have his Exceeds Expectations O.W.L. were it not for his housemate. To this day Devin is the only person Noah’s pet Kneazle, Minerva, has ever immediately taken a liking to, surprising everyone in the Cooper household. In return Noah helped Devin with transfiguration, undoing many failed practice attempts.

Whilst good friends at school, both their jobs kept them estranged, apart from one chance fleeting meeting in New York, crossing paths as Noah headed back to the UK and Devin out to the Great Plains to advise on Jackalope migrations. He’s looking forward to catching up and hearing all about his school friend’s adventures.

Elliot - HoM
Noah was ecstatic to find out he was at school with a Fortescue - a descendant of a previous headmaster. Well, that and he prided himself on having tried every ice cream flavour over the years, trips to try new releases have become a tradition with his father. Yet they didn’t even speak until Elliot happened to join his and Thomas’ usual spot in the library and strike up a hushed conversation. Whilst initially glad for Elliot’s expansive knowledge of history, Noah’s least favourite subject, he soon found himself crushing on the dark-eyed Ravenclaw, but too cowardly to act upon it, especially not after the dung-kiss of fourth year. Not even in their fifth year at the bonfire, he’d been dragged to, despite being a newly chosen prefect, did he make a move.

It was only in the steam and tipsy revels of their Christmas pool party after bemoaning the lack of alchemy that they finally kissed. The outgoing Ravenclaw and the stoic Hufflepuff, seemed often to be in the wrong houses when together, but had a fling throughout their last year and a half at Hogwarts. They mutually agreed it could never work after graduation as Elliot left for his travels straight away. They’ve met up when they happen to be in the same country, the catch-up more oft than not resulting in too much drink and a shared bed. It’s been a while though and Noah thought he had gotten over his feelings... But with the prospect of them working closely together at Hogwarts has dredged up many memories and emotions he thought he had put aside.

Dragana - Astronomy
Noah has never warmed to Dragana, her fierceness on the Quidditch pitch and stories of her family leading him to avoid her. He envied her naturally gifts for, and extensive experience of, astronomy, something he’d had little exposure to growing up in light-polluted cities, but his caution turned to distaste after he accidentally fell foul to a dungbomb of hers in their fourth year. The situation was made even worse whereby, whilst covered in a fetid odour he encountered a remaining patch of her rogue kiss-istletoe and was forced to kiss his secret crush Elliot whilst trying not to heave.

Whilst not the target of either prank Dragana had the cheek to blame him for ruining her prank that had been ordered by someone else to hit the librarian. He then made it his personal mission as a prefect to try and foil her schemes and black book dealings, albeit with very little success. He is not looking forward to having to work with her.

Naia - Charms
Noah knows Naia mostly as a pain in his backside from his prefect years - frequently catching her and her motley crew sneaking around at night. Their most memorable encounter was him finding her loitering outside the Hufflepuff common room in a large hat, this time actually waiting for Noah to find her. She had transfigured her hair into sparkling bioluminescence that was actually rather impressive in the dark of the kitchens. But she quickly explained that whilst unnoticeable during the day it was keeping both her and her roommates awake at night. Noah gladly agreed to untransfigure her hair on the condition that her nighttime escapades avoided the corridors he patrolled.

The last he heard of her was overhearing some gossip about her being a curse-breaker whilst he was on a joint venture with the Office for the Removal of Curses, Jinxes, and Hexes.

Time: Night
Location: Trance Club → Outside The Pit → Back to Trance...
Interactions: Rose (@Tae)

Returning from the bathroom Felix was pleased to notice the loud, drugged up woman absent but was disheartened by his cousin’s comments. He wasn’t as big a fan of The Pit but it was better than the tense atmosphere that now filled the club. He gave her a quizzical ‘are you sure?’ eyebrow, but she had already turned away to speak to the girl now sitting at the neighbouring table. Well, the evening wasn’t to plan at all. He really didn’t want to let up their table in Trance but he knew that when the twins had set their mind on something, there was nothing further to be said about the matter.

He sighed as he got outside. Why couldn’t he have a nice simple night out? He’d nearly been caught up in a fight, his cousins were both chatting to strangers, but at least Rose’s new blonde companion wasn’t this suspicious Damien figure they refused to talk about. The now chilly air was biting through his thin, flowy shirt and so he hurried along the pavement to The Pit. He was not drunk enough yet for that insulating buzz and soon found himself rubbing his arms for frictional warmth. He glanced around and finding no one near he extended his magick slightly all around his body. His personal shield extended a couple of millimetres from his skin and filled with warming air.

Now smugly warm he joined the small queue waiting to get into the club. He had just checked his watch, not even 10! when he noticed the two characters across the road. The tall handsome guy had caught his eye first but there was a flash of recognition at the redhead with him. She wasn’t a friend of the twins. He didn’t think he’d met her before. Then how did he know her? Shit - that was it! Her face had graced a file in a recent coven update sent to their house. And here she was with another militant looking guy, both with smug looks plastered on their face. He had to let his cousins know. Unable to communicate telepathically like them, and not wanting to commit it to technology, he knew he had to return to the way he came. For fucks sake.All he wanted to do was drink and dance.

Grinding his teeth he headed back toward Trance to re-group with his family and suggest they either stay there and get smashed or head home for a party of their own devices. He couldn’t believe that he’d spent his first night out in an age avoiding drunkards and now a murderous cult. Now magically insulted, the walk back was far more pleasant but he was brought slow by a puddle splashing just ahead of him with no visible instigator. His mind jumped to the only reason it had immediately at hand for such a phenomenon...

“Rose?” he ventured tentatively...

Me neither but I've given it a go... discord.gg/BZyfyT
Anyone fancy a Discord to make it easier to discuss the second part of our CSs?
Tentative interest too. Especially as @Shard is here.
I would love to take Transfiguration

Time: Night
Location: Trance Club
Interactions: With Violet (@princess & Rose (@Tae
Mention of Volfango (@Ithradine, Genesis (@MsMorningstar) & Cain ([@Derg 2])

He could feel the subtle tension between the twins as he waited in the kitchen, stacking away utensils that had washed themselves. He really ought to ask more about this Damien guy… but not tonight. As soon as Rose was ready, he was straight out the door behind her like a shot, taking his other cousin by the arm as she complimented his outfit.

Outside the club, Felix slammed the Beetle’s door shut with gusto. He had been waiting all week for this promised night out. He had always found Trance a great place for a night of inebriation and non-stop dancing, both things his life had been sorely lacking recently. As the young warlock walked toward the entrance he gave a questioning look to both his cousins to ensure they had both strengthened their personal wards. Whilst Trance was usually a friendly place for a night out, it was not neutral ground like Alexei’s and given the last few hours, he was taking no chances.

Felix was patted down at the entrance and promptly gave his name to the hostess who pointed out a booth with the optimal proximity to dance floor, bar and restrooms. He took planning nights out probably too seriously. He pointed it out to his cousins and made his way to the bar to get their drinks, bumping shoulders with an attractive gentleman on the way out. He was temporarily frozen as their eyes met, his startling green eyes and long glossy hair captivating. He was even more surprised when the guy then turned to blow a kiss… Felix gave the guy a coy smile in return before noticing he was on the arm of an equally beautiful woman.

Feeling stupid he continued onto the bar where he slotted straight in and counted his order off on his fingers, “Three espresso martinis, please.” He flashed the attractive barman a smile but he was still thinking about the guy he’d bumped into on the way in when he noticed a young blonde guy at the bar who definitely looked underage. He struggled to quash his teacher instincts and was pretending not to notice when he heard the commotion on the dance floor. Turning to see a guy being helped off the floor, it was not hard to follow the eyes in the room to identify the culprit - the girl next to him, who he was alarmed to see was brazenly snorting a line of coke whilst she waited for her drink.

Felix nodded in her direction to the head barman with a sympathetic expression and quickly fumbled to carry all three glasses to their booth. Not wanting to be anywhere near the coked-up assailant as the bouncers closed in on her. As he wove through the crowd he couldn’t help but wonder what other non-humans were around them and briefly wished he was still wearing his glasses with their Seeker enchantments on them and not his contacts. “There we go ladies,” he exclaimed with a flourish as he reached their table. “Here’s to a drunken, stress-free, dance-filled night.” He spoke with a heavy emphasis on ‘stress-free’ whilst looking at the twins before lifting his glass - “Cheers!” He knew from experience that this may be the last time they were all together. You couldn’t expect three powerful witches to just sit and sat amongst themselves with so much fun to be had… Felix took another sip and excused himself to nip to the bathroom, regretting sneaking a couple of drinks of his homebrew before coming out this evening.
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