Wolpertinger said
I read it too and it looks like you'll need a healer :)Is there still a place left for me or am I too late for joining in?
you can join as a healer if you like
Wolpertinger said
I read it too and it looks like you'll need a healer :)Is there still a place left for me or am I too late for joining in?
Exit said
Hey jinx. I sent you a pm. I don't know if you saw it yet but wanted to give you a heads up in case you didnt.
Zambza said
Might have went overboard with this one, but every squad needs one slightly unstable, hairy forest-man yelling at moss.
Zombehs said
Just making sure, but Swedes would have essentially modern firearms right? And would a Hunter be able to procure a Class A feline?
McHaggis said
Finished mine :3
LokiLeo789 said
I just need to do Equipment and I'll will be finished.
Zambza said
Oh... *backs away slowly* D-did I say mage? I meant um... cat. Yes. I will be a cat. Miau.
Zambza said
RP that allows me to be a mage on my own language. Count me in. I can shout complete nonsense and you think it's high level magic.
McHaggis said
Figured I'd post what I have. Personality, background and equipment are still WIP.