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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

”Not nearly as good as that dress or my jacket looks on you,” Caden said. He doesn’t miss how they layer themselves or seem to inch away from him. It’s all part of a game that Caden has come to enjoy playing.

His eyes drift down to Nero’s legs, mesmerized by the look of them as Nero lays there and watches him. Caden’s eyes drift slowly back up Nero’s body until his eyes lock with theirs. ”Do you still want me to read to you?”

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery smiled at Kimiko when he looked at him. ”They are, but they teach you how to throw them properly here. I don’t think the weight should be a problem for you. You were already strong,” Avery said honestly.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

”Ah, maybe for tomorrow? I think I can manage for the rest of today,” Cassiopeia said. The moving day was nearly over anyways.

Cassi handed Nic a box before she went to grab another. Her face flamed from Nic’s comment but it didn’t stop her from squatting with her back to him and picked up a box more slowly than usual.

”Like that?” she asked, standing back up and turned to look at Nic with a sly smile.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

Caden watched Nero jump onto the bed with mild amusement. He tipped back his glass and finished the rest of the champagne. He set the empty glass down on a table before closing the bedroom door and smiled at Nero crookedly.

”Lots of things, but if I tell you, it’ll give it away,” Caden announced. He stripped off his jacket and tossed it onto the bed. He was actually wearing a black t-shirt under the black suit jacket just to prove Nero wrong. He did own t-shirts.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery stopped to watch a couple of people throw axes and hit the wooden bullseye at the end of the lane. He grinned at Kimiko’s joy. ”Do you want to give it a go?”

When Avery had been looking at places to take Kimiko, the axe throwing had been a big selling factor for him.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia’s body tenses when Nic turns her face to look back at him. Her stomach plummeted, and she relaxed when he kissed her. It’s over far too soon, but Cassi is left feeling the lingering effects of the kiss. She fights off a giggle from his attentiveness. When he hooks her hair back behind her ear, she sighs.

Cassiopeia lets Nic pull her along while she talks. ”My hair has been finding ways out of the bun all day,” she informs Nic. They reach the van, and Cassi starts off-loading more boxes so they can get to the couch and little side tables.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

Caden sipped his champagne and ducked his head to walk into the bedroom. ”Our secret door bookcase will be much better,” Caden assured.

Caden had hoped work would start and be completed this weekend but they were finishing a job, and Caden would have to wait until the following week. The work this contractor did was superior, making the wait easier to bear.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery looked down when Kimiko reclaimed his hand, and his pounding heart settled, turning into a flutter instead. ”We can look around,” Avery assured her. First, they needed passes for the games.

Avery walked over to the front desk and bought him and Kimiko wristbands that had these little pieces you could scan at the games to play. He handed Kimiko hers and slipped it over his wrist. It was a little snug on Avery, but not uncomfortably so.

”Let's go this way,” Avery suggested and reclaimed Kimiko's hand. He pulled her to the side with the little bowling alley and axe throwing.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

”Jane called you a celebrity with how everyone just stops to greet you in the hallways,” Cassi said with a grin.

Cassiopeia kept her arms at her sides, with one hand on the trolley while she looked up at Nic. She was even shorter than her usual 5’6” because she was leaning back, and Nic seemed taller as he leaned next and towered over her. She had the sudden urge to run her hand through his mess of hair.

It was chaotic and wind swept, despite the helmet he always wore. And Cassi could picture Nic running his hand through it a hundred times a day while at work. The elevator doors opened and Cassi looked away.

”Nope! Being a perfect girlfriend is a full time job,” she informed Nic. The words girlfriend and boyfriend still sounded so unique and foreign to Cassi's ears. She just liked the way the words sounded when Nic spoke them, because she knew he was talking about them.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

Caden briefly turned the airplane mode off on Nero’s phone so he could pull up photos of a Boeing 737, one of the larger planes more common in America. There would be lots of them at the airport once they landed. Caden turned airplane mode back on but Nero would still be able to look at the pictures.

Nero’s exclamation pulled Caden’s attention, and he laughed, handing Nero back their phone. ”Yes, a secret bookcase leading to the bedroom,” Caden said, and opened the door the rest of the way for Nero to see.

The bedroom contained same colour scheme as the rest of the plane. There was a king sized bed, and a private bathroom in addition to the other one near the cockpit of the plane.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery held Kimiko’s leathers in a bundle, watching her while she stammered. He smiled gently, finding her bashful attitude to be quite endearing. He added her leathers to the bag before zipping it up, and pocked the keys to the bike.

”Well, I’ll make sure to be more fair in the future, and won’t kiss you until you decide to kiss me,” Avery countered. He hated the idea, but he didn’t want to push Kimiko faster than what she wanted.

Avery led Kimiko into the arcade, unable to take her hand with his being full. After they walked in, Avery was able to hand off the helmets and his bag to coat check. Once he had the ticket, he looked at Kimiko.

”Do you want to have something to eat or drink first? Or do you want to take a walk around the building to see what they have?” Avery already knew since had been before, but it was Kimiko’s first time.

There were a bunch of old arcade games, pinball, shooting games, racing games, silly games to win prizes, and a lot more. There were also pool, a bowling alley with a handful of lanes, and a place for axe throwing on top of the bar that had a bunch of seating for dinning.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia unloaded the trolly, and made her way back to the elevator with Nic. ”He’s good. I keep telling him once you and your dad are settled he can come spend a couple of nights with you. He seemed thrilled by the idea, but well, you can’t really tell. But I do know he misses you,” Cassi said as they stepped back into the elevator.

She leaned against the back of the elevator and smiled up at Nic. ”How was work today?”

One of Cassi’s highlights of her day now was getting to talk to Nic about how work had been. The conversation happened mainly over the phone, or while Cassi had been helping Nic pack.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

”I have an appreciation for both, so it wouldn’t matter to me what we started with,” Caden said truthfully.

Nero hopped out of Caden’s lap and started looking around. Caden stood and went to the kitchen the plane had, and pulled out a bottle of champagne. He popped the cork safely before pouring two flutes for him and Nero.

”No. This is a private jet, so I own this plane and only I or people I okay can use the plane. Most planes are far larger to hold hundreds of people. But they don’t like like this. Let me see your phone. I can find a picture so you can see,” Caden said.

He offered Nero a champagne flute in exchange for their phone.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery grinned loppsidedly and got off his bike. ”How so?” he asked. Avery pulled out a bag and pulled off his leather jacket to slip it inside, and waited for Kimiko’s leathers, so he could do the same.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

”It was fun looking. And don’t thank me yet. I’m going to be filling your place with plants. You might regret letting me help,” she joked. Once the trolly was filled, she wheeled it up the ramp and into the waiting elevator.

It was a quick ride up to Nic and Rem’s floor, an added perk to having a newer, well maintained building. Inside the apartment Nic would find that most of his large furniture had already been moved in. Ren had helped to organize most of how he and Nic wanted it, but Cassi was sure things would still move around once it was all inside.

For now, Cassi and the other’s were stacking boxes against one of the walls.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

”There are several books, but if we just want to read the basics there is ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of The Rings’ trilogy. Then there are some companion books and other stories to read,” Caden explained. ”So, we could start with ‘The Hobbit’ or the trilogy.”

Avery Zain

Location: Driving —> Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery waited for Kimiko to get off the bike before he shut the bike off and parked it. He took off his helmet, grinning. He rested his fingers under her chin, pulling Kimiko in. ”The next date we go on, we’ll take a car. Thank you, for trying again for me,” he said and kissed Kimiko.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving —> Nic’s New Apartment – Chicago, IL

It may have been in a teasing tone, but the deep tone of Nic’s voice sent Cassi’s stomach tumbling over. She laughed both from Nic’s dramatics as well as embarrassment.

Nic and Ren’s new apartment building came into view and they stopped outside it. ”My apologies, dear. Of course you are needed,” Cassi said and kissed Nic’s cheek before getting out of the SUV.

She slipped her phone into her back pocket once she was out, and headed over to the van to grab the trolly they had and start loading it with boxes.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

Within seconds of Caden’s suggestion, Nero is in their lap, and he can’t help but laugh. If Caden was being honest, he was glad Nero needed his touch as much as Caden needed theirs.

Caden rested a hand on Nero’s thigh and nuzzled their neck. ”That will take some time, but we can read a book and then watch the corresponding movie,” Caden suggested.

Avery Zain

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Avery squeezed Kimiko’s hands before he let them go. He leaned forward on the bike a bit and slowly accelerated the bike, so he was going with the flow of traffic. He moved around slower vehicles, but kept the bike as smooth as possible until Avery was able to leave the freeway and slow down to drive through the streets of Chicago.

In fact, Avery turned off the freeway sooner than he needed to, but it was to give Kimiko a break. He was certain her arms were tired from squeezing him so tightly.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Cassi scoffs and takes the phone back to examine the design again. ”We were all happy to do it, Nic. It’s not like we needed you at all really. Ren has a key, and so do I,” she teased and winked.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

Caden laughed and nodded in agreement. ”I find myself agreeing. Avery has a particular aversion to them,” he noted. Caden shifted in his seat and crossed his arms, resting them on the table. He glanced out the window once more before smiling at Nero when the seatbelt sign turned off.

”Well, we don’t have to watch a movie. I have all sorts of books in the back. I have most of my fictional reads on the plane like Shakespeare, Poe, Wallace, and Tolkien,” Caden said, listening a few of the authors he had on display.

Avery Zain

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Avery hasn’t even started the bike and already Kimiko holds onto him tightly. He chuckled, patting her hands before he turned the bike on. He revved the engine a couple of times to get it warm before he pulls out of the garage and onto Caden’s driveway. He goes at a slower speed, letting the bike warm and Kiki adjust before he gets on the main road and drives a bit faster; however, he stays under the speed limit for Kimiko’s sake.

As much as he wants to tease his girlfriend, Avery wants Kimiko to enjoy her time on the bike with him, and not be afraid. When he gets on the freeway, Avery takes one of his hands off the handlebars and holds Kimiko’s hands as they squeeze into his stomach.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Old Apartment —> Driving – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia buckled her seatbelt and looked at Nic curiously before looking at his phone. She gasped, taking the phone out of his hands and stared at the photo. She zoomed in and out several times.

”Nic...It’s perfect!” Cassi declared. ”Ren, have you seen this?” She reached across Nic and handed him the phone.


Location: Travelling – Chicago, IL

Caden grins and shakes his head. ”I don’t really have a favourite film, but I do enjoy cinema from all over. Do you have a favourite film?” Caden asked curiously.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery grinned, pleased that she seemd to like the idea. He thought a fun activity would make for an excellent first date. They could relax and share a meal and some drinks, or play games. The pair were rather competitive and fond of teasing each other. Avery thought it would be the perfect place. His grin remained even when Kiki asked him not to go over the speed limit.

”But that’s the only way you’ll hold me close,” Avery said with a wink and put his helmet on.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Old Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassi looked at Nic and laughed, just imagining him trying to chart or look in on patients but being stopped by everyone he works with. They obviously missed him, and Cass was glad he had been welcomed back so openly.

”Tom and Jason are going to sit in the front. You, I, and Ren can sit in the back,” Cassiopeia told Nic before they all piled into the SUV.


Location: Airstrip —> Travelling – Chicago, IL

Caden waited to answer Nero when the plane increases in speed, until it lifts off from the ground and ascends. ”Are you feeling okay? Sometimes the ears will pop or take a while too with the elevation changes,” Caden explained while watching Nero for any signs of distress.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

”Mmm, you would know simply because of the name, but that’s okay,” Avery said with a smile, watching Kimiko dress. She looked amazing in leather. ”We’re going to Emporium Arcade. It’s a bar as well, so we can have something to eat and drink while we play games. They have all sorts of games. I think it’ll be fun for us,” Avery stated, and handed Kimiko a helmet once she was ready.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Old Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia kissed Nic again, a smile on her face as she does so. ”I owe them a nice fancy meal, but it was worth it just to see the look on your face. Now come on, we should get going so we can finish at a decent time tonight,” Cassi said and walked to the SUV. Two people could get into the van, but the other five would travel in the SUV.
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