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"all i want" by kodaline is such a lovely song
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Nothing to do but to wait...
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Lost my previous account so decided to make another one..
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Ooh I like this!!
Definitely interested!!
This looks interesting!! :)
Finn Loughty - Finn's Shelter - Nathalie Soltero @wolverbells

It was as if someone had released a tight grip off his chest the moment as they raised the gun away from her skull and slit off the stinging rope off her wrists. The man kept his word and let her go. The pure relief and rapture on her features was enough to make his heart throb with joy. "Nat," Her name came out as a hoarse whisper out of his mouth, thick with unexpected emotion. Immediately, her beautiful, tear-stricken face sprinted straight at him, her body crashing into his as her arms wrapped around his waist. A slight breath escaped his lips because of the impact. His arms slowly begun to rise to embrace her as if he was almost embarrassed. His mind rung alarm bells as a dangerous voice pushed it's way inside his thoughts. Don't get too close, Finn. You almost lost her once. What will happen if you actually lose her the next time? Pushing those thoughts to the side, he enveloped her, his right hand cupping the back of her head as she apologized once more. "I'm so sorry, Finn."
Finns' shook his head once more and whispered, "This isn't your fault, okay? If anyone should be blamed, it should be me. I led them here. I should've been more careful." The young man frowned, trying to cope with terrible amount of guilt and frustration that was lodged in his throat. He blamed himself for this. How could he have let this happen? He thought, wracking his brain for any warning he had missed when they had driven here from the mall.

The man's crew went forward with their plan to ransack his cabin and and steal everything he owned, Finn kept an ear out for Nicole. So far, no commotion or screams rose up from above. He exhaled a sigh of relief. Nicole was safe. Assuming that him and Nat were going to be dragged to wherever the man's base was at, he prayed that Nicole would be able to survive on her own until he found a way back to her. The crew, distracted from removing their things from the shelter, left him and Nat a few moments together. Finn pulled her to the side so that he could take a good look at her. Almost afraid to ask, he gulped, needing to know if anything happened at the creek. "Are you alright?" he whispered, his eyes searching her body for any bruises or cuts.. "Did they do ....anything?"Her wrists were scratched from the rope and she was trembling from the amount of stress she was just put through. She was soaking wet and tired. Finn frowned, desiring to do more to help her but it was impossible. Remembering his extra shirt that he brought with him to go to the creek, he hand. It was would probably fit more as a dress on her than a shirt but it was clean, dry and warm. "Here, take it. I wish I had something better. If you don't want it right now, you can use it later."

"We're going to find a way out of this mess. I promise," Finn attempted to assure her with his words, but it didn't even seem like he believed it himself. He glared at the men going down his ladder, taking their cans of food. His hand went up and pushed back a few loose strands in front of his face. Shit. Could he not have one moment of peace? It seemed like this nightmare would never end.
Finn Loughty & Nicole Brenn - Finn's Shelter - Grant Coleman @QT & Nathalie Soltero @wolverbells

Darkness covered the sky like a velvet carpet. The moon and the stars hid behind the clouds, as if they had some secret knowledge of what was about to happen. The grass bristled nervously against the towering man's boots as the his uneasy gaze searched the area. The forest wasn't lively this night. The crickets's chirping was no longer detected. The familiar chitter of the raccoons was missing. The rustling of the leaves became still and the whole forest seemed to shut down as a woman emerged from darkness towards him, crawling on all fours and eyes wild. Finn staggered back a few steps, his intense gaze fixated on the strange creature. His knuckles wrapped around his bloody machete even tighter.
"You look yummy boy!" The venomous chuckles echoed one after the other as five others finally exposed themselves. Finn puffed out his chest and planted both feet on the ground. His Lincoln green eyes bore into the African woman's in return, showing no fear, only rage. His jaw clenched in place as he stared at everyone of them. The foreign jewelry and trinkets dangled from her ears. The eccentric woman stuck out like a sore thumb. She definitely wasn't from around these parts.
"My boss is coming big-boy. Step up, prep up! I say you get on your knees before he come, yah?"
His head cocked to the side as he stared at her incredulously. A sardonic smile formed across his lips as he growled back, "And, who... pray tell, made your boss god?"

The so-called boss marched in, marking his grand entrance with a frightened Nathalie at his side. Ignoring the man's request for his name, Finn's focus shifted to the nape of her neck, where the muzzle of the gun was cozied up against by a firm hand. Her silky hair, now flattened and stringy, dripped down and created a pool of water below her. The girl stared up at Finn, her ocean eyes wide with fear. Hanging sorrowfully from her body was a drenched sports bra and jeans. It took everything in him to restrain himself from launching at these men like a rabid dog. She had been naked when they found her. The realization had hit him like a ton of bricks. His mind couldn't help but imagine what could have went down at the creek. Vengeance surged up inside of him.
His head shook in compassion she tried to apologize. There's nothing to apologize for. I should be apologizing to you. His expression transformed into rage as the tyrant strode towards him with ease. Like honey from a jar, confidence oozed out from his words.
"Oh man, I really do apologize for ruining your night. For both of you of course..." the man paused. "I'm sure you two planned to have some fun by the lake before we got here. It truly was not my intention to mess up your special night-"
"Get to the fucking point," he barked. With every word that came out of that despot's mouth, his self-control slipped away.

Meanwhile, Nicole's ear pressed up against the old wood from up in the cabin. Dominating footsteps coming up the ladder made her ears prick in alarm. Her face whipped towards the sounds. They were coming. Her heart was pounding so hard, she thought it would burst out of her chest. She dashed to grab her pack. Her mind recalled what Finn had instructed and warned her to do if something like this happened. She stuffed her half-eaten bowl of food in the bag which already contained some cans inside. The girl paused in mid-movement, her eyes catching a glimpse of the shimmering bottle in the corner. It wasn't necessary. But... if they all somehow made it through this horrid ordeal, they were all going to be asking for a drink afterwards. Ah, what the heck? She tip-toed over and grabbed it.

Silent as a mouse, she climbed up the ladder to the loft. Hidden in a little corner of the roof, almost undetected to the naked eye was an opening that could only be discovered if one pushed it up into the air. This opening had a small sort of door which could only be unlatched from the other side. They had left it unlocked for a moment like this. The top of the cabin stood nestled comfortably behind large oak branches and open, flourishing leaves, creating perfect shield against prying eyes. Especially at night, no one could see past a third of the cabin due to the thickness of the greenery.

For the first time in a long time, darkness was her friend. Not much of a fighter, she recompensed for it by her nimble movements and quick thinking. The shotgun - which had run out of bullets just days earlier, swung across her back as she crawled her way up to the roof from the loft. It was Finn's father's old gun and she knew Finn wouldn't be too happy if those shitheads took it. She made sure to lock the opening from the top. Her nervous hands wrapped around a thick branch and hoisted herself until she was sitting on it. Nicole then slithered her way up the tree with her bare feet. She found a spot so high up and secluded, the ground couldn't even be seen from her position anymore. The gun strap adjusted itself across chest. She remained there, too petrified to even breathe.

Back on the ground, Finn imagined himself knocking the man's teeth out. He would knock it down so far down his throat, the man would have to spit 'em back out single file. "You did that?" Finn caught the sarcasm embedded in his tone and paid it no heed. His eyes traveled up to the cabin for a small second, praying Nicole did what he instructed her to do.

"...Now you have two options," the business man said after he explained why they made their presence known to them in the middle of the night. "You owe us, so can help repay the debt by joining our little organization, play well with the others and we'll your stomachs too until your debts are fully paid." Join his little organization? If they were to be yoked under his dictatorship, they were to be his slaves until the end of time.

"You can go your own way then, no repercussions. Or don't... well..." he paused, walking over to Nathalie and pressing his gun onto the side of her temple, "...pay with your lives."
The man stood there, his finger on the trigger, signaling her death sentence if Finn didn't act. Under no circumstances, he would ever succumb to slavery to a monster like this man. If Nicole had followed his warnings and instructions, she was fine. But Nat.. No, he wasn't going to allow her to pay for him not being vigilant enough and leading these thieves here - not after all she's done for him.
All that was heard next was the dull thud of his machete dropping to the ground. He lifted his hands in surrender. With bitterness and reluctance thick in his voice, the young man relented. "Have it your way. We'll play into your little game and join your little organization. Now let her go."
Finn Loughty - Finn's Shelter - Nicole Brenn

Finn jolted awake at the sharp sound of something metal crashing on the wooden floor, followed by a frustrated and unintentionally loud, “damn it!” Shuffling and hurried movements followed as Nicole pressed her fingers to her temples in her usual way of overreacting to small incidents. She had a lousy habit of dropping things. Her dark gaze traveled over to Finn. From previous experience, she remembered that she needed to tell him that it was just an accident and not a horde of walkers coming towards them, which was usually his first assumption. “Everything’s fine, Finn. Just dropped some pots and pans,” Nicole sighed, bending over to pick them up.

“You’ll wake up Nat as well with all that damn racket you’re making," he remarked, his heavy lids fluttering as he began to doze off again.

Ignoring his comment, she continued to put away the pots. “Nat? She's already woke up a few minutes ago,” Nicole informed him, her voice chirpy as ever. His tired eyes blinked as he rolled over, seeing Nicole’s cot empty except for his jacket and Nat’s dark shirt laid over it. That was when Finn realized he had slept too long. He forced himself to sit up and rested his back rested up against the cabin wall. His muscles ached terribly and his head hurt. Dried blood was plastered across his old clothes and his bronzed skin was mixed with dirt and sweat. His fingers ran through his hair. It sure needed a good washing. "Well, where is she?” he raised an eyebrow, concerned. His head tilted to the side in confusion. Where could she have gone?

“Nat needed some time to herself, to clear her head and splash some cold water on her face. So I told her about the creek nearby. She promised she would only be five minutes. And I made sure she had her machete with her,” Nicole put her hands on her hips, trying to muster up enough confidence to show that she was proud of her decision she made while her brother was sleeping. “Speaking of the creek, you desperately need to take a trip there yourself,” she said, her features scrunching up in disgust.
Her last remark made him let out a slight chuckle. Finn knew Nathalie was more than capable of taking herself so he wasn’t a whole lot worried. After all, she had made it this far alone. He had wanted to be the one to show her the creek but was amused she had beat him to it.

“How long ago did she leave?” He inquired, now standing on his two feet. The zesty aroma that carried over the fire pit to his nostrils, almost made his mouth water. He had to resist for a little while longer, at least until he was washed up. “I dunno, maybe almost ten minutes?” she replied, preoccupied with getting a bowl for her to eat the rice and beans.

“She’s probably headed back by now then,” he assumed, grabbing his machete and his only extra shirt. “I’m gonna go clean myself up and then come back to eat. Which, by the way, thank you for making,” he announced with a smile, his voice still hoarse from just waking up. He didn’t know how but Nicole almost always found a way to make bland canned food into something far more tastier and enjoyable. Finn lowered the ladder after making his way down the stairs. His leather boots dropped to the forest floor with a soft thud as he took in a moment to inhale the crisp night air, blissfilly unaware of the nightmare coming his way at that very moment.
Finn Loughty // Nicole Brenn - Mall Parking Lot / Truck / Finn’s Shelter - Nathalie Soltero @wolverbells

Finn Loughty’s intense eyes followed Nat as her hands gingerly ran over his face, arms and finally his hands in order to make sure he wasn’t bitten. Her touch brought a sort of calmness over him, somehow telling him that everything was going to be alright. It brought back old feelings, feelings that he never thought he would have again. They had made it. He couldn’t understand it. He thought he was a goner and she had freely risked her life and used her bullets to save him. His heart was still racing from all the adrenaline and his poor chest heaved as he attempted to catch his breath. You’re not out of the woods, yet, Finn. He heard a voice. Hold on a bit longer. Next thing he knew, Nat had grasped his hand and began leading him back to the truck. Like a runner on his final lap, a shot of renewed energy burst through his veins and he began to surpass her and guide her back to the truck. After Nicole unlocked the door for them, he promptly slid the key into the ignition. The Ford fired up, roaring back to life. Boy, he has never been so glad to see his old truck.

“Told ya I’d get him back. I never break promises,” was the last words that escaped from her lips before Nat fell asleep. Finn looked at her with compassion. She was utterly exhausted - probably even more so than him. “Nicole, take my coat and put it over her,” he told her, grabbing his extra winter coat that always left in his passenger seat if he ever needed it. Nicole nodded, immediately obeying him. “You should’ve seen her, Finn. She was amazing. I don’t know what I would have done. She risked her life for you,” Nicole murmured as she gently pulled back strands of hair that dropped across on Nat’s features as she slept. Nicole heard her brother answer in such a quiet voice, that she almost thought she didn’t hear him.

“I know she did,” he said almost in a whisper. She was right. She had saved his life. He stared out at the parking lot at the walkers dead on the ground, unable to deal with the whirlwind of emotions he was feeling at the moment. He set gear on drive and reversed the truck to get back on the road. “Let’s go home,” he announced, more to himself than to anyone else.
Ten more minutes and we all can sleep. Finn thought to himself, as his truck’s mud-filled tires rolled against the asphalt. There were no other cars on the road. The pine car freshener swung back and forth from the rear view mirror. Nicole had also gone out like a light. Debris and potholes covered the roads now, making him miss the old days when he would take spontaneous midnight drives over smooth and carefully laid concrete. Over the horizon, the sun was beginning to set, streaking the Floridian sky with plum and burnt orange colors.
The ride began to get a bit more bumpy as he turned into a dead end road which led into the forest. At the end of the long road, he stopped the truck and stepped out, leaving Nicole and Nat sleeping inside. To the left side of the entrance of the forest, there were big branches and leaves that he used to smokescreen his truck. He transported the branches and leaves to the side and veerd back to the truck to reverse it into the concealed parking spot he had made. After doing so, he put everything back in its place. If a mere stranger was driving on the same dirt road, they never would have noticed there was a truck camouflaged nearby. He slid the key out of the ignition and put the parking brake back on. He unlatched the truck door. The monotonous beeping sound came on, indicating that a door was open, filling the surrounding quietness. He softly nudged Nicole awake to tell her that they arrived. He was about to wake Nat up; but one look at her, he did not have the heart to do it. Without a word from him, Nicole knew exactly what to do. She grabbed her pack and dashed off into the forest. They were about thirty feet away from where their shelter was.

It was as an old hunting cabin that some men had built a long time ago in the trees. Finn had discovered it a few months back and was determined to fix it up. He even added a loft and extended the roof. He managed to add a fire pit made out of rusty metal which he had found on one of his expeditions and refurbished. He put it out on the small deck that extended out in the back of the cabin, so that it didn’t pose a huge risk to burn the place down. Nicole, who discovered she had a knack for cooking, enjoyed to cook over the pit. At the entrance of the cabin, there were a few stairs which led down to the ground, but he added a ladder at the end so that it can be pulled up with a rope just in case walkers or people attempted to make their way up. It was a good home for the state of the world at the moment and Finn couldn’t help but feel proud of it. That’s why he did everything he could to keep it hidden for as long as he could.

Finn creaked open the back door and slid his arms under Nat and lifted her up in his arms, his coat wrapped around her warmly. She was petite, which made it easier for him to carry her to the shelter. He tried to be as respectful and gentle as he could so she didn’t wake up, the leaves crackled under his worn boots. Nicole had lowered the ladder for him, and he shifted Nat’s position in his arms so that he was able to climb it while carrying her. It wasn’t as complicated as he thought and before long he had already passed the ladders and had made it to the top of the stairs. Nicole had taken her cot down from the loft and brought it down to the main floor for her friend. Finn lowered her down with softness and delicacy. After making sure she was alright, he went back to the truck to gather the rest of the things left behind. He put his pack, Nat’s pack and her wine bottle in the corner of the room and went to grab the rope to pull the ladder back up. Nicole, who was more starving than tired, was already cooking up something for her to eat and then for Finn and Nat, whenever they would wake up. Bent over the fire, she stirred the beans in the pot, grateful for the food they had found today.
Finn’s cot laid there, welcoming him with open arms. Usually he would wash himself in the creek nearby before laying down but this time he was too fatigued and depleted to even think about that. As soon as he laid his head on the berth and closed his eyes, he went out like a light.
Finn Loughty // Nicole Brenn - Leaving Mall Parking Lot - Nathalie Soltero @wolverbells

Nicole felt as if she saw fireflies bringing light into a dark cave as Nathalie put her hand on her shoulder. She believed that dark cave was her and her brother's lives. She had such a kind soul and pure intentions that Nicole believed she was an angel from heaven that was sent to be help them out and perhaps be their friend. But many thing go on in a fifteen year-old girl's head. Too many thoughts to keep track of, including her brother's which tried to invade her moment of hope. “Don’t get too close to people, Nic," Finn told her one cold day over the crackling of a fire. "They are either going to betray you or die because of a damn walker and you will never again be the same.” He told her this once upon a time when someone very close to them had passed away. After the incident, Finn didn’t talk for days and just like he prophesied, hadn’t been the same ever since. She didn't remember the last time she ever heard him laugh after hearing him today. Nicole shooed that thought away like a fly. She wasn’t Finn and she wasn’t going to push something good away just because the world had decided to turn upside down.

Little did she know, but she shared the same sentiments as Nat - a longing for family. Memories that she had barricaded away for so long began to resurface. Flashbacks of when life when it was ordinary resurfaced to her mind. She remembered when step-father would take her out to their weekly movie dates. Her mother always had delicious plate food waiting for her when she arrived home from soccer practice. How could the world change so much and so fast? Tears threatened to come up and spill over but she was smarter than that. Holding them back and clearing her throat, she fixed her focus back on Nat, imagining the pain she must be going through. “I really, really hope you see them again soon. ”

Detecting her brother’s hasty footsteps coming over, she took a tiny step back and smiled at her as if to leave that special moment just between them two. Returning the pack to Nicole, Finn frowned slightly as Nathalie refused his gift. He knew she was being genuine about not wanting it but he hoped that she knew he wasn’t going to back down. Even if it took stuffing it in her bag while she was sleeping, he was going to find a way.

“Um, if y’all don’t mind I would truly love to just take a nap without having to constantly wake up to look over my shoulder.”

“Of course! You can sleep on my cot. It’s not much but it’s comfortable,” Nicole said, keeping her voice hushed. Her eyes were sparkling like a kid at Christmas. She adored her brother but she also dearly craved the companionship of another girl who understood some of the things that only girls go through. “We have a place up in the trees that Finn just finished building. I think you’re gonna like it. You know, he used to work in construction before everything went down. He was real good too.”

Finn remained quiet, listening in to their conversation as he led them to the exit of the mall into the spacious parking lot, trudging away with walkers. He didn’t like to reminisce about his past life or the people he was close to back then. It dredged up aching memories that he would rather store away in a cellar and never look inside. In comes Nicole and her words of hope and her rose-colored glasses, telling stories of their past lives and people they’ve loved as if it was the only thing that linked her back to normalcy.

His ready fingers tapped on his machete as he fixtated his eyes on his truck which stood a few hundred yards away, camouflaged behind a dense pack of trees. He crouched behind the building and turned to look at Nat, his voice just above a whisper. “We’ve got a truck over there behind some trees,” he said, pointing straight at the forest. “Hoping no one has found yet and taken it for a spin, we’ll hop in there and get the hell out of here.”

All the commotion in the parking lot earlier had slowly but surely brought a whole company of walkers over, making it even more difficult to leave. He led them near the gift shop where they first met, and guided them to go behind the buildings. They were still about a hundred yards off from the truck, poking out from among the trees. After taking a peak, he informed them that there were a few walkers roaming about there, but there were a little ways off and if they moved fast, they wouldn’t have to bother with them. But Finn had sorely miscalculated.There seemed to appear more and more as if out of thin air. He sliced the head off of one of them that started to get too close.

Throwing the car keys to Nat because Nicole didn’t yet know how to drive, he said, “Keep going and I will meet you both there. Nicole will show you where the truck is.” The extra weight from the supplies and his dangerously low energy was catching up to him fast. Sweat trickled down his temples as he attempted to plunge his machete into every one of their heads, letting out a curse word every time he did. He managed to take second to breathe before going in after them again. There were too many to take on. Even if Nat and Nicole helped him out, it would be a big risk and he would rather have them alive. “I will hold ‘em here!" He promised as he stared at Nicole, who's face was frozen in fear because she didn't want to leave her brother. "Nicole! Go, now!" Finn said, furious this time around.
Finn Loughty // Nicole Brenn - Food Court - Nathalie Soltero @wolverbells

Finn didn’t realize it but relief flooded his features as Nathalie ran over to them. “Oh my god, are ya’ll okay?” Discreetly eyeing her over to check for any walker bites and injuries she might have gotten while she was gone, he was thankful she had come back healthy and in one piece. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to help.” Surprised and grateful for her concern, he met her eyes. “No need to worry. It was my fault. I took care of it.” He’d rather face the walkers alone than her or Nicole.

“I, um, I found some stuff. Do y’all want to get moving before more of them come and then we can see what we managed to score? I got some stuff for Nicole too.” Nicole’s eyes lit up, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

While Nat went to grab her findings, Finn noticed his sister was unusually quiet. He let out a contemplative sigh and turned around to face her. He knew it would be better to bring this up sooner rather than later. “I’m not mad at you, Nicole. I caused those walkers to come out. I didn’t want something to happen to you because of my doing. You should have left those walkers to me. Because if something would’ve happened, I never would have forgiven myself.”

Nicole’s head stared down at her shoes in slight shame. “I still don’t know what happens to me when I see one of those dead things. I can’t seem to kill them no matter how hard I try.”

Finn’s hand tilted her chin up to look at him. “You’ll learn.” The side of his mouth went up in a half-smile. “Now. I need your pack because I found so much food in that pantry to last us for the rest of our lives.” Nicole handed it over to him. With haste, he went over to the pantry and filled her backpack with everything he could so he didn’t keep them waiting. He felt around in the darkness to see if there was more but the pantry was far more emptier than he thought. It seemed like there was more in there when he first looked inside but he was deceived. He was able to fill Nicole’s pack to the brim with the remaining food. Returning to the spot where Nicole and Nat were waiting, he handed Nicole’s pack back and grabbed his and hoisted it over his back.

A laugh escaped Finn’s lips as Nat smiled sheepishly at them with a bottle of wine, “I have wine!” He didn’t remember the last time he let out a laugh. Probably the last time he had a drink. Perhaps they could celebrate their findings with a little bit of wine tonight.

“I found a bolted pantry back there with some food,” he explained in a low voice to not attract any more attention, pointing in the direction to where it was. “I believe someone took some of the food in there and locked it so that he would come back in the future to grab the rest.” He paused as the sudden remembrance of the promise he made to himself earlier. Selfish desires invaded his thoughts, trying to tell him to keep it to himself or ask for some kind of ‘payment’ in return. After all, so many men did it. Disgusted, he resisted it. Those weren’t men. They were pigs. If someone did this to his sister, he would cut them into pieces.
Returning to reality, he glanced over at Nat. ”Oh, I almost forgot. I wanna give you half of everything I got from there.” Nicole stared at her brother in genuine surprise. He continued, “For the food you gave us and for your help in leading us here. No strings attached. I promise.” His tone was earnest and his gaze sincere, because he wanted her to know that he was dead serious about it. He never would want to take advantage of her.

Finn frowned as the sounds of distant groanings reached his ears. That was their cue to go. He remembered the way they came in and decided to lead them out, towards the mall parking lot.
“Do you have a place to stay tonight?” Nicole chirped in, glancing at Nat. “We have a shelter about ten minutes from here if you wanna come.”

Finn didn’t say anything at first. He didn’t like to bring others to their shelter, afraid they might attract other people and they would overtake their place. But, if she needed a place to stay, he could allow her to stay for a little bit. He cleared his throat, “We need to sort through the food so you can take your half. If you want, we can take you to our shelter and we can do it there and you can take some time to rest over there. It’s up to you,” he looked at her with anticipation, wondering what she wanted to do.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom @Belle. Praying for her. My dad had cancer before and it's tough trial to be going through.

@Weeping Raven Totally agree!
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