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"Why is she so annoying?"

The Gay Grove

Grace pushed herself back on her feet, she needed to get to Quinn so that little annoying fox thing would not get a second chance. Her eyes bounced left and right trying to see where that fox was, when it dashed at her once more she dodged and sped her way to Quinn. She had this look in her eye as she was practically in her face in the blink of an eye. She looked up at the girl and pressed her hands towards against her but she immediately was pushed away and tripped by the fox again.

"Fight your own battles!" Grace exclaimed as she pushed herself up, she held up her fists and readied herself to charge the summoner, but that huge smirk appeared on her target's face. Quinn pointed at Vashti before she took a step to the left, lowering her stance.

"I'll do what I want, and I'm now what you should be focusing on anyway." Said Quinn. Grace immediately turned behind her to see everyone booking it at Kara to go for the flag. Frustrated she turned and prepared herself to go towards the team to provide assistance but before she even took a step, Quinn's fox ran up to block her, it looked over at Quinn who was now behind Grace before jumping up at Grace. Grace caught her and laughed.

"That was your attack?" She asked mockingly.

"Not even close." Said Quinn. Grace blinked to see three light blue orbs of fire circling around the nine-tailed fox, glowing tails were mesmerising that the fox's fire orbs just hit her, one straight to the forehead and two to the chest and back. She dropped the fox and stumbled backwards a bit, the attack did not even hurt that much. She grunted, knowing full well she had no time to deal with Quinn right now, she watched the Fox scurry back to Quinn and she sprinted off towards the team. But what took her a second to realise was that her powers were no longer in effect, she was running at normal human speed. What did that fox thing do?

"That's one."

Quinn smirked as Grace tried tor run off, the nine-tailed fox was a magic absorber, it drained some of Grace's power to store it for her own or for her summoner's use. But since witches are built the way they are, they can regain their magic back after some time of not using it. One of the tails were now glowing brighter than the others which meant the mana or magic it absorbed was stored and was ready for use. She was like a battery that was slowly charging up so that a bigger attack may come. Grace was only nullified for a few minutes, she will be back doing her thing in five minutes or less.

Quinn started running towards the flag to provide backup, running past Grace just to see her confused face on how she was running faster than her.

"Thanks!" Quinn said in the smuggest way possible as she ran past her with Kali by her side, the flag was in sight but there were a lot of people she had to get through. Upon realising what she was up against she ordered Kali to follow her as she dipped to the side, she pointed at Maya to go for another tackle to try and keep Emily up and running, as much as she did not agree with Emily, she was still on her team and was still learning her abstraction so she had to assist. Kali sprinted to hit Maya, if it were to hit it would trip her on her back and maybe save Emily from taking any more hits. She knew Emily was main target right now, she did not want to lose the current distraction, she knows that she would not be able to get away with any of her shenanigans as soon as they notice what she is doing.


"That I can do."

The Woods: Middle of nowhere edition

Grace blinked watching that new girl get tossed metres off the ground, her smile grew since she knew that would never get old. The coven always had something different everyday and that was what made everyday such a delight. She clapped her hands seeing Kara and Maya soar through the sky but as she was prepping herself to get flung it would appear that Madison had a different plan, she pouted but then turned her attention to the direction of the flag when Madison asked if she could take her there. She quickly jogged in place before moving behind Madison, she was larger than Grace so she needed to definitely use much more strength to make sure she does not get whiplash. She looked Madison up and down before grabbing each of her arms and putting them to her side.

"Wouldn't want to hit anything on the way there." Said Grace, she placed one hand on the lower part of Madison's back and the other at the back of her head. A few sizzles and zaps could be heard as she started gaining momentum and speed as she ran towards the flag, their speed built up to 63mph in four seconds and Grace was trying to keep her eyes open so that they could arrive safely at the flag. Good thing she did that, she moved Madison and herself out of the way of Herik's attack before it got them out, would not want to get to hit before the fight even began. Man this was more dangerous than she though- Pfft, she was already having a blast, she did not care what would happen. Upon sight of the flag she definitely got excited and started to slow down, this was when she started losing balance due to the uneven ground but she could at least have it so that Madison does not get hurt. She pushed Madison's shoulder and head forward so she would end up doing a safety roll. Upon letting go of Madison, Grace fully stumbled and tripped, zooming past the flag and tumbling all the way through the field, she was lucky not to hit a tree but boy did that take some energy. She laid there in the grass for a few second, with a huge smile on her face she punched the air and screamed. "Woo! Yeah!" That was a blast even though she might end up with a few bruises, but with the adrenaline pumping she got back up with a spring in her step and made her way back to Madison, she was definitely far from the flag, but if she did her calculations right, causing Madison to that roll in that exact spot should put her a couple metres from the flag. Grace on the other hand was more than a couple metres away and was definitely on the wrong side of the map.

She looked around to see if she could see anything that was bad, nothing so far, though she could see a bright orange arrow pointing a Emily and she could definitely see this being fun. She saw her land face first so this was an opportunity to at least provide some support so they do not get to Madison. She rubbed her hands together and fire a small lightning bolt in her direction, it would hit the ground next to her feet. The lightning bolts she was shooting out was much thinner than average bolts which meant they did barely any damage, it would shock them a little at best and cost less stamina.

"Now I just need nine of them."

Quinn held out her hand as soon as she saw Maya and Kara way above the ground like what should be humanly possible and started casting her summon. She looked down at her sigil watching it glow yellow, in a flash of golden light a white fox with pink accents appeared before her. She tilted her head before looking over to see Grace roll and crash metres from the flag, her eyes then went back to the fox before pointing over at Grace. Herik then asked if she could summon her Griffin to get in there.

"Uh... A little late there buddy, sorry." She said giving Herik an awkward smile before continuing, "Trust me! Kali here is going to be much more distracting, and she might even be useful when it comes to being a point guard." Quinn stated, she actually was not sure if any of the things she said were correct but hey she needed to have an excuse to not have Keisha out, especially since Quinn knew she was much more useful in this current sequence of events. She then turned to Kali to carry on what she was doing.

"Long time no see, we're playing capture the flag right now, you're in right?" Asked Quinn, Kali immediately ran around in excitement and agreement before Quinn continued, "But before you play, you see that girl over there?" Said Quinn as she pointed at Grace, "She thinks she's faster than you, go ahead and do you thing." She continued, the fox nodded, its tail started growing a bright teal before it split into nine tails to show off to her summoner. Quinn could not help but laugh and shake her head before she gestured her to go off and mess with Grace before making her way towards the flag. Kali started sprinting towards Grace, she was one hell of a distraction due to how much she stood out but since Grace was not facing the right way to see Kali coming, she barrelled into the girl's legs causing her to fall on her back. She looked over at Grace and once Grace sat up to look at what just hit her she slowly backed away from her and let out a pink mist from her tails before running off towards the flag.

Quinn could see Grace look back at her, and she watched as she saw Grace get back on her feet to run towards the summoner, only to be tripped the same way by Kali yet again.

"Don't place this game with me! You're not going to like what will happen." Quinn called out.

Having Kali out on the field opened up Quinn to a lot of opportunities. She had learned more about this creature and its transferring capabilities. Being out here in the forest made for a perfect Hail Mary play if things go south, Quinn was not losing this bet and having Kali out made sure of that. Unless... Someone were to mess with Quinn's plan.


"Need a hand- not you."
"Hey! Come on now."

The Woods: Middle of nowhere edition

Quinn did not mind being shit on so much but the sudden step in from Claudette definitely surprised her, she was usually fighting the uphill battle by herself so that was definitely a welcome change. The woods were surprisingly nice and not creepy at all, the vibe was definitely something they both loved. Quinn looked at Grace and the smaller girl looked up at the girl. When capture the flag was announced the two just looked at each other, one was more excited than the other... It was Grace, of course it was Grace.

"So what's the game plan?" Asked Grace with a huge smile on her face. Quinn chuckled and crossed her arms followed by shaking her head, her eyes looked her up and down.

"Game plan? I'm not teaming up with you for two reasons." She raised one finger, "One: I want to kick your ass." She then raised up the second and continued, "Second: You want to kick my ass." She said with a lot of confidence and boy did she want to kick Grace's ass, who the hell is that positive in this shit world? She just wanted to punch Grace in her perfect teeth. Grace's face went from a sad to a frown to a huge smile.

"Alright. You're on." Said Grace as she stood on the tips of her toes to try and match Quinn's height, although there was still quite a difference, "If I win, winner gets to dress the loser for a week." Said Grace. A huge grin appeared on Quinn's face and she held out her hand.

"Deal." She let out before Grace shook it firmly. As soon as that bet was made Madison called out Grace and Quinn started shooing her away, "See ya in a bit." They then separated from each other.

Quinn arrived at Herik's team, seeing Emily definitely was not her first choice but it is not like she had a choice, there was a bet going on and she did not want lose especially since she knows Grace is going to dress her up so feminine like and that was not her style at all. She arrived at the perfect time when Emily said.

"At least we don't have Quinn."

"Do I have some bad news for you sunshine." Said Quinn with a huge smug look on her face, she was definitely going to show Emily that is not just someone who people can run over like it is nothing. She definitely was planning on using a different summon from the usual Chimera and Griffin this time. "You're going to thank me once we're done." Said Quinn giving Emily a quick wink before turning to Vashti, "Sorry I got your name wrong, I'm terrible with names... Va-... Vashti, see I got that." She was genuinely apologising at least. Her eyes trailed off to Herik and she just opened her arms up to a shrug, "You wouldn't mind having me now would ya'? They're uh... Full over there." She asked.

Meanwhile Grace had also arrived at the opposing team, the new-new girl was there, Kara, she was cute, looked nice, she knows very little about this girl... And most of the coven. She looked at Madison who was discussing the game plan and was deciding how hard she has to go so that it would not actually hurt anyone.

"You're going to throw who exactly? All of us...?" She thought for a second then glanced over at Quinn who definitely looked super awkward over on the other side and continued. "I'm in. Throw me at Quinn I wanna taze her- No wait you said the flag, that works too." she said as she was almost bouncing in excitement to win this bet. But before she did any of that, her attention turned to Kara, she held out her hand and said, "I'm Grace by the way, nice to have your acquaintance. I'm not weird... unlike some people, so please don't get weirded out." She did not want to scare the girl, she did not know if this girl shared her mindset of just being here for fun and learning about the magic and stuff. Everything was still exciting to Grace, she likes a challenge, no matter what or who it may be.


@alexfangtalon That is surprisingly common in Korea anyway so I say leave it in.

"A clear head."
"Ain't getting rid of me that easily."

Beach House

Grace listened in one by one to each of the girl that spoke and there were multiple prompts for them to leave, she heard the door open and saw Claudette walk in with two new members and that Isla girl was all chipper. Grace did not want to be rude and waved at the two new comers.

"... I suggest that you all leave while you have the chance, you don't want to get involved in this." Said Emily.

Grace felt her heart sink and she shook her head in response, "It's going to take more than that to get rid of me, Quinn has tried." Grace continued before mentally telling herself that there is no sense in running away, she will most likely get killed since Emily did say that strange attracts strange. So there will be no escape from her whether she likes it or not and boy does she not like it all. Her eyes immediately darted to the door to see Quinn walk in at the moment Lyss talked about giving Ellie a proper burial.

"What about Izzy?" She asked, she shut the door behind her and stood by the door way behind the new comers, "Shouldn't we give a proper send off to her too?" She stopped herself, she was listening to the conversation from outside though it was feint so she may have missed a few words. Emotions built up inside her again and Grace could see the mental struggle inside Quinn trying to keep all her emotions in check she took one step towards the tall, dark haired one but stopped herself as soon as Quinn gave her a look. "Sorry, it's honestly just surprising how close together Ellie and Izzy died." Then again, she should have expected it, living normally is no longer an option and she always had to fight for her life no matter what, though these people having her back even if they did not like her did give her a sense of comfort even if it was small.

The conversation continued and Quinn gestured to go ahead and add something if she was going to but she shook her head and waited for everyone to finish before saying. "If any of us were to leave we'd die alone, I-..." She looked at Quinn who refused to even give her eye contact then to Madison followed by the rest of the girls. "I don't want anyone else to die and I'm sure all of you can say the same no matter how much you don't like each other." She walked over to Quinn and grabbed her wrist pulling her in front of everyone to talk. Quinn tilted her head at her and gave her a glare but the look on Grace's face said a thousand words which had Quinn let out a sigh before she said what she had to say.

"And I would just like to say..." She looked down at Grace and she immediately elbowed her forearm before continuing, "My mind has been all over the place, so I suppose-" Grace elbowed her again, "I will pay more attention now, no more spacing out or having my head up my own ass or pushing a gun to my head. I'll earn some respect before I die fighting, hopefully you'll give me that." Grace then smiled as she looked up at Quinn, "Also yeah, cheesy speech. Sorry." With that she moved back to pushing her back against the wall and Grace remained where she was. She really did hope Quinn will uphold this promise, or she will taze her so hard she will pass out. But little did Grace know, that would not be the first time that would happen.


Hi! I would like to try my hand at Lily role, although would it be alright if I didn't know the name or social media handle of my fc? If not, that's understandable and I have a backup.

"The world wants us out."
"Hey! We can't let them win!"

Beach House

Quinn leaned against the doorway that lead towards the kitchen, her eyes following the conversation until the bomb hit, the news of Izzy's death. The room was silent for what felt like forever when Lyss was done speaking, the sudden change of atmosphere hit everyone like a truck. Grace's smile disappeared and Quinn's face just got worse. That new girl Isla voiced out after the deadpan silence that plagued the room, her answer to Lyss's question definitely surprised Quinn. After Isla had spoke her eyes immediately went to Grace who's currently lost that excited feeling. Quinn shook her head after Maya just spoke but as she put her hands in her pocket to feel that pack of cigarettes it hit her. Sin would have just walked out that door and started smoking without a word, but Quinn was different, it was like she had something to prove but even she did not what it was exactly.

"No more sacrifices." She let out but she knew no one would have heard that so she continued on anyway but made sure to have only said to herself. "We're not out here to die." She took into account what Vashti had said about protection, and even though the lot of her injuries were fully her fault she wanted to say one last thing. "As much as we hate each others guts, we need to protect each other, Vaati's right (Yes, she got her name wrong) we have been struggling in the protection department but now is as good a time as any to get that together." Before she even knew it, her heart beat had increased her breathing was irregular but she did not make that known, she took a deep breath and fished out that same cigarette pack and politely said, "Excuse me." Which was very unlike Quinn, she moved through the crowd and towards the door but Grace tried to get in her way, she just pushed through her with her shoulder and walked out the door to have a quick smoke. Anxiety attacks? Now? Good timing Quinn, way to show them you mean business. She took out a cigarette and started smoking right there on the porch of the beach house.

Grace rubbed her shoulder that was bumped by Quinn as she looked at her leave the house, she then turned back to everyone and added, "I uh... May not know much about what happened about you guys but I'm here for all of you!" She exclaimed, trying to lighten up the mood but that was most likely not going to happen. She looked at the door once more then back at the others, "None of us asked to be like this and we're just tryna' survive like damn why are there so many things after us?" she asked, she really just wanted to know, she did not expect to go into a life threatening battle the moment she joined but the exhilaration and adrenaline was like a drug she could not refuse. She loved being active and she loved being useful, but maybe these girls (and Herik) did not see the same light.

Quinn leaned over railings of the porch cigarette pinched between her index and middle finger, she stared out towards the sea letting her heart rate cool down before she went back inside. First Elise now Izzy? Who's next? Gra- She stopped her thoughts there but Quinn felt like she was responsible for Grace being in the coven and if anything were to happen to her she would feel like it was on her. These thoughts still flooder her mind even though she did not want it which lead to another cigarette. She was not ready to go back inside yet, call her what you will but Quinn rarely pondered on her thoughts so this was a rare occasion for her and she just needs a few minutes to process and think everything through.


"This is the last time."
"You know it isn't."

American Rust Car Repairs

There was Quinn wearing a white shirt, a mustard yellow bomber jacket, black loose hip-hops pants, black and purple high top sneakers, with a white beanie. She was not working in the garage like a normal day, she was sat on the curb with a subway paper bag and big gulp of sprite. She was quietly eating her meatball sub as she looked onto the oncoming cars, this was not exactly how she wanted to spend her day but there must have been a reason why she was late. Then again, since Quinn had not exactly eaten well in the past few days, she was chomping down on the meatball sub like it was nothing. It was gone so fast that no one even noticed that she pulled out another one from the paper bag. As soon as she opened the sandwich a red Aston Martin pulled up and she groaned, picking herself up from the floor along with her food. The window rolled down and she was greeted by a face she had gotten all too comfortable with.

"Yo!" called out grace from the driver's seat who was wearing a pink long sleeved sweater, black skirt, and black boots. Quinn then opened the passenger door and slid in.

"You're late." Replied Quinn, closing the door behind her and putting the big gulp in the cup holder. She brushed her hair back and looked out the window to see her boss working on a car inside. She is pretty glad that Mr. L is cool with her being so busy, and after all she is his best mechanic as he has made clear to multiple customers even though she knows that she is. She just is not good with people so he needs to keep it calm.

"Yeah well, you don't drive so you don't know traffic." Said Grace before starting the drive to the beach house. Grace then looked over at Quinn at the exact moment she took a bite and asked, "You got my roast beef?"

"I'msh eatimg shere." Quinn replied before pulling out the roast beef sandwich from the bag and holding it to her. She swallowed and continued, "You couldn't let me finish chewing?" She looked at the shorter woman who was not even phased by the death stare she was giving. What was wrong with this girl, most people usually feel some sort of intimidation from Quinn from her tall and dark vibe but Grace really just could not care less.

"You look like you hadn't eaten in days, I wouldn't have had the chance." Grace replied, taking the roast beef sandwich and taking a bite. She chewed and swallowed before continuing because she had better manners compared to the tall gremlin beside her, "How much do I owe you?" Asked Grace as put her hand in her purse while still looking at the road and rummaged around trying to feel for her wallet.

"Uhh..." Grace had definitely been way too nice to her to ask money from her, she did kind of owe her a little so she played it off with, "Fuck that, I'm paying with that sandwich to drive me there." There was this odd feeling inside her towards Grace, she just could not pinpoint if it was positive or negative. Quinn could tell Grace was feeling the same about her.

Grace let out a smile and shook her head before continuing the drive, maybe Quinn isn't entirely an asshole.
The Beach House

Half a mile away from the beach house, Quinn let out a "You know what, you're rich, sandwich is a hundred bucks." Obviously she was joking but if Grace was that nice then boy she will feel bad about it... Not now, but in the future... After she's spent the hundred bucks.

"What!? No!" Maybe she spoke too soon, Quinn is definitely an asshole.

"I'm kidding. Anyway, is that it?" She asked, pointing to the huge beach house. Grace's eyes widened and was surprised by what Blake had given them. She parked and Quinn got out first, now on her third sandwich she closed the door behind her with her butt, holding the big gulp in one hand and the sandwich on the other. "Yo, this shit is the business!" They arrived just to see a girl get kicked out from the distance.

The two walked together towards the beach house; Grace looked up at Quinn who was definitely too busy admiring the view and eating her sandwich to even notice Grace looking at her. They got to the door and opened it, letting themselves in. They saw Vashti by the entrance and that girl that got kicked out now back inside. "The fuck happened here?" Quinn asked before she took a bite of her sandwich.

Herik then showed himself to stop Madison and Emily from throwing that girl out. Quinn shrugged and headed straight for the kitchen to eat there in peace. Grace on the other hand would probably break her neck looking up at Herik, he was quite tall but she did not know him, and he seemed nice so there was not a better time to introduce herself. She walked up to Herik and said, "Hi! I'm Grace, I believe I haven't introduced myself to you." She then looked at Vashti and turned to her after talking to Herik, "Oh and to you too! Nice to meet you!" She then peeked her head around Herik to look at this girl who was kicked out seconds ago, "You too! There were a lot of people than I had expected! Hello! I'm Grace." She exclaimed, she clapped her hands together with a huge smile on her face. She was definitely all giddy since she was now cementing her place here in the coven. Maybe she could help Quinn make friends because the heavens know that this girl needs help.

Quinn finished her sandwich and got threw the rumpled up wrapping of the sandwich in the trash bin before heading back to where Grace was. Big gulp in hand she looked at Herik and nodded slightly at the new girl, "Sin-... Quinn, Hi." She said before shaking her head, trying to wrap her mind around now being called Quinn.

Grace was pretty excited with the new place and the new member, of course she was more excited at the fact that she was now interacting with these people for pleasure instead of for their lives.

Quinn did not care much, new people? Yay? Who gives a fuck, new people mean more people to hate so she really did not care much. Unless this person is fine with Quinn and her antics she will fit perfectly here.


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