Avatar of Kansas
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 25 ( / day)
  • VMs: 0


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Sweet, turns out I could legally own a gorilla here in Kansas... I know what I must do before I die.
5 yrs ago
Yeeeah, boi. It's almost time for the Kansas City Chiefs to steamroll everyone!
5 yrs ago
Oh, hey. It would appear I had forgotten this place existed... well, I'm back to start RPing with people again :D
8 yrs ago
The Royals are screwing it up big time during spring training, here's to hoping they step up their game during the regular season.
8 yrs ago
New here, let's see how welcoming the roleplaying community is of a random state from out of nowhere.


Hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet! I'm the KansasVenomoth, though most simply call me KV or Mothy, though you can call me whatever. I'm a simple moth with an unhealthy obsession with sports, Pokemon, and an unhealthy amount of pride in my home state. The Kansas City Chiefs are my life, but I also love Sporting Kansas City, the Kansas City Royals, and the Washington Capitals. If you're ever interested in a bit of sports talk, hit me up! Of course, I'm always up for some RPing or just random shenanigans. I'm dating arguably the most amazing person out there. <3
You can also find me on Discord at Kansas#6955.

Asides from my obsession with sports, I also have a passion for video games and various anime. Currently, my favorite franchises are Pokemon, Super Mario, Star Fox, Super Smash Bros, and the Legend of Zelda. I also greatly enjoy Skyrim, Eternal Sonata, Fire Emblem Awakening, and some of the Sonic franchise. I absolutely adore RPing various video game verses, though I don't have any characters for the Mario, Star Fox, or Zelda universe at the moment. As far as anime goes, my two favorites are Inuyasha and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, though I also love Infinite Stratos, Soul Eater, A-Channel, One Punch Man, and a few others. I'd love to RP in some of these universes as well.

I also love music; country, hard rock, heavy metal, and classic rock being my favorite genres. Currently, my favorite artists are Waylon Jennings, Metallica, Alison Krauss & The Union Station, Disturbed, among many others. Many of my characters will often make references to my favorite artists, regardless of whether or not they should have any knowledge of these artists. I'm always up for some discussions regarding music and all that good stuff! Down below, you'll find my RP information!


- I greatly prefer RPing with people 16 or older, I don't have anything against those who are younger, but I'm just more comfortable that way, though that doesn't mean I'll totally avoid playing with those who are younger.
- My responses are highly sporadic, I could respond immediately or sometimes it'll be centuries before I respond, so please be patient.
- Just because you see me floating around doesn't always mean I'm up for RP.
- Adult themes are reserved for players AND characters that are 18 or older. I will not play any NSFW themes with anonymous characters unless I can confirm that the player is at least 18.
- Adding to that, while I don't mind some NSFW topics like smut, gore, and whatnot, please don't go overboard. I don't want RPs that are nothing but porn, bloodbaths, and all that. Adding to that, NSFW topics ARE NOT the end goal.
- I typically give out 1-5 paragraphs depending on my muse and I'd greatly prefer if my partners did the same. I don't need blocks of text or novels, just something more than a line or two.
- Please don't control my characters.


- I frequently RP triggering and upsetting topics, things like racism, sexism, xenophobia, politics, among other things are common in my RPs. If this is a problem, then it's probably best we don't RP.
- Adding to that, though don't assume my character's thoughts or actions represent mine. I am not my character, so don't assume that just because my character says one thing that I believe the same.
- I love OOC chatter with my RP partners, so don't be surprised if I pop up every now and then to comment on our RP or something. But, let's just keep it at a happy friendship, I'm happily in a relationship and I've no desire to change that.
- Don't be afraid to drop an idea or something for an RP, I love discussing ways to expand our RP.
- Cheesy Romance. I am a sucker for cheesy and fluffy romance, I love having our characters being sickeningly sweet together and having plenty of opportunities for cute and sweet moments. The whole soulmate and the love at first sight tropes are my favorites. I do enjoy a good bit of fluffy smut as well, but I'd rather it not dominate the plot.
- Crossovers. I love crossovers of all kinds, whether I'm throwing my Pokemon trainer onto Earth, throwing my Khajiit into Amestris, or something ridiculous like throwing one of my alchemists into the Mushroom Kingdom, I love it and I'm more than happy to experiment.
- Family building. I love the whole idea of giving my characters a partner and eventually expanding their family with a few kids and potentially grandkids, I'm always looking for stuff like this.
- Comical moments. I love cheesy comedy, whether it's stupid slapstick or well thought out gags, I love a good bit of comedy in my RPs.
- Drama. Now, I love cheesy romance and comedy as much as the next guy, but I also love a bit of drama and angst to be thrown at my characters, a little bit of trouble and sadness is great for character building, though let's keep the drama between our characters. IC drama is cool, OOC drama is not.
- Character connections. I love making connections between characters, whether our characters are getting married, developing an unbreakable friendship, a heated rivalry, or whatever, I'm always open to new character connections.
- Long Term RP. I love RPs that allow our characters to develop a connection through lengthy storytelling and fun adventures.


Just a heads up, I don't have characters available for all of these fandoms. I will not play canons, but I don't mind if you play canons or OCs. The ones bolded are the verses I have characters for, while those italicized are verses that have characters in the workshop.
- Pokemon
- Elder Scrolls (TES V)
- Fire Emblem
- Inuyasha
- Soul Eater
- A-Channel
- Lucky Star
- K-On
- Infinite Stratos
- Eternal Sonata
- Legend of Zelda
- Super Mario
- Star Fox
- One Punch Man
- Black Butler
- Fairy Tail
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- F-Zero
- Avatar: the Last Airbender

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