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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Location: Central Park Zoo – New York City, New York

Caden smiled a little before he shrugged and lifted his head so Nero could move; however, Caden’s arms remained around Nero’s waist.

”Because I think you would come back as a really fearsome lion or lioness. Ruling over everything in Africa. Not in some zoo,” Caden declared.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic's Old Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassi cleared her throat and wiped the back of her hand over her forehead. She was sweaty a bit from all the scrubbing she had done. ”Yes, well, I had some pent-up energy to expel,” Cassiopeia informed him. She looked around the house. ”Should we wash the floors before vacuuming?”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery finished a few pancakes before he held up a finger. ”Sausage,” he said, waiting for Kimiko to tell him the other four things she could cook.


Location: Central Park Zoo – New York City, New York

Caden watched Nero run ahead to the lion enclosure. He walked up behind Nero, sliding his arms around their waist and rested his chin on top of Nero’s head.

”Do you believe in reincarnation?”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia froze at the kitchen counter when Nic spoke. Her entire body seemed to ignite from those whispered words, and then he was gone. Cassi knew her face was redder than a tomato at this point, so she was glad when Nic went off to start fixing holes and other things.

Cassi stood alone in the kitchen, willing her body to move so she could start cleaning the kitchen. She envisioned herself forgetting the kitchen and following Nic. She didn’t care if there was no bed. She’d have him on the floor and be happy about it.

Finally, Cassi’s feet moved. She went to the sink, grabbed a cloth, and wet it before she splashed her face. Nic was going to be the death of her, she was certain now. Cass put all her energy into cleaning the kitchen. By the time she was done, everything looked bran new. Including the inside of the stove and fridge.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery’s eyes danced when she moaned from the taste of the food. He liked the way his name sounded, as well. Avery focused on his meal, cutting into his pancakes before adding syrup so it would soak in better.

”Secret number two. I love to cook, and I’m good at it.”


Location: Central Park Zoo – New York City, New York

Caden laughed and took the park map from Nero. He scanned the names of the enclosures before he tucked the map into his jacket and led Nero down a path.

”Eines Tages werde ich dir meine wahre Form zeigen,” he promised Nero. He led Nero down a path before he stopped. On either side, there were enclosures that held the bigger animals. Lions were on one side, with panthers on the other. A couple more enclosures held tigers and leopards.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

”Okay well, don’t let me become your new work then. I don’t want to monopolize all of your time, either.” She hopped out of the SUV and helped Nic carry in the cleaning supplies.

Nic’s old apartment seemed somehow smaller without all the stuff in it. She ran her fingers along the counter in his kitchen, remembering the first night she came here. They had just had their first date, and we were still wet from being in the fountain. Cass still couldn’t believe Ren didn’t say anything about Cassi wearing Nic’s clothes. That had only been a couple of weeks ago, but it had felt like a long time.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery grinned and took a bite out of bacon before he saluted Kimiko with it. ”You’re going to want it with every meal,” he informed her confidently. It was the perfect combination of salty and sweet. It really brought out the natural taste of the bacon more, and it usually took all day for Avery to get the taste out of his mouth. It was one of his favourite things to make. The entire breakfast Avery had prepared was his favourite thing to eat for breakfast.


Location: Central Park Zoo – New York City, New York

”Ich bin der einzige Drache auf diesem Kontinent,” he whispered into Nero’s ear before looking at the small family of panda bears.

”What sort of animals do you like, my little imp?” Caden asked instead.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Cassi looked at Nic and smiled. She took his hand in hers and kissed the back of it before resting their joined hands on her leg. ”I know what you said, but I don’t mind if you have to, Nic. I know it’s hard to say no sometimes. And there will be times I’m busy with a case,” she added.

She appreciated how considerate Nic was, and even though she would love to monopolize all of his free time, she didn’t want to do that to him. He had friends and family who deserved one-on-one time with the man. Cass didn’t want to be that woman who had to tag along with her boyfriend wherever he went.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery smirked when she mentioned being a teenager had her needing to be homeschooled for a few years. Avery sat down in his usual seat at the table before he flashed Kimiko his unblemished, black skin.

”Perfect and undamaged,” he said with a wink. Avery turned to the food on the table, properly hungry now and started to load up on pancakes, bacon, and sausage.


Location: Central Park Zoo – New York City, New York

Caden laughed and shook his head. ”No my darling. The petting zoo has smaller prey-like animals that you can pet. Like goats, ducks, some reptiles. The larger dangerous animals we can look at from a far,” Caden said and kissed Nero’s cheek. Of course, Caden and Demi were probably the most dangerous things in the zoo at the moment. Ironic.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia nodded, letting Nic help her up. She waved goodbye to everyone before getting into the SUV and left with Nic. She didn’t mind if she lost track of time in the gardens. She could create her own light if she needed to.

”Do you think you are going to work overtime next week to make up for the time you missed?” Cassi asked curiously as they drove to his place.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery laughed and walked out of the elevator. He pushed the trolley to the back door and propped it open before walking through. ”That must have been interesting navigating while growing up. My eyes are the only thing that changes when I have a high emotional response to something. Usually anger.”

Avery starts taking the plates and food off the trolley, and setting them on the glass table outside. The pool area looks relatively okay after last nights party, but there are some beer cans and things still littered about that would have to be cleaned at some point today.


Location: Central Park Zoo – New York City, New York

Caden looked up at the stone arch before he smiled and pulled Nero along to pay for admission. ”It’s a section of the zoo. The old part crumbled, and this remained standing. The zoo has been rebuilt several times over, but they kept this for nostalgia. The children’s zoo is like a petting zoo,” Caden explained.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic & Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

”Either or,” Cassi said, having no particular preference. She just knew she would like a smoothie at some point before going to Ren’s to tend to the garden.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery listened to Kimiko, feeling he could identify with her easily, especially when she spoke about wanting to chain Terrance up and make him suffer a little more. Part of Avery wished he had left the killing blow for Kimiko, but he was so angry there was no way he could have held himself back.

The elevator opened. Avery pushed the trolley out and stepped closer to Kimiko. His eyes flicked from her face to her head, and he brushed his fingers along her ears. ”I think she wants to come out sooner rather than later,” Avery said in bemusement.


Location: Central Park Zoo – New York City, New York

Caden looked up at the stone arch before he smiled and pulled Nero along to pay for admission. ”It’s a section of the zoo. The old part crumbled, and this remained standing. The zoo has been rebuilt several times over, but they kept this for nostalgia. The children’s zoo is like a petting zoo,” Caden explained.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic & Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

”Either or,” Cassi said, having no particular preference. She just knew she would like a smoothie at some point before going to Ren’s to tend to the garden.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery listened to Kimiko, feeling he could identify with her easily, especially when she spoke about wanting to chain Terrance up and make him suffer a little more. Part of Avery wished he had left the killing blow for Kimiko, but he was so angry there was no way he could have held himself back.

The elevator opened. Avery pushed the trolley out and stepped closer to Kimiko. His eyes flicked from her face to her head, and he brushed his fingers along her ears. ”I think she wants to come out sooner rather than later,” Avery said in bemusement.


Location: Central Park Zoo – New York City, New York

Caden grinned and wrapped his arm around Nero’s shoulders. He let himself enjoy the quiet ride, feeling like he could be in the seventeen hundreds courting Nero.

”Ich habe das gleiche gedacht.” They neared the zoo. Already, Caden could hear some of the animals and the patrons running around excitedly. The carriage stopped in front of the gate, and Caden paid the man before helping Nero exit the carriage.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic & Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia happily snuggled into Nic’s side, enjoying the closeness. ”Mmm, I’m thinking a smoothie of some kind. Something thicker,” Cassi declared.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

The concern didn’t quite leave Avery’s eyes as he watched Kimiko regain control and move to get ice. He moved the champagne to the trolley but didn’t take his eyes off her. Avery had no idea what to say.

He didn’t want to push her but he didn’t want to ignore what had just happened either. It was so easy to dissociate and push things aside, but that never solved the problem.

Once they had the ice, Avery pushed the trolley to the elevator and pushed the button for the main floor. ”Do you want to talk about it?”


Location: Central Park – New York City, New York

”Das glaube ich nicht. Warum? Willst du mir deine unsterbliche Liebe gestehen?” Caden asked, nuzzling Nero’s neck.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic & Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

”Sure, that works for me. Can we stop on the way for something to drink?” Cassi asked curiously.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery disappeared into the wine cellar to get a bottle of champagne. He headed back, walking into the kitchen. ”If you want it colder, we should bring up some ice to chill it,” Avery said as he walked back into the kitchen.

Kimiko didn’t look right, and Avery’s quick eyes saw the claws where her hands should be. Avery set the bottle down slowly. ”Little fox…” He used his nickname for her rather than Kiki, knowing she seemed to respond better to it.
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