Nordic International Banking Group
Make your dream a reality

Common Name
NIBG, The Bank, Fucking greedy bank fuckers
(History, should include what they were pre-collapse and how they took power. Feel free to list any business relations and subsidiary companies in here if you feel like collabing with other player.)
(Self-explanatory, how is your megacorporation run? Is it run like a traditional business with CEO and board of directors and stuff, use something modified like all power is given to the CEO or whatever or is there some semblance of a national government involved? Do you play government and have rigged elections and play games of faux democracy or are you open about how things really are?)
Major Industries/Brands/Subsidiaries
(Pick up to four industries that your company specializes in and then choose one of the four to be your "original industry". Also put the effect that it would have next to it if you so wish. Remember that every company is a conglomerate, and thus runs everything needed to sustain a state, so every country has subsidiaries for medicine, infrastructure, etc. This is merely your specialities.)
Company Culture
(Basically the culture of your corporate state and its business and social policies as well as its modus operandi and ethics or lack thereof. Could also put in how you present your company to the public over how it’s actually done.)
Security Detail
(Your "military" more or less only reskinned for PR reasons. More akin to professional soldiers than the friendly mall security of the early 21st century, they act as both your soldiers police force and are armed and outfitted accordingly.
(Common Everyday Name)
General Information
(Full legal name, age, sex, birthday, all the basic fixings of a person.)
(Basic biography of your character like where they were born, education, introduction into the business and maybe some achievements. People who are in power are often put in there by nepotism or even family blood line in some cases; people working their way up are not uncommon but to get to the very top is rare and requires a certain type of character.)
(How your character acts and also how they're perceived publicly or privately which can be quite different depending on the person. You can also include and likes/dislikes they have or any savoury or unsavoury behaviours they engage in. It’s not uncommon to have either ruthless or crafty leaders in this day and age given the circumstance of the times, some have likened it to natural selection or survival of the fittest.)
(A written appearance of your character like their physical appearance and maybe what kind of fashion they're often seen in. This is optional if you have a character picture.)
(Self explanatory, does your character have any friends/enemies/rivals/lovers? Include family here though, at least a spouse and children.)