Avatar of Joshua Tamashii


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Right, so my post again. Give me a minute or more.
Unless I forgot something, very accurate but shitty damage: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/17460.

By the way, since this is an Archfey, can we say the blast is gold in color and shaped like flowering vines while flying through the air. Cause you know, flavor.
… Well, time to fulfill the oldest meme in the Warlock spellbook… ELDRITCH BLAST THE FUCKER!
The Archfey really favor him: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/17458

Where the fuck were these rolls when Ellaranna was chasing that kid?!
Imma just roll stealth ahead of time: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/17457

Ander the Feyblessed


Warlock 1 (The Archfey)

Chaotic Neutral



Common, Sylvan




Skills and Saves


Animal Handling:
Sleight of Hand(P):

Disguise Kit, Forgery Tools


False Identity: Ander has an second identity, complete with contacts, documentations, and disguises that allow him to assume that persona. Additionally, he can forge documents, including official papers and personal letters, so long as he has seen an example of the paper or the handwriting he is copying beforehand.

Fey Presence: Your Fey patron gift you with the ability to project a fearful and beguiling presence. As an action, all creatures within a 10 foot cube must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. All creatures who fail are charmed or frightened by you, as chosen by you, until the end of your next turn. You gain this ability after you finish a short or long rest.


A set of fine clothes

Tools for Sleight of Hand cons

1d6/1d8 piercing weapon with versatile and thrown (range 20/60)

Light crossbow:
1d8 piercing damage ranged weapon with loading and two-handed. Range 80/320. Ammo: Bolt sx20

Dagger x2
1d4 piercing weapons with finesse, light and thrown (range 20/60)

Leather Armor:
AC = 11 + Dex Mod

Scholar's Pack:
Backpack, A book of lore, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, a little bag of sand, and a small knife



Spell Save DC:
Spell Attack Modifier:


Eldritch Blast:
Evocation cantrip with Verbal and Somatic components. A beam spell with a 120 foot range that deals 1d10 damage to a target on a successful ranged spell attack. You gain one additional beam at the 5th, 11th, and 17th levels respectively. These beams can target a single creature or multiple creatures, making a separate attack roll for each beam regardless.

Minor Illusion:
Illusion cantrip with Somatic components and requiring a bit of fleece to cast. You create a sound or object within 30 feet of you that lasts for 1 minute. If you make a sound, the volume can range from a whisper to a scream and it can be anything from a voice to an animal's cry to the sound of an instrument or anything else you choose. The Sound can continue for the whole minute or you can change the sound at different times before the spells end. If you create an object, it can only be the image of an object that can occupy a 5 foot cube. The image does not give off any sound, light, smell, or other sensory effects. Likewise, it does not react to any physical interaction, as objects simply pass right through it. A successful Investigation check against the spell save DC allows one to discern that the sound or object is an illusion, cause it to become faint to the creature that made the successful check.

1st level:

Charm Person:
Enchantment spell requiring Verbal and Somatic components. You attempt to charm a humanoid that you can see within 30 feet of you. The humanoid makes a Wisdom saving throw against the spell, with advantage if it's actively fighting you or your allies. If it fails the saving throw, it it friendly towards you until the spell ends due to it's hour long time limit coming up, harm being dealt to the creature from you or your companions, or you dismiss it. After the charm ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you. If the spell is cast at a level beyond the first, it can charm one additional creature per spell level above the first. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other at the time of casting.

Enchantment spell requiring Verbal and Somatic components and a pinch of fine sand, rose petals, or a cricket. This spell sends a number of creature to sleep, equal to a number of hit points determined by rolling 5d8. Creatures within a 20 feet of a spot you choose within 90 feet. Each creature within the area, starting with the one with the lowest hit points, fall asleep until a creature's hit points exceed the number rolled. When a creature falls asleep, you move onto the creature with the next lowest hit points. Creatures remain asleep until the spell ends, they take damage, or someone takes an action to wake them up. Undead and creatures immune to charm are unaffected by this spell. For each spell level beyond the first, add 2d8 to the roll to determine how many creatures will be put to sleep.


Ander was born in Beoly twenty years ago to a prostitute mother and an unknown father who had been one of her clients. As a result of his mother's profession, Ander almost didn't make it into the word but through some stroke of fortune, his life was not ended before it began. However, his life was far from comfy, as his mother was neglectful and more often then not, he was left to fend for himself when others in his place at his age would be cared for by their mothers.

As a result of this neglectful upbringing, Ander eventually just left home when he was seven, as he often did better fending for himself on the streets then he did staying at home. While on the streets, he witnessed several displays of magic from those who knew at least a little of it and used it to their advantage in the rough streets that comprised the cities of Beoly. These displays drew forth a passion, if not an obsession, with learning the ways of magic and mastering them for himself. But first, he had to survive.

Being nothing remarkable, Ander eventually gathered himself a small group of other children who had either left their home or been abandoned, rallying them together to accomplish things they would not be able to accomplish on their own. Ander was the unquestioned leader of this group, his natural charisma coming through as he kept everyone in line and put a stop to any arguments that broke out.

Eventually, his groups luck changed for the better when they were spotted by a group of adventurers who where passing through for one last job. Ander was the one who took the lead when the adventurers approached his group and was the one who managed to convince them to take him and his friends along. Ander in particular negotiated his apprenticeship under the wizened human wizard who simply went by Arjindal.

Ander's apprenticeship was not a good one. His master and him, despite Ander's best efforts, clashed very often and Ander never got the grasp of learning spells through books. His master showed enough patience to keep Ander around his tower for two years before eventually dismissing him as a failure. Ander, taking what he could, didn't give up his pursuit and spent years researching and eventually coming across the means of earning himself magical powers through a pact. He was careful in his research, quickly dismissing the possibility of making a pact with a fiend or a great old one, as even in his obsession he would not want anything to do with them. He also dismissed making a contract with a being of the Shadowfell for the same reason. Celestials didn't interest him as he viewed them as being too distant and unwilling to help those who were worse off. Bonding with a weapon was also out of the question as he had no skills in the martial arts and felt no attachment to them.

That left him with the Feywild and he found he liked what he found out about the realm more then the other options presented to him. So, he went through the ritual required to at least contact a denizen of the Feywild and request an audience with one of it's more powerful residents. It would not be until many night later when he had a dream where he met Hyrsam, the Prince of Fools. Ander recognized that despite the Prince's jovial and nonsensical way of going about things, he had a keen mind and a deep desire. The two eventually formed a pact, Hyrsam granting Ander the arcane power he had so desired while Ander would work for Hyrsam and try to follow any orders he was given by the Archfey.

In the years since, Ander has made a living conning people and separating their coins from their purses with his rather charming magical abilities and the occasional assistance from his Pact Master. The two particularly favor nobles and due to their efforts, more then a few have woken up with a purse full of coins missing and sometimes other possessions, just as jewels and their clothing. They have also worked to usurp a few, usually the more corrupt, turning their friends against the nobles during a time that they needed said friends.

He is now journeying around in search of the next target, hoping that his next adventure is big and grand and might make an actual difference.
"Oh bloody hell. That was a fookin' day if I ever had one." Ander said to himself, leaning back in his seat, ready to take a nap for the day. But then, he heard that oh so familiar voice. "Oh fookin' hell. What do ya want lad? I just finished a job for you! What more could you want!"

Despite his complaints, the warlock listened intently as his patron spoke. Over the years, if he had learned anything, it was that Archfey, or fey in general, were assholes most of the time and loved speaking in riddles. As such, he knew he needed to pay attention to every word that came out of Hyrsam's hidden mouth. As per usual, it made very little sense, but it did give him some sort of idea of what he was going to do.

Then he learned that he would be returning to his secondary home. The land were his apprenticeship to a wizard had been. As well as where he knew most of his friends would be. That news, brought a smile to his face.
"Well, why did you say that's where I was going soon lad? Take me there as soon as..." He said before he was teleported to the middle of the jungle. Looking around, he picked up his back before sighing and muttering under his breath. "Of course it's never that easy... wait... what wights?"

Then he felt it. The presence of an undead. Whirling around to face it, preparing himself to cast magic. However, it seemed to not have noticed him. Knowing it was better to not risk things going incredible south, the man attempted to sneak away.
Ander does, because fuck it, why not. And I don't either, so just assume he does.
ANDER! YES! BTW, due to his pact, he talks in an Irish accent.
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