Strengths: I've been complimented on my characters. I try my best to make them as three dimensional as possible. I take the time on my posts to make them as well written as I can with correct grammar and punctuation. Or at least readable! :) Completely in love with this type of RP and since I've had a hard time finding a good, quality survival RP that is driven by characters, I will work my hardest to bring whatever I can to the RP.
Weaknesses: My creativity tends to be on the weak side. May or may not be a weakness, but I prefer my characters darker than typical and sometimes a little difficult to get along with. I don't quite yet have a character idea for this, but it tends to lean that way, anyway. Also, I can't say I'm all that great in action sequences, but I'm willing to learn.
If I think of anything else, I'll edit. I wanted to get this in before I read the information you've linked to, then I may have some comments. Thank you for the Interest Check, as well!