Not so much depressed, but rather, totally not giving the surrounding events any attention. Like Stan Lee listening to his music while Lizard and Spiderman fought.
Elis just got brushed off in a casual, off-handed manner, and it really upset Elis, who had even lost her screwdriver as the woman totally teleported her out without consent or permission. She was clearly annoyed by the way she had just been thrown to the wayside as if she was just another head of cattle to be used to feed their goals. Elis did not enjoy people that were just here because they would 'give the aliens a headache'.
"You know, you are quite a callous bitch, you know, hot-stuff? Maybe your goal is to just rescue people for the sake of having more people to throw at the aliens in an attempt to actually do something, but don't tell them that. Just lie, tell us you are here because the aliens are evil, because holding captives is an injustice, because any bullshit you can pull out of your ass other than what you actually said. Because motivation is the most important aspect of any break out and you have really killed mine" She looked over her machine, which still did not look anything remotely worthwhile, and sighed, slowly following the people as they broke out. One suave guy threw a knife at an alien and other stuff happened, but Elis was more interested in her bundle of scrap. It was going to work, she just had to make it look better for those who judged it solely on how it looked.
Height: 6'2 Weight: 12 stone [76 kilos] Hair Color: red Eye Color: Blue/Green [Heterochromia] Name: Mirja Eeola Age: 15 History: Born prematurely, Mirja's continued existence was uncertain for a degree of time, but she managed to pull through, and eventually grew into a cute, albeit mischievous little Toddler. It was joked that she tricked her way out of her mother's womb early because there was nobody to play with in there, and such a claim fit with her personality, as Mirja wanted nothing more than to play with anyone and everyone who came around to the house. Most of her games were designed to draw out a person's base thought pattern, and then exploit it for continued victory. It took her parents several years to realise that, and when they finally clocked on to the extent of her games, she had become old enough to realise that she could use this to her advantage. Her parents acted quickly and installed a set of morals to avoid her from hurting anyone, and luckily she took to them well enough.
Eventually going to school with every other kid, she became quickly enthralled with the seniors in the Bukijutsu club, studying the martial art of weaponry. Their movements, and passion put into every swing quickly trapped her heart with chains of intense interest, and she would sit out for hours, watching them practice and do sparring. She had never known anything to hold her interest so much. It was like the thrill of an extended chess match finally ending in victory, without actually having to have a chess match. She joined at the very minimum age she could, which was not considered a smart thing to do, as the older boys could do some proper damage to a young lady like her. But, her theoretical experience that she had developed over the time she had spent watching them allowed her to hold her own and sharpen her instincts enough that the worry when sparring her was not that you might hurt her, but she might hurt you.
When she turned 13, the Sword Minx was gifted with the Deep Ground Program, like most people of her age. However, aside from a short time at the start, she seemed not to touch it, and instead worked part time jobs connected to it and kept up with her practices, almost as if she had grown bored of the game in a short time and was content to live a life of pelebianism. Several months into this, she picked up a more esoteric form of practice called Ogamajutsu, a barely-touched branch of Bukijutsu focused around the use of a Scythe. She applied herself to that school with her usual single-minded determination, to the confusion and somewhat disdain of others, Ogamajutsu was considered Showboating and generally useless compared to solid Kenjutsu that most people in the Kendo club practised.
As she became 14, and the months rolled by, her parents got more and more irritated at her dejection of the game, as it was hard-wired into the very fabric of society, to ignore it as she was doing was madness. But she did not pay them any mind, carrying on her life with an apparent shell of callousness, going about her routine as if she could not care less about the world around her. Eventually the tension got to a point where her parents kicked her out of the house, no longer wishing to deal with this self-destructive mentality that Mirja seemed to have picked up. So instead she went to go live with a friend of hers, and the month after, she turned fifteen and finally turned her attention back to the game. The years of part timing at work had allowed her to amass a decent sized fortune, enough to kick-start her out of the dreary muck of the start - suck was she that she would rather spend two years working in the real world than dragging herself out in the actual Deep Ground - and real world skill translated well to the virtual world. Her friend and now room-mate helped her into the White Guild, where she met the White 'King' and sort of fell in love with her. Mirja had never seen a girl so powerful and so in control, it hit her heart hard, and drove her to push all boundaries ever onwards. Now was the time to truly begin.
Personality: A girl of unique mindset, Mirja often does things that are incomprehensible to others, and seemingly damaging to herself. But, despite not being able to voice such, she has a plan for what she is doing and acts on it without worry that the others can not see the big picture. She doesn't hold much stock in how people view her actions and plans, knowing that they will succeed if she works on them. She can seem a bit strange and off-putting to talk to at times, as she gives the person she is talking to an intense degree of focus and attention, beyond what normal people would do in casual, or even formal conversation. She often tries to help, but occasionally makes a bigger mess than there was by trying to help, and then digs a hole to hide in, in case people decide to throw barbs at her for her apparent failure.
Appearance (Avatar):
Avatar Class: Warrior, Berserker Avatar Title: Sword Minx. Avatar Level (Initial): 3 Avatar Guild: White Guild Avatar Abilities: Henshin: Mirja's standard weapon, a broad Scimitar, can be attached to a folded shaft on her back, connecting via the handle to become a Scythe, the shaft of which unfolding to become the long handle and the Scimitar becoming the Scythe blade. This can grant extended flexibility and catch her foes off-guard with a sudden new weapon that is wielded just as proficiently as her Scimitar from before, and is many times more menacing. This ability costs one action and has no cooldown.
Fear the Reaper: A Scythe has long since been the sign of death in many cultures, and the sudden appearance of it can shake the enemy up, and cause them to become more susceptible to damage. Triggered by Henshin, this technique reduces the attack damage of Mirja's enemies by 30%, with diminishing 5% a round until it hits 0% as the enemy calms and adapts to the ominous symbol of death. The power ends when the fight ends, and has one time increment cooldown.
Heart's Raging Fire: Inside the heart of all warriors burns a smouldering fire, that slowly but surely drives them onwards. Mirja, however, decided that a good idea would be to grab a bucket of petrol and throw it over the fire, to see what happens. Needless to say, it roars into magnificence, filling her body with incredible might. By spending a turn to stoke the fire, Mirja may increase her damage by 20%. She may alternatively stoke it slowly, spending one action to increase her damage by 5% up to a maximum of 20% depending on what the situation calls for at the time. The power ends as the fight does, and then requires two Time Increments before using it again.
Feat: Power Strike: Increase all damage done by 15% Other: o/
Well good because I loved Accel World as well. Think I might just throw an app in here, although near 300 ooc pages is intimidating. You are all established, and I'll be invading...