Avatar of KaBling
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    1. KaBling 11 yrs ago


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ZombieMagikarp finally has time to RP and we're all long dead...

Don't worry, Card Captor and I are inside... A guild. I can't even remember which one we belong to because I haven't given any attention to RP Guild for the last four years.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find Anthony's whereabouts or the rest of his team. When I said everyone scampered off, it really seemed they just immediately left the cave and went elsewhere, possibly on more adventures or taking a break elsewhere. I didn't even notice Kamina's disappearance as I was lost in my thoughts, alone in the dimly lit cave - it seemed darker and eerie, with the ice that helped brighten up the cave melting and disappearing without Kyreum's influence. The air became still and a bit damp, not exactly forgiving on my steel coating but certainly warmer than before. If we hadn't just fought a good portion of ice Pokemon in existence, I wouldn't have recognised it as Kyreum's dungeon.

I let my magnets droop, eye furrowed as I scanned around the cave, coming up empty about the creeping darkness. Scowling to myself and with not much else to do, I hovered over closer to the pedastal. "Just you and me crystal." I whispered to myself, keeping my eye on its points. It seemed to be out of place against the rounded rocks and wind-carved walls, and if anything it seemed better to take it away for aesthetics. Even if we were saving the world, the idea of taking it didn't sit well with me: Last time we took a crystal, an entire ocean somehow got replaced by Giratina's dimension. I'm surprised we haven't been targeted for that.

With a croak in my first word, I spoke out. "Tell me... is this the right thing to do?" No response from the grey crystal, floating and bobbing in the air without wavering. "Are there alternatives? How do we limit the damage? Only five minutes in and I'm already talking to myself." I knew it was a stupid idea to talk to a hunk of glass, but at least it wouldn't judge compared to the townsfolk, who might do more than politely disagree with what I was about to do. (They had no idea, but if I informed them then they probably wouldn't want me to create an exclusion zone to stop some unknown threat.)

Something else came to mind: What if I was just overthinking it? Am I just melodramatic? Would anyone really miss a dungeon being a potential exclusion zone? It wouldn't really be the end of the world compared to something we were trying to prevent. Yes, my thoughts were careless, but I couldn't quite disagree with myself - the more time I spent waiting, the less time we would have to convince Giratina to stay away from our realm.

So with that, I picked the least worst option. I slowly reached out to the crystal with unease, magnets facing flat beneath the points. The next moments were quite surreal, remembering only a rush of grey beyond my vision as my magnet impulsively slammed at my badge. A quick white flash distracted me from blinking as I suddenly found myself within the familiar warmth of Arnold's Guild, noticeably quieter than usual as I took deep breaths. Potentially dooming a whole town was worringly easy, and I didn't even have the guts to warn anyone. "Arceus damn... I hope it was worth it." I muttered to myself, keeping to myself as I passed by the local board and some watchful Pokemon, heading to our room. I was somewhat surprised to see Kamina splayed just beyond the massive-size bed he was on, and I was sort of expecting someone else from our team to be around to talk to. There wasn't really anyone though.

I settled myself in, hovering into our room and closing the door as we came in. Our placed looked as diorganised as before, with blankets strewn around and a few of our belongings in the wrong places. I eyed Kamina for a moment as I set the crystal down with a clink not far from the door, as I lied down in bed and tuckered a blanket or two over myself. It took a while for me to fall sleep in the dull grey light of the crystal as I closed my eye, troubled at both what I just did and the dreams that followed.
Darn, I must've blacked out a little longer this time.

Kyreum stomped with his head held high as if to yell beyond the domed ceiling. His murky purple eyes faded to a more natural yellow, the ground rumbling as his body crackled the ice beneath him. Fighting Kyreum wasn't easy, especially as his minions alone kept us at bay for a while - yet, his jagged rocky body laid still in front of us. I slowly paced over to him, still tense with magnets out and buzzing, ready to electrocute his mace-shaped head if he was just faking.

I didn't need to do anything though; Reshiram strode past me and pushed me aside, lifting Kyreum's neck and belly with his wide wings. I eyed Kyreum suspiciously as he grovelled over the fight and swore he couldn't remember the fight, turning to the team and moving out of earshot of their apparently sane dialogue.

And with that, I was glad it was over. The adrenaline wore off, aches permeating my metal body, eye stinging from the sharpness of the cold wind. I wiped my forehead (despite not sweating), sighing to myself in relief. I noted the whistling winds slowed to a halt and the ice began to shrink into nothingness, leaving an empty shallow basin only slightly deeper than the floor we fought on. I took a brief moment to register reality, scanning the emptied area with my good eye as I tried my best to smile without a mouth. I wrung my magnets and floated over to the rest of our party, checking for injuries and getting within ears (if any) of Kamina. It seemed as though Anthony and Josh had already scampered off, with even Reshiram and Kyreum disappearing to my confusion.

"Kamina, hey... you know what we must do, right?" I asked, somewhat regrettably as I looked to the others (whoever remained) and back to the crystal. "That crystal... we're gonna need it, but I got no idea what will happen to the Pokemon or town here." I muttered to Kamina, barely able to reach the ears (if any) on his colossal form as I pointed to the floating thing, which we amazingly missed with our attacks.

Honestly, I made myself look more clueless than I should have - what would actually happen was that the dungeon would get swallowed into a broken facsimile of another world, with the town possibly within range of the effects. Yet, our team was tasked to stop Giratina, which required us to get those void crystals. To an outsider, we could've looked like reckless thieves or even villains. And for a moment, I really did doubt if what were doing was worth it.
Yeah, the reasoning was that a lot happened at once and I personally found it confusing to respond to.

i.e. originally the portal thing appeared whilst everyone else was still inside, and to write my character or someone else taking the crystal immediately after the fight didn't make much sense.
Yeah sorry I haven't been around, I've definitely been in touch with Lugia tho. Semester's over but I got exams to study for atm, so I'll be like three more weeks before I can consider posting.
I'll try to think of something soon Lugia. Not that I'm distraught or anything, just... disappointed at the shooting lately.

It feels really weird to find funny memes and then going back to feeling shocked the next second.
<Snipped quote by KaBling>

The team's not sure what drove Kyurem insane, however, it's Josh's girl who got frozen.

Yeah I wasn't too sure what drove Kyruem insane or if the team knew at all, so I left it a bit ambiguous.

Josh I probably should've remembered on the other hand, but I wouldn't be surprised if the last time I saw that post was more than 6 months ago.
Man oh man. I could've made my post a little bit better if I remembered who's girl got frozen earlier, or whatever drove Kyreum insane.
I'll be honest: it's not normal for any Pokemon to stand toe-to-toe against Legendary Pokemon. Some could vapourise you with a thought alone. So, were we really in the throne of a god and living to tell the tale? It's an unbelievable tale for sure, but I doubt anyone will be able to match it in time. Maybe we just had a Legendary following us. Maybe we were Legendary.

Kyreum was an unrelenting beast, jacked up on whatever he was running on (ice, adrenaline, maybe even shadow formula). Yet, for every sharpened gust, pointed icicle or discoloured patch of reality, we would fight back and chip at his strength. Beams of light and thoughts were enough to make him blink, stumbling and incoherently stammering curses. There was a brief pause in the fight to take respite in, Reshiram's shield standing up for a bit longer without steaming us to death.

Frankly, I was delighted, with my eye 'smirking' under a ragged breath. Yes, we took hard hits. Yes, we returned pain with extreme prejudice. Yes, we turned on each other at the worst possible moment...

I am not kidding. When my eye jolted away from Kyreum and to Anthony, I thought Kyreum got lucky with a stray icicle and split his helmet open. Shock distracted me at first, seeing the ominous chunks of ice scattered around where Anthony was. Was he pancaked? Is he right behind an ice shard? Why was it floating for a split-second?

My smirk disappeared, eye sprung wide open and horrified. "Wha... what?! Someone shove those off him!" I desperately called, almost shrilling from the quick command. It took a bit to connect the words together too, realising Josh had... for some forsaken reason, bashed Anthony's head in. With his mind. "J-Josh! What did you do that for?!" Sparks instinctively flew from my magnet as I floated in-between Anthony and Josh, immediately demanding an answer and trying to get a voice over the thundering howls of the blizzard. It seemed like Kyreum was gonna back at it again, but I wasn't sure if Josh had gone insane or...
<Snipped quote by ZombieMagikarp>

Wait, no warning before dropping a bombshell like that!? Hang on moment, I have to think... So he's not a water type anymore, he's a fire type... And he's not a mudkip (well, Swampert, but you get what I mean), he's a Scorbunny... And Scorbunny is great... And that makes Booker... A Scorbunny too? So now we have an ultra-religious Scorbunny in the prequel, and a Scorbunny here with 3d glasses and whatnot...

It feels like my entire world just turned upside down, but I like it.

that's how mafia works
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