Zain Anders

Zain AndersGender: Male
Refresh: 3
Description: Zain is second rate. From the upgrades he has to the clothes he wears and the place he lives in, nothing he has is original. Things are expensive in Neon-York, and Zain can never hang onto his money long enough to move up from the slums. Still, he makes second-rate items look good. Zain is built well and able to handle his own in most underground fights as well as on the streets when he is tracking down and bringing in unsavoury creeps for his job as a bounty-hunter. With his close-cropped brown hair and sharp brown eyes, not much gets past Zain unless he’s been on a bender.
- Good (+3) at:Forceful
- Fair (+2) at:Careful
- Average (+1) at:Flashy; Clever
- Mediocre (+0) at:Sneaky; Quickly
- High Concept:Chaotic Neutral Bounty Hunter with nothing to lose.
- Trouble:I can never turn down a good score, be that drugs, a party, or a quick way to make extra money.
- Want:I want the nightmares to stop.
- Relationship: Strained relationship with his boss who continues to undercut Zain’s pay.
- Extra:
- Because I’m a fighter, I can add +2 on Forceful for damage on my opponent in a brawl.
- Because I have a big mouth, I can add +2 on Flashy when I need to talk myself out of a sticky situation
Writing Sample: Zain sat on the fire escape outside his apartment, one leg dangling over the edge with the other bent and his chin propped up on his knee. Below him, a fire burned with people milling about. It wasn’t an unusual sight in the early hours of the day. Zain always thought Neon-York became more interesting after midnight.
He inhaled his cigarette slowly before blowing out the smoke. It curled around his face, having nowhere to go since there was no wind.
Another shit day in this shit hole, he thought before flicking the cigarette over the edge to the street below. Zain pulled himself up and walked down the stairs. He hit the pavement and shoved his hands into his pockets before making his way through the crowds, keeping his head down, and waited for the train to take him downtown.