Full Name:
She must've had one... right? Somehow, having your brain rot over decades can make one's recollection a touch spotty.
Michi, also known as lake hag
Appearance-wise early 30s, in reality at least 50 if you count the years she spent being, well, dead
Mortal - if you can call a waterlogged corpse that
Michi looks like a corpse. A soaking wet, bony, malnourished corpse with long limbs and even longer hair that resembles algae. When
well-fed and hydrated, Michi can maintain a more humanly appearance, but even then she looks like she's fallen ill with something. The
woman has pale skin that tints a sickly green, some areas appearing to be in necrosis. Her hair is dark and long enough to reach her
lower back. It never looks dry, always falling limply on her face and shoulders. Michi's face, much like the rest of her wiry body, is
bony and angular. Her normally heart-shaped face has been made sharp by the hollowed-out cheeks and wide-set, bulging orange eyes that
seem to stare right through you. The woman's lips are sensual but hide a row of nasty, jagged sharp teeth behind. Michi's features look
almost too big on her hollowed-out face, much like her head looks way too large on her skeletal shoulders.
If it was up to the corpse she wouldn't wear any clothes, as she finds them coarse and uncomfortable against the skin. Too dry. However,
to fit with society, even monsters need to dress modestly (not that Michi has any). Most of the clothes that can be seen on Michi look
way too big on her thin frame. Her style, if you could call it that, looks mostly what a homeless person might wear - worn-out t-shirts
and tracksuit pants that date back to when your grandpa was still alive. Despite wearing clothes, shoes still seem to be a foreign
concept to the zombie. She is most often seen going around totally bare feet.
If you look at Michi, it's easy to write her off as a mindless beast that follows its primal urges. However, the woman is much more than
that. If you get to know her you'll find Michi to be extremely curious, to a fault. Despite her sometimes slow brain, she's very clever
and is capable of surprising people with her intelligence. You'll very quickly learn that Michi, just like any ordinary person, has
strong likes and dislikes, as well as a quick temper. She will make her opinion known even if she struggles to express them properly at
times. Moreover, Michi is very protective of allies and friends. This may be part of the more monstrous side of her and the need to
protect what she deems "her territory", but it goes deeper than just physically protecting those she holds dear. She is emotionally
intuitive and can pick up on when someone is feeling hurt, able to read social cues accurately. It also seems that the more she spends
time around other intelligent life forms, the better her cognitive skills become, almost like she's re-learning communication at a fast
pace after decades of isolation.
Minor shapeshifting abilities allow Michi to look more human. With this ability, she can appear to look nearly normal. Fuller cheeks,
less discolored skin, limbs that don't poke out like broken twigs. In her human disguise, Michi looks nearly beautiful, even if a bit
sickly. This transformation requires a lot of energy, however, and so Michi cannot keep the disguise up if she is starving or out of
Michi is like a fish underwater. When submerged, she's hard to detect and even harder to catch, a natural swimmer. In water, Michi
becomes an apex predator that is nearly impossible to escape from: her abilities, particularly healing, are greatly amplified.
In addition to this, she has mild hydrokinetic abilities. Some call this waterbending, others deem her a witch. But to Michi, this is
simply a way to make sure some moisture is available even on dry land. She can't create water from thin air, only manipulate existing
Eerie influence:
Despite her uninviting appearance, Michi has quite a way of persuading people to let their guard down around her. She has the magical
ability to compel potential prey to approach her with her voice, not unlike a siren beckoning sailors to drown. However, Michi
cannot compel people to do any acts that go against their morals, wants, or conscience. She can't make people perform actions that would
result in the injury of others or the person being compelled. She can merely use her ability to lure people towards her, where she will
finish the job once they get where she wants them. With a strong enough will, it is entirely possible to resist the urge to follow.
Once dead, always dead:
Walking that thin line between technically being alive yet still dead, Michi does not need to breathe or blink. She has barely any pulse
and appears cold to the touch, effectively masking her as a corpse to the human eye. Due to her slowed bodily functions she doesn't
bleed much, making her more endurant to hits and injuries.
Michi is a skilled hunter, relying on her heightened senses of hearing and smell to track prey. Her diet is exclusively raw flesh -
preferably human in quality. The woman's teeth are jagged and sharp and can easily pierce through the thickest of skins.
Like a fish out of water:
On land, Michi is at a huge disadvantage. She is clumsy and awkward, doesn't quite know what to do with her limbs, and is easy to
overwhelm when not in touch with her element. She is highly dependant on moisture, and without access to any, she becomes weakened to
the point she is little threat to anyone. Without water, she can't heal from her injuries either.
Still mortal:
Michi may be dead, but invincible she is not. If you cut off her head, she becomes past tense as quickly as any ordinary human. She also
still needs to consume food, much like any zombie would. Without proper nourishment, she'll shrivel and starve, perhaps even quicker
than a human would.
Although Michi has a keen sense of hearing and smell, she hasn't the best vision. Having adapted to a low-light life underwater, Michi's
eyes are light-sensitive. Bright lights can temporarily incapacitate Michi if utilized against her.
Rotting brain:
Michi is, unfortunately, a little soft in the head; being dead for decades does that to a person. She's by no means stupid, but her
cognitive responses can be sluggish at times. Add the fact that she is prone to caving in to her zombie-like urges and you'll have
someone that is easily persuaded into being on your side for the right price (food).
Brief History:
"Superior, they said, never gives up her dead."
She doesn't remember what came before. The past seems so distant, only coming to her in flashes: the chilling embrace of the lake, the
panic that surged through her when she struggled for air, eventually forced to inhale a heap of cold water. Lungs burning with the
sensation, world fading into black as all fight left her along with the last remains of oxygen. They never found her body, although, was
anyone even looking? The girl couldn't recall.
The corpse was content in its watery tomb, resting in the bottom of Lake Superior with countless other lost souls, never to be found. It
wasn't until the Apocalypse that things changed - a new energy surged through the corpse, bringing in a perversion of what would be
called life. The corpse had will again, and the first thing it felt was hunger. Feasting on bloated corpses and dead fish
couldn't satisfy the hunger within, and eventually, the corpse found land. Emerging on the southern end of the lake, the corpse first
found itself within the state of Michigan. With no memories and even less of an identity, the reanimated heap latched onto the first
thing it could see: an old sign at the side of a road. And so, the corpse adopted the name "Michi".
Michi doesn't really have much thoughts of the Apocalypse or its halting. She's more focused on just surviving and trying to figure out
who she was before all of this happened. Michi is curious about her own past and lost humanity, but that curiosity is often outweighed
by her animalistic side. If one thing about the Apocalypse really bothers Michi, it's the whole rivers turning to blood part. She's also
not too fond of most demons, viewing those who seek to carry out the Apocalypse as rivals for her own territory.
When agitated, Michi has a habit of biting at her own skin, much like a human might bite their fingernails as a nervous tic.
There are times when something she senses (sees, hears, smells) reminds Michi of her previous life. Upon discovering something familiar
like this, Michi might become wistful or even sad. It seems this is especially effective when it comes to songs she might recognise, as
those are one of the thing the brain forgets last.