Avatar of KazAlkemi


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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Most Recent Posts

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic's New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia sipped her water while Nic looked into the kitchen, trying to decide what he wanted. She looked at Nic when he mentioned it being a 'primal need' and she laughed while he kissed her cheek.

"You are too good for this world Nicholas Wu," she declared.


Location: JFK Airport ---> Driving – Queens, New York

Caden grinned and nodded. "Exactly," he said, and looked out the opposite window. He watched cars and buildings go by as they made their slow way through. Walking in New York was always the better option, but Caden had requested a car for the evenings.

"Many times. I've lost count," he informed Nero.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery looked at the stuffed animal she points out and he laughed. "Hmmm, I wonder why," he said, grinning. Avery scanned his wristband for the game to start. He concentrated, looking to make sure he had it lined up before he dropped the claw. The thing with this game was it was timed. So you only had so long before the game would shut down on you.

Unfortunately Avery missed it. He glanced at Kimiko. "You wanna try?" He stepped out of the way, scanning his card again for her, so she could try. He stood just beside her, with his hand on her lower back. He guided her when she needed it, but tried to let her do it on her own. When she didn't get it as well, Avery laughed.

"I have a larger, warmer, fuzzier alternative. Would that work?" he asked Kimiko, referring to his own wolf form.

"Let's try one more time, and then I can buy you another drink." He shuffled Kimiko out of the way, and gave the claw machine another go.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic's New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia stuffed the paper back into the box she unpacked when she heard the glass hit the table. Cassi looked over and smirked before she sat up and looked at Nic.

"And when do you get to rest?" she countered. "I'm okay, Nic. My head feels fine, my cut is fully healed," she reminded him. "I can still remember what happened last week and two hundred and fifty years ago."


Location: JFK Airport – Queens, New York

Caden laughed as they were pulled along. He let Nero get in first before he gave the driver directions. "We'll be there for a couple hours. You could drop off our things at the hotel before coming back," Caden suggested. The driver agreed, and Caden got inside the car.

"I think you're going to love it here. The life in New York is rousing." Inside the car, a black partition between the driver and the backseats was up, so the passengers had privacy. The windows were completely tinted so no one could see inside.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery and Kimiko played a couple rounds of basketball, the games very close, but Kimiko got the edge out on Avery a couple of times. Then it was air hockey, then it was a couple of shooting games. At one point Avery lost it, laughing hard at the way Kimiko was freaking out and shooting anything and everything.

As they wandered to find their next game, Aver spotted a claw machine with giant stuffed animals inside, and Avery pointed at it. "These things suck, but do you want me to try and get one for you?" At some point, Avery had received a message from Caden that he and Nero were safely in New York.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic's New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia happily follows Nic and Ren into the elevator and up to the top. The joy of having cats is you can leave them pretty much all day and they're fine. As long as there was food.

Cassiopeia smiled and waved to Ren before he disappeared into his bedroom. Part of her worried she was intruding and that was why he went into hiding, but it had been a long day for all of them as well.

Cass follows Nic into the kitchen and starts to pull out bowels and glasses, unwrapping them and setting them on the counter so Nic could put them away where he wanted. She pouted when he told her to go and sit. Defiantly, she grabbed one of the unopened boxes and sat at the kitchen table with it. She opened the box and started pulling things out, feeling triumphant that she could do both.

"You were working all day, too," she reminded him to prevent him from protesting.


Location: JFK Airport – Queens, New York

Caden chuckled, shaking his head from their excitement. He kissed the top of Nero's head before leading them to the stairs out of the plane. He thanks his pilots and hands them an envelope. "Have fun. I'll contact you Sunday, but I think a late night departure would be best for everyone." The pilots are shocked but nodded happily.

Caden lead Nero down the stairs and stopped when they reached the bottom. He pointed to a plane that had just landed and was taxing down the runway "That's what most people fly in," he said, pointing to one of the large passenger airplanes. "Except they don't have bedrooms, or private bathrooms."

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery chuckled from Kimiko's reaction. "And you called me adorable," he teased. Avery pulled Kimiko along, looking for a good area for them to start. "Basketball or a shooting game to start?"

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving ---> Nic's New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia jumped out, holding onto Nic's hands, and waved at people as they started to leave. Jason and Todd hovered by the vehicle, waiting to see if Cass needed a ride back to her place.

Cassi smiled up at Nic before she looked down at their hands. She flipped one of Nic's palms over and ran a finger along the lines of his hand. "I could take the bus home, if you want me to stay a little longer," she said, looking up at Nic.


Location: JFK Airport – Queens, New York

Caden grinned, pleased Nero would allow him to keep up the surprise weekend he had in store for them. He laughed after his picture was taken and nodded. "We can take as many pictures as you want and do as many of those little couple TikTok videos, too."

He finished his champagne just before the plane started to drop more. "We're landing now, stay seated," he told Nero. A few moments later the plane touched the runway and started to slow as they taxied over to a private area. A black sedan waited on the tarmac, the driving standing outside. They moved once the plane stopped and took the luggage from the plane and added it to the trunk of the car.

Caden stood and buttoned his jacket up. "Ready, my dear?" Caden asked, offering their hand to Nero.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

It wasn't the first time they had kissed, but everytime they did kiss, it became a little harder for Avery to pull away. The only reason he did now is because he heard the loud sound of a group cheering as someone one some sort of game. Avery pulled back and turned his head to the sound, making sure it wasn't some sort of distraction to ambush them. Satisfied Kimiko was still safe he turned back.

Avery smiled down at her, her eyes bright and vibrant in the dim lighting. He ran the back of his fingers along her cheek. "I enjoy kissing you far too much for my own good," he informed her.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving ---> Nic's New Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia grinned and turned her head to bury it into the side of Nic's chest to keep from giggling. He smells faintly of antiseptic and gloves, but his natural scent mingles in. It's the most comforting scent in the world to her.

Nic keeps pulling her in closer, and Cass wishes they were alone. "You can definitely bring me along," she mumbled into his side.

The car slowed until it came to a stop and she felt the engine shut off. Cassiopeia pulled her head out of Nic's side, and waited for their turn to crawl out of the SUV.


Location: Travelling —> JFK Airport – Queens, New York

"I would still like to surprise you, but if you are desperate to know, I can tell you," Caden told them. "I have a couple of things lined up for us tonight before we head to the hotel," he adds in.

The plane banks as it nears the airport and starts to descend further.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery smiled and leaned in to whisper into Kimiko’s ear. ”Good. It was all part of my master plan to ruin you for anyone else,” he teased. He pulled back and placed his fingers on her chin and cheek, gently turning her head to look back at him. ”I would very much enjoy you calling me your boyfriend and telling as many people as you like,” he said before he kissed her softly.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia wiggled her way into Nic’s side, holding the hand that draped over her shoulders. ”Oh, good. If we can get done early enough, that’ll leave plenty of time for you and Ren to get settled and clean up the old places. Just make sure to bring a go bag with you if you have to go,” Cassi said and tilted her head to look up at Nic.

She knew Nic’s work wasn’t dangerous. Not like hunting monsters or police work, but there was still this sense of worry if he got called in because something major had happened. Cassi just wanted Nic to be safe.


Location: Travelling —> JFK Airport – Queens, New York

Caden watched Nero sit down and press their little face to the window. He chuckled, drinking from a fresh glass of champagne. He counted to three before Nero figured out where they were.

”Yes, my little imp. Welcome to New York. Have you ever been?” Caden asked curiously. With all the corruption on Wall Street, not to mention the crime, he wouldn't be surprised if demons weren't a frequent occurrence in New York.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery throws some cash down on the table so they don’t have to wait for the machine. He goes to lead Kimiko further into the arcade area when he feels her pause. He stops and looks at her, an incredulous look on his face from the fact that she felt the need to ask that question.

”Did you miss the part where I said you were my mate? That bond is exclusive to me. If you don’t choose to accept it, that’s fine, but if you date other people and do not accept me, I will make their lives a living hell,” he told her honestly.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

There is a chorus of your welcomes and any times that fill the SUV while Jason drives back to Nic and Ren’s new place.

”Do you work tomorrow? Or can we start moving your father first thing?” Cassi asked Nic.


Location: Travelling —> JFK Airport – Queens, New York

Caden pulled his jacket back on before leaving the bedroom on the airplane. They were just starting their descent into New York, and Caden wanted to see the look on Nero’s face when they finally figured out where they were.

The sun was just starting to set along the east coast, which backlit New York perfectly. Caden sat in one of the seats, looking out the window with a smile that had seemed to become permanent on his face.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

”Mmm, well, we can’t have that now, can we? Alright. How about we go play some games then? I can say competitive taunts rather than sweet words,” Avery said and stood.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Flo & Santos —> Driving – Chicago, IL

Cassi grinned, even while Nic kissed her. ”Perfect girlfriend, remember?” Everyone gets up from the table, and they all pile back into the SUV, full and happy.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Even though she rambles, Kimiko’s words calm Avery, and he believes her. He doesn’t mind when she looks away this time. In fact, he squeezes her hand before letting her go. ”I quite like the thought of being your undoing,” he teased her. ”Because you certainly are mine.”

The waiter refills their water glasses, and Avery takes a sip before he keeps talking. ”I know I came off rather abrasive at the beginning. I’ve always been like that when it comes to meeting new people. I don’t want our first impression to deter you from asking me questions now. I also don’t want you to be anyone but yourself. Caden’s charm is great for him, but you don’t need to charm me. You already have.”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Flo & Santos – Chicago, IL

Cass smirked, thinking to herself that she could still curse him if she wanted to. Of course, that would never happen. Cassiopeia inches closer to Nic until their legs are pressed against each other. She focused on her meal, though, so Nic could converse with his friends and family.

Near the end of the meal, Cassi had the second half of her sandwich wrapped up before she laid claim to the receipt and quickly paid before anyone could protest her doing so.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

Avery looked down at their joined hands, a lopsided smile replacing the smile he had worn before. ”I had hoped so, but you’ve been nervous around me and looking away. I’m worried things are moving too quickly for you, or you’re not really sure,” Avery confessed and looked up at Kimiko. ”I like you a lot, Kimiko. I don’t want to push you if things are moving too quickly. I know I can be overbearing and overprotective.”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Flo & Santos – Chicago, IL

Cassi’s screws up her nose at the thought of Nic with a man bun. She shakes her head. ”No, we definitely can’t have that. I can cut your hair on Sunday, then. If you trust me,” she said. She took another bite of her sandwich before looking at Nic.
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