Hey hey everyone,
well as u can see in the title my name is Jill and im 20 years old located in the netherlands. I am not new to roleplaying, not at all. I have been roleplaying for a while now. I believe around 3 years, maybe longer. I always have enjoyed it, well I have enjoyed a lot of it lets just say that XD. I like to roleplay long term, I also like short term once in a while but I prefer a long term RP. I like a good build up and a good story. Even though english is not my best language I'll always try and do my best to you know watch my grammar and write a correct english scentence, but I cannot always write perfectly. So sorry in advance if im being unclear.
So a little more about me, I am currently studying. I'm studying to be a surgeon, so it is a long and difficult study. So I have some times where I am less active because of exams and stuff like that. But if that time is there i'll tell you, don't wanna leave u on delivered for too long and not saying anything. I like to hang out, go out with friends you know the basic 20 year old hobbies xD. But I love to RP, just some nights when i'm in bed before I go to sleep or troughout the day it can be amazing to just let my fantasy come true lol.
I have a lot more to tell but ill spare you all, if you have any questions dont hesitate and ask right away!