Avatar of KazAlkemi


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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Location: Driving —> Walking – New York City, New York

Caden looked at Nero and grinned. He looked away and shrugged. ”Maaaybe,” he said.

The car stopped, and Caden patted their legs. ”Last stop,” he said before the car door opened.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery yanked his shirt off as soon as he was in his room. He tosses it onto his bed and goes into the bathroom to splash some water on his face. He feels edgy. His wolf is irritated, telling him to move faster because something could get into the house while Kiki is in there alone. Avery knows that to be impossible, but his wolf is irrational at the moment.

Avery cleaned up a little, moving as fast as he dared. He needed to relax, so as he switched his clothes, he took steady breaths in and out. Avery pulled on white linen pants with a loose, button-up black shirt, but he left it mostly open, knowing Kimiko seemed to like it better when he did that. He pulled out a navy blue hoodie with the Chicago skyline on the front of it and headed back to the house.


Location: Driving – New York City, New York

Caden nodded and finished his champagne so he could continue massaging Nero’s legs. ”Perhaps tomorrow night… We’ll see where we end up after my plans for us conclude.”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

The frown remains on Avery’s face. For some reason, he can’t get past the fact that she hasn’t been calling him. Does she not realize he barely sleeps, either?

”Why don’t you go to the kitchen and get some snacks or something for the movie. I have to go back to staff housing to get you a new sweater,” he said, turned, and walked away from her.

Avery didn’t know why it bothered him so much that she wasn’t relying on him, but he was. He left Caden’s house, typing on the keypad outside so the door locked, and he marched angrily across the grounds to staff housing. He could still hear music and laughter from those who remained, but he ignored all of them on his way to his room.


Location: Driving – New York City, New York

Caden sipped his champagne and rested his free hand on Nero’s leg, massaging little circles into their calves while they rode in the backseat of the car.

”They do have a bit of an underground scene,” Caden said with a nod.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery frowned at the mention of Kimiko having a nightmare. ”What did I tell you about when you have a nightmare? I told you to call me, remember?” Avery had been keeping his phone on at night so that he would hear when she called. He had been staying inside the house for a week just for that reason.

Avery stepped closer to Kimiko. ”Am I really going to have to start sleeping outside your door like an actual dog?” His eyes crickled with amusement, but he was completely serious. He would sleep outside her door if she wasn’t going to tell him when she needed him.


Location: Empire State Building —> Driving – New York City, New York

Caden laughed and kissed Nero. ”We have one more stop tonight, then we can go to the hotel.” Caden took Nero’s hand and led them back to the elevators.

It was the same sort of journey back down. Outside, car and driver waited patiently for Caden and Nero’s return. Once they were on the move again, Caden opened the bottle of champagne that was on ice in the car and poured Nero a glass before pouring himself a glass.

”Now, I have the whole weekend planned, but was there something you wanted to do while in New York?” Caden asked curiously. It was possible that he didn’t anticipate all of Nero’s needs and desires while they were here.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

”We could set up in the living room, or there are TVs in the rooms of the guest wing,” Avery said. ”I was going to go change. Do you still have my sweater from last week?”


Location: Empire State Building – New York City, New York

”Vielleicht können wir ihn kontaktieren, wenn wir wieder zu Hause sind,” Caden suggested,

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery grinned and walked down the hallway leading to Kimiko’s bedroom. ”Depends. How quickly do you age?” he teased Kimiko.


Location: Empire State Building – New York City, New York

”Ich frage mich, ob Crowley mehr über Ihre Geschichte wissen würde,” Caden mused out loud. It would stand to reason the King of Hell knew some information, if not all of it.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery faltered at Kimiko’s comment. He lunged for her, but she was already on the move. Avery laughed, shaking his head and got off the bike. He put the helmets and the keys away before he walked out of the garage, typing in the passcode to lock it up for the night.

”Little fox little fox, come out come out wherever you are,” Avery called in a sing-song voice. He walked into the house, locking the front door behind him, and stripped off his leather jacket. He made a mental note to check all the doors and windows before they started their movie night.


Location: Empire State Building – New York City, New York

Caden chuckled, looking out over New York City and all the lights. The sounds of life were carried on the wind to Caden’s ears. He squeezed Nero a little closer. ”Ich fürchte, ich bin nicht auf dem Markt, irgendjemanden oder irgendetwas zu besitzen oder über ihn zu herrschen,” he informed them.

Caden had inherited his family’s role to lead the dragons, but there were so few of them that Caden just let them be and live their lives. It was all he wanted for himself as well.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery looked at Kimiko after she got off the bike, ready to steady her if she needed it. Her words were kind, and he was glad to hear she trusted and felt safe with him.

”Always, little fox,” Avery said and brushed his fingers lightly along Kimiko’s cheeks. ”I know why you wore make-up tonight, but I just want you to know that you are stunning without it.”


Location: Empire State Building – New York City, New York

Caden led Nero around the observation deck, stopping here and there to pick them up again and give Nero a look at New York from all angles. Caden stood with Nero in-between two binoculars one could insert coins into to see into the harbour and the Statue of Liberty. He held Nero from behind, arms wrapped around their waist, and rested his chin on the top of Nero’s head.

”Was denkst du, mein kleiner Kobold?”

Avery Zain

Location: Driving —> Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

They make it back to Caden’s place without incident and without Avery’s ribs being squeezed to death. Avery parked the bike in the garage and turned off the roaring engine. He removed his helmet and turned his head to look at Kimiko through his peripheral vision.

”You didn’t squeeze my lungs out. Does that mean you are starting to warm up to the bike?”


Location: Empire State Building – New York City, New York

Caden stood behind Nero while they took the city in. He rested their hands on Nero’s hips before lifting them slightly to give them a better look. The ledge was nearly at their chest in some places, so at least this way, Nero would have a better look if Caden lifted them up.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar ---> Driving – Chicago, IL

Once he receives the okay from Kiki, Avery puts the bike into gear, and they roll forward. Avery takes it slowly through the city streets like before, holding Kiki’s hand or resting his on her knee every time he has to stop for a light before rolling forward again.

When he reaches the freeway, Avery drives to keep up with traffic, but he keeps to the outside so he doesn’t go as fast as he could.


Location: Empire State Building – New York City, New York

Caden smiled and walked into the final elevator to the top. He took the moment while they were alone to hold Nero close and kissed them softly. Caden ran his hand up and down Nero’s back while they kissed and thought about the weekend he had planned for them. The elevator dinged, and Caden pulled back.

There was another exhibit, plus a small little cafe. However, all around were doors that led out to the observation deck. People milled about, and Caden guided Nero outside. A gust of wind greeted them initially before it died down. As Caden said, there was chain link fencing all around to prevent people from leaning over the edge or jumping. Still, the view was incredible.

Avery Zain

Location: Emporium Arcade and Bar – Chicago, IL

“Ōkami?” Avery said, attempting to say the word correctly. He listened to Kimiko, taking her hand to walk out of the arcade once she was ready. ”I like that,” he said, smiling at the pleasant folklore the Japanese had for wolves. In a lot of lore, wolves were considered villains. Norse mythology was the only one Avery knew of where wolves were revered rather than feared.

They made it to Avery’s bike, and he put the key in the ignition before he put the bag on Kimiko this time. Now that it had a giant stuffed animal inside, he couldn’t wear it, so she would have to. He clipped the front so it wouldn’t fall off and then put his own helmet on.

Avery sat on the bike before Kimiko and fired it up. He revved the engine, letting it warm up, and pulled on his gloves.
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