Avatar of Kats
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    1. Kats 8 yrs ago


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Killing the...dead? had become a thing. Even if she hated doing it, she had to do it. Or else she would become one. What if she did become one though? T-then she'd be like everyone else. Essentially she wouldn't be alone then. The idea rolled around in her mind as they continued down the street. Had she really become this numb that she thought of the idea of actually being an infected. But, she couldn't imagine the idea of feasting off of someone else's flesh and blood. At the thought, she almost threw up.

Eyes on the road in front of her she didn't see Daniel reach over towards her hand that was pressed onto the side of the seat. The seat was pretty wide considering the car they had. She had a more narrow frame that allowed her more room on the seat. Half of her size was due to living off the little food they found.

She felt the warmth of flesh against hers as Daniel had moved to hold her hand. In instinct, she drew her hand away. She had momentarily forgotten that he was there. That they were in this car together, going down the road to survive. She looked over at him, tribulation in her eyes. She wasn't used to human touch. The last human touch she'd had was her boyfriends and she'd been holding his hand when they had been attacked... his life literally slipping through her hands. There was a few times when Daniel had helped her up or something, but that felt different than the touch he had offered. She looked down; wondering how long she could put up the tough girl act, and without telling him what had happened to her during the first days, weeks of the infection.

Elle recoiled, turning towards the passenger side window. She wondered when they would get to this supermarket. She felt somewhat trapped in this car.
Could they turn them back? But, would they be the same? She thought as Daniel suggested that it wasn't a good idea to have a competition between them, saying that this shouldn't be fun. She half-groaned, folding her arms across her chest. He said that they were killing them to survive, mentioning that it could've been someone's grandmama that they had just run over. He asked if she had ever thought about who they were before all of this?

She looked over at him, glancing over at him but kept her eyes mainly on the road and the pack in front of them. She was silent for a moment. Half-upset that he didn't want to participate in her competition. "I don't know. Sometimes." she said. She tried not to give away much about how she felt towards the infected and the world going to shit. Elle kept her emotions and thoughts inside; half because she'd been alone before. Actually, she'd taken out her emotions once on an infected, but she wasn't going to tell Daniel that. He might think her darker, more sadistic. But all of that was a side effect of the world falling apart. "I try not to."

It didn't seem like that long since they'd found each other, Elle still felt much like a stranger to him. She didn't ask what had happened to him, or his family, because she didn't want him to ask the same. They approached the pack, Daniel tugging onto her seatbelt, telling her to sit back. She half laughed at his comment. They sped towards them.

The next thing, there was a loud thud as they hit the first one. It was bumpy as their tires rolled over them. There wasn't much for Elle to hold on but she just braced herself. They left the pack behind but there was a groan coming from the top of the car. Daniel gestured towards his shotgun. Half-grunting she pulled the shotgun out, aiming for the roof just past the open roof of the car. She then pulled the trigger without much of another thought. They'd both hear the loud shot of the gunshot, it rung in her ears. The sting would go away soon.

A few seconds later the infected rolled off the top of the SVU and to the ground. Elle put the shotgun back between the seats. Turning to sit frontwards in her seat again, without any words as she just faced towards the front window. She somewhat hated doing this.
Elle kept her eyes on the road, aimlessly looking out at the world. Up ahead further there was a small pack of infected limping along across the street. She kept her right eye on the side mirror, watching the one they'd run over. It grew further and further away, as it almost became unviewable in the side mirror she saw three infected came upon it to finish it off. As they did, she looked back as Daniel asked if they were keeping track now, mentioning the next pack.

"Only if you want to keep track, it could be a bit of fun though." she chimed in. It could be something fun for them to do, a challenge of sorts between them. She gave him a slight smile, even if it was a bit forced. Some of the time she needed feel the need to smile. Who smiled when the world went to shit and you were one of the only people left?

Daniel was driving so she didn't expect him to see the smile, or to even notice that it wasn't a genuine smile. Sometimes her thoughts got the better of her but it was better with Daniel here.

"How about whatever side the infected get hit on one of us gets a point?" she suggested as they grew closer to them. There was still time however for him to avoid them. It was easier to run them over with the SUV, with the Cadillac they most often times ended up on the hood, whilst they went under the SUV. "Add some speed." she said dully.

Over time she had become numb to the infected but she sometimes imagined what they were like before the virus. Were they a mother? A sister? Did they have anyone that was still uninfected?
"Hah...me a morning person?" Elle laughed, looking over at Daniel as he turned out of the garage and they found the street pretty clear, aside from a few cars that were left on the side of the street. Or in the middle. Her laugh was genuine, but it felt odd to laugh. Like she wasn't supposed to.

Elle wasn't much of waking up person, at any part of the day. However, nowadays if she woke up she couldn't go back to sleep. Sometimes she slept for only a few hours. To say the least, she sometimes watched Daniel sleep simply because she couldn't sleep or fall back to sleep. It was something she hoped he never found out.

She listened to him speak about the road conditions, lulling a bit to his voice. Though when he spoke about running over the infected, it peaked her interest. "We need that kind of rough around the edges look, this thing is much too shiny." though, she did like it from their last means of transport: a beat up old Cadillac that she was surprised, still ran. To this day she still wondered how they had stumbled upon this black beauty. Her eyes wandered out the window, watching the town pass by. A few broken windows. Small groups of infected down alleyways, but they drove by too fast for them to actually follow.

They continued down the street. However, as they passed an intersection an infected came out of nowhere and hit the side front side of the car, but was just sort of knocked out of the way. The right tires rolling over the things legs. Elle looked in the side mirror as it attempted to get up but its legs were broken and pinned to the ground. She felt half sorry but had become numb to the infected once being humans.

"One more for you," she said, adding to Daniel's numbers.
Living in a car, even if it was an SUV, required a lot of maneuvering. Once Daniel had gotten into the front seat, Elle moved between the two seats and into the passenger seat. Moving her crossbow to the floor, she sat down. "Naw... I think I'm awake now," she said, hoping that her cheeks didn't appear pink from her glancing at him. She wondered which fight he had gotten the scar in, and it had been awhile since she had seen a man's bare chest.

She faintly thought about her boyfriend. He was now dead. Barely able to survive living with the infected. If anything, she felt safer with Daniel. It'd been awhile since her boyfriend had been gone, that she couldn't recall how long it had been. Ever since then she had been alone till she found Daniel. She half-kept him at a distance. Half afraid to loose him. She put up the tough girl act, half the time.

Lost in thought, she only heard him humming something vaguely familiar to "On the Road Again". He had started the car, as it had roared to life the infected nearby didn't seem vaguely interested in them. That was good at least. She looked over at Daniel as he drove the SUV out of the garage, which was only one floor up from the ground floor but had offered them safety from the infected for the most part.

"Let me know if you ever want me to drive...I can't promise to drive safe, and that I won't hit any of the infected. I have a quota to keep up." she sent him a half wink, before buckling up. They drove out of the garage, the wooden arm of the entrance having previously been knocked when they had drove in. Elle had been surprised that there were no infected inside.
After throwing the blanket, Elle looked towards the window of the back seat that she was in. She had drawn something on it the night before when frost had covered it and she had been unable to sleep. It faintly remained there and she simply smeared it with her hand as she wiped the frost away. Turning away from the window, she cast a glance into the back where they kept most of their stuff. Though, her crossbow was in the front seat.

She caught a glance of him. She tried to be sly but used it just as a chance to take the jacket and then look away. Though, she had managed to see some of the minor scars he had. And she'd seen his bare chest. A slight warmness emanated from her cheeks as she slid her arms into the jacket, her back now turned towards Daniel.

Once the jacket was on, she flipped her hair from out of it. Her wavy hair landing against the back of the jacket. She leaned against the seat, waiting for Daniel to change.

"So, where is the supermarket from here?" she asked, slightly trying to change the topic. She glanced out the window again, looking down at the street. There was a group of infected, and she briefly thought about when the two of them had met. She had been surviving on her own; mainly hiding, but when she saw him against the horde of infected she couldn't just stand there and not do anything. There was finally someone else and she wasn't the only one anymore. She'd saved him, or had they saved each other?
Elle looked at the map that was in Daniel's hands as he marked things on it. In all reality, she wasn't that great with maps. He had tried to explain maps a bit to her, but she was bad at judging distances. Stretching she looked away from the map, wiggling her toes having taken her boots off before she went to sleep. Even though they were in an enclosed space, she could feel the coldness nipping at her.

As Daniel explained their plan for the day, she sat up straight in the seat shrugging her boots on. Whilst Daniel was optimistic about their supply options, Elle didn't hold out much for a good 'raid'. The best they could maybe get was some canned food. She was, however, tired of canned peaches. "At least something warm.." she said, half in passing.

As he said he was going to change, Elle finished putting her boots on. "Can't promise for sure." she teased back. "Grab me another jacket while you're back there." she was already wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt. A somewhat worn, but still warm blanket to the side of her on the seat. She picked it up and tossed it into the back, hoping to hit him with it.

She slightly wished that going to the supermarket would be a piece of cake, but none of their one's before had been.. Either they came up empty handed or there were more infected than they thought.
Sprawled out in the seat of the SUV, she felt a finger tap on her shoulder. She grunted and rolled over to face the window, curling up a bit more on the seat. Though, as she began to wake up she felt her body ache from being cramped inside of the car even if it was rather spacious. She let out a yawn as she looked over at Daniel. "Can't I sleep a lil longer?" she questioned, rolling over to face the seat.

Though, her eyes would remain open. "Where are we headed today?..." she would question, attempting to stretch her legs a bit but found it hard to. Maybe, she could sleep a bit more to wherever they were headed. Sometimes it was hard to sleep, but last night she had been finally able to fall asleep rather quick and stay asleep.

She figured that they needed more supplies, most likely food and ammo. "..Don't suppose we have any eggs?" Elle asked, more so as a joke, but she really was craving eggs and bacon. She smiled over at the young male.
Name: Elle (Elleanor)
Age: 18
Description: Brown-red hair, usually kept in a braid. Hazel eyes. Medium height/weight. Normally wears hoodie and jeans w/ combat boots (or ya know whatever she can find).
Skills: Hunting, archery skills, some basic survival skills that she learned on the fly and from camping before.
Inventory: Crossbows (25 crossbolts), combat knife, medium backpack w/ some supplies in it (keeps a .357 IMI Desert Eagle Magnum in it, it only has a few ammo in it)
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