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    1. Kataang1 9 yrs ago


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"Oh." Caleb rubbed the back of his neck, looking at her. He really did want to help out, he loved being on the farm. And he'd made a connection with all of the animals there. He just didn't know how much longer he could go on without being paid, not to mention how she most likely won't know what she's doing. And if she doesn't know how to manage the land it might go under pretty fast. His urge to help her out and to at least stay and give it another go was stronger than his fears. He shrugged. "It wouldn't hurt to stay, help you get used to runnin' things." He spoke before his mind was giving him another chance to change it.
desperate for what? If it's conversation and new friends I can help you there!
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But with her hair slightly more like this

Lulu Sòng




Lulu is fairly tall at 5'9. She is also very thin, due to a rigorous training routine. She has few scars, though most of them are from when she's got a little to cocky in battle. Her eyes are a rich brown color with golden flecks in them. Her hair is a deep brown, almost so that it is black. It falls a long past her shoulders and she often pulls it into a side pony tail, or one almost on top of her head.

She uses her fire bending as her main weapon of choice, but if she is in close quarters and has the chance she also uses this:
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Pmed you!
Thank yoU! I'll work on it now! @RumikoOhara
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