Deadpool looks at the dragons being slaughtered, now back on the platform. "Oh yeah, almost forgot!" He chops off his mangled hand, so he can regenerate it without the bone being fused together. "Now for the next part!" He takes out a small device, and taps his foot as if in thought. He opens out to look at the whole known land of hyrule, and guesstimates the coordinates to the roid rage piggy. He enters them and the current coords into the device, then presses a button, showing up right on top of ganon... "Hello, all! My name is Deadpool and i'm here to prevent a rather unfortunate turn of events that may or may not happen in the near future!" you sounded just like Cable there LALALALALALAA! Not listening!~
Deadpool leaps down from the giant man-pig and waltzes (no literally dances over) to Ajax, and leans on his shoulder like they're old time pals. "So, honey, how are the kids?" He slaps himself "I mean, how is the battle going, fellow avatar? Report, Soldier!" He flings into a position of attention, and makes an officer's pose.