Avatar of Jhayfelix
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    1. Jhayfelix 10 yrs ago


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Truth is some Lores states that
Death is side by side with God
Death is actually a good starting point for everything, since basically you go about researching what its purpose is X)
That's a nice advice, I'll keep that in mind :3
well the title says it all, i want to start a fate roleplay, no specifics yet but I'm not really sure how
in terms of why and player numbers :(
Any advice?
I'd like to be a guest X))))
It was like what was before, the same old events playing out. Going to the school festival, helping out my class, fulfilling my role as a class representative. The same repeating occurrence transpiring every single day. The trigger for all of this is none other than that Sachiko-Ever-After Charm. A charm that supposedly binds you spiritually with your friends forever... It didn't lie though. It does bind you, but not in goodness; heck no. Forever bound in eternal death. I was lucky though, my case is different from everyone else. I did not die yet i wished I did. The pain of demise is better than eternally seeing the same old events unfold. Repeatedly seeing your friends die in a manner only acceptable if you were an animal sent to be butchered. Living by the code of kill or be killed in this god forsaken place. Trying to escape only to ultimately fail and receive a worse kind of punishment. Becoming more of a spectator than a player, untouchable yet intractable. Dead on the inside but alive in flesh. The worst curse ever laid upon, to what avail?

Yet here I am waking up once again starting anew, trying to find the final piece to break the curse or to become part of it.

I looked at myself in the mirror, short unkempt hair, cold dreadful stare, eye bags, the works. I brushed off everything I've experience so far, as per usual acting crazy wont do me squat. I jumped up and headed towards my computer grabbing the necessary materials needed to perform the ritual. I touched my cold skin, feeling every bit of the sunlight going through the window of my bedroom. I looked at the clock 5:30 a.m. Ah, the usual nightmare woke me up I think to myself naively as if I can brush it off 4 alterations of pure madness.

"Fifth" I reminded myself in the mirror. "Pull yourself together, You're a Jacobs now." I told myself the hundredth time. How long has it been since I did something different? I can't afford to screw up. Doing something different from the first alteration leads to faster death and a wider scale spread of the curse. It didn't apply to me thou, yet I can feel as if she is laughing at me, giggling at the thought of me trying to change the curse I've brought upon myself.

"I can fix this." I told myself again. "I am he who controls therefore he is." I cheered on. You do know what they say? If you can't beat it with sound argument, philosophize. Yet the shadows cast around the room feels taunting. Even though the sunlight outside is warming every bit of my being, I know that deep down It all was an illusion and I'm simply floating betwixt the dimensions of the accursed place. Making my very life bound upon the rules cast upon by nothing.

I stopped lamenting my circumstances, it will begin soon. The cleansing of my memories and thus the adventure will again begin. The journey to the end of my humanity. The clock read 5: 55 a.m. Five more minutes until it begins. I write down the important stuff. The rules to say.

1. 5th alteration ( don't panic about this just follow the rules )
2. Don't try to play hero or play hooky. She will chase, she will follow. You are already inside the domain.
3. Believe in the lie not the truth for the truth burns a peaceful mark and the lies as harsh as a raging flame.
4. To change is to find something new. Yet not everything is new and not all is found the second time around.
5. Escape. The chances are low but low means a possibility.

Then I quickly scribbled some other things on another piece of paper and placed it in my I.D.

"Hector Sanders." My name and yet now I'm a Jacobs. So I must protect her, my half sister at the very least.
Thus the clock rang its alarm. 6:00 a.m. and the world began anew for me.

I woke up have past 6 which means I'm late. I was supposed to meet up with several of my friends 15 minutes ago. Time is essential especially if your job is to prepare your class for the start of a festival. I quickly grabbed my jacket and wore a pair of jeans i found hanging behind my door. Racing towards the kitchen I grabbed a piece of bacon and a waffle then rushed out of the house.

"Sorry auntie, I'm running late. Tell Milfuelle I went ahead of her." I said when I saw Aunt Mira outside tending to the garden.

"I will sweetie be careful out there!" She said blowing me a goodbye kiss.

I smiled, today was a good day. With all the things I've planned today would be a blast for everyone. Especially what I planned for the after school finale, they are in for a bit of a surprise.

Guys so what we need are characters, players, and also imagination haha kidding. Either way lets have fun with this and feel free to advance the story whenever.
I am simply on this site because writing an essay for my class is such a pain. Oh, and add the fact that I'd rather eat thumbtacks than do it because I'm insane right now makes no sense.

Hi please be kind to me >.<
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